#'athena manipulated olympics politics in a way that made zeus look BAD and not just in a 'he lost' way'
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Y'know, I don't think Zeus claimed Athena disrespected him just because she won the game. Like, he's definitely a big sore loser baby, but I'm preeeetty sure it's not that she won the game, it's because the WAY she won the game was by leveraging the fact that he constantly cheats on his wife to get Hera to vote free Odysseus. THAT'S where the "disrespect" comes in. Not by winning, but by winning via reminding Hera that he's a lying cheating scumbag, hitting his marriage and more importantly to him, his sex life (aka, hitting him where it'll actually make him hurt)
#NO ONE take this as defending zeus. he deserves for athena to wreck his marriage and is still a sore loser baby.#but I think it's a disservice to reduce the risk Athena took to just 'zeus is a big sore loser' rather than#'athena manipulated olympics politics in a way that made zeus look BAD and not just in a 'he lost' way'#epic the musical#epic the wisdom saga
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Crossover Harry Potter/Heroes of Olymp
Next idea. But in the beginning, I have to say, I didn’t read the Harry Potter books at all and never really saw a whole movie. Shame on me. And I never really have the time, I mean yes, I could watch it now and so, but I want to do a marathon, it isn’t really the smartest idea, but who cares? So all the stuff I know about Harry Potter is because of Fanfic and Google. I love Draco Malfoy Fics, just because. And this one is too gonna be about Draco. I think Draco became a death eater in fifth year, if I calculated it correctly. But eh, it’s midnight, and I should be sleeping because I’m tired as fuck. Do I care? Nah, not really. Okay so, prepare for long idea and pure mindblow. And another information, Percy Jackson is female (I love these fics) and is called Rhea Atalante Jackson.
So, let’s get started. First, Lucius Malfoy blood adopted Draco. Now you ask, who is his real father? Motherfucking Jupiter. Narcissa knows and raises Draco with stories about the myths. So basically, the reason why Lucius is such an asshole to Draco is because he’s not his trueborn son. To please his father and fool all the other purebloods families, Draco acts like a brat. He still isn’t the biggest fan of muggleborns, but doesn’t hate them. He would really like to be friends with Harry and Hermione, because they are smart and loyal and all the stuff. Ron not so, but yeah, he has to act like they way he acts.
Anyway. When Draco became ten, his mother brought him to Lupa, he passed the test and went to New Rome. There he learned to fight, met his half brother, Jason, and did all the roman stuff they do there. So basically he’s in the summer holidays with his roman family. When he’s twelve, his real father gifts him with a ring. If he pulls it of his finger, it becomes a sword. If he turns the ring right (still on his finger) it becomes a spear, and if he turns left, the ring becomes a bow.
Because Draco went to Hogwarts, he ‘missed’ the Second Titan war. His mother doesn’t want that Dumbledore discovers that there are half bloods. But he still sneaked out and helped the romans as good as he could. And yeah, everything happens a year earlier, so in the Second Titan War, Rhea is fifteen.
Anyway, Voldemort rises and he asks for help. And he knows exactly who.
When the gods are bored, they go to the mortal world and they are often bored. So there is no surprise, when the gods made themself a name in the wizarding world. A random first name and as the family name Olýmpios. Which means olympian. How creative (*cough* I just don’t have better ideas *cough*) Anyway. The stories say, that magic started in greece, with the godess Hecate. And these Olýmpios are descendants of gods. As an example, Poseidon just says he’s a descendant of Poseidon and he’s really good with potions and all water spells. You get it? So, everybody knows, that the greek and roman wizards are the most powerful ones and also have the biggest population. Because they don’t care about this pureblood shit, as they say, for them it’s just important, that the family grows and that they have a heir. Ouf- now let’s go to Voldemorts plan.
So, Voldemort asks for help, and the olympians (well, Zeus, Hades and Poseidon) tell him to fuck of. They had a war, tell him this, and they don’t want to go in a other one. When Voldemort then asks just for like three wizards, like the children of the big three, Poseidon nearly explodes. Because no, his daughter deserves a break! Voldemort almost pisses himself. Well, not almost. He did piss himself. Hades surprisingly is the diplomatic one and says him, he can come a year later. But then Zeus finds out, that Voldemort wants to make Draco a death eater and warns him. If he marks children, they will be at war. Voldemort doesn’t really take him seriously and just nods. Because he’s dumb and thinks he’s the greatest.
So anyway, the whole shit for the Secon Giant war starts, the two camps prepare. Draco finally meets Rhea and the everyone starts betting, when the world ends (destroyed) or they two come together. Draco helps as good as he can in the war, but still has to be careful with Dumbledore and Harry, especially, when Dumbledore molded Harry in the perfect little hero. (Personally, I think Dumbledore is a manipulative litte shit)
Anyway (so many anyways)
The war ends after the fifth year in Hogwarts. Voldemort wants to make Draco a death eater but he informs his father. Mysteriously it storms in England for nearly a week. So, the big three come to the Malfoy Manor (I think Voldemort stays there?) and burst in the middle of a meeting. (Snape is no part of this) Rhea, Jason and Nico are also there, dressed as former preator, ‘priest’ and ambassador of New Rome. The three gods stare Voldemort down, the death eaters just look at the six with wide eyes, until Nico casually says, that Voldemorts soul looks really sick.
“Father, his soul... it’s broken... he should be dead, but... there are missing peaces...” Most of the death eaters understand what he means and don’t really care.
“Say, Voldy... how did you manage that, when you’re not even a part of a purebood family. As I know, there is no way, muggles can split souls in six? Seven parts?”
Slowly everybody turns to Voldemort, who begins to sweat. Now he fucked up. He sees, how the Olýmpios are glaring at him, but the girl just grins. So he does the most stupid thing and attacks her, uses the Imperius Cruse, well he tries. He orders her, to kill her family and she slowly takes out her pen, it becomes her sword and looks with a blank face at her father. Voldemort grins smugly, but then sees, that her father doesn’t try to defend himself. Before he knows, Rhea attacks him. His followers watch helplessly, how he’s dying.
“Never, never try to control someone with the blood of gods, you stupid, ugly, noseless bitch.”
Voldemort is wheezing, but Hades doesn’t let him die. The Olýmpios are summonding all the Horcruxes and destroy them before his eyes. But the final blow was, when Voldemort tried to make one of the Olýmpios against his will to a death eater. Within minutes, Voldemort lost all the support he once had. When all his crimes were exposed, Rhea rammed Riptide in his neck.
Naturally now everyone wants to know, who the other Olýmpios is, so Draco stands besides his brother and father. Zeus explains everything in short words, glaring at everyone, especially at Lucius.
But now the former death eaters have a problem... what to do now? Rhea suggests that they just pretend to be death eaters, until they come up with a new plan. They imidiatly agree, because she was the one who killed Voldemort, resisted an Imperius Cruse and is an Olýmpios. Basically the next Dark Lady.
ugh- I already wrote so much, but I’m not even in the middle, I think...
The three brothers brainstorming (sure a funny thing) and then explain their plans to their children. The magic world is pretty fucked up, this whole pureblood shit is just one thing. But the biggest problem, the idea that the light wizards are good and the dark ones are the bad. Which is not true. Every wizard and every witch is born with a core and this core has a color, between black and white. When you have a dark core, dark spells and rituals are more powerful then the light ones. The same thing with the light cores. And a grey one is just in the middle. Magic is not bad, magic just exists. Use it for good or for bad. Use it for selfish reasons or help others. So, the three gods want the wizarding world to realise that.
Jason has a job to do, Hades wants Nico near to him, which leaves Rhea. She doesn’t want another quest, but when Darco said, he would help her, she just shrugged. So, why not?
Rhea will now attend to Hogwarts, the sixth year. Together with Darco she expands her power and the power of her family and operate in the shadows. (spooky and mysterious) Before Zeus goes back to Olymp, he gifts Draco with a dragon, saying every wizard should have a familiar. (It’s basically Toothlees frome how to tame a dragon, but like twice the size)
So, Rhea begins plotting and in this fic I think, that Rhea is still the cheery demigod but after Tartarus, there is something underneath that. Naturally she tries to hide it, but now, in the middle of politics and all that stuff, she can be ruthless and destroy everybody, who stands in her way. And if something goes wrong, Draco was still near and he can hold up with her. (because he’s a demigod and has magic, so he’s nearly or as powerful as Rhea)
She let’s all the former death eaters swear on styx, that they will never reveal something about the Olýmpios, not without their permission. And then she let’s the biggest bomb drop. She’s the daughter of Poseidon and Draco the son of Jupiter. The wizards and witches are losing their shit, because they have been in the same room with three fucking gods and then the most powerful ones! So, Rhea tells about her world, who she fought, who she pissed of and so on. Draco is grinning like a cheshire cat, when he realizes, that the respect her more, than anybody else. And she didn’t even really realize it, until he told her.
So... Rhea and Draco are pulling strings, making their group bigger and even get some trustworthy ‘light’ wizards and witches in. Slowly but steady they began to expand, word travels fast, after all. And then the 1st September came. Hecate blessed her, giftet her with a wand, but told her she wouldn’t really need it. Poseidon gifted Rhea with a hawk, because owls still hate her (yk, Athena) and brought her to the King’s Cross Station. For the first time Rhea saw her father in a suit, which was totally weird for her. But her father wanted to play with mortals, showing their powers of and such. (a little bit Drama Queen style, but who cares?) So, there is a tall, muscular man, good looking and totally rich and has a gorgeous daughter at his side. She’s wearing a blue woman suit (she began to love them, she looks really badass in them) on her shoulder a hawk and smiling at Draco Malfoy. Nearly everyone observed the Malfoys interact with the two strangers. When then also Blaise Zabini with his mother came and greeted the two, even more tried to listen their conversation. Well, tried. Rhea said good bye to her father with a hug, nodded to the other three adults, while they muttered ‘my lady’. She forced herself to smile, oh how she hated, when someone called her my Lady.
So the three of them stalking of to the train like royality, which they are... well, Blaise was a grandson of Aphrodite, but yeah. So, the three talking in ancient greek, because they are sure some of the students understand more then just latin spell words. Naturally we need some drama, so one Pansy Parkinson please. She asking, who the bloody Merlin this girl is.
“Oh, my apologies. My name is Rhea Atalante Jackson, pleasure to meet you.” Pansy naturally sneered.
“You gather yourself with a mudblood?” Darco is smirking, while Blaise just chuckles.
“Bold of you to asume, that Rhea is a muggleborn, Parkinson.”
“The Jacksons are a small but wealthy pureblood family in America”, which was true, but her mother had been adopted, nobody needed to know that.
“And it is the name of my mother. I am sure you saw my father, no? Well, he is one of the heads of a big greek and roman family.” Pansy paled, she knew exactly, what Rhea hinted.
“But it is good to know, what people truly think, when they see a normal person, no?” Rhea grinned her famous wolf grin, the other girl just fleed.
Word spread like fire and when they arrived, everybody seemed to know, that an Olýmpios was now going to Hogwarts. Well, almost everybody. The golden trio didn’t know. And here comes the next drama. The three are whispering about the new girl, after Ron pointed at her.
“I’m sure, she’s just another pureblood who hates muggleborns”, said Hermione stifly. Rhea smirked and walked next to the three.
“My mother never knew, she had magic, because her parents died, when she was very young and she was adopted, so I lived like a muggle. I had an abusive step-father and was seen as a freak. I meet my father in age of twelve and was nearly killed by my uncles. In age of fiften I fulfilled a prophecy, this summer again. I lived through two wars, lost many friends and loved ones. I am not just another pureblood... I am from the pureblood family. My father is a descendant of Poseidon and so am I. I am an Olýmpios, a descendant of the big three. I have more power than any of you. And we Olýmpios don’t hate muggleborns, we are open minded, not like you, Miss Granger. Prejudices do not help you in the world, I am sure, such a smart witch like you should know that. A good day.” Rhea grinned at Draco, while she walked to him. She hated to talk so formaly, but hey! She also loved to be sassy and piss people off.
The next thing full of drama was her sorting. She would’ve really appreciated, when they did this in private, not when the whole school watched. Because... she also pissed of the sorting hat. Somehow. She told him, not to dig too deep into her memories and not to judge her, but did he listen? No, he saw Tartarus and yelled (the whole school heard it) “What in Merlins name did you down there? Girl, are you mad?”
“Hey! I told you not to-”
“And this! You fought against-” Rhea wanted to kill the hat, while he babbled more.
“Oh, girl! Either you are really really dumb or just too loyal for your own good. It runs probably in the family.” Rhea decided to ignore the comment at the end.
“Well, somebody once told me, I would destroy the world for a friend.” The hat frowned, while the whole school watched.
“Or you would kill yourself, dear Merlin-”
“You nearly killed a bloody go-”
“Don’t! Just tell me, where the Hades I should go!”
“Hmmm... interesting, rather- oh!” Rhea pinched the bridge of her nose by the dramatics of the sorting hat.
“Soo... you are the most loyal witch I ever saw! You are also very brave and smart! But Ravenclaw isn’t the right thing, you are more into battle strategies... hmmm... now... the Gryffindors wouldn’t really survive you and the Hufflepuffs are too proper for you... SLYTHERIN!”
“Thank the gods, fuckin’ talkin’ hat, I swear to Hades, this is just my dam life”, she muttered, while she walked to the Slytherin table. Her housemates cheered loudly, they had an Olýmpios in their house after all.
Hogwarts was Rhea’s favourite school. Nobody tried to piss her off, the headmaster was shit but didn’t talk to her, most teachers were alright or even good. Magic was a funny thing and oh- how she loved, that many teachers were pissed but also impressed that she wrote in ancient greek. But she decided to play nice and wrote in Latin, which impressed her teacher even more. Her and Draco often snuck out in the middle of the night to train and to spend time with Blackjack and Dracos dragon, Nightwing. They killed some monsters, spoke with some centaurs in the forbidden forest and planned new steps.
So. And while all this shit happens there is some sexual tension between Draco and Rhea. Both don’t realise it, until Blaise literally shouts in their face, that they should finally kiss. They do. After some cute awkwardness.
Oh boy- so much... anyway
The two finish 6th school year as a couple, after some drama with other girls. In summer Rhea and Draco hold some meetings and explain, what exactly is their goal. Like, plan the fall of Dumbledore (who still didn’t realize Voldy is dead) and his followers, beat some sense into Harry and spread the Olýmpios’ way of magic through the wizarding world.
And then comes the final year. Probably much drama and some helpless golden trio, which has no idea, what the fuck is going on. Rhea doesn’t care, she watches how the chaos unfolds. In the meanwhile, some of her followers work together with Rita Seeker, to expose Dumbledores crimes. It takes some time, to find all witnesses and proofs, but in the middle of the school year, there is a big article from Seeker. It hurts Dumbledores reputation pretty much, the world finds out, that their hero was placed with abusive muggles and so on.
Dumbledore tries to reduce the damage, but then comes again an article. And again and again. Dumbledore watches helpless, how he looses all his power and followers. Well almost. Hermione can’t belive it, Ron just doesn’t care but Harry has his doubts. He dugs a little deeper and finds out, that the parents never have been notified, when something happend in the school. Harry distances himself from his friends and Dumbledore, who now panics. The hero of the magic world won’t follow him anymore! Rhea takes a swing and talks with him, about nearly everything. He asks about her prophecies and how war really is, how it is to kill someone and all this deep stuff. And he decides, that this Rhea Olýmpios really isn’t like other purebloods. She’s kind, nice, friendly and a talented witch. Slowly, he spends more time with her, which leads automatically to be with other Slytherins, like Draco or Blaise. But Harry doesn’t care anymore. And he sets something in motion, now every house tries to connect more with the others. Well, they try, but Gryffindors are mostly jerks. Harry also admits, before some people, that he would be in Slytherin but asked the hat to sort him with his friends. Word travels fast and now everybody thinks, that Slytherins aren’t that bad. I mean, the hero of the britain wizarding world and an Olýmpios are in this house, so it can’t be that bad.
Dumbledore finally has a talk with Rhea, where she tells him, that Voldemort is dead. He doesn’t belive it, but she just shruggs and tells him, she was the one who killed him. After all, he tried to control her and wanted her to kill her family. Dumbledore is absolutly taken back and has no idea, what to do now. All his hard work, for nothing! While he panics, Rhea just smirks and watches again the chaos to unfold.
Rhea goes again to Rita Seeker and makes an interview. She tells the world, that she killed Voldemort, because he threatend her family and wanted to go at war with them, just because they didn’t support him. She also tells, that she had been already in two wars and doesn’t wants another one. The witches and wizards are losing their shit, everyone tought it would be Harry who would kill him. But then an Olýmpios and just ends this? She also tells about the Olýmpios way to use magic. Many agree with that, Dumbledore and his closest followers just panic, while many literally begin to worship Rhea. It gains her even more respect, when she tells them all to fuck off, she killed Voldy, it’s okay now, please move on.
So, we’re nearly in the end.
When almost the whole magic world follows the way of the Olýmpios, Rhea reveals the final truth. Gods still exist and one of them is her father. They like it, when people burn food for them and so on. Zeus is satisfied, that now more mortals belive in the gods.
Rhea and Draco become the abassadors of the godly world and represent their fathers. They turn the whole wizarding world upside down, improve the politics and all this stuff. And they marry some years later.
Ugh, I’m finally finished. I wrote so much-
Anyway, if there are some mistakes, I wrote this in the middle of the night, I’m swiss and can’t really speak english ._.
If someone wants to make a story, tag me, so I can read it!
#harry potter#hermione granger#wizards#witches#hogwarts#dumbledore is a manipulative shit#some bashing#and salt#draco malfoy#blaise zabini#voldemort#death eaters#percy jackson#fem!percy jackson#rhea jackson#poseidon#zeus#jupiter#hades#gods in the mortal world#fem!percy x draco malfoy#because why not#taking over the world#this idea hit me like a truck in the middle of the night#justhugefangirl writes {🥀}#justhugefangirl creates {🌹}#new story idea
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