#'but snap saying nishitani is sexy contradicts your tier list' ok and shut up 😭
todayisafridaynight · 2 years
So we talked about this in the dragon ball channel but is there a sexy character in the Yakuza world?… and is it either Ichiban or Daigo. I know Goro was voted sexiest, but I can’t imagine anyone in the games going Gaga for him.
there's a lot to unpack here so let's go through it bullet by bullet <3
1.) thank you and others for referring to my blogs as 'channels' i genuinely love it
2.) ichiban and daigo could never be sexy in my terrible eyes. ichiban makes me too happy and giddy esp with his gamer disease to ever have sex appeal and daigo is like a son to me. my cringe fail son. cannot ever see him getting laid he's just like his father (kazuma kiryu). ichi's english voice gets points tho cause SOMETIMES it hits different I Cannot Tell A Lie but not enough for me to call ichi as a whole sexy
3.) majima had a wife once so canonically he is fuckable but we're not going to get into it and it's not cause i dont want to talk about majima fucking (i mean thats a true statement also but not the main reason iykyk). is he sexy though Like. Objectively I Guess. i'm squinting at my wall and putting my biases aside and saying I Guess x2
4.) i made a Baddie Baddies tier list and i got booed for it so my opinion is not to be trusted when it comes to these matters 😔. you can look at it tho
5.) nishitani
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