#'can u make ivan flip out on [so and so] and try to kill him'
atom-writings · 1 year
Good evening ! Can I request a headcanon for Russia where his s/o is hypersensitive ?
Thank you in advance !
(HWS Russia x Reader) Hypersensitive S/O!
(Gender Neutral) Headcanons ~ A/N anon u have no idea how many times i mispelled sensitive while writign this. but ill let u know now. it was every single time.
Trigger Warning: None, just fluff!
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- Here's the thing. Ivan is incredibly loving and affectionate. He cares for you more than he has ever cared for anything and is not afraid to tell you. But, he also has the tact of a toddler who just woke up from a nap.
- Considering how isolated he has always been, he also has terrible situational awareness. Unless his S/O is literally sobbing, he has no idea they're upset. Sometimes even when you tell him directly, he'll dismiss it as a joke or an exaggeration.
“Don't be silly, Y/N! It surely didn't mean anything. Simply forget about i- wait, why are you looking all mad now?“
- But the more he gets to know you, and the more he gets to see what happens when you take this personally, he gets better at recognizing your feelings.
- In social settings, it'll still be hard for him to tell when you were hurt by something, but he'll listen more when you try to talk to him about it.
- He would never want you to be upset! No, no, never! He has nightmares where you hate him, so he's very sensitive to how your emotions can flip on a dime. But... he'd be lying if he didn't say he was frustrated by it sometimes.
- Not because of you, really though. He would never blame you for getting ”“irrationally”“ upset about something. But... he just really doesn't understand. He doesn't have a thick skin per se, but subtle digs (and just... blatant digs) that hurt you go completely over his head. Sometimes he just wishes you two could be more on the same page, that's all.
”Moya kroshka, what's wrong?... w-what so wrong with that? Weren't they simply... being polite?“ He pauses as you explain, “Oh... wow. I would have never realized that was what that meant. Some people have been very rude to me, then.“
- (He does get pretty sensitive too sometimes! It's not that he can't relate, but his over-emotionality comes out of nowhere, compared to your constant sensitivity. Plus, you know he has a horrible memory when it comes to his emotions.)
- Despite all of that, he is always willing to change himself for you. If he's too blunt, he'll make sure to always think before speaking for you. If he's too overbearing, he'll give you space. Even though he doesn't really know how to deal with an over-sensitive S/O... he'll try his best.
- One thing that he can always do for you is just to be a shoulder to cry on. You're never too much for him. All you have to do is tug on his shirt a little bit, and in a minute you'll be cuddled up to him, sobbing about everything that happened that day.
”Do you want me to kill that person for you?“ ”No?“ ”Please let me kill that person for you.“
- Seriously, once you show him how truly upset you are, he is already taking your side before you explain. No matter what.  And he is taking your side to the extreme. Whatever is upsetting you has to die, no matter what it did.
- He, unfortunately, does not understand how that can be just as upsetting.
- Just tell him to stop. Once he sees that he's upsetting you, he'll stop immediately (No promises about what he'll do once you're asleep, though.)
- So, a hypersensitive S/O with him would be a mixed bag. On one hand, he'd never invalidate you or let you suffer. But on the other hand, he never learned where to stop and where to start.
- But all that matters is that he would love a sensitive S/O just as much as a stoic one.  He's there to comfort you and take care of you, regardless of how you act.
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theericardo · 4 years
·          Alyssa Milano as Phoebe  Halliwell
·          Rose McGowan as Paige  Matthews Mitchell
·          with Holly  Marie Combs Ryan as Piper Halliwell
·          and Shannen  Doherty as Prue Halliwell
Co – Staring
·          Brian Krause as Leo Wyatt
·          Jacob Tremblay as Wyatt  Halliwell
·          Sunny Suljic as Chris  Halliwell
·          Brooklynn Prince as Melinda  Halliwell
·          Dafne Keen as Coop Halliwell
·          Ivan Sergei as Henry Michell
·          Iain Armitage as Henry  Michell, Jr.
·          Dafne Keen as Hayley Michell
·          Dorian Gregory as Darryl  Morris
·          Victor  Webster as Coop Halliwell
Guest – Starting
·          LeToya  Luckett as Eloise Gannibal
·          Lovie  Simone as Eloise Gannibal’s sister
·          Paul  Giamatti as William Alford
·          Reese  Witherspoon as Miss. Alford
·          Keith  David as Slave #1
·          Uncredited  Baby as Letitia Gannibal
·          Tyrel  Jackson Williams as Zygon
·          Sandra Prosper as Sheila Morris
·          Ken Page as Adair
·          Ian Abercrombie as Aramis
·          Christopher Cazenove as Thrask
·          Jon Stewart as Crill
·          Oded Fehr as Zankou
·          Charisma Carpenter as Kyra
[Scene: flashback to February 27th, 1670 – Salem Village, Massachusetts Alford’s plantation – Eloise Gannibal and William Alford.]
(Elosie was a “House N***er” at that time to slaver owner to William Alford and his missis.)
(With Eloise being a “House Nigger,” she did not have to work outside like the rest of the slaves did.)
(That night, William came home, drunk.)
(Him and the misses got into an argument.)
(The two argued back and forwards with each other.)
(Miss. Alford stormed off, leaving the dazed but drunk William there with Elosie, who happens to have overheard the whole argument.)
(William bolted towards and manhandled Elosie.)
Elosie: *screaming* “Let me go Missa!”
William: “Quiet N***er!”
(William dragged Elosie outside to the side of the house where he raped her tell she stared to bleed.)
(Slave #1 and Elosie’s sister found Elosie laying there.)
Elosie’s sister: *crying* “Elosie.” “Elosie, sweetie wake up.”
(Little did they know, Miss. Alford was watching from the widows’ view.)
[Scene: still in flashback but to February 28th, 1670
– Salem Village, Massachusetts – Eloise Gannibal and William Alford on the Alford’s plantation.]
(Miss. Alford demand for Elosie to not step foot back into their house.)
(Since then, Elosie has been working inside.)
[Scene: still in flashback but to October 31st, 1670 – Birth of Letitia Gannibal on the plantation.]  
(It was raining hail with high gusty winds at the midnight of 31st of October,1670.)
(Eloise along with every other slave was wearing “N**ro Clothing.”)
Eloise’s sister: “Keep pushing Eloise, she’s almost here!
Eloise: *grunts*
Eloise’s sister: “She’s here Eloise!” “She’s here!”
*baby starts crying*
Eloise: *crying, tears of joy * “She’s adorable.”
Slave #1: “What are you going to name her, Elosie?”
Eloise: “Letitia…” “Letitia Gannibal”
[Scene: September 22nd, 2017 – 11:00 pm. Living Quarters at Magic School with Chris, Melinda, Henry Jr., and Hayley.]
(Chris, Henry Jr., and Hayley are chatting among each other)
Henry Jr.: “So you’re telling me, Wyatt tried to kill you?”
Hayley: “Like, kill – kill you?”
Chris: “Yea, he actually did.” *looks over to Wyatt* “I can’t stand him sometimes, but he’s my brother, and I still love him.”
Melinda: *reads Wyatt’s mind* “He’s thinking the same thing Chris.”          
Chris: “Didn’t mom tell you stop reading people mind?”
Henry Jr.: “Yo, you can read minds Mel?” “That’s sick!”
Hayley: “Neither me nor Henry didn’t come into our powers till we were 10-years-old!”  
Henry Jr.: “You’re like 2, right?”
Melinda: *gives Henry Jr. a dirty look. * “Just because my birthday is on a Leap Day, doesn’t mean I’m 2-years-old stupid!”
(Chris and Hayley laughs at Melinda’s clapback at Henry Jr.)
[Scene: Still in Magic school, but with Piper, Phoebe, Paige, Wyatt, and Leo.]
(Wyatt sitting alone from the rest of the kids.)
(Paige orbs in with Piper and Phoebe)
Piper: “Wyatt Matthews Halliwell, get your butt over here now, mister!”
(Wyatt walks over slowly.)
(Wyatt approaches Piper with his head slumped down.)
Piper: “You sir, have gotten out of hand!”  “You used magic in public, that one!” “You used magic on your father, that two!” “You used magic-”
(Leo steps in and cuts Piper off.)
Leo: “Piper, let him catch a break”
Piper: *exhale* “You’re grounded, for 2 weeks!” “No magic, no video games, no hanging out afterschool for anything!”
Wyatt: “But Chris u-”
Piper: “Don’t you BUT me mister!” “I mean it!”
(Piper starts chanting)
Piper: “I don’t think he comprehend.”
“He uses magic to depend”
“Child lock them for two weeks, till then”
(White orbs form centers around Wyatt.)
(The orbs shift into a form of a lock and magically goes into Wyatt.)
Piper: “When I meant no magic, I meant it.”
(Wyatt walks away.)
Phoebe: “Piper sweetie, I don’t think that was a smart idea.”
Piper: “Whenever that” *points to Phoebe’s pregnant stomach* “comes into his powers, then you can do whatever you want to do with him and his powers.”
Paige: “Uhm, I have kids.” “Matter-of-fact, they developed powers similar to yours Piper.” “Honey, I feel like you did the wrong thing.”
(Piper sits down in a chair.)
(She fixes her long-layered bangs and crosses her legs.)
Piper: “What's done is done.” “I didn’t strip him of his powers, I just put a child lock on them so he can’t use them freely.”
[Scene: Still in Magic school, cuts back to Chris, Henry Jr, Hayley, and Melinda.]
(Chris, Henry Jr, Hayley, and Melinda are still chatting among each other.)
(Wyatt walks over.)
Wyatt: “Chris, can I talk to you?”
Chris: “Yes.”
(Chris and Wyatt walk over to the side from everyone else.)
Wyatt: “You know, I never had the attendance to harm you.” “I never should have used magic on you in the first place.”
Chris: “I never should have cut you off or be an asshole to you, or even st-.”
Wyatt: “Stop it Chris.” “I was in the wrong also.” “For god shakes, I almost killed you!”
Chris: “Can we agree, not to kill each other?”
Wyatt: “I can’t make any promises.” *laughs*
(Wyatt and Chris hug.)
Henry: “Ok kids, it’s time to go to school go to bed.”
(Every child heads to a room to sleep.)
(Henry Jr puts up a biker with Henry.)
Henry Jr.: “But dad, its Friday?”
Henry: “Bed, now Jr.”
Henry Jr.: “Fine!”
(Henry Jr. walks to bed.)
[Scene: September23rd, 2017 – 8:25 am In the Underworld with Prue.]
(Prue is now out of her outfit that was covered in dust “death outfit”.)
(She is now wearing a sheer-black tank top, black high waisted pants, and Yuko-40 platform heels.)
(Prue is sitting at The Source’s throne.)
(Demon shimmers into the underworld.)
Demon with shimmering power: “Prue Halliwell.” “What the hell are you doing here?”
Prue: “Haven’t you heard,” (hopes down from the throne.) “I’m here to run this place.” *flips hair* “And you are?”
Zygon: “Zygon.” “I’ve heard about you.”
Prue: “Ahh, do tell.”
(Zygon walks up to Prue.)
Zygon: *walking circles around Prue* “The Charmed One.” “The Power of Three.” “A trio, well quartet, of sister witches.” “Destined to serve the good and good only.”
Prue: *nods her head* “Stop.” “For starts,” *flips hair* “I’m not a good witch.” “I don’t do good.”
Zygon: “Oh, Honey, do you even remember yourself?” “You’re one of them.” “But something is different about you.”
(Zygon stare into Prue’s eyes.)
Zygon: “You’re newly empowered.”
Prue: “What does that even means?”
Zygon: *still circling walking around Prue* “The Window of Opportunity, my dear.”
“Prue: “What does that mean?”
Zyon: “You, can easily be persuaded to be either good or evil.” “By the looks of it, you’re already chosen that path.”
(Prue folds her arms.)
Prue: “I got to get my hands on that book.”
Zygon: “What book.” “Are you referring to The Grimoire?”
Prue: *little smirk*“No, stupid” “It’s this book, that I keep having flashes about.” “Ritch-violet, red cover, with the named engraved into it, kind of on the smaller side.”  
Zygon: “Never heard of it.”
Prue: “Maybe those women who called me their ‘sisters’ have it.”
Zygon: “Might I say, I could be some help.”
(Prue uses telekinesis tosses Zygon into a wall.)
(Prue then uses telekinesis to pin him down on the floor.)
Prue: “Thanks for the offer, but I got this.” “I’m going to look for that book.” “Regardless of what I have to do.”
(Prue gives Zygon a wink as she astral teleports out from the underworld.)
[Scene: 9:00 am – Split screen phone conversation between Darry, who is at the San Francisco Police Department. Paige, who is at Magic School.]
*cellphone rings* Darryl: “Go for Morris.” *clutches his mobile with phone with shoulder* *Paige explaining to Darryl about Prue* “Say what now!?”
Paige: *abbreviating herself* “Prue, is alive.”
Darryl: “But ho- how?”
(Paige explains to Darryl how Prue came back in further details.)
Paige: “Can you put an IP out for her?” “Just in case she shows up?”
Darryl: “Sure, Paige.”
Paige: “Thank you.”
(Paige hangs up the phone with Darryl.)
(Darryl walks out his office.)
Darryl *in a loud voice*: “Alright, we are putting IP out for a ‘Jane Doe’.” “Caucasian, black hair, green eyes, mid-to late 40’s.”
Female Detective: “Does she have any medical conditions?”
Darryl: “She, doesn’t remember herself.”
[Scene: 9:20 am- Living Quarters at Magic School with Paige, Phoebe, and Coop.]
(Paige hangs up the phone with Darryl.)
Phoebe: “So, what did he say?”
Paige: “Well, he placed an IP out for her, just in case she decides to resurface back on the Earth place.”
Phoebe: “Maybe I could sense her to see if she did.”
Coop: “Phoebe, I don’t think it would be good to use your powers to the distinctive level.” “It might induce your labor.”
Phoebe: This is my sister for god shakes, I at least have to try.”
(Paige pulls Coop to the side.)
Paige: “Piper, Leo and I are going to speak The Tribunal.”
Coop: “The Tribunal?” “Why?”
Paige *bobbing her head*: “For starters, we don’t know, hell, nobody from ‘Up there,’ knows about the book.” “Maybe The Tribunal could help.”
Coop: “Last time you all went there for help, they stripped Phoebe of her powers.” “We don’t know what they might do to Piper for finding the book, let alone for Wyatt for casting a spell.”
(Piper walks in.)
Piper: “That’s a risk I’m willing to take.” “We are all willing to take.” *walks closer to Paige and Coop* “We need answers, and we need them now.” “Even if that requires a consequence of having are powers striped, goddamnit, I’m willing to do so.”
(Leo walks in.)
Paige: “Are you ready?”
Piper and Leo: “Yes.”
(Piper and Leo hold on to Paige and orbs out, leaving Coop with Phoebe.)
[Scene: 9:48 am- Still in Living Quarters at Magic School with Phoebe, and Coop.]
(Phoebe gets into a mediation position.)
Phoebe: “I need complete quietness, please.”
(Phoebe closes her eyes and starts of sensing for Prue)
Phoebe: “I can’t sense her.”
Coop: “Phoebe, I think you should stop.”
Phoebe: “Instead of me sensing her like any other normal person, I’m going to try sensing her through are blood relationship.”
(Phoebe was able to sense her.)
(Phoebe starts to levitate)
Coop *with panic in his voice*: “Phoebe, stop.” “You’re scarring me.”
Phoebe: “I can sense her.” “She’s not in The Underworld, but where?”
(Phoebe’s eyes turn pure white as her premonition power kicks to get a glace of the area.)
(*flashes* The San Francisco Police Department.)
(*flashes* Prue walking into the station.)
(*astral premonition in an invisible form*)
Darryl: “Prue, you don’t have to do this.”
Prue: “Oh, but I do.” “If you’re going to put an IP on me,” *punches Darryl* “leave a women age out of it!” “Oh look, I got blood on your white shirt.” “To bad.”
(Darryl passes out.)
(Prue hears astral Phoebe’s thoughts.)
(Prue starts to chant.)
Prue: “What is not seen”
       “Make seen”
(astral Phoebe visibly fades into a corporal form.)
(Prue gives an evil smirk.)
astral Phoebe: “How can yo-”
Prue: “- You read thoughts?” “I guess my powers are growing also.” “I don’t know where you and your *air quotes* sisters hiding, I will get you.” “I will get that book.” “And I will be the new Queen of the Underworld.” “LEAVE!”
(Premonition ends.)
(Phoebe flops back down to the grown from levitating.)
(Phoebe’s water’s breaks.)
Coop: “I told you that you should have stop, Phoebe!”
Phoebe: “Would you shut up for one second and get me to the infirmary!”
[Scene: 10:00 am- At The Tribunal’s meeting area with Leo, Piper, and Paige.]
(Paige orbs in with Piper and Leo.)
(Piper and Paige starts chanting.)
Piper and Paige: Di! Ecce hora! Uxor mea me necabit!
(The Tribunal appears)
Tribunal all together: “How may we help you this time, The Halliwells?”
Piper: “Well, I found this book while having work done at the manor and I came across this book with the title Book of Damned.’”
(All the Tribunal have a puzzled look on their face.)
(Start to whisper among each other.)
Piper: “Helllo people, we still need answer?”
Crill: “Book of Damned goes back to Salm Witch times.”
Paige: “That is why we seen Melinda Warren in Phoebe’s vision.”
Thrask: “As long as nobody cast a spell from that book, we should be fine.”
(Piper, Paige, Leo give each other a startled look.)
Leo: “Why not?”
Adair: “That book is magically linked to Letitia Gannibal.”
Piper: “I’m sorry who again?”
Crill: “Letitia Gannibal” “Just like how the Warren- Halliwell bloodline stared, the Gannibal-Bennett line started.” “She’s was the first of her bloodline to earn magic also.”
Thrask: “Instead of using her magic for good, she used it for evil.” “Starting the mythological of The Window of Opportunity.”
Paige: “What would happen if such casts a spell from the Book of Damned?
Adair: “If anyone casts a spell out of that book, will awaken Letitia herself!”
Leo: “Well we have a problem.”
Piper: “Wyatt cased a resurrecting spell, which brought back Prue from the dead.” “She doesn’t remember her and she’s using magic for evil acts.”
Adair: “Prue is going through the Window of Opportunity, meaning that she has 48 hours to choose a side to align with.”
Piper: “What the hell you mean the Window of Opportunity, she was already a good witch!”
Thrask: “By the looks of it, she self-choice evil.” “She has time to algin with good if she pleases.”
(The Tribunal looks among each other.)
Crill: “As for Wyatt, he will be held accountable for his acts for using forbidden magic.”
(The Tribunal summons Wyatt present.)
Wyatt: “Why am I here?”
Thrask: “Wyatt Halliwell, you are charged with using forbidden magic, by awaking a force of evil.”
Wyatt *with range in his voice*: “How the hell I suppose to know it was an evil book.” “Bullshit!”
Piper: “Language, mister!”
Wyatt: “I want a trial!” “I demand a trail now!”
Thrask: “Piper, Paige, I’ve just been informed that Phoebe just had her baby.”
Piper: “Paige you go back and check up on Phoebe, I’m staying her.” “There is no way in hell they are going to strip Wyatt of his powers.”
Adair: Actually Ms. Halliwell, we prefer Leo to stay while you and Paige go back to aid your sister.
(Piper rolls her eyes.)
Paige: Piper sweetie, just come on.
Piper: “Fine!” “Leo, let me know what happens.” Don’t leave any details ou—”
(Paige orbs her and Piper out before Piper gets to finish her word.)
Crill: “Let the trail begin.”
Adair: “For the plaintiff side, we have Zankou”
Leo: “Zankou!?”
(Zankou is summoned in flames)
Zankou: “Miss me?”
Thrask: For the dependent side we have Kyra.”
(Kyra is summoned in white orbs.)
Kyra*with a big smile on her face*: “I guy!”
Leo: “Kyra, I haven’t seen you since- ”
Kyra: “Since I was vanquished.” “I know.”
The Tribunal: “Let us begin!”
[Scene: 1:20 pm- Magic School’s infirmary with Phoebe, Coop, Piper, and Paige.]
(Paige orbs in with Piper.)
(Phoebe is swaddling her newborn.)
Piper: “Phoebe.” “Phoebe, are you ok.”
Phoebe: “I’m fine Piper.” “Everything is fine.”
Coop: “I want everyone to meet Ryan Victor Halliwell.”
Piper *with a smile in her face and tears forming in her eyes *: “Victor.”
Phoebe *smiling, crying*: “Dedicated after are father Victor.”
Coop: “He weighted a whooping 9 pounds.”
Paige: “Well, we know he was going to be healthy because Phoebe kept her mouth stuffed with food.”
Phoebe: “Hello, right here!”
(Everyone busted into laughter.)
Phoebe: “We got to get Prue, because she has Darryl in the Underworld.”
Piper: “That’s it.”
Paige: “What Piper.”
Piper: “She has to go.” “Paige orb me to the manor to get the book to from the attic.” “
Paige: “Piper, she’s are sister.” “You just can’t vanquish her like any other demon.”
Piper: “Are Prue died in 2001.” *in tears* “Are Prue would never attack a friend, yet alone an innocent.” *wipes tears* “She needs to be vanquished.”
Phoebe: “Hey, we are not vanquishing our sister Piper.”
(Phoebe climbs out the bed.)
Phoebe: “I got an idea.” *wipes the tears off of Piper’s face* “It requires the Book of Shadows and Sheila.”
[Scene: 2:50 pm- In the Underworld with Prue, Darryl, and Zygon.]
(Prue has Darryl pinned down in a chair.)
Zygon: “Why do you have this mortal in The Underworld.”
(Prue is sitting in The Source’s throne)
Prue: “Have you heard of touch your goddamnit nose.” *crosses her legs* “He’s leverage.”
Zygon: “Ahh, for what?”
Prue: “the Book of Damned, dip-shit.” *sighs* “I read your mind when I first meet you and know you was slow.” “But good god, I didn’t know you was this god damn slow.”
(Darryl wakes up dazed)
Darryl: “Pru- Prue?”
Prue *mimicking Darryl*: “Pru- Prue?” “Stop calling my name like that!” You wouldn’t like for me to call your name like that.” “Da- Darryl.”
Darryl: “Why can’t I move?”
Prue: “Because, I’m using my powers to tame you.”
Darryl: “What do you want from me?”
Prue: “It’s not what I want from you” “It’s what I want to trade you for.”
(Darryl brakes loose from Prue’s telepathic withholding.)
(Zygon used his powers to melt Darryl’s shoes in spot.)
Prue*walks up to Darryl*: “Poor Darryl.” now you don’t have any shoes.” “Now, shut up and SITT!”
(Darryl flops to the ground.)
[Scene: 2:45 pm Magic School’s with Phoebe, Piper, Paige, and Sheila.]
(Paige orbs back into Magic school with Piper and Sheila)
Sheila: “So let me get this straight.” *tilts her head at Paige* “You want me to roam free in The Underworld, just to use me as bait?”
Paige: “Yep, that’s the plan.” “But, trust us, we will be right there behind you.”
Piper: “Phoebe what did you want with the book?”
Phoebe: “I’m looking at the binding potion in the book.” “Something had me thinking, what if we tinker with the potion.
Piper: “Go on.”
Phoebe: “Instead of binding with Prue’s powers, we remove them, hoping it would break her from The Window of Opportunity.”  
Paige: “That might actually work.”
(Ryan, who is in his bassinet, starting crying.)
Phoebe: “Oh is little Ryan hungry?” “Oh yes he is, Oh yes he is.”
(Sheila walks over to the bassinet.)
Shelia: “He looks just like Coop.”
Phoebe *bottle feeding*: “He really does.”
(Phoebe stops bottle feeding Ryan.)
(She takes him out the bassinet, burps him a couple of times, and places him back in.)
Phoebe *walks over to Coop in the other room*: “Ryan has been feed and sleep.” “I’ve pumped milk just incase he wakes back up.”
Coop: “Phoebe-”
Phoebe: “Be safe, I know.”
(Coop kisses Phoebe on her forehead.)
(Paige, who has already made the revamped binding potion, approaches Phoebe and Coop.)
Paige: “Ready, Phoebe?”
Phoebe *nods*: “Ready”
(Phoebe, Piper, and Shelia holds on to Paige as she orbs them into The Underworld.)
[Scene: 3:00 pm- The Underworld with Phoebe, Piper, and Paige, and Sheila where Prue was with Darryl.]
(Phoebe, Piper, Shelia, and Paige orbed into The Underworld.)
Shelia *running over to Darryl*: “Darryl, oh honey, are you ok?”
(Darryl mouth was shut and he was still.)
Shelia: “Honey what’s wrong?’
Prue *struts out the shadows* *mimicking Shelia*: ““Darryl, oh honey, are you ok?” “No, he’s not.” “He’s under my control.”
(Prue uses advanced telekinesis to throw Shelia.)
(Paige catches Shelia using telekinetic orbing, placing her back on the ground.)
Paige: “I don’t think that’s nice, Prue.”
Prue: “You’re right dear, let me pick on someone my own size.”
(Prue uses advanced telekinesis to create a telekinetic energy ball, and chucks it at Piper, Phoebe, and Paige.)
(Piper explodes it, midway.)
Piper: “Nice try.”
Prue: “I’m going to ask one more time, where is the book!?”
Phoebe*pulls out the Book of Damned*: “This book?”
Prue: “Yep, now be a gem and hand it over, or Darryl here will be a vegetable for the rest of his living, breathing live.”
Piper: “Now!”
(Paige throws the potion as Phoebe opens up the corked glass bottle so that she would be able to capture Prue’s powers.”
Prue: “No!”
(Prue uses advanced telekinesis to have the bottle bust before traveling her way.)
(This causes the bottle to burst in front of Piper instead.)
(The potion working biding every sister power, but Phoebe, that makes them Charmed - Piper’s Molecular Immobilization, Prue’s Telekinesis, and Paige’s Telekinetic Orbing.)
(The bottle then magically teleports back to magic school.)
Prue: “I’ve had it with the games!” *tries to use telekinesis but does not works*
Phoebe: “You know what Prue, me to.”
(Phoebe’s lounges herself using levitation at Prue.)
Phoebe: “Feel this, bitch!”
(Phoebe uses her Empath and Premonition power to make Prue see her childhood and make her experience the emotions that occurred during that time period.)
(It was enough to knock Prue out, releasing Darryl her Telepathic hold.)
(Shelia and Phoebe walks over to help Darryl)
Paige: “Ok, Let’s go now!”
(Paige orbs all of them out of there back to Magic School.)
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mauerfrau · 4 years
A Warm Morning
// @sokrovennyi I got some inspiration to write a cute little thing in the spy verse. ;u; I hope it is enjoyable, and that I did Ivan justice.
There was a near perfect stillness in the air of the dimly lit room. Outside, the same blizzard from the night before was blowing through, still raging as strongly as it had when it had arrived. It was nearly impossible to tell that morning had come, save for the fact that the grey was just a bit lighter now. Under the protective covers of the bed, one of the occupants stirred. Years of discipline had made alarm clocks obsolete for her. She could wake up at precisely the right moment without a bell chiming. Usually, she awoke before dawn, but there was no need this time. They would not be going anywhere today.
Lily yawned and opened her eyes. She could not see the room around her, for her face was pressed against the chest of the man who was still slumbering beside her. She closed her eyes again and smiled. He had his arm wrapped around her, holding her close. He must have held her throughout the night. No wonder she felt warm, for he had kept the cold at bay. Pleasant memories passed through her mind of the night before.
The storm had come in and the house’s temperature dropped with it. She had sought him out on the couch and cuddled up to him, so happy to see him in one of the sweaters she had made for him, the deep purple and silver one. There had been some alcohol, some light banter, as always, but then it had turned sweeter, with lips pressed against each other and arms wrapping around the other’s body. He had carried her into his room with her legs wrapped around his torso and her mouth over his. From the strewn clothes on the floor, it was not hard to guess what they had spent the night doing.
It was not the first time they had done it, and, she hoped, it would not be the last. It was so wonderful with him, unlike her other experiences with targets. It wasn’t so much about lust, as it was about love with him. He was gentler with her, yet just what she wanted. With him, she wasn’t a fling or a doll to be used in any which way. She was a lover, his lover, the one he cherished and wanted to please. And she felt the same for him.
She burrowed her face into his chest and then turned it to look up at him. She loved how peaceful he looked. This was such a rare sight to see, and she treasured every chance she had of witnessing it. Although the stress of their work was slowly taking its toll and was thus evident even now, in this moment it seemed so distant. What she wouldn’t give to take it all away so he could live in peace, as he so rightfully deserved. But then, would he really want that? And would she? By now, espionage had become their very lifeblood, and they could never leave it behind. But they could forget about it, for a moment.
Carefully, she wriggled up so that her face was next to his and she kissed him softly on the lips. The instant their lips touched, his breathing changed and his eyes snapped open. He was not a man who could be snuck up on in his sleep. They gazed into each other’s eyes silently, and she could see the features on his face relax again, even if he wasn’t smiling like she was.
“Morning, my sweet Bear,” she whispered. He made a grumbling sound in his throat which vaguely resembled the word, “Morning,” in return. At the same time, his arms tightened around her, keeping her as close as he could. Her smile widened.
Ivan closed his eyes with another grunt. “I was having a most pleasant dream,” he muttered, “about strangling that one idiot in the office who keeps losing the paperwork we turn in.” It was a lie. He had been dreaming about her, and holding her in his arms. He was silently gleeful of the fact that it had turned out to be true when he opened his eyes.
She laughed and kissed his cheek. “That sounds marvelous, darling. If you do that for real, will you tell me first, so I can watch?” He grunted, and she could see him smirking. She kissed his neck and then pressed her face against it momentarily. She could feel slight pressure on top as he leaned his cheek against her head. Then she began to wiggle against him and to push so that he was turned on his back. As she wriggled on top of him, she saw his brow crease. Yet even then, he kept his arms around her.
“What’s this for, Kotka? I was perfectly comfortable.”
“I want to be on top of you. So you can’t leave, you see? It’s awfully cold, and you’re the only thing keeping me warm. If you left the bed, I would surely freeze to death.”
“I had no plans on leaving so soon. This was all rather unnecessary.” Still, he didn’t bother to turn them back. Instead, he pulled out one arm so he could twirl the ends of her hair around his finger gently. “Perhaps if you were bigger, you would not be so susceptible to the cold, and I would not have to give my valuable body heat over to you. I should charge you for heating.”
She stuck her tongue out at him. “And what of all those sweaters I’ve made for you? Is that not a fair enough exchange?”
“Hardly. That barely covers all the food you eat. Why, if I didn’t work so hard, you would eat us out of house and home. And then I would have to eat you and sell the sweaters.” He poked her cheek.
She frowned at him. “Ivan Vladimirovich, if you are calling me fat, so help me—“
He chuckled, and she was rocked by movement of his body. “I would never.” He pinched her right cheek momentarily and then cupped it with his hand, rubbing his thumb back and forth. “That’s just the problem. You eat and yet you never get bigger. I am beginning to think you house a black hole. I am sure our scientists would be most intrigued to dissect you. I should deliver you to them.” She grumbled and poked his side hard, just under his rib cage. He hardly flinched, and instead his smile grew. “Such violence,” he lamented, “and after all I do for you. Where is the love?”
She put her face down against him. “The love is the only thing keeping me from murdering you for such insults. You’re lucky I don’t strangle you.”
“Strangle me? I was not aware that could be done by throttling someone’s navel, for that’s as far as you can reach on me, Lileschka,” he said with a laugh, tugging lightly on her hair.
She groaned, though his muscles muffled the sound. “Why are you always so cruel to me?”
“I am honest, as all good partners should be. If it is honesty you hate, I am sure I can find you a new man who will lie and leave you for dead next time the tides turn against you. At least then I may regain some of my sanity.”
She huffed and turned her head so her cheek was now resting against him. “And perhaps I should find you some extra tall woman who can look you in the eyes as she shoots you when her inevitable betrayal arises. At least then I will have to stop climbing the cabinets for everything.” She could not see Ivan smirking as he recalled an incident from a week prior, when she had had to lodge herself between the end of the cabinet and the wall nearby to gain a foothold, for he had placed the item of her desire in a tricky spot on the corner. She had nearly gotten stuck, and he had been highly amused watching her squirm in the tight space until she was free again.
A pleasant calmness descended on them. As he stroked her hair softly and closed his eyes, she traced some of his scars with the tip of her finger. She was becoming more and more intimate with them as the years went on. For some, she had not been around to witness their origin, but others (gradually, more and more) she had. Here on his shoulder, she traced what had been a deep gash inflicted by a deadly Ukrainian who had defected to the West. She remembered his face well, for she had been the one to strangle him. And here, just under it, was a spot from much earlier in their time together, when one of her mistakes had led to him being shot. She could still never forgive herself for it, no matter how faded it became and no matter how often she had since saved him from gaining many more. As she traced each one in sight, she wondered if he had come to know her own map as intimately as she had his. Was that too much to hope for?
By now, her hand had found its way to a particular spot near the base of his neck that she was always fascinated by. It was one of those scars he had had since before their time together. He never brought it up, nor did she, but it didn’t stop her from sometimes trying to piece the puzzle together from his records. As her finger pressed into it gently, he shifted his shoulder with a grunt. “Lilechka,” he grumbled.
“Vanya,” she replied. She looked up to grin at him, despite the frown he was giving in return. She playfully poked him near the spot again.
His hand moved down from her hair as his arm resumed its former spot around her torso. The furrow in his brow deepened. “Lilechka, you are on thin ice now. Do not be the cat whom curiosity kills.”
Her grin widened. Her hand moved away from the spot and up along his neck. Her finger tips tickled his skin. “Vanya,” she cooed. “I wonder how ticklish you are. There must be a spot that gets even you.” By now her fingers were just under his jawline, trying to find a spot that would make the large man quiver.
“You are playing a dangerous game, Kotka.” His arms tightened around her in a warning.
Never one to turn from danger, however, she persisted in trying to get a reaction out of him. “Vaaanyaaaaa,” she said.
It happened in an instant, faster than she could blink. One minute she had been on top of him, and now she was lodged firmly between him and the bed. He had flipped them with such speed and skill that she had zero chance of reacting. As he pressed down his weight on her, she squealed and squirmed, attempting to wriggle free from his crushing grip. She had about as much chance of freeing herself from him as a mouse did from a hungry python.
After a minute of feeling her struggle underneath him, he released some of his weight, but only enough that he could look down at her face with one of the widest grins she had ever seen on him. “I did warn you, dear. Now you must suffer the consequences.”
Her face was red, both from her futile attempts at escape and from embarrassment. “Get off me,” she gasped, barely able to get the words out.
“Hmm.” He pushed down on her again, just slightly, enough to make her more uncomfortable. “Ah, it seems I will finally have peace and quiet in this house again. It’s been so many years, I��ve quite forgotten how nice it must be.”
“You would miss me within a day,” she grumbled. With enough wiggling, she was able to get her left hand out from under him and she poked his side hard. That only served to make him laugh.
“Oh, I don’t think so, dear. I will finally have my spare room back. Ah, I wonder what I should do with it. Perhaps I will store all my weapons in there. Or I may turn it into an interrogation room, and I can finally give some bastards at the headquarters their just desserts. Won’t that be fun? Do not fear. I shall hang your picture on the wall, so you may always watch.”
“I am about to turn your insides into an interrogation room if you don’t get off me right now.” She got her feet free and kicked him as best she could.
He shifted so his legs were on hers, pinning them down. “You always make such threats, little Kotka, but you don’t have the claws to carry it out right now.” He kissed her forehead while she grumbled more. “If you apologize and say please, I may just let you live another day.”
“I never apologize. You will have to get up eventually. I can out-wait you.”
“Not if I squish you first.” He pressed down hard momentarily before letting up again, so she was not completely without a way to breathe. “Now say you’re sorry and beg me for mercy.”
The two of them remained in a silent staring contest, just waiting for the other to give in. With their years of discipline, it may have gone on for hours, if not for a sharp ringing splitting the air only a few minutes in. The both turned their heads toward the door.
“You will have to answer,” she said, her voice gradually losing its playfulness as they were brought back to their reality, a reality which was as harsh and cold as the storm outside, where threats really were carried out in the most gruesome of fashions. “They wouldn’t call you on a day like this if it wasn’t important.”
As it rang a second time, he stood up. She could see a genuine scowl come across his face as he walked out. She was glad she was not the unfortunate office clerk on the other end of that phone. She wondered how many he had driven into early retirement over the years with his unpleasant demeanor. He was not a man who cared to be interrupted from one of the few pleasant things in his life.
Without his presence to keep her warm, she felt goosebumps rising on her skin and she shivered. Rather than hiding under the covers and salvaging their warmth, however, she decided to join him. As she walked toward the hall, she grabbed his sweater from the night before off the floor and pulled it on. It went down to her mid thighs and hung loosely on her frame, but it was, nevertheless, cozy. She came up to him while he was still speaking and slipped her arms around silently, pressing her face against his shoulder. He wrapped that same arm around her without glancing in her direction. He was glaring at the wall ahead.
“Yes. Yes. Understood. We will be there. Goodbye.” He set the phone back down and passed his other hand through his hair. He looked down at her, knowing exactly the question that was on her mind, though also knowing that she probably knew the answer anyway. “Another mission. We’re to report for briefing tomorrow morning, 0800 sharp, regardless of the weather.”
“Of course. Do you suppose they’ll send us somewhere warm?”
He leaned down to press his face against the top of her head. “I doubt it. Knowing them, they will somehow have found an even more frozen hell to send us too.”
“Well then, we shall to be sure you pack extra sweaters. If you freeze to death, I’ll have no choice but to turn you into a tent for my own safety.”
Even with his face in her hair, he smiled and kissed the top of her head. “Not if I use you as kindling first.” After holding her quietly for a minute, he then lifted her into his arms and walked back toward the bedroom. “We do not have to go until tomorrow. We can spend one more day in warmth.”
She wrapped her arms around his neck and nuzzled his shoulder. “That sounds perfect.”
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
in which all hell breaks loose...
-early morning- Kid: *yawn* stocking: *making waffles* Kid: *sniffs* "Smells great..." stocking: thanks. want anything on them? Kid: "Strawberries?" stocking: on it~! -elsewhere- Spirit: *pours coffee* "Here you go." sachiko: thanks. Spirit: "You're welcome." *sets down bacon and eggs* "How's today look?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: *opens the closet* ("Now I just have to hide this gift on the top shelf--") *looks up...he can't reach it* "..." *lowers his head* Y_Y …… *light bulb* *floats up* YYWYY;; *sets the gift down* *lowers himself, closes the door* "There." -elsewhere- Magaki: *in a dark room, curtains closed, studying a newspaper* ("I got another killed...Security increased...") *closes the newspaper, folds it...stands up, and walks by a hallway of mirrors along the wall* -silence- Magaki: *approches the kitchen, opens the fridge, removes a bottle of dark red liquid* -...- Magaki: *sips* -...- Magaki: "..." *grimaces* "Ugh..." *grabs some milk* "Need to favor this crap." -elsewhere- Akitaru: "Everyone got their assignments?" shinra: yep. tamaki: *nods* iris: mmhmm! nozomi: yes, sir! Relan: "Yes, sir." Vulcan: *nods* Arthur: *bows* Takehisa: "When you are finished, file your report." everyone: yes sir! Akitaru: "Dismissed!" *smiles* -elsewhere- Yohei: *looking outside* mana: *playing in the snow* Shotaro: *tossing a snowball in the air--and let it hit himself in the face* "Hee hee..." Emine: *lying in the snow* chie: seems they're enjoying themselves. Yohei: "Yeah..." *slight shiver* chie:...*kiss on the cheek* Yohei: "..." *holds her hand* "Th-Thanks..." -elsewhere- Wes: "Good work, Licht..." licht: thank you. Wes: "I think we'll be ready in time for the performance...but..." licht: ? Wes: "Why is your friend lying on top of the piano?" Hyde: *lying back* =w= licht: ==# shit rat, get off of there. Hyde: "Can't I be your muse~" -elsewhere- Hibana: *in a pair of slacks, buttoning up her shirt, then putting on a tie* "How do I look?" gabriella: *thumbs up* nice *nosebleed* Hibana: "..." *smirks* "Your nose is bleeding." gabriella: !!! *puts a tissue to it* .////.; Hibana: *leans forward--smooch* gabriella: =///////////= -elsewhere- Sanjuro: "Tsubaki..." tsubaki: dad... *hugs* mrs nakatsukasa: *hugs* <welcome home, sweetie.> Sanjuro: ^^ *hug* Black Star: *looking at the map* "I think we go this way--" *walks into the wall* "...Ow." tsubaki: ^^; jetlag? Black Star: "Ow...Maybe. Oh, hey Mr. and Mrs. Nakatsukasa." mrs nakatsukasa: ^^; Sanjuro: "Hello, Black Star. Not yet oriented?" Black Star: "Give me an hour--I'll have this world wrapped around me!" -elsewhere- Aizawa: "Have your permission slips turned in by the end of the week..." momo: *nods* tsuyu: got it. Iida: "..." Izuku: *looking at his list of options* ochako: do you hear someone running- Mineta: "I don't hear anyt--" *Door slams open--crushing Mineta against the wall* ochako: O-O; All Might: "I AM HERE--HAVING DASHED DOWN THE HALL TO BOW!" *bows* -staaaare- Izuku: "A-All Might!" *stands up* Aizawa: "...What is it now?" All Might: "I MUST SPEAK WITH YOUNG MIDORIYA!" *grabs Izuku by the collar, pulling him from his chair and dashing back down the hall* Izuku: YEEEEEEEeeeeeeee….. *his voice fades out as he is dragged* tsuyu: *blinks* satou: d-did that just...? Mineta: *whimpering from behind the door* "Heal me..." -and so- Izuku: "Your teacher?! And he knows about your Quirk? Why didn't you mention it earlier? And...are you okay?" All Might: *nervous smile* "Y-YES!" *holding his leg down* "STAY DOWN, LEG. STOP SHAKING...OH, NO, WHY IS HE SEEKING YOU OF ALL PEOPLE?!" Izuku: .____.;;; "...Should I not accept--" All Might: "YOU MUST ACCEPT! IT'LL GIVE YOU A NEW PERSPECTIVE!" Izuku: *hair blown back from the shouting* .______. "...Okay." -elsewhere- Kunikida: *dialing* "...Answer already..." aya: is he sick? *worried* Kunikida: "I wish I knew. He usually answers..." -the phone answers- yana: who is this? Kunikida: Yes, hello. Is Katai there?" yana: no, he's at the doctor's. he broke his ankle. Kunikida: "!!! How does he break his ankle?! He lies down all the time..." yana: hey, i dont know man. Kunikida: "...Who is this?" yana: just a family friend. Kunikida: "...Where was he admitted?" yana: he didnt say, he just asked me to watch the house for him. Kunikida: "He didn't say--but he has you watching his place? Then you won't mind if I stopped by." yana: sorry, im really busy with tidying everything. i bet you he tripped over the trash or something. Kunikida: "Well, good luck cleaning--he can be disorganized." yana: thanks. *hangs up* .....<just where did mr hackerman go? or his body.....> -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *standing on rooftop* "...I don't see them." naoya: lets see here.... -perspective- they're in the alley next to the hardware store. Akutagawa: "Exit points?" naoya: just the entry way and a fire escape... Akutagawa: "You take the entry, I'll take the fire escape." naoya: on it. *heading down* Akutagawa: *uses Rashomon to stilt-walk over the buildings to the fire escape* -in the alley- Escapee #1: "Crap crap crap!" naoya: howdy there, chucklefucks! Escapee #1: Q~Q escapee 2: *grabs a pipe and charges* naoya: *grabs the pipe and is trying to force it out of his hand* Escapee #1: *backs away--then feels someone tap his shoulder* O____O Akutagawa: *tapping with Rashomon* "You don't want to try this, friend." escapee 2: !!!! -CRACK- escapee 2: *screams* Akutagawa: "See? Don't try that." *picks up Escapee #1 by their legs* Escapee 1: "EEEK!" naoya: now... *chokes escapee 2 with the pipe* what to do with you two.... Escapee 1: "DON'T KILL US!" naoya: so you'll come back quietly? Escapee 1: *nod nod* naoya: see, that wasnt so hard was it- escapee 2: *elbows her and tries to run* naoya: urk- Akutagawa: *sighs--and tosses Escapee 1 at 2* -she shoots him in the leg- Escapee 1: "EEEEEEEE--" escapee 2: AHHHH!!!! *CRASH* Escapee 1: X_X Escapee 2: *groans* naoya: god...god dammit. never an easy job, eh, akuta? Akutagawa: "No...Not very bright, are they?" *offers a hand* naoya: *smiles* thanks. -elsewhere- yana: .... pushkin: <what're you lookin' at?> yana: *points to ivan and zoey* them. pushkin: ?? <what're they doing?> yana: trying to show off for the boss. zoey: *nuzzles fyodor's leg* master~<3 Ivan: *massaging Fyodor's shoulders* <Let me know how to please you, Master~?> Fyodor: ….. yana: <neither one of them wants to admit defeat, so they just flaunt their affection towards him while he's just indifferent. they're like two, sad little peacocks...> pushkin:...........<that's actually pretty funny.> yana: <indeed it is, pushkin. indeed it is.> Fyodor: "???" katya: <oh dont be such a goddamn baby, pyotr! your finger will be fine!> Fyodor: <Could you keep it quiet?> katya: <WELL SOME OF US HAVE TO ENTERTAIN OURSELVES _SOME_HOW! IF I DONT GET TO KILLIN' SOMETHING SOON, IM GONNA FLIP SHIT!> pushkin: easy now. Fyodor: *sighs* <Leo, please sew up some dolls...> leo: understood. Fyodor: <Katya, use the dolls as targets.> katya: *griiiiiiin* leo: <please try not to bite their heads off again.> katya: <i aint promisin' shit.> leo:....*sigh* <close enough...> Fyodor: "Now, where were we--" *shudders* "Too hard..." zoey: *pouts and nuzzling his thigh* Ivan: *glares...his hands slide under Fyodor's collar to his bare shoulders* Fyodor: "Hm." -elsewhere- Medusa: *stares* "...If I have to make one more gingerbread house, my fingers are going to fall off..." neian: *chewing on her rag* Medusa: "..." *pats her head* neian: babu! Medusa: *light smile* -elsewhere- PlushFix: =w= "Aw, paradise..." kinuta: *chuckles* hina: *taking a drag on her cig* damn. Akua: *trying to shield against the sun* =_=; PlushFix: *resting along Kinuta's leg* =w= kinuta: cozy? PlushFix: "Could be cozier..." mimeca: *as a crab on her head* =w= Akua: *stares at the crab* -_-; kinuta: *picks him up.......putting her between her breasts* PlushFix: *muffled* "HEAVEN!" saku:.....tch- <idiots.> Akua: "Shameless." >_> -elsewhere- Jacqueline: "??? You okay?" kim: yeah, just felt sick all the sudden... Jacqueline: "..." *places a hand on her forehead* -elsewhere- atsushi: *looking at the flyer* Lucy: "Thinking of going~?" atsushi: !!! YESPLEASE! Lucy: ^^ "Good." *takes his hand* atsushi: o////w////o; Lucy: "We get to dress all fancy, too." atsushi: oh wow. Lucy: "Maybe you can borrow a suit..." atsushi: i'll see what i can do! Lucy: *looks down* "And I'll need something, too..." atsushi: ^^;... *glances at kyouka* ?? Kyoka: "We will need pretty dresses." Lucy: "Something poofy!" -elsewhere- Izuku: "--so I'll be visiting with a mentor for my internship." inko: that's wonderful! Izuku: ^\\\^ "I'll be out of the house for quite a bit..." inko: where abouts? Izuku: "Th-The older part of town." inko: please do be careful, i hear some unsavory sorts hang around that area... Izuku: *nods* "I'm going to be heading there with a friend, since it's on their way to their internship..." inko: that sounds nice. ^^ -elsewhere- Kid: *humming* stocking: im home...*slumps to the floor, asleep* Kid: O_O *bends down, picks her up* stocking: zzzzzz.... Kid: *takes her upstairs to their room, sets her down gently in bed* "..." stocking: =w= kiddo~ Kid: *smiles, strokes her hair* stocking: =///w///= Kid: *lies beside her* stocking: *snuggle* Kid: *holds her, hums lightly* stocking: u//////u Kid: *closes his eyes* -elsewhere- Dazai: ( . ) w ( . ) naomi:....what? Dazai: "...Cooooooloooors." naomi:....kunikida! he found the mushrooms again! Kunikida: "Damn it!" *pulls out a mallet* -elsewhere- Anya: *covered in snow* tsugumi: you ok? Anya: -_- "Brats did this to me..." kana: no regrets. Anya: >-<# -elsewhere- Black Star: *holds up empty plate* shop worker: ._.; Black Star: "I want more of this. And a meal." shop worker:.... *blinks and looks at sanjuro* tsubaki: v~v; Sanjuro: "J-Just, um..." *picks a plate* "We'll take this...and any information you have." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "Are they talking?" higuchi: they're in interrogation now... Akutagawa: "Will they live long enough to talk?" higuchi: hopefully... Akutagawa: "Hmm..." *listens to the door* naoya: alright. now how did you get out? Escapee #1: Q~Q "A-A spoon?" naoya: *raises a brow* Escapee #1: Q_____Q "A-A lot of d-digging...Took a long time to dig with...a spoon?" naoya:.....oi, tachi! were there any holes in their cell? Tachihara: "Hell no." Escapee #1: Q__________Q naoya: gee, how interesting....*laughs and twists their wrist* DONT BULLSHIT US! Escapee #1: *screams* "Th-They called us!" naoya: who's _they_? Escapee #1: *gasping* "Th-They had masks--" naoya: ?? what did these masks look like? Escapee #1: "It-It had tiny eyeholes! And something like a cross along one eye?" naoya: ?? ... Escapee #1: "His voice was raspy..." naoya: hmm... hirotsu: is there anything else you remember? Escapee #1: "H-He wore a cross?" hirotsu: hmmm... Escapee #1: "H-He told us to get away--keep running..." hirotsu: .. Escapee #1: "I just wanted to leave...go home..." hirotsu: ... *he glances at mori* Mori: "Hmmmm...No." Escapee #1: "!!!!" -elsewhere- Kuro: =_= *digs deeper under blanket* mahiru: .....*glances at the clock* Kuro: "You waiting for someone?" mahiru: my uncle still isnt home yet.... Kuro: *yawns* "Probably busy at...whatever he does." mahiru: .... -a few days later...- fukuzawa: ... *walking along the streets of the city, admiring christmas decorations* ..... ?? (thinking: blood?) -the blood leads to an alley- fukuzawa: ..... *gripping his sword handle and enters* ..... *No one is in the alley* fukuzawa:.....*examining the blood* *A separation in the air can be felt behind Fukuzawa, as if someone is about to slice at him* -barehanded blade block!- fukuzawa: so you're the culprit then.... -he elbows the assailant in the gut- *Masked Assailant bounces back, holding a sickle* fukuzawa: ?? Mask: "Death...to ability users--" fukuzawa: targeting ability users, are you? *sigh* and to think, this city is supposed to be a safe haven.... Mask: "Saves the user who brings danger wherever he goes..." fukuzawa: ....!! Mask: *swings the sickle again* -clang- fukuzawa: ... Mask: *trying to hold his own against Fukuzawa's sword--then seems to slide under* fukuzawa: ??!! Mask: *swings the sickle* -clang clang- fukuzawa: grk-...*cough* w-what? Mask: "Death will come for you, as it does us all. The ways of death are many: wounds, illness, loneliness...and..." fukuzawa: *coughing* Mask: "Poison." fukuzawa: *collapses* urk-...w-what did you- Mask: *holds up the sickle--then leaps up, seems to form dark flashes at his feet as he goes higher* "A beautiful winter night...to bleed upon the snow." fukuzawa: d-damn...*passes out* -morning- atsushi: *checks his phone* Kyoka: "??? What is it?" atsushi: hm..... !!!!!! kyouka, come on! get dressed! we need to get to the agency right now! -at the agency- ranpo: ............ fukuzawa: *laying in bed, alive, but his breath is shaky* secretary: it's awful… secretary 2: i cant believe someone managed to get a hit in on him, let alone do this... Kunikida: "We are hunting for any more information..." atsushi: .... yosano: ..... *glances at dazai* -elsewhere- hirotsu:...damn. they arent here either...*on communicator* how is everything on your end, sir? -elsewhere, mori and elise ware walking along- ruby: *patrolling* pearl: ... dia: hmm... Officer: *walking by* elise: are we there yet, rintarou? Mori: "Just one more shop~" elise: ugh, that's the 15th tailor today =3= Mori: "Please? It won't be a long walk..." elise: *grumbles* fiiine, but it's the last one for the day. =3= Mori: "Would you rather the car?" elise: yeah yeah, let's just get going already! >3< Mori: *opens the door, enters, closes* elise:.... !!!! RINTAROU WE NEED TO GO- *BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM* dia: !!! ruby: holy moley! -elsewhere- Dazai: *in the alley, examining the floor where Fukuzawa was attacked*…. -elsewhere- elise: *floating, holding mori by the collar* ugh, this is so lame! Mori: ._.; "...Our car..." elise: cant believe someone would put a bomb in there! >3< *lands on the ground* how lame! -in the alley- Akutagawa: *following blood drops in alley* -silence- Akutagawa: "Where could he have gone?" ???: "Eternal..." Akutagawa: "!!" Mask: "Death..." Akutagawa: "So, the dog hunts, just to kill his prey...To kill all ability users. Insane." Mask: "...I will kill….for the sake of my beloved…" Akutagawa: "And you are all bark..." *unleashes Rashomon* Mask: *leaps* *Mask dodges, seemingly unscathed* Akutagawa: "Blood...Your attracts. I know you. And where to strike--" *Mask's mask was sliced, dropping to the ground* Akutagawa: "...As I thought: blood reverend of the Guild." Hawthorne: "..." -on the street, the 1st brigade has secured the area of the burning car- Mori: ^^;;; "Quite a spectacle, eh?" elise: =3= Officer: "Sir, please--we need to get you and your daughter away from this crime scene..." elise: ?? Officer: "How did this explosion even happen?" Mori: .w.; "My daughter put orange juice in the gas tank?" elise: *gives him a look of 'are you fucking kidding me?'* Mori: "She said, 'Daddy, I want Mr. Car to have a drink'! Isn't that right, Elise Sweetie?" elise: dont drag me into this! D8< Officer: "Well, if it was an accident--" Mori: "Oh, it was! It totally was!" ^^ Officer: "--then we have a problem." *shiv* Mori: "..." elise: ......!!!! *The hat falls, revealing...* Fyodor: "..." Mori: *falls down* "E-Elise..." elise: *chasing after him* dia: ?? ...*turns to see....* ..........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fyodor: *running towards Dia* dia: .......*unable to speak, too stunned to move* Fyodor: *he seems to be...smiling* *passes Dia* ruby: did someone just run past? dia:.....*collapses to her knees, eyes wide, pupils shrank.....she's trembling* pearl: dia? dia?! -in the alley- Akutagawa: "You used your blood to step on air, literally." Hawthorne: "..." *The blood at Akutagawa's feet bubbles* Akutagawa: "!!!" *Akutagawa uses Rashomon to block Hawthorne's blood scythe* Akutagawa: "You used to be more straightforward in your attacks, Priest--hardly as deceptive to need a mask, or to use anything but your words and direct attacks." Hawthorne: "..." Akutagawa: "You said you intended to restore that which she lost--that woman I attacked. Is that why you have targeted me?" Hawthorne: "...Who is the Priest?" Akutagawa: "...!!!" -elsewhere- Fyodor: *tosses his police uniform, opens a locker and puts on his coat--* "..." <Where's my hat?> ???: “Hello~!” Fyodor: "..." -_-# Dazai: *waves* “Looking for this, Dosty~?” -someone holds a scalpel to his neck- zoey:....that doesnt.....belong to you..... Dazai: "..." *takes Zoey's hand--and holds it* "Young woman. May I entice you to join me in a--" zoey: *snarling* Dazai: .w.; "...You know what? Here--" *shoves the hat onto her* "It didn't suit me." *looks at Fyodor* Fyodor: "...You anticipated I would be here--" Dazai: "And blocked your one exit! I didn't see her coming, though." zoey:....master....s-shall i....dispose of him...~? Fyodor: "No." zoey:....*removes the scalpel and backs off* of course... Dazai: "...You're the one trying to kill the heads of the two parties involved..." Fyodor: "..." Dazai: "..." *smiles* "Where do I sign up?" zoey: ?? Fyodor: "...Ha." Dazai: "Kidding! I just want to know the poison you used." *evil grin* "I wanted to find it the easier way." Fyodor: "...You know then?" Dazai: *nods* "I know. I know your plan: to eliminate your competition. By poisoning the two heads of the ability user organizations--assassination--is what someone with limited resources would do." Fyodor: "How did you arrive at that conclusion?" Dazai: "Because if I had nothing, it's what I would do." Fyodor: "Hm. So you think we're alike." *smiles* "Very well. That poison assures mutual destruction: you will destroy yourselves." zoey: ...*smiles* Dazai: "???" Fyodor: "This virus-type ability will eat away the hosts' organs. But if either host dies before 48 hours, the ability ends." Dazai: "...To save the director, the other host must die." -elsewhere-.... Chuuya: "..." {fyodor: I can predict every movement you take…so I know you will accept my offer. Because without that girl, you are a mess. And you want her to live the life she was denied. And all it takes is this book–to make your dreams into reality.} Chuuya: "...Even if we wanted to work around him, 2 days is not enough time. We...have to give into this demand." -in the alley- Fyodor: "Fools. Humans, even when they know they are still being manipulated cannot stop killing. A sin. That a god must cleanse from this world." zoey: ah~ so wonderful, master~<3 -she kneels at his feet, like a loyal pet- Fyodor: *pets Zoey's head* Dazai: "...Right. Anyway, 'God,' your plan is A-plus--except the part where you realized I can negate the ability--" Fyodor: "You would need contact with their internal organs--which is suicide, as it will spread the virus." Dazai: "...'Suicide.' *smiles* "I think you underestimate what the Agency can do." Fyodor: "True. And I could underestimate your ability." *BANG* Dazai: "..." *blood is coming from his chest* zoey:...his vitals....werent shot... Dazai: "..." *falls to his knees, then face-down* Fyodor: "You still have a part." *walks by Dazai, picks up his hat* "Come along, my dear." Dazai: *sitting up* zoey: !!!! *holding a scalpel to dazai's neck* ..... Fyodor: *holds up his hand* "Zoey, please." zoey:.....*backing up* ...... Dazai: *chuckling* "Humans _are_ sinfully stupid." *smirks* "What's so wrong about that?" Fyodor: "...! You knew the sniper was there?" Dazai: *getting up* "Because...I know what that book does...It lets you write your reality onto its blank pages." Fyodor: "...To make a world without the sin of ability users." Dazai: "Give it a try--if you can." zoey: ....master fyodor....our god....he'll bring us to the promised land.....ah...it feels wonderful~.....so wonderful....to carry his baby inside me.... Dazai: "..." .________.;;;; "...Girl? You're fucked up in the head." atsushi: dazai?! where are you?! Fyodor: "Zoey. Come along. We have a promised land to create." zoey: of course...~ -elsewhere- ranpo: ................................ fukuzawa: *laying in bed* ...... -in the mafia headquarters- higuchi: ........*glances at a door*.......(thinking: now is as good as a time as any.......) *she approaches the door*........ Mori: *passed out* higuchi: .........*breathes and reaches for the knob* ..........*hard gulp and quietly opens the door* ..... Mori: *slight groan* higuchi: !!! *silently sneaking into the room*....*phew*......??? (thinking: is this....a surgery room?....) *she spots the closet...._that_ closet* ........*shaking*..... *mentally preparing herself for what lies beyond.....she opens the door*....*winces as she sees the decapitated head* (thinking: god....i knew it would be bad but....it doesnt even seem real.....) Mori: *grunts* higuchi: !!! *backs up*.....*noticing the vials* .....*examining* (thinking: the blood samples.....what are you planning, mori?) *There are notes* higuchi:.....*looking at them* Mori's notes: "--to change life itself." higuchi: ??? *looking at more notes* Notes: "-and until I can determine how to change her age--" higuchi: (thinking: does he mean elise?) Notes: "--isolating the mitochondria would be key to unlocking the aging process." higuchi: ....(thinking: has he gone crazy?) Notes: "I found the perfect candidate." higuchi: ...... *her stomach drops* w-what? Notes: "Higuchin's tests were flawless, a perfect match." higuchi: f-for what....? Notes: "--to give Elise the life she deserves." higuchi: ..... -elsewhere- yosano:....it's just as he said, the virus is slowly eating away at him.... Tanizaki: "... We should..." naomi: ?? Tanizaki: "Kill Mori." yosano: it'll be risky, given the amount of firepower the mafia has. Kunikida: "..." ("And Dazai is at a hospital...") kirako:..... ranpo: ..................... kenji: ranpo looks really sad... yosano: yeah.....the director's the closest thing he has to a father...... atsushi:.....*looking out the window* ..... !!!!!!!! Chuuya: "..." atsushi: um guys? we have a situation... Chuuya: "Atsushi!" kenji: oh! we have mafia visitors! naomi: !!!! shit, we're surrounded! Chuuya: "I am here for a deal!" atsushi: sorry we're closed right now! Chuuya: "YOU DON'T GET TO HIDE BEHIND STORE HOURS!" atsushi: um.....*looks at the other agency members* ideas? QuQ;;;; Kunikida: "..." *stares at his book* ("They have us surrounded...They intend to kill, and we can't afford to. And we can't have them learn the full extent of our abilities for the element of surprise...We need a last minute plan..." ranpo: dont rush it, kunikida. you're the director's star pupil, right? yosano: ranpo? ranpo: the director told me something. 'get a hold of yourselves' yosano: ah! he's awake? ranpo:....no, but i heard him mumbling. -ranpo looks at kunikida- ranpo: what do we do, temporary director? give me all the important info! Kunikida: "!!! ...Okay. Follow." -on the roof- naoya: i see someone by the window. it's some blonde kid. kenji: *whistling* Chuuya: "Hmph. He's too strong for one person." naoya: let's see here......*using perspective on kenji* oh shit! Chuuya: "?! What?" naoya: it's not just farmer boy, they got their whole main force down there! Chuuya: "...To protect that one room..." naoya: your orders, chuuya? Chuuya: "...Get all of our forces." naoya: on it. -inside- Tanizaki: *standing* hirotsu: .... Chuuya: "We can fight you one on one, or a direct attack?" Tanizaki: "...Neither." naoya: ??? *Lined up are the Agency members...who seem to shiver and waver in the light* naoya: what the fuck?? t-then how did- *All but Tanizaki fade...revealing a hole in the wall* naoya: son of a bitch. hirotsu: sacrifice one's self to save the rest. how noble. Akutagawa: "How is a decoy noble?" hirotsu: what say you, boy? naoya: 'what say you'? what year do you think this is, gramps? Tanizaki: "...I am not a decoy. I stayed to give you a message." -elsewhere- atsushi: what?? ranpo: that's right. catch the ability user that spawned the virus. if we fight the mafia head on, people will get hurt, or worse, killed. we just need to play by different rules. if we beat the user, or have dazai touch them, then both parties win. if what the rat's leader said is true, then this 'criminal friend' cant get out of the city easily. all public routes are being supervised by people such as the DWMA, the special ability's department, fire brigades, and the life. and the mafia has the back ways all blocked. atsushi: so then... ranpo: get the info on ability user criminal counter-measures. if i have that, it should be enough. -elsewhere- Black Star: "--and then punch this criminal in the face!" tsubaki: ^^; tokyo chief of police: .... <i....see...> Sanjuro: "We do need to track this criminal first...Tsubaki, I want you to track this neighborhood." tsubaki: understood. Black Star: "Can pick up a meal there, too." tsubaki: ... -elsewhere- atsushi: .....this place is pretty run down... -there are vagrants all over the place...- Kunikida: "Just up ahead...; atsushi: ...*glances at one child* child: ..... atsushi: .......(thinking: it almost feels like the orphanage here....) -soon, they approach a tunnel leading to an underground area- -in one underground building, there is a man doing some cooking and listening to christmas music- man: just hear those sleigh bells jingling~ ring-ting-ringling too~ *whistling* *The phone rings* man: *picks up* 'yello? ???: "Get out! You've been found!" man: !!!! *he runs to a communicator* kids! they've caught up to us! im counting on you all to keep them here! kids: !!! man: *running to an escape hatch* -and so- atsushi: ...!!! there he is! *tiger limbs and chases after him* Kunikida: *follows* man: *still running until he turns a corner* atsushi: *still running* Kunikida: "!!! Atsushi, wait!" atsushi: !!!! -BANG- atsushi: *has caught the bullet with his teeth* ..... ooow, that tingles. people were not made to bite metal. Q_Q odasaku:....*stunned* Kunikida: -_-; "Pull yourself together, brat." odasaku: ..... *his stomach drops* atsushi:.... !!!!!!! -several children are armed with guns- man: im counting on you guys! child 1: you go ahead, big brother! -they start shooting- atsushi: *picks up kunikida and retreats to a safer distance* wha...what the hell. odasaku: *still completely stunned....* Kunikida: "Children...with machine guns...One bullet would kill their tiny bodies..." atsushi: what kind of people are we dealing with?? isnt there a way to get past them without shooting them? Kunikida: "Yes..." *opens his book* "Quickly." atsushi: *runs* Kunikida: *summons a tear gas grenade* *tosses* -PSSSHT- kids: *screaming* atsushi: *runs in* child 2: *holding his gun up* atsushi: !!! *BANG* child 2: *screaming and clutching his shoulder* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT HURTS!!! atsushi: !!!!! Kunikida: *aiming his gun* *frozen* atsushi:...shit, come on! let's go! -after making it a ways down the tunnel- atsushi: .... Kunikida: "..." *slams his fist against the wall* atsushi: !!! kunikida? Kunikida: "Is this hell?" atsushi:....i honestly dont know... but if we bring him to yosano then maybe- Kunikida: "I KNOW!! ... I know." atsushi:.....something isnt adding up. i figured he'd undoubtedly fight back, but... Kunikida: "--why not use his ability?" atsushi: .... odasaku: come to think of it, there werent any alarms or locked doors.... atsushi: .... Kunikida: "...! Atsushi...don't move." atsushi: .....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! child: *they have a grenade collar on* p-pwease...don hurt...big bwubber.... *sniffles* Kunikida: "Atsushi...find another way around. I'll stay..." atsushi: *runs* child: *sniffles, and crying ghibli tears* Kunikida: "..." ("Willing to use a child to explode this tunnel, cave us in...") "..." *leans down where he stands* "We are not going to hurt your brother. I promise." child: *sniff* -elsewhere- Shousaku: "...I know you didn't kidnap me for a concert." Fyodor: "..." *keeps playing* zoey: *outside the door, listening and rubbing her stomach* Fyodor: "Actually, a mutual acquaintance brought us together." *smiles* Fyodor: "I want to know what happened between you and the Agency." Shousaku: "..." *lets out a laugh* "That man, Kunikida? He's the real deal. You can't break that ideal." Fyodor: "..." *smiles* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "...Hey?" child: ..... Kunikida: "Do you like magic?" {child: *answering the phone* h-hewwo?} {Fyodor: "If that awful man pulls out a notebook, expect he is dangerous.”} child: !!!! *grabs the string* Kunikida: "!!! No--" -.........- -BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM- Kunikida: *stunned* -outside atsushi: *tackles the man* you're not going anywhere! man: p-please, dont hurt me. i just..i just wanted to leave the past behind me! atsushi: what? man: s-some guy. i-i was targeted by a hit man. t-these guys were killing off anyone who witnessed a hit and run i saw... t-then this foreign guy started giving me all these weapons and shit. atsushi: then your ability- man: i-i dont have any abilities! you have the wrong guy! atsushi: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! man: p-please, dont hurt my little siblings, they're all i got left! -....- -the dust clears, and the splattered remains of the child is strewn about the rubble...- Kunikida: "..." *falls to his knees, his glasses fall off--the lenses break* -all he is able to do is scream out in agony- -...- man: *showing them a paper* atsushi: !!! the info is all different... ranpo: looks like this guy in the picture is the real deal......but this one is all a lie too. yosano: so it's all a wild goose chase... -in the mafia HQ- hirotsu: *takes a long smoke* *sighs* it's been a long time since the mafia has been out for blood like this. naoya: yeah, no shit, even your mustache is stressed out. hirotsu:....what? naoya: 737 *whistling* hirotsu:.... riiiight. -in mori's room- Mori: *barely breathing* Chuuya: "..." -chuuuuya~- Chuuya: "!!!" rain?: *laying on the floor* ...... Chuuya: "N-No..." rain?: what are you waiting for chuuya? now is.....the perfect chance....to make him pay....for what he did to me....to make him pay....make him pay....makehimpaymakehimpaymakehimaymakehimpay -her eyes are completely black, with and inky fluid dripping from her eyes, nose and mouth…- Chuuya: *shudders, steps back--his hand knocks over a scalpel* rain?: chuuyaaaaaaa....*crawling over to him, dragging her body* dont you love me? -more of her start to come out of the walls and floor- -chuuya i miss you so much- -i love you- -chuuya- -it's so cold- -its s o c o l d h e r e- -kill him! kill him! kill him!- -make him suffer how i suffered so much- Chuuya: "..." *he has fallen to his knees, his hand near the scalpel* -do it- -he's sleeping right there- -cut his fucking throat- -do it- -kill him- -cut him open- Chuuya: "..." *snatches it, bolts up* d             o                    i                t Chuuya: "..."*raises his hands* *slam* Tanizaki: *slams the door behind him, runs forward--and stops* !!! Chuuya: !!! "...How did you get free? And get a switchblade?" Tanizaki: "...Why do you have a scalpel to his neck?" Chuuya: "...If I asked you to say he died naturally--" Tanizaki: "Why?" Chuuya: "...I asked you first!" Tanizaki: "So I can save the director and--YOU DIDN'T ASK!" Chuuya: "JUST LET ME HAVE THIS!" Tanizaki: "No, I'm gonna do it!" *grabs Chuuya's wrist* -elsewhere- fukuzawa:.......*groans* nnh...w-where-? ???: "You're awake? Stay down--you're still feverish." fukuzawa: huh?...oh...you-*coughs* you're atsushi's girlfriend, right? Lucy: *nods "Lucy. Kitten asked me to bring you here to Anne's room." fukuzawa: *tries to sit up* grk- Lucy: "Hey! I just told you to lie down! Do you want Anne to sit on you?!" fukuzawa: please...*cough* tell them...not to fight the mafia. -in mori's room- *Blood drips* kouyou: ..... golden demon: *stabbing tanizaki* Tanizaki: "!!!" *coughs* kouyou: do forgive me, child.....*looks at mori* i fear that if he dies....the mafia will revert to it's detestable old ways... Tanizaki: *his body falls--and collapses into bright snow* kouyou:......*she looks at chuuya* Chuuya: "...He wasn't...?" kouyou: .... !!! golden demon! golden demon: *slicing at tanizaki* Tanizaki: "!!!" *covers his face with his arms* *CLASH* kouyou: !!!! k- Kyoka: *hard stare* -the door slams open- mafioso: boss lady! are you ok?! Kyouka: *grabs Tanizaki--and jumps* mafiosos: *aiming their guns* kouyou: dont! you might hit kyouka!! Kyoka: *looks to Demon Snow, opens her phone* "We need a landing..." demon snow: ~understood~ kouyou:..... -elsewhere- ranpo: alright, pull up. atsushi: *opens the door* kyouka! tanizaki! over here! Kyouka: *carries Tanizaki inside* Tanizaki: *groans* yosano: are any of you hurt at all? Kyouka: "No." Tanizaki: *struggling to move* yosano: easy now. ranpo: what's new? kenji: looks like they're evacuating their boss through the underground. Kyouka: "Hmm...We can't infiltrate that as easily as I did the Mafia HQ..." atsushi:....lucy told me that fukuzawa said something. 'dont fight the mafia.' ranpo: it wont be easy finding our mastermind. and a full on assault would risk our lives.....what will you all do? Kunikida: *silent, without his glasses* atsushi: so we either have to fight or run away...? ranpo: if the mafia knows where the director is, they'll resort to kidnapping loved ones of the agency, and threatening to kill them off. atsushi: so people like lucy, kirako, naomi, aya, and others are all at risk... Kunikida: "..." *opens his mouth* "I--" Tanizaki: "I'll do it." atsushi: tanizaki? Tanizaki: "...If we try to protect one person, we'll get another one hurt." yosano: i'm in too. mori and i were once classmates in medical school, i think he'd agree to an ending such as this. Kyouka: "He is frightening...but I know the Mafia, and I can use that knowledge for the sake of the Agency." kenji: i dont know if it's wrong or not, but if everyone's helping, i'll help too! ^^ ranpo: kunikida? what will you do now? Kunikida: "...” ranpo: The director ordered us to 'protect the balance of peace of this city.' His purpose is to protect people from this mastermind's destruction of this city. tell me, will you bend the 'rules' to go after that guy? Kunikida: "..." *covers his face* atsushi: kunikida.... Kunikida: "If we continue to 'bend the rules,' more innocent people will die!" atsushi:.... ranpo: kunikida. you're the strongest and most virtuous person in the agency. that's why _he_ wanted to break you first. ranpo: dont forget that. atsushi:.... odasaku: *shaking* i dont want innocent people to die either. if you fight the mafia, you're just playing right into his hand. atsushi: ...... Kunikida: "..." *stays seated, lowers his head to his knees* atsushi: kunikida.....katai said he would investigate the rats, right? Kunikida: "Yes." atsushi: then wouldnt he know something? Kunikida: "...If we bend the rules and pursue this mad mastermind, another child will die." atsushi: we wont let that happen. i dont want to be someone who fights people. i want to be someone who protects people! odasaku:...*small smile* Kunikida: "..." *reaches into his pocket, and removes a new pair of glasses* "Then the way to honor that child...is to save this city." -at the mafia HQ- kenji: heeeeeave *flips the floor* HO! yosano: HYAAAAAH!!! -in the alley, with chuuya- Chuuya: "!!! They broke through the first floor?! Damn it--hold the base!" -chuuuuyaaaaa~- Chuuya: "?!!!" rain?: *crawling onto his back* why didnt...you just kill him? Chuuya: *doesn't move* "...Rain...Don't ask me..." rain?: dont you...love me anymore? -she looks at him, with those same black, bloody eyes- Chuuya: "I...know you're not her..." -someone is at the end of the alley- ranpo: fancy seeing you here, mr fancy hat~ Chuuya: "...Agency scum..." ranpo: if you join this battle on the mafia's side, our chances of winning are pretty slim down to nothin' so it's up to me to stop you then, eh? Chuuya: "...Insane." ranpo: y'know, my buddy tanizaki told me something interesting. he said when he busted the door in, there you were, holding a scalpel to the mafia boss's throat. do you really......think killing him will bring that girl back? *CRUNCH* ranpo: ?? *The pavement cracks under Chuuya's footstep* ranpo: ... Chuuya: "You pathetic brat...You man-child..." *lifts his head, eyes burning* "You have no idea what she went through!" -he’s shaking- ranpo: oh? bet my super deduction could find out... Chuuya: "...Figure this one out, Boy Detective: how not to get CRUSHED!" -at katai's place- atsushi: mr katai?! hello? Kunikida: "..." atsushi:....??? he isnt here? Kunikida: *steps forward, clenching his fist* atsushi: ...kuniki- *KUNI-PUNCH!* atsushi: holy fuck- -the hole in the wall reveals...a hidden camera.- Kunikida: "Katai kept it as a record in case of emergencies." *shakes his hand...* atsushi: i dont know if i should kink-shame that or.... Kunikida: *intense glare* atsushi: OxO;;; Kunikida: *plugs the camera into the laptop* -the video shows katai on the night he talked to keek.....and fyodor shooting him in the back- atsushi: !!!!!!!!! Kunikida: "!!!" *pulls back the futon--* -there is a blood stain....but no katai- -elsewhere- kim: is he awake yet, jackie? Jacqueline: "N-No...He's still pretty banged up--" Katai: *groans* ???: wakey wakey, mr~ Katai: *moans* "Hmm...What?" blair: *sitting on top of him, in a nurse outfit* hello~ ^^ Katai: o\\\\w\\\\o "...Okay. I know I have died now." kim: god dammit blair! >-<; blair: just trying to help <3 kim: *unamused* Jacqueline: .\\\. "Maybe get off of the patient?" Katai: "Wh-Why is there a cat nurse on me? Who are you people?" blair: *getting up* kim: some guy found you shot in your room and brought you here. blair: kimmy here healed your injuries, so you should be good to go then ^^ Katai: "Shot?...!!!" *pulls up his shirt* -there is a slight scar- kim: we're just glad he found you when he did, otherwise you'd be a goner... Katai: "...Healing? Black cat...!!! Wh-Why save me?" blair: consider it me doing a friend a favor~ *winks* Katai: .\\\\. *pulls blanket up over his nose* "I-I'd like some w-water, please? And I have to--!!! I have to call the Agency! I know where _they_ are!" -in the mafia HQ- higuchi: .... (thinking: mori....trying to turn elise human? but why?) ..... ?? (thinking: a doll? isnt this-) *A hand covers Higuchi's mouth, pulls her inside a closet* higuchi: !!!! Kyouka: "Move, and you're cut." higuchi: !!! i thought you gave up on killing? Kyouka: "I do not do so without reason. If you do not give me the information I seek--" *The blade leans closer to Higuchi's wrist* higuchi: go ahead, i've been prepared for such a thing... Kyouka: "...Too bad. Demon Snow..." higuchi: *wince* *SLICE* Kyouka: "!!!" higuchi: ?? Kyouka: *falls through the floor, where a triangle has been cut out by dark energy* higuchi: !!! w-wha- Kyouka: *falls to the floor below, doing a three-point landing* *looks up* "...You." Akutagawa: "...Do you remember...when you left the Mafia?" Kyouka: "Yes. A van in the desert." Akutagawa: *nods* "You thought you could destroy me there, even at the cost of your own life." *holds Rashomon ready to stab* "Do you still think that is your only path to victory?" higuchi: ryunosuke! Kyouka: *sends Demon Snow to slice at Akutagawa before he can attack* higuchi: !! Akutagawa: *blocking...and smiling* *calls to Higuchi* "Tell them upstairs...Leave this to me." *smiles wider* "Fighting someone with a spine will be good for me!" -elsewhere- ranpo *dodging* Chuuya: "Stand still, you short-pant sugar-chugging brat!" ranpo: *whistles* man, i struck a nerve with you eh? no wonder dazai can beat you so easily. Chuuya: "!!!" *yells, pulls back his fist, and swings at Ranpo's mouth* -something catches his hand.....a book?- ranpo: say, do you like mystery novels? Chuuya: *grunts* ("My fist...is stuck?!") ranpo: the cast is half a cast of people, half of them are blood thirsty killers. in this book world, abilities wont work, see you on the other side, mr fancy hat~ Chuuya: "!!! No! I can't! Son--" -they both get caught inside the book- karl: *picks the book up and heads up the fire escape to where poe is...* Poe: *holds the book...passes a hand over the cover* "I was surprised Ranpo asked for such a risky strategy...I was getting this book ready for the publisher, but now it's being used to hold him and that Mafia person with the goofy hat..." karl: *chitter* Poe: "This showdown story...will pit them against killing machines. The Mafia hat-man could die...or Ranpo could die...or both..." *shivers* karl: *pap pap* -meanwhile- *CLANG CLANG SLASH* demon snow: *slashing* Akutagawa: "Insufficient." Kyouka: "???" Akutagawa: *wraps Rashomon around Demon Snow* demon snow: !! Kyouka: "!!!" Akutagawa: "You are an assassin: you are not designed for direct attacks--they put you at a disadvantage. How can someone who is in the shadows ever enter the light? How can you ever be in the Agency? How did _you_ ever _get_ to join _him_?" Kyouka: "...'He' showed me something that you should learn." Akutagawa: "???" Kyouka: "I am not the person you knew..." demon snow: *phases out from the restrictions* Akutagawa: "!!!" *tries to block* ("How can the physical stop the intangible...?!") -slash slash- Akutagawa: *blocks--then feels a presence behind him* "!!!" Kyoka: *behind him with blade at his neck* Kyoka: "Goodbye." *SWHISH* -elsewhere- fukuzawa: ....nngh? Lucy: "Zzz..." fukuzawa: *sitting up and winces* grk- ???: it's raining bullets here dammit! -in mafia HQ- yosano: atsushi! kunikida! where are you two?? atsushi: *on walkie-talkie* no good, katai's missing, and we found blood. yosano: !!! damn. right now isnt the time for grieving. as long as they keep up- -the gunfire has stopped?- yosano: ?? *peeks* oh you got to be fucking shitting me. *Motojiro stands* Motojiro: *sneers* -elsewhere- Kyouka: *stunned* Akutagawa: *intense unblinking stare* *has caught the blade in his hand, wrapped in Rashomon: his Demon Armor* Kyouka: *struggles to press the blade in--but it won't budge* *CRUNCH* *Akutagawa's grip shatters the blade* Kyouka: *leaps back--and her eyes reflect back light* Akutagawa: *watches her eyes* "You've certainly changed, Kyouka." {Kyouka: "That ability...can cut anything."} {Akutagawa: "...What about it?"} {Kyouka: *her eyes are dark and lifeless* "...Kill the demon, to avenge my parents. And kill me."} {Akutagawa: "..."} Akutagawa: "Where is that revenge that was once in your eyes?" Akutagawa: "You have tried to eliminate yourself, kill yourself, die in so many ways. I never saw this value for your own life in your eyes." Kyouka: *falls to her knees, tearing up* "How can you know this?" {Dazai: *smirks* "Or you can join me. And I can give you that revenge you seek."} {Ryu: *stares*} Akutagawa: "...There was someone with those same eyes." Kyouka: "...Who were they? What happened to them?" Akutagawa: "...The same as you: they joined an organization, found purpose--and gone went their death wish." {atsushi: i just wanted to show her she deserved to live!} Akutagawa: "..." Kyouka: *unable to move* Akutagawa: "I'm happy for you." Kyouka: "!!! ..." *bounces up and away* walkie talkie: get out of there! the lemon cakewalk is approaching! -elsewhere- ayako: ho-dee-doo agency peeps! Motojiro: *giggling* "Three days!!!" yosano: ?? ayako: three days of hard work baby! yosano: (thinking: what are they talking about?) Motojiro: "It took so much of my time I forgot to wear underwear today!" yosano: *trying not to gag* ayako: shall we begin the experiments for today? Tanizaki: "This is our chance, Doctor. We can make a straight line--" yosano: wait...something isnt right? ayako: but first, safety procedures! *aims a grappling gun to the ceiling* HENSHIN-A-GO-GO, BABY! *zips on up and puts on a protective suit* Tanizaki: *gets down* Motojiro: "LEMON! CAKE! WALK!" *BOOOOOOOOOM* BOOOM!- yosano: fall back! he's a walking bomb! ayako: *muffled cheering from the protective suit* Motojiro: "This is an empty world! Your happiness is just brain synapses. It is only through science that you can get closest to the truth!" yosano: pull back! everyone pull back! -elsewhere- fukuzawa:......*puts his cloak over a sleeping lucy and takes his sword* .....*begins walking away* Lucy: "...I won't stop you." fukuzawa: ?? *looks back* Lucy: "I'm not a member of the Agency... but I don't want to see my friends there killed. If you can save them...Can you at least tell me what is your plan?" fukuzawa:....just visiting an old friend. -elsewhere- miura: mori's missing. this isnt good. higuchi: ??? hirotsu: i dont think we should be afraid. miura: ?? hirotsu: mori may be a twisted man, but he is still the head of this mafia. and he intends to protect it... -in an abandoned house...- Mori: *approaches the entrance, opening it carefully, before entering* fukuzawa: ...... Mori: "Ah, this location brings back memories." fukuzawa: indeed.... no one else really knows this place still exists but us. Mori: "Which is why I anticipated you would meet me here." fukuzawa: did your subordinates follow you? Mori: "Perish the thought. I do not want another fight between our organizations." fukuzawa:....its amazing how much can change in 12 years... elise: *appearing, in a nurse's outfit* Mori: "Yes...And yet, some things don't change." fukuzawa: ....*gripping his sword* elise: *floating, ready to attack* fukuzawa: bring it... -elsewhere- aya: ugh, this is so lame! i wanna be able to fight too! >n< Naomi: "I know. But you also know that the others have got this." *trying to put on a smile* kirako: mii still isnt home. im getting really worried...*urk* *throws up in the trash can* aya: yuck! kirako: *panting* a-aya...could you..bring me some water? aya: can do! *goes to get some* kirako: ....i guess im sick from the nerves....whenever mii goes missing for a while, something bad always follows suit... Naomi: *rubs her back* "Don't over-do it...And don't exaggerate this. Mii will be fine..." kirako: m-maybe....if the director really has gone missing... mii:....*watching from the window, and flees before being seen* -at the hospital- man: yes, i hear a mr 'osamu dazai' is staying at this hospital? Nurse: -_-# "Yep. I've heard." man: would you be willing to release him into my custody for the time being? *holds up a business card. 'Masuji Ibuse; CEO of Salamander Publishing'* i'm his benefactor! Nurse: "...I'm going to need more than a business card. Like talking to him..." -_-### nurse 2: i already told you, im not going to inject air into your blood stream! D8< masuji: found him! Nurse: *serious voice* "If you get him out of here, I'll owe you for life." masuji: leave it to me! *eye glint....even though his eyes are closed* -elsewhere- elise: *attacking fukuzawa with giant needles* fukuzawa: *slashing and dodging* i see your tastes are still as repulsive as ever. Mori: "Dear Elise...Be gentle with him." -slash slash slash- fukuzawa: ..... *slash slash dodge* Mori: *smiles* ("The Silver Wolf. Once the deadliest assassin of any government, his word moves faster than the eye...") {fukuzawa: a bodyguarding mission?} {Mori: "I heard you were capable."} {fukuzawa: well, im currently trying to start up a detective agency...im only here because mr natsume told me to...} {elise: *coloring and humming*} {Mori: "Well, if you aren't working right now, then you're skills will get dull!"} {fukuzawa: -_-# } {-the door slams open-} {man: oi, doc! my friend has been injured! you got to help him out!} {Mori: "...Very well. But this is neutral territory: I will treat all, even the one who shot him--so don't bring your fight in here." *clears hospital bed* "Get him here."} {fukuzawa:.....(thinking: something doesnt seem right here....why would mr natsume want to keep him protected?) } {...} {man 2: ugh, how annoying. he's way too stubborn to die...} {*Mori is handcuffed to a bar*} {Mori: "I have to scratch my nose..." T_T } {-WHACK-} {man 2: cut the shit, doc, this place is neutral ground, right? so you probably got info on all sorts of people. either spill the info or we spill your guts...} {man 3: now, the port mafia's armory, where is it? their leader has gone onto a rampage, and anything can easily be blamed on them, especially if we use their weapons.} {Mori: "...And unleash disaster onto this city. Tell me, where are you from?"} {man: that's not your business, <friend>} {Mori: "Ah! Now I remember! Last week, you attacked a medical transport truck, carrying drugs for the black market." *assumes a darker stare* <I like all of this city--the light and the dark. But you parasites disgust me.>} {-the door opens-} {fukuzawa:....} {man: ?! t-the guards-} {fukuzawa: they're dead.} {man 2: you back off asshole, or i'll blow his head right off!} {fukuzawa: have fun.} {Mori: D:< "WHY?!"} {fukuzawa: because you're lolicon scum.} {men: ..... KILL HIM!} {*SPLURT*} {man 3: *grk-*} {Mori: *holding his scalpel*} {fukuzawa: .....i'd say you have terrible bedside manner, but the mental images would scar me forever.} {Mori: "Give me some credit: I did get him to reveal their base, yes? I suggest retribution and counter-attack. It's what Natsume would want..."} {-...-} {fukuzawa: .....} {Mori: "...You're upset."} {fukuzawa: so much for 'you'll do just fine on your own'... there was far more people here thant you said there would be...} {Mori: "Which meant I only had to put in half the effort. Helpful, yes?"} {fukuzawa:...still. it was one battle. as long as the port mafia is still in control, people will keep getting hurt.} {Mori: "...Boy, you are innocent."} {fukuzawa: ??} elise: *attacking mori* -SLASH- elise: ah- -elise is cut into pieces- elise: rin....ta....rou..... *she vanishes* Mori: *frozen, just staring* fukuzawa:..... -*sniffles*- rintarou?: *sobbing* i dont wanna be alone! Mori: "All alone..." tomoe mori: that...that thing isnt my son....it has its fathers face. it makes me sick just looking at it. Mori: *covering his ears* "Quiet..." shizuka: hehe, mr mori~ *standing on top of a chair with her arms outstretched* Mori: "...Oh God..." shizuka: *leans forward and collapses, leaving a large blood splatter and her decapitated body and head behind* Mori: *falls back, inching back along the floor* rain: you have no one to blame but yourself for this. you tried to play god with your own ability for your own selfish desires. ougai sr: you have an obligation, rintarou. you need to live so you can continue our family legacy. former mafia boss: if you die, the mafia will be brought to chaos. you musnt allow that. Mori: *clenches his fists, shaking* fukuzawa: mori? -but....rintarou is a good boy....right?- fukuzawa: ....mori? -rintarou is a good boy, right?- -rintarou is a good boy, right?- -rintarou is a good boy, right?- -rintarou is a good boy, right?- -rintarou is a good boy, right?- -rintarou is a good boy, right?- -rintarou is a good boy, right?- -rintarou is a good boy, right?- -rintarou is a good boy, right?- Fukuzawa: mor- *FWIP* fukuzawa: !!!!!!! -several birds are scared off from outside- fukuzawa:....*collapses, a scalpel in his throat as he bleeds out* ah-...ah.... Mori: "Forgive me, Fukuzawa..." -meeeew- fukuzawa: *looks over to see....mii* mii: *mreeeeeow and streeeeetch* Mori: "A dirty trick...to get you to fall. A pity." mii:....*approaches the two* fukuzawa: c...cat... mii: *staaaaaaaaaare* -FWOOOOOSH- souseki: what in blazes do you two hooligans think you are doing?! fukuzawa: !!!!!! n..na....tsume? Mori: ._. "S-Sir?" souseki: *BONK* honestly! let a retired man live his life in peace! why do you think i left the three of you in charge for anyway? >3< Mori: "...How did you find us?" fukuzawa: sir please, im literally dying. souseki: cat-like instincts, of course! mr katai found the rat's hide out with the help of a newly found friend! fukuzawa: ka...tai? souseki: indeed. he's in the van right now. these rats are a cunning sort, let them slip out from our grasp, and it may not be so easy to find them again. now, what will you two do? fukuzawa: then...the others? souseki: i've already informed them. you have 12 hours left to make a decision. your organizations are strong in their own rights, not fit to be devoured by rats. Now both of you will prove that to me! Mori: "...I will instruct the Mafia." *turns* fukuzawa: mori......just...who are you, really? Mori: "..." *turns his head back* -there is a twisted smile on his face, but his eyes are those of a frightened and lost child- fukuzawa: .... -and so- atsushi: so then, this 'KEEK'... Dazai: "--is being held by the Rats." atsushi: and she's going to help us find the virus user and fyodor? Dazai: "Yes, she's going to help you both." atsushi: wait, both? Akutagawa: "Hello." atsushi: ._____O WHY?! IS HE HERE?! Dazai: "You two are going to save Director Fukuzawa's life!" Akutagawa: "..." atsushi: and the mafia boss-? Dazai: -_-; "I mean, if we have too..." Akutagawa: "...It is unfortunate." atsushi: uh.....oookay then? owo;; -seems they arrived- atsushi: we're this far away from the city? -there is a tunnel at the bottom of the hill. the sign reads 'Zverkov Mining- Dazai: " 'Cause Death City used to have mining operations signed on by someone else..." atsushi: so what's the plan? Dazai: "Their coal mine hideout is miles down, likely full of traps. Catch the virus ability user--or we lose the Director." atsushi: so the virus user is our main objective. Dazai: "And Fyodor only second." atsushi: so then keek is 3rd priority.... Akutagawa: "...This interloper is a grave concern..." atsushi: well....let's go for it then, right? -and so- Kunikida: "We're here." atsushi: damn, guards are all over the place... Kunikida: "Our intelligence says the guards have their vitals tied into their communication devices: if they are injured, that information is sent immediately to their source." atsushi: (thinking: so that leaves knocking them out. out of the question.) *SLAM* atsushi: MEEP! h-hey! akutagawa! where are you go- Akutagawa: "...Despite everything, you should know two things about me. First, I will not wait for you to hurry up. Second, get in my way, and you're dead." atsushi: ..... Akutagawa: *summons Rashomon--and uses it to jam down into the ground* atsushi:....!! shit! *tiger jumps in after him* man: ?? <you hear something?> Man #2: <I heard you say, 'You hear something.'> man: <fuck you misha.> -inside- atsushi: hey, wait up! dazai said we were supposed to work together on this! Akutagawa: *keeps walking fast* "...No. I have to prove myself." atsushi: ?? but- Akutagawa: "To Dazai. And to you." atsushi: ..... listen, i might not know all your circumstances, and i know dazai hadnt been the best teacher to you, but i think you can be better than just killing people mindlessly. Akutagawa: "...'Mindless'? Did you...just call _me_ mindless?" atsushi: ._.; Akutagawa: *Rashomon swirls around him* "I was a fool...to think I could work with you on this. What if I just kill you here, insist you died in battle against the enemy? Maybe then you and Dazai will respect me..." atsushi: how can i respect you if i'm dead?! and if we fight here now, the enemy will be alerted and escape! Akutagawa: "..." *stare* atsushi: why do you always resort to killing everyone in your way? you never try to improve as a person, no wonder dazai abandoned you! Akutagawa: "..." *stare intensifies* odasaku: i think you may be going a bit far there. atsushi: (thinking: wha-) odasaku: look. *CLICK* atsushi:......(thinking: shit) Akutagawa: "...Is that so?" atsushi: *wince* Akutagawa: "..." *turns swiftly* atsushi:....*imagining himself as a donkey* wait, akutagawa- ???: <nah, im technically here illegaly. gives me a place to stay, y'know?> atsushi: .____.;;; (thinking: ssssHHHHIIIIIIIT) Akutagawa: "..." *summons Rashomon* pushkin: <what the fu-> *SMACK* *GRAB* pushkin: O-O;;;; atsushi: !!! Other Guy: QXQ atsushi: wait, dont kill them! Akutagawa: "..." *has Rashomon covering their mouths* "If you speak without being asked to, or if I feel any resistance--I will kill you immediately." pushkin: QxQ *Intercom*: "Yo, 48, 49! Your vitals are a bit high. What's up?" pushkin: o-o;;; Akutagawa: "...Speak. But carefully. Your lives are barely worth a cent." pushkin: ^-^ just thought we saw a snake, that's all. hahaha! *Intercom*: "...Hmph. Whatever. I don't care whether it was a snake or you two running around--just make up for this lost time now. Over." *crackle* pushkin: *phew* so you're the black coated hellhound of the port mafia, right? atsushi: could you tell us where the virus user is? pushkin: *sweats* i didnt even know someone like that was here! we're just doing it for the money! *ZIP* pushkin: O-O;;;;;;;;;; *trembling* *squeaky voice* mother. Akutagawa: "Next time, it will be your ear." pushkin: h-hey! i dont even know what kind of place this is! atsushi: hey, take it easy! he's gonna pee himself. pushkin: D8< Other Guy: "Too late..." Q~Q pushkin: *scoots away* DUDE! D8< Akutagawa: "Explain this facility." pushkin: i think it used to be a mine, that's all i know! we're just foot guards! Akutagawa: "So you're trash." atsushi: why do you have to be so bluntly rude? Akutagawa: "Because we have to eliminate these useless impediments. Why, did you have a better idea?" atsushi: see, this is your problem! you kill first, ask questions later, the hell are you, a goddamn lawnmower? Akutagawa: "And you think you're invincible now, you bastard. When this is over, I'm turning you into a tiger rug." atsushi: see! that! that's what im talking about! when this is over, we need to teach you something other than killing people! pushkin: jeez, what's with these two? atsushi: you just shush! pushkin: OxO;;; Akutagawa: "You move, and I'll chop off your leg--" *freezes* "...I'll hit you really hard in the jaw." pushkin: that's- ...um....well, i remember seeing these heavy duty steel doors around that direction. maybe he's hiding in there? there's this really high tec fingerprint scanner too. Akutagawa: "Take us there--and the Port Mafia will reward you." pushkin: ^w^ sure thing! (thinking: this is way scary! i hope kati is having better luck...) -elsewhere- leo:... katya: uuugh, my feet hurt! we need a ride. and so- leo: *waving her arms by the side of the road* Motorcyclist: "???" *pulls over* leo: please help, my sister collapsed all of the sudden. katya: *laying face down* Motorcyclist: "?!!!" *gets off his motorcycle* "Let's help her up--" katya: *she smirks* -BANG- Motorcyclist: "..." *falls* katya: *as if in a split second, she is now behind them, holding a gun to their head* thanks chump. we'll just be taking your ride now~ leo: are you sure you can drive? katya: of course. i've been on tons of joyrides. leo: like the zambon- katya: dont. leo:...right. *sitting behind her, holding her waist to hold on* katya:.....(thinking: why do i feel like i've been beaten?) -underground, in a trailer- Fyodor: "..." *sips tea* Ivan: "How is it, Master~?" Fyodor: "Excellent as always, Vanya." -the phone rings- Fyodor: *answers* "Yes?" mafioso: both the mafia boss and agency director are MIA. only 9 hours have passed. their locations are unknown. Fyodor: "The house?" mafioso: empty. i-i told you the info, now please, help me disarm this thing! -he has a bomb collar on his neck- Fyodor: "Right, sorry. First remove the blue wire." mafioso: *doing so- *BOOOOM* -he collapses, dead- -his death rattle can be heard over the phone- Fyodor: "..." *sets the phone down* -a message comes over the communicator- katya: <boss man, we secured a ride and are heading to miss executive's estate now.> Fyodor: <Good. Remember what to do.> katya: <it shouldnt be too hard to find. the girl will lead us right to her> -elsewhere- atsushi: wow, it's even bigger in person. pushkin: phrasing, boom! *ahem* iiii'll just be going now. atsushi: how does it look, katai? Katai: *webcam* "This independent power grid will be tough, given network speeds over that portable." Akutagawa: "Our priority therefore should be finding the enemy's location, not unlocking a door that's taking time we need to find the virus uswe--before the bosses die." Katai: "Roger that, brother!" atsushi: -_-; Akutagawa: "..." (" 'Brother'?") -a voice chirps in from the phone- keek: hello? atsushi: ah! you're keek, right? keek: yes. do you need any help? Katai: "Can you hack this electrical grid?" keek: i should be able to. atsushi: how are you- keek: im using the phone of their mechanic. when i leeked the rat's location the last time, their mechanic, sasha, took the fall for me and was killed. i want to at least pay her back somehow. Katai: "..." *sniff* keek: h-hey! d-dont go getting misty eyed on us now! we-we need to focus, ok? Katai: "Y-Yes!" *typing* atsushi:.....hey, akutagawa? Akutagawa: "What?" atsushi: why do you think dazai wants us to work together? Akutagawa: "Don't overanalyze it: he chose the best combination with the highest success rate." atsushi: ....well, we did succeed on the moby dick.....although that girl.....*shakes his head* nevermind... Akutagawa: "..." {Akutagawa: *shudders, staring at the dead Rain*} {Chuuya: *holding her, sobbing*} Akutagawa: "...Whatever. Besides, you are Dazai's most trusted subordinate, so of course you'd be here." atsushi:....i...i guess......do you think....we could have saved her? {headmaster: someone who cant save one person doesnt deserve the right to live!} atsushi: .... Akutagawa: "...She was in pain." atsushi: .... keek: ok! you're in! atsushi: really?! Katai: "Um, Big Bro? Atsushi?" atsushi: yeah? keek: BEHIND YOU! pushkin: *holding a gun up, grinning* atsushi: !! *jumps to push akutagawa out of the way* -BANG- -the bullet grazes akutagawa's cheek- pushkin: oopsies~ i missed. but that's just fine! your faces are priceless! HAHAHAHAHA! Akutagawa: *growls* pushkin: *jumps into a mining cart* toodle-loo, motherfuckeeeeeers~<3 atsushi: h-HEY WAIT! *begins running after him* pushkin: *cackling as he rides off* atsushi: oh no you dont! Akutagawa: *collapsed* atsushi: !!! akuta- pushkin: didnt you ever hear not to underestimate small scratches?! Akutagawa: *summons a small bit of Rashomon as a shield--which collapses* "Wh-What...?" atsushi: w-what? !!!! (thinking: the virus?!) -elsewhere- sonia: .... Kouyou: *strokes her head* sonia: im scared. and my neck really itches. Kouyou: "Let me check..." sonia: *showing the back of her neck....nothing seems to be there....right?* Kouyou: "..." *traces a finger* sonia: *upon closer inspection, there seems to be a faded scar...* higuchi:.... !!! *has her guns out* Kouyou: "What?!" katya: how's it going <bastards?> we have an appointment with your miss executive if you dont mind~ *she has her guns out* leo: *has a knife* sonia: !!!! higuchi: i dont think so! katya: want to bet? *grins* Kouyou: "...Oh, please." *summons Golden Demon* higuchi: *aims* katya: *smirks* 10 seconds. -time seems to stop around her- -10.....9...- katya: *aims her gun at higuchi, so that the bullet grazes her* -3...2....1...- -once time resumes, the bullet grazes- higuchi: AH! *SWOOSH* katya: !! -CLANG- leo: *blocking with her knife* Tachihara: "Jeez, they let anyone in here..." katya: oi, lev, they let the bitch squad in. leo: katya, please focus. Gin: *holding a sword* Tachihara: "...I got the gremlin." katya: YOU WANNA DIE, PUNK?! Gin: *rushes* leo: please, make this quick. *clang clang slash bang bang* katya: you assholes are lucky i like toying with my foes first, otherwise you'd already be dead. hirotsu: how did you even find us here? katya: ask the brat, or rather the tracker our medic put in the back of her neck! higuchi: !!!! Kouyou: *tenses* sonia: ...... katya: why do you think fyodor left you as a loose end, brat? leo: ...... Kouyou: "Golden Demon...KILL THEM ALL!" golden demon: *slashing at leo, even decapitating her* leo: ......i only wish it were that easy. Gin: "!!!" katya: *knocked out of the window* fuck! *using her grappling gun to keep herself up* shit, that could have been bad. leo: *picks up her head and reattaches it* higuchi: what the actual fuck?! leo: my ability.....my curse. -back underground- -waltz of the flowers plays over the radio- Ivan: =W= -the walkie talkie speaks- pushkin: <oi! gon! the orders have been carried out.....gon?> Ivan: <Shh...I'm listening...> pushkin: <i infected the intruders, now what?> Ivan: <Master says: "Find your own exit."> pushkin: <seriously?! that's cold, even for him! what happens if i get caught, huh?> Ivan: <Of the Rats, only three are here: you, myself, and Master. That man-child cannot find us. And I have no interest protecting anyone but Master~> pushkin: <you really dedicate yourself to him, eh?> Ivan: <It is bliss.> pushkin: <bliss?> Ivan: <Pure happiness.> pushkin: <i know what it means, gon. jeez, i bet you'd cut off your own face for him, right?> Ivan: <If Master asked, I'd peel it off and give it to him.> pushkin:...... <gon, i meant that as a joke. jeez, you really are crazy obsessed, you _and_ the medic.> Ivan: <DON'T YOU EVER COMPARE ME TO THAT TROLLOP!> pushkin: <ow! too loud......you know she's actually pregna-OH FUCK!> Ivan: "???" <What is a pregnofuc?> pushkin: <tweedle-dumb and tweedle-dumber are catching up with me!> Akutagawa: *holding his face* atsushi: you're not getting away that easy! -BANG BANG- pushkin: <GON HELP A BRO OUT HERE PLEASE!> atsushi: *idea* *lifts up akutagawa and tiger runs for him* pushkin: OwO;;;; OH FUCK! atsushi: hold on tight! Akutagawa: "!!!" *holds on* atsushi: *running*....!?!?! are you sniffing me?! Akutagawa: "No...I'm just out of breath...Is that a new shampoo?" atsushi: DAMMIT AKUTAGAWA THIS IS NOT THE TIME FOR YOUR OBSESSIVE CRUSH ON ME. pushkin: ....nope, not gonna touch that. Ivan: *intercom* <...Are you making fun of me?> pushkin: <no! not at all.> Akutagawa: "Quiet. Go more quickly, or I'll ride you harder." pushkin: ..... PHRASING! *BOOM* atsushi: HOLY TOLITO! pushkin: took you long enough, gon! Akutagawa: o_o *pulls up on Atsushi* atsushi: *skids to a stop* what the fuck is that?! Ivan: "It is a gift from Master that is not fit for such uncivilized intruders..." atsushi:....then why are you showing us this? Ivan: "Because now that you have seen it, I have to kill you." atsushi: well now you're just being a dick. *runs after the cart* -outside- kenji: a whole bunch of cars are leaving the mine tunnels! Dazai: "..." Tanizaki: "Give chase!" Dazai: "Ignore them." kenji: ?? Tanizaki: "What?! Why?" yosano: there's a figure in a hood surrounded by guards, they're walking on foot. Dazai: "Ignore them, too." yosano: but- Dazai: "These are distractions to thin our numbers." yosano:...... -on ground- zoey: *in the hood, carrying Q on her back, who is hidden by the hood* Q: will papa be joining us? zoey: soon, sweetie. when he's done, he'll join us. you, me, and your baby sibling~ -in the tunnel- atsushi: *running* pushkin: i dont think so, kitty! *tosses something at him* atsushi: ACK! it is a paper with something written on it- pushkin: just a lil something for gon to loot from your corpse! atsushi: i dont think so- *PUNCH* atsushi: *knocked back* shit! o-ow.. *wince as the sigil of the virus is on him* f-fuck... Ivan: "All sides covered..." atsushi: *looks behind him* Ivan: *swirls together a rock spire* "I'll be kind enough to end this quickly--" *STABBED* Ivan: "!!!" atsushi: !! Ivan: *coughs...* Akutagawa: "Even the earth you stand on is thine enemy..." *tosses Ivan's corpse down* atsushi:.....something...doesnt seem right......!!!??? that's- *CRUNCH* Akutagawa: "?!!!" *looks at the corpse* "...A clay doll?" *The rock wall crumbles...a person emerges* atsushi: oooooh fuck. Ivan: "My master...brings happiness wherever he goes. Any who oppose him are the evil that must be expunged..." -outside- kenji: there's someone walking alone. i cant see their face. Dazai: "All troops--go after that person! It's him!" ???: !!!!! person: alright, game's over- .....!!!! Dazai: "Report!" person: FUCK! this guy....it's not him! it's some stranger! ???: *trembling* Dazai: "!!!!" *shaken* -underground- atsushi: *coughing* s-shit... Akutagawa: "Get up, damn it..." atsushi: *trying to stand* -quicksand forms around them- atsushi: !!! Ivan: "I think it is time we go our separate ways..." atsushi: *struggling* (thinking: i cant die here...i just cant...) Ivan: "Your strengths are impressive--so I'll let you fight to your end. I would honor your memory--but really, only one man deserves all my attention. You will be forgotten." *turns* <Goodbye.> *walks away* Akutagawa: "..." atsushi: dammit.....i cant die here.....the others....they're waiting for us.... Akutagawa: "...Why?" atsushi: we cant just let them wonder what happened to us. we have to stop those guys! Akutagawa: "No. I mean what I asked you earlier...Why do you fight?" atsushi:....i want to prove......i have some reason for living.....that man.....he's still in my head....still hurting me.......but there's someone else too. however, he's trying to help me. he tells me 'i shouldnt be someone who fights people. i should be someone who protects people.' Akutagawa: "...Rashomon." atsushi: ?? *Rashomon wraps around Atsushi* atsushi: ?!?!?! Akutagawa: "...I need _you_ to protect someone...and if you do not, I will never forgive you." -elsewhere- ranpo: ah, so many. im almost done finding them, but some of them are still evading us. Chuuya: *growls* ranpo: how you holding up, mr fancy hat? Chuuya: "...I'm going to throttle you..." ranpo: ...you're worried about that little girl, your daughter, right? Chuuya: *glare* ranpo: dazai showed me a picture. she looks a lot like her dad...i think we both know who that is.... Chuuya: "The hell is wrong with you? How can you be so...blunt?" ranpo: i just have a detective's understanding of things. Chuuya: "...I need to get home." ranpo: and you will. but im going to need your help too, ok? if not for you, then for your daughter, if not for her, then for her mother. {rain: please.....dont scare me like that anymore...} Chuuya: "...Okay, genius. What are you thinking?" -elsewhere- Ivan: ^u^ *humming* -something can be heard- Ivan: "???" *turns* "...Wait..." -wait, where the fuck did atsushi go?- atsushi: *behind where ivan is looking, in a black rashomon coat* hey. Ivan: "?!!!" *turns--* *summons a golem--* -no one?- Ivan: "..." <What the f--?> -PAWNCH- atsushi: gotcha! Ivan: D: *knocked into his own golem* -elsewhere- pushkin: *running* (thinking: this place is too crazy. 'grand chamberlain'? what even is that?! i need to get out of this place!) -the sun is rising- pushkin: !!!! (thinking: the way out! im getting out of here! wait for me out there kati-).....eh? Motojiro: "Hello~" hirotsu:.... kenji: hiya! higuchi: ... naoya: sup. ayako: mehehehehehe~ fukuzawa:..... pushkin:.......oooooohhhhhh crap. yosano: so you're our virus user, correct? pushkin: ^-^;;;; hhheeeeeeey everyone~ ^^;;;;;;;;;; please dont hurt me! have a little mercy, for the holidays? fukuzawa:.....very well. *grips fist* merry christmas, you filthy animal. pushkin: QuQ;; -too violent- pushkin: @-@ Dazai: "..." *taps Pushkin's nose* "Boop." -the virus vanishes- atsushi: *phew*.... naoya: hey kids. atsushi: MEEP! naoya: relax, jumpy, im here to help you guys find keek. Akutagawa: "...I'll take my Rashomon back now." -and so- keek: *shaking, still holding the phone* naoya:........shit....their medic fucked you up.... keek:.....*tears falling* atsushi: it's ok. we're getting you out of here... Akutagawa: "..." naoya:.....dammit! dost flew the coop. fucking hell. atsushi:.....*glances at ivan* ?? Ivan: "Hee hee hee..." naoya: the hell're you laughing at, beaky? Ivan: "I feel bliss." naoya: even though you lost? Ivan: " 'Lost'?" *giggles* "The fact that you are here shows _you_ lost." atsushi: what do you mean? Ivan: *smiles* "Who told you that you would find Master here?" -elsewhere- Fyodor: *blows over his hot drink* waitress: do you need anything else for today, sir? Fyodor: "No, thank you." -elsewhere- atsushi: so then the radio.... Ivan: "Codes." naoya: you may be fucked in the head, but that's pretty damn clever, i'll give you that much. Ivan: "I'm _blessed_ in the head." naoya: the fuck're you talkin' 'bout, beaky? Ivan: "He _improved_ my brain--removing the part that creates unhappiness~" naoya *stunned* what the fuck?! atsushi: !!!!! keek:.... naoya: *kicks him in the stomach* you people are fucking SICK!! Ivan: "Ow! ... Hee hee hee..." naoya: shit...and i thought mori was fucked up....those notes....*shudders* atsushi:...!!! ah! right! *pulls the note out, it's in russian*......i dont understand this.... Ivan: "Oh, you fools..." naoya: well then YOU read it! -<hey gon, the medic's pregnant. thought you should know. ~pushkin>- -it also has a crude doodle of pushkin's grinning face- Ivan: ……………………………………………………………….. atsushi: what? what does it say? Akutagawa: "??? What is he--" *RIP* Ivan: *has ripped out of Akutagawa's Rashomon* naoya: HOLY SHIT! Ivan: "I'M GOING TO KILL HER!" keek: !!! atsushi: OH CRAP RUN! Ivan: <I'm going to smash that fucking cunt into paste and then smear it along the walls!> Akutagawa: "..." atsushi: i dont know what he's saying, but it doesnt sound good! naoya: AKUTA MOVE DAMMIT! Akutagawa: "..." *slaps Ivan back and forth with Rashomon using a nearby table* Ivan: "I will--" *smash* "I will--" *smash* "STOP HITTING ME WITH FURNITURE!" Akutagawa: *drops a vase on Ivan's head* Ivan: "..." Akutagawa: "You seem obsessive. It is not healthy to focus on one person like that. Stop it." Ivan: "..." atsushi: ..............REALLY?!? *GOLEM-PUNCH* naoya: GUYS! MOVE IT OR LOSE IT! Akutagawa: *smashed face-first into the wall* "..." Ivan: *WHITE-EYE SCREAM* atsushi: *grabs akutagawa and runs with naoya and keek to the minecart* let's go!! Ivan: *roar of rage as he sends golems after the minecart* Akutagawa: X.X keek: *screaming* atsushi: DO NOT BE OUT COLD RIGHT NOW! Akutagawa: "..." *groans* atsushi: we could use your rashomon shield here! Akutagawa: *trying to sit up* "...Am I dead?" naoya: not yet, thank god, but we have a situation! HELP US ON OUT HERE! keek: *whimpering* naoya: easy there, kiddo, we're almost out. atsushi: come on! Akutagawa: "..." *grabs Atsushi's hand* atsushi: ?? Akutagawa: *flings him up* atsushi: *MREOW* D8> Akutagawa: *blasts Rashomon as a line directly at the Golem* "RUN!" atsushi: *running* WHAT NOW?! *Rashomon wraps around Atsushi's head* atsushi: *muffled yelling* Akutagawa: "TIGER FANGS! BITE HIM!" atsushi: .....ok then! *biting through the golem and kicking ivan back* Ivan: "UMPH!" atsushi: akutagawa! pull me back! Akutagawa: *does so--swinging Atsushi upward* atsushi: woah! naoya: hang on, kids! -the mine cart heads up the ramp and skids to a stop outside- *As the mine cart descends, Akutagawa pulls down Atsushi* atsushi: YEEP! Akutagawa: *catches Atsushi* atsushi: awawawawawa @_@ yosano: !! Dazai: "...Oh, shit...How you going to explain this to Lucy?" atsushi: wha-..... *SCREAMS* LUCY SAVE ME! Akutagawa: *intense stare* "...Maybe you could wear Rashomon again in the future?" atsushi: i would prefer not to thanks.....i need a long nap. winter vacation cant get here sooner. keek: *sniffles* Dazai: "??? ...Oh no..." keek: im.....im finally outside....*she starts crying* Dazai: "...Yosano?" Akutagawa: "...Who?" yosano:......how long have you been there? -keek explains- yosano:.....damn. that's too long.....there's not much i can do for her now... keek:.......can i....go home now? -at the cafe- Fyodor: *listens to the radio* Melville: "I see this town is taken by rats..." Fyodor: "??? Wh-Who are--" Melville: "...You owe me. A lot." Fyodor: "...I have no idea who you are. Good day--" Melville: "Moby-Dick is my ability." moby: T3T# Fyodor: "..." *slight smile* "Then I hope its departure left you devastated." Melville: "Oh, I'm not at all. But he may be." Fyodor: "???" Fitzgerald: "Greetings, Old Sport." Fyodor: … Melville: *sips his drink* Fitzgerald: "After the expenses I paid to hunt you down, and the cost of damage from Moby-Dick--you owe me a tidy sum. Although that look of shock is worth a million dollars." *smirks* ango: we'll be taking it from here, mr fitzgerald. -several armed soldiers aim their guns at fyodor- Fyodor: "..." *gets down to his knees, puts his hands behind his head* ango: you have the right to remain silent, anything said and done here will be used against you in city court. Fyodor: "...May we depart?" guard: *putting cuffs on him, grabbing his wrist* Fyodor: "...Heh." -slprt- guard: *collapses* Melville: "!!!!" guard: !!! Fitzgerald: "..." ango: hands where we can see them! try anything funny and we will shoot! Fyodor: "...I will follow your orders. Just tell me where to walk." ango:....very well..... -that afternoon- kirako: well, fyodor's been detained. atsushi:.....(thinking: i dont like the feel of this....something's wrong...) Tanizaki: Q~Q "We're so fired..." kenji: but tanizaki, we arent on fire. Tanizaki: "STOP BEING SO LITERAL!" Kyouka: "..." *puppy dog eyes* ???: hey guys, what's up? Tanizaki: "W-We have to figure out how to make sure the Director doesn't learn we attacked the Mafia-" ranpo: oh, he already knows about that. naomi: ranpo?! where were you?! ranpo: i was in poe's book again. i got out. mr fancy hat got out too, his daughter was waiting for us, she got really mad at poe and kicked him in the shin. naomi: ouch. ranpo: and if you're worried about being fired, dont, cuz he's not. though he did say he wanted to talk to us later. atsushi: any idea where dazai is? ranpo: he's making a delivery... -elsewhere- -knocks- Mrs. Harue: *looks through the eyehole* "..." *lets out a small gasp before opening the door* keek:.....m-mom..... *she's in a wheelchair* Dazai: "..." Mrs. Harue: "..." *breaks down crying, reaches for her hand* keek: *shaking and holding onto her, crying* Mrs. Harue: "Kiku...I'm sorry..." keek: i-im home....im home now.... Mrs. Harue: "Y-You are..." *hugs her, crying* Dazai: "..." *steps back* -elsewhere- sonia: ..... Chuuya: *has a black eye* sonia: papa, your eye got hurt. miss akiko can fix you. Chuuya: O_O; "...I'll let it heal on it's own." ^^; sonia: ok. miss akiko make the itchy thing in my neck go away. the bad people put a thing in my neck to find me. Chuuya: "...I'm happy they fixed that..." ("...They were using us, all this time...") sonia:.....grandma and the others got three of them.....but miss leo.....i dont think miss leo's a bad person. Chuuya: "Why's that?" sonia: she seemed sad. and she asked them not to hurt miss katya or mr pushkin. Chuuya: "Well, they do work together...People tend not to want to see people they work with hurt." -in mafia holding- pushkin: *groan* am i dead? leo: no. pushkin: ngh? lev? izzat you? leo: yes, please dont move too much, i just patched you up. pushkin: thanks. leo: ... pushkin:...lev? where's kati? leo:.....about that. katya: *wearing a muzzle and strapped to a gurney ala Hannibal lector* *ANGRY MUFFLED RUSSIAN SCREAMING* pushkin: .___.;;; leo: when we were caught, she got frustrated and started beating everyone up. pushkin: kati? you ok? katya: <<LETMEOUTIMGONNAKILLSOMEONE!!!>> pushkin: O.O; leo: katya, please dont scream so much. katya: <<nyeh?> pushkin! they caught you too, huh?> pushkin: yep. katya: <<come get this muzzle off>> -one muzzle removal later- katya: so we got beat, huh? leo: i dont know. katya: well, im glad you didnt die. i would have gotten worried, jerk. pushkin: d'aww. *A door opens down the hall* leo: ..... katya: oh great, who's gonna be the first shmuck? Gin: *enters* leo: ... pushkin: who's this punk? Gin: "Are you comfortable?" katya: you tell me, <fuckwipe> leo: i suppose. pushkin: eh, better than nothi- *CLENCHED* pushkin: GRK- leo: !!! katya: OI! LET GO OF HIM, BITCH! Gin: "Quiet." *turns back to Pushkin* "The boy with the dark hair: why did you attack him?" pushkin: boss's orders, why? Gin: *tightens her grip* "Why him specifically?" leo: please, stop it! pushkin: l-like i said, boss said, to eliminate intruders- Gin: "..." *tosses Pushkin back* pushkin: *cough* katya: LET ME DOWN FROM HERE SO I CAN KICK YOUR BITCH ASS INTO NEXT WEEK! Gin: "..." *looks at Leo* "You. How many others are there?" leo: ........ Gin: "Is anyone going to come for you?" leo: ......i dont know. they dont know where we are.... Gin: "...How do you contact them?" leo: we dont have any means to do that, since you confiscated our communicators, plus the signal on them was cut. Gin: "Cut by whom?" leo: our leader, most likely. katya: <BASTARD SENT US ON A GODDAMN SUICIDE MISSION!> D8< pushkin: um...kati- katya: *SCREAMING OUT LOUD WITH WORDS FAR TO VULGAR FOR ME TO TYPE HERE* *pant*...*pant....*pant*..... pushkin: you ok there? you get it all out of your system? katya: =A= *replying grunt* leo: ....*sweatdrop* Tachihara: *peeks over* "...Yo." leo: ?? katya: oh greeeeeat, THIS asshole again! Tachihara: "How y'all doing?" pushkin: in jail. 'cept the ninja. leo: *sweatdrop* Tachihara: "Cool, cool..." *stares at Leo* leo:... ?? Tachihara: "What's your story, beautiful?" leo: e-excuse me? ._.; Tachihara: "What you in for? Maybe I talk to the boss and get you out for good behavior..." leo: i-i really dont- Motojiro: "I'm here!" leo: e-eh? Tachihara: -_-; katya:...*gives pushkin a 'wtf' look* pushkin:...*shrugs* Motojiro: "And I want to share with you science's greatest achievement. What do you think that is?" leo: um...i-i, er- pushkin: oh! a bottle that you squeeze and it gives the middle finger? OuO katya: a gun that shoots knives? Tachihara: "Infinity booze?" Motojiro: *holds up a lemon* leo: .... Motojiro: "Note the perfect color and shape! It is the ideal!" leo: .....um.... ._.; katya:...is this guy on coke or some shit? Motojiro: "I'm high on science!" leo: um..... *blinks* pushkin: im confused, and im gonna take a nap. Motojiro: *stares at Leo* leo: ....y-yes? Motojiro: "...Want to bake a cake with me?" leo: um...arent i a prisoner here? Motojiro: "I'm sure we can work something out~" Tachihara: .-.; "...Was 'baking' code for something?" katya: go asking us. pushkin: *asleep* Motojiro: "I will take you away from this life, to a farm upstate, where the lemons roam free along the Nevada grasslands." leo: ....................................*blinks* Tachihara: "Dude, I saw her first!" leo: u-um... ._.;;;; Motojiro: "Well, obviously, I am learning from your errors to reenact the experiment with greater success!" *CLUNK* leo: ah... ._.; Gin: -_-# "Ignore them." *drags them away* leo:...... naoya: *sigh* just cant help themselves in front of a pretty face. leo: ..... -elsewhere- Ivan: "..." *smacks his head with his fists* -silence- Ivan: "..." *sobs, collapses to his knees* -that girl doesnt mean a thing to him. he told you himself, remember?- *Golem rises* golem: ~master has a reason for doing this, right?~ Ivan: "H- He has to...Or this is all...empty." golem: ~right! he has to! so dont feel sad, vanya! he'll come back for you for certain!~ Ivan: "...R-Really?" golem: ~he promised he would! you heard him, right? right?~ -elsewhere- Kunikida: "...The hell?" aya: mail call! atsushi: .____________.;;;;;;;;;;;; Dazai: "What'd we get?" atsushi: *trying not to faint* ranpo: 'manhasset security'....oh sweet! Invites! Kunikida: "Into the den of our enemies?" atsushi: 'consider them a pre-apology gift' .......... Kunikida: "...That's ominous." atsushi: .____.;;;;; Dazai: "Huh." atsushi: ...oh, dazai, you said you wanted to ask me something? Dazai: "I wanted to know...what was it like working with Akutagawa?" atsushi:......*excalibur face* Dazai: "That bad?" atsushi: ...... {atsushi: six months?} {Akutagawa: "Then I will kill you."} {atsushi: ....i dont get it. you love me, yet you want me dead.} {Akutagawa: "...I love you. But you do not want me. So, if I want to possess you, I have to kill you before anyone else can have you."} {atsushi: that's really messed up, logic......look, you've been hurt in the past. i get that, but like you said, you arent bound by the past. all you can do is go forwards. i think we can help you get better about all of this.} {Akutagawa: "...How?"} {atsushi: dont kill anyone in those six months, and we'll give you a chance.} atsushi: and that's what happened... Dazai: "..." *smiles* "A Mafia member not killing? Huh..." odasaku:...*faint smile* -inside- kirako: i dont know what to say. yosano: well, just tell him up front. kirako: i guess.... atsushi: kirako? are you feeling any better? kirako: well, yosano took a look at me. and well....is dazai with you? Dazai: *pops up behind Atsushi* "What up?" kirako: well, i figured out why i've been sick for the past few days. yosano: *gives him a look* Dazai: ?? kirako: *inhales and sighs* dazai, im pregnant. atsushi: *looks at dazai, then kirako, then back at dazai* naptime~! *faints* Dazai: *catches Atsushi* "...Babies?" *faints as well* kirako: ....*facepalm* Kyoka: *pops up behind couch* "I knew it." yosano: h-how did she- Kyoka: "I'm. Every. Where. ..." *opens a bag of chips with "Rampo" written on it* -elsewhere- dia: ......*in the elevator, heading down* ...... ???: "..." dia:......*staring at the floor* it's been a while.... Fyodor: *smiles* <I'm glad you remember me. You look well.> dia: ..... <i honestly wish i could forget...> Fyodor: <...I have given you nightmares?> dia:....*still looking at the floor, biting her lip* Fyodor: <Who found you? Or were you homeless?> dia: <the uniform should explain it.> Fyodor: <What rank are you?> dia: ........... Fyodor: *smiles* <I still remember that little girl...> dia: *grips her sleeves, trying to keep calm* Fyodor: <I would hope I look better now. I mean, at least I'm not covered in blood~> dia: *hard gulps, sweating slightly* <you're behind bars, you cant hurt me out here.> Fyodor: <Is that right?> dia: ..... Fyodor: <I guess I'll just have to get used to my new home. If you have been able to adjust here, I suppose I can, too.> dia: .... *Something falls behind her* dia: *jumps back and looks* *It's an empty metal cup* dia: .....*trying to recompose herself* Fyodor: "Some of the other inmates can be quite disorganized, leaving their utensils lying around." dia: ......i just have one thing to ask of you. why? the staff, i understand, but why the other children? Fyodor: "..." <Because how would I grow otherwise?> dia: ..... <did you kill anna too?> Fyodor: <...No.> dia:.... <where is she now?> Fyodor: *smiles* <Why should I tell you?> dia: ........ Fyodor: <A trade, perhaps.> dia: ?? Fyodor: <I tell you were Anna is, and you do something for me.> dia: ..... <what do you want?> Fyodor: <A message.> dia: ?? Fyodor: <I'll need time to write it out. Just think about it, and come back and see me.> dia: .......*exiting* .....*still shaking* Fyodor: *sighs* -elsewhere- vivian: are you ready, torry~? ^^ Kishiri: "All set! Where to?" vivian: how about the mall? kayoko: ..... *glares and gives kishiri the 'im watching you' sign* Kishiri: "Okay, but on one condition." *then notices Kayoko* ._.;;; "Um...N-Nevermind." ^^; "Let's get going." *holds her hand* vivian: yay! ^u^ Kishiri: Q_Q ("I just wanted something fun, then that person glared at me...") tao: *hanging by her monkey tail in the tree* they gonna be ok? kayoko: they'd better be. Hibana: "Something up?" kayoko: i dont trust that boy. gabriella: neither do we. Hibana: "...Join the club." *holds up a bottle of wine* -elsewhere- Black Star: *staring into koi pond* tsubaki: *sigh* still no sign of this demon. i feel we've been here for days.... Black Star: "Well, we got one more spot to check--" *spots someone* "Oh, hey, look at that person." tsubaki: ?? *glances over* *There is a person cloaked in white, holding an umbrella* tsubaki: ....something's wrong..... Black Star: *glances at them, then the pond* tsubaki:....black*star......there's.... Black Star: "Yeah?" -the person in white....isnt reflected in the pond- Black Star: "...That's freaky..." tsubaki: .....!! it's them! Black Star: "!!! Let's do this..." tsubaki: *sword form* Black Star: "You're coming with us!" Magaki: *sighs* <About time.> *holds their umbrella--and jabs it at Tsubaki's blade form* tsubaki: *screams* Black Star: "Tsubaki!" Magaki: "!!! Wait..." *leans forward--and inhales* tsubaki: ??!! Magaki: "..." *smiles, opening their mouth--revealing sharp teeth* tsubaki: !!!!!! Magaki: <The Uncanny Sword finally has returned...> tsubaki: ?!?! <what?> Magaki: *grabs the sword bare-handed--sending light through it* tsubaki: ?! Magaki: *closes their eyes* "Yes...Multiple abilities, right? Multiple weapons...I want..." Black Star: *trying to kick Magaki away--* -tsubaki changes back- Black Star: "Wow!" *falls back* tsubaki: ... ???!!!! w-what? i cant...the sword.... Magaki: "..." *holds out their hand...it lights up* tsubaki: .... !!!!! Magaki: *fashions a version of the Uncanny Sword along their hand* "...It's a start." *The pool reflects just the portion of the Uncanny Sword, not their entire body* tsubaki: ?!?! what....what even are you? Magaki: "..." *smiles, showing their teeth* "I think you're familiar with my kind..." tsubaki: .....a vampire? no....you dont seem like a subclass, or a servamp..... Magaki: *chuckles* "Servamps, subclasses...Is that all you know? You're experiences with them is so limited." *sniffs* "But...given how you smell, maybe you _are_ more experienced with them than I thought." tsubaki: *uneasy* Magaki: "I have missed so much...Sunlight. A reflection. But your abilities can unlock so much in me...I want it all." tsubaki: *looks over at black*star* Black Star: "Not a chance!" *rushes at Magaki* *tackled* Black Star: *knocking her into the sunlight* "I got you--" Magaki: *screams, as they are lighting up on fire--which is also burning Black Star's hands* tsubaki: ...!!! black*star, stop! Black Star: "Ow!" *With Black Star distracted, and their body injured--Magaki bites into Black Star's neck* tsubaki: !!!!! STOP IT! *attacking magaki* Black Star: *blood pulled out from him, as he holds his burnt hand to his neck* Magaki: *backs up, kicking at Tsubaki--Black Star's blood has restored them from the burning of the sunlight* tsubaki: black*star, are you ok?? Magaki: *backs away into the shadows* Black Star: "I-I'm fine..." *blood is still pouring from his neck wound* tsubaki: we need to get you to the hospital! *Magaki has already disappeared* Black Star: *shakes his head, barely able to focus* "N-No...Capture...them..." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "..." naoya: how're you feeling? Akutagawa: "...How do you get stronger?" naoya: like physically or something else? Akutagawa: "...That quicksand person could have drowned me. And my...attention on the Were Tiger is making me weak." naoya: hey, its ok to make mistakes, akuta. Akutagawa: "...How do you learn from mistakes?" naoya: aah, that's a good question. Akutagawa: "For example, he made me promise something." naoya: oh? Akutagawa: "No killing." naoya: ah... and what did he say he'd to in return? Akutagawa: "...He'd consider...um..." naoya: ?? Akutagawa: "...A relationship." naoya: ...you really like this boy, huh? Akutagawa: "...I don't know. I want to try at least." naoya: ...then you just leave the murder to me, kiddo. ^^ Akutagawa: "..." TT_TT "Thank you." -elsewhere- Lucy: "How did it go?" atsushi: well, we managed to stop the virus. and i did have that talk with akutagawa. here's hoping it goes well. *sighs and lays on her lap* Lucy: "..." *strokes his head* "Whatever happens, we'll deal with it." *small scratch behind his ear* atsushi:....im sorry. i know, im not really the fairy tale prince you might have hoped for, but i really do like you a lot. *hugs* Lucy: *hug, strokes his back* "Hey. I know it's not the best compliment I can pay, but maybe it's like Beauty and the Beast...Tiger." atsushi: ... .///w///.; -elsewhere- Dazai: *holding an ice pack to his head* yosano: well? feeling better? Dazai: "...How did this happen?" yosano: trust me. you _know_ how this happened. 7_7 Dazai: -_-# "...What do I do?" yosano: well, kirako's going to need a lot of support and help from us all. the least you can do is help as well. Dazai: "...I'm not the father type. That's...I didn't have role models...None that are still here..." yosano: well, once upon a time, neither was fukuzawa, yet here he is now. Dazai: "...Fukuzawa wasn't handling babies. Minus Kunikida." yosano: then i suppose it will be a learning experience for all of us. Dazai: *groans* "I'm an idiot." yosano: ?? Dazai: "Getting Kirako pregnant. I'm not ready for this. She's going to hate me...like everyone." yosano: now now, she doesnt hate you. Dazai: "I got her pregnant because I didn't put something on my Little Dazai--if it was me, I'd hate me." yosano: ....*sigh* dazai, so you made some mistakes, everyone does. Dazai: "..." *turns over on the couch* yosano:.... well, you get some rest then. it's been a long night for all of us. Dazai: *stares at the couch's cushions* -elsewhere- Tachihara: "No sign of the boss?" higuchi: no. still missing in action. hirotsu took up the helm of temporary leader until we find him....... Gin: "..." Motojiro: "But he'll be back. Right?" higuchi: ....probably. kouyou: he has to, right? i mean, he wouldnt just abandon us...would he? Tachihara: "...Want to take bets?" -elsewhere- Katai: TTWTT aya: nice to finally meet you, mr katai! i'm aya! *holds out her hand to shake* Katai: *takes her hand carefully* "As well. I-I'm not used to being away from my home..." aya: well you're back now! right kunikida?....kunikida? Kunikida: *staring blankly* aya:....kunikida? are you ok? you've been acting weird since you got back. Kunikida: "I-I'm...I'm..." aya: ......*looks at katai* Katai: "..." *clears his throat* "Aya, I have some food we could share?" aya: ok! i'll see what we got-... *sniff* >x<;; Kunikida: "...Katai, when did you last _clean_ your place?" Katai: .\\\. "Um...A week before I was shot?" aya:....dude, this expired two months ago! Katai: "I was busy researching!" T_T -elsewhere- Black Star: *unconscious in hospital bed* tsubaki: ...... Doctor: <He lost a bit of blood. Those burns will need time to heal...> tsubaki:....*covers her mouth and sighs* <i see.....> (thinking: i could have stopped this...why didnt i-?) Doctor: <I will update you on his recovery. But it may be some time...> -elsewhere- sonia: *petting mito* mito: *mewl* Chuuya: "..." *shudders* sonia:.... ?? papa? Chuuya: "...Yes?" sonia:...do you want to pet mito, too? Chuuya: "..." *nods, pets Mito* mito: *purrs* sonia:.....*hugs* were you scared, too? Chuuya: "Yes...So much." sonia: but you're ok now, right? Chuuya: "...Yes." *hug* sonia: im ok too. Chuuya: "Th-That's all I want..." sonia: ...can we watch some christmas movies now? Chuuya: "Heh...Sure. I got a few tapes pulled out..." -elsewhere- Mori: "..." -the old clinic is silent...still....stagnant...- Mori: "..." *pushes a chair* -some dust falls from being disturbed- Mori: *looks under the desk...and sees a crayon* {elise: hey, rintarou?} {Mori: "Hmm? Yes, Elise?} {elise: do you think i might ever grow up?} {Mori: *playful* "Why would you want to do that?"} {elise:....just thinking about stuff, i guess. i mean, you got to grow up, but i didnt.} {Mori: "But you get to be young..."} {elise: ...*sigh* i guess...} Mori: *picks up the crayon, sets it among the dust on his desk...stares at his hand* -silence- Mori: *looks up, seeing a cracked mirror...he can see wrinkles under his eyes* "..." -elsewhere- Burns: "Where did you run off to?" dia: ....my apologies, commander. a-a personal matter came up....i-i'll refrain from letting that happen again.... Burns: *nods* "If it could not be helped...I left paperwork and mail with you: review and complete it." dia: understood, sir. *One letter is addressed to Dia* dia: ?? *examining it* *The return address is listed as "Mr. Bartleby c/o The Tombs" in New York City. There is a small symbol next to this address--it looks like a whale* dia: ?? *opening it and reading* *Mr. Bartleby*: "Dear Ms. Volkov: My supervisor has come into possession of some documents regarding your prior stay at a facility in Russia. We think they would be valuable towards one of your future meetings with an associate of ours. Please meet with them at the address listed to receive these materials." dia: ......*examining the address* *The address is a Deathbucks near the courthouse district* dia: .... -elsewhere-
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