#'A Star Fell at Ianna-Ir' is probably the best thing I've ever written
cartograffiti · 7 months
Fandom: The Queen's Thief - Megan Whalen Turner - An ongoing series of poem fanfictions. They can be read in any order and do not depend on each other. These were written as treats during the 2022 and 2023 Hamiathes's Gift Exchanges.
A Star Fell at Ianna-Ir A newly discovered tablet telling an adventure of the Medean heroes Immakuk and Ennikar, translated by Baron Pheris Erondites the Younger.
From Gen to Irene: Three American cinquains Three short romantic poems.
Acrostic for a Spy in Roa A poem and its introduction in a collection, photocopied onto a sheet of A4 paper.
Ursa Minor to Ursa Major A rediscovered poem from the juvenilia of Pheris Erondites the Younger.
From Irene to Gen: Three tanka poems Three short romantic poems written in-character.
From Sophos to Gen: A double tetractys A poem about friendship and swimming.
From Relius to Irene: Two limericks Two short poems reflecting on life post-KoA.
These fics were posted in 2022 and 2023. I'm sharing them now because I want my Tumblr to have a nicely organized link to each of my fics. Some I've shared with such inconsistent tags I can't find the links myself, and many I've never blogged about at all!
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