#''she can heal herself by thinking about sonic'' ''this is a technique she uses while chasing after sonic''
sonknuxadow · 4 months
writing wise theres a lot of things i like about sonic battle but the way theyre handling amy so far is kind of um. uhhh . i havent actually gotten to amys episode yet just interacted with her briefly in other characters' episodes so maybe things will get better eventually but um.
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theparaminds · 5 years
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No matter the period of one’s life they find themselves within, it is individualism which consistently grants them security. The strength to ward off external weights with personal expression. If this isn’t the byline to Silver Sphere’s artistic output, little else could be as defining. As at the core, she is an artist bearing her soul without the fear of outside ideology infringing upon what she knows to be beautiful and honest.
In that vein, Silver Sphere is developing a sonic landscape of personal freedom. The space exists without pre conceived notions and prescribed abilities, blossoming into an environment of connectivity instead of competition. This is the space that most artists hope to find when beginning on their journeys, only to realize it’s faint non-existence. Yet here it is as open and accepting as ever, stemming from an artist so keenly empathetic to artistic differences and complexities. 
And to herself, Silver Sphere is simply staying true. The veils of yesterday are now ripped from their roots, replaced with the blinding light of artistic honesty. Few winds can sway the tree of her artistry, few winds even shake her branches. And as time goes, her truth will remain untouchable, further reminding others that it is only within their truth, artistic or not, that happiness and answers can be found. 
Our first question as always, how’s your day going and how have you been?
My day’s going great! Had a session to finish up one of the songs on my next EP. And overall I’ve been good, just constantly traveling and working on new stuff.
As an originating thought, what would you say is your greatest childhood memory and why does it hold significance to you?
Wow, I can't believe this is what came to mind, but one of the only memories I have from when I was very young and still living in California is the time I jumped in the pool with my mary-jane shoes on. I just remember my mom saying “don't you dare jump in with your new shoes on” and me looking her in the eyes as I jumped in. I think I like that memory because I wasn't really a rule-breaking kind of kid and that was the first time I ever felt defiant.
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What else about growing up had a large impact upon you and truly your development into the artistic path you’ve pursued?
I was always a pretty happy kid. But around middle school, I started dealing with stuff at home and feeling super out of place at school. That's when I started really using music as an escape whether it was listening to music I related to or eventually writing my own lyrics to get out my emotions. It’s still the best way for me to process things.
In that sense, would you say there was a spark moment where it all came together and you realized that you had to go down that avenue, or had you always understood where you were as an individual?
I always knew I wanted to be a musician but it wasn’t until I actually got in a studio, started playing shows, and fell in love with the whole process of making music (as opposed to just writing in my room with my guitar), when I realized this was the one thing I could see myself doing forever.
Now in terms of your current work, and specifically this new EP, did you feel a sense of understanding that you needed to make the project, or was it more so an exercise in new sonic techniques and ideas?
I had no plan going into making the EP. It’s gone through a lot of stages, different songs being considered, and it’s been over a year of working and experimenting in sessions just trying to figure out what I wanted it to be. I have a million different inspirations and I listen to every genre of music, so the final EP is a really great representation of what's inspired me, and also what I’ve gone through over the last year or so. I’m so proud of it and I think it represents me, and the direction my music is going in really well.
In your mind, what are the largest steps you’ve been able to take as an artist through this process and what has it given you that didn’t exist before?
One of the biggest things I’ve learned throughout making this first EP is to trust my ideas and my visions. There's a lot of male producers out there that don't take girl’s direction seriously or don't respect their talent and skill. And at first, I questioned whether my opinions on my own music were valid. I’ve learned to spot that and make sure I’m advocating for myself in those situations, and also to surround myself with people who respect my hard work and my decisions during the music making process.
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Who were the inspirations you resonated with throughout creating this new work and how did their artistic vision influence yours?
Again I get inspiration from all over the place. Songwriting-wise Taylor Swift, The 1975, Mitski, and so many more. Production wise its too hard to say, every song on the EP has completely different influences. And aesthetic wise I get inspiration from my friends. My friends in Chicago, Malcolm Ryshavy, Maya Cruz, and Sasha Rosenberg worked with me to create the videos and a lot of the visual elements around the project as well as my friend Drake Li who stepped up last minute and helped me make the I’ll Go Goth video when I was in New York and had the idea on a whim.
And in a way, do you feel as though your thematic vision has shifted through your new work? Are you feeling as though the topics you talked about in yesterday’s music are irrelevant or are the same questions still circulating in your mind?
Most of the songs on the EP are about my experiences in love. They were written while I was going through each experience so yes, in some ways the feelings are still relevant to me and I can still relate to them, but now I can reflect and look at how my perspectives have changed.
Is it important for you to resonate with others through your work or are you more so looking to answer personal confusions and to fulfill your artistic self?
A little bit of both! Everything I write is about an experience I’ve had. But I think that’s what makes people gravitate towards my songs. It’s funny because sometimes the lyrics I think are too esoteric are sometimes the ones that resonate with my fans the most. I feel like if I worried about making my songs relatable, they would lose the honesty that my fans appreciate.
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If you could take this new work and have it soundtrack any movie ever made, which do you feel it fits with best and for what reasons do you see the connection?
This is such a fun question. Maybe Almost Famous? There's a lot of fun, and a lot of partying, but there's also longing, and heartbreak and self-growth. I’ve always related to Penny Lane. She’s addicted to fun, she’s smart, but underneath it all, she’s a romantic who has to learn she’s worth more than band boy’s approval.
To you, is music more so a healing process through creation or is it a simple way to express yourself and to be singular? Does the space allow you to become more so yourself or is it a place to speak about yourself in the 3rd person?
It depends on the day. If I’m going through something tough, songwriting really helps me process it. If I’m doing well, I like to use songwriting as a reflection on past experiences or a way to document that good feeling. I gravitate towards writing from my perspective, I never want to take myself out of the situation because I feel like I wouldn’t be able to tell the story honestly.
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As a whole, what is the greatest goal and ideal with your art? What is it that you want it to stand for and to solidify itself as, whether or not there’s a higher purpose?
I just want to make music that represents me and the way I’m feeling but also hopefully continue to inspire others and help them process their lives. There's a Maren Morris song, “There’s a Song for Everything” that says it perfectly. “When you were looking for the words, somebody said it first so you didn't have to, it was looking right at you.” There have been so many artists who have helped me understand what I’m going through with their songwriting and I want to be that for other people.
And what is one memory you hope to create this year and through your next shifts as an artist?
I really want to tour. I want to play shows and meet the people who are listening to my music.
Do you have anybody to shout out or promote? The floor is yours...
Hell Yes! LAN Party, Chase Alex, Harry Teardrop, Umru, and LISTEN TO 1000 GECS!
Listen to Silver Sphere’s New Song ‘sucks 4 u’
Watch the ‘sucks 4 u’ Music Video
Follow Silver Sphere on Instagram and Twitter 
Words and Interview by Guy Mizrahi
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atsooshis · 8 years
the bsdxace attorney and ace attorneyxbsd au no one needs but is here
bear with me i love both, this is super long and i’m clawing at grasps with the AAxBSD part but i tried
BSD x AA: still takes place in yokohama
the ADA is all one big law office and for some reason most of the cases they end up catering to are murder cases
fukuzawa is the big boss lawyer and values justice
kunikida is his apprentice, he learned most of his techniques from fuku. kinda stands as the boss whenever fuku isn’t around
dazai is kunikida’s co-council, but in the past he was a prosecutor who had pretty crooked ways- he was a mole prosecutor working under the port mafia before. he gave up his job after defeat at the hands of fuku and kuni who worked side by side on a case against him, where he was trying to indict a falsely accused defendant for the death of odasaku. he’s trying to become a defense lawyer under fuku’s discipline.
tanizaki and naomi are assitants of sorts in the office, they’re not interested in becoming lawyers or anything, they just really like the idea of bringing justice for people who deserve it
yosano’s an injury lawyer but for some reason she landed a job in the nutcase agency and has to take up murder cases, which she doesn’t mind. her additional medical knowledge helps her understand autopsy reports more.
kenji often drops by the office after fuku helped him with a property dispute in his hometown, often brings fresh produce and food for the lawyers. now knows legal lingo for his own good despite no actual interest in law as well
ranpo’s a private investigator of sorts, he’s not entirely hired by the agency, but he has his own desk in the agency because he helps them a lot, in return for fuku defending his ass in the past. he’s with the police department but tends to work on his own, as he figures out mostly everything out in a minute. makes the correct arrests. he helps the lawyers investigate cases they get even though he isn’t involved, but doesn’t really talk about the actual answers though, because he believes they should be doing their job instead of him handing them the answers.
atsushi’s a fresh law school graduate and can barely argue without crying, but fukuzawa is his inspiration as a lawyer after the man defended him against false charges after the murder of the orphanage headmaster. will fight for what is right and generally the phoenix wright of all of this, except internal tears are 100% present. he’s a good lawyer at heart and he does handle his job well but trembles after trials. believes in his clients.
kyouka’s a spirit medium from the kurain village despite taking on a different surname rather than ayasato (jp’s version of ‘fey’). atsushi had to defend her after she was accused for assassination, where she was framed by the port mafia. has grown close to him in the process and acts as a co-council of sorts for the new lawyer.
the port mafia is still there and they have moles in the prosecutor’s office and the police department
namely akutagawa, a prosecutor who has never lost a single case until atsushi comes along. while he takes on numerous cases, he’s respected enough to be able to pull strings to prosecute port mafia cases in order to indict wrong suspects involved in port mafia businesses
higuchi is in the police department as a detective, whom akutagawa constantly has to work with, much like edgeworth and gumshoe
chuuya’s also a prosecutor, while being a mafia executive
basically everything else with the mafia is the same just aku and chuuya’s in the prosecutor’s office
black lizard squad..... but in the police department. hirotsu’s a high ranking officer, tachihara and gin are officers that closely work with him
the guild is a smuggling ring honestly imagine that fucking smuggling ring in AAI god i hated that
AA x BSD: still takes place in japanifornia
anything detective agency, a specialized detective agency whose members have supernatural abilities
phoenix wright - Rise from The Ashes, heals him upon taking fatal injuries. gets hit by a car? no fucking problem. runs on a burning bridge and falls down more than 10 feet into cold rushing water? no problemo. kinda like yosano’s ability, but people and him just have to be fatally injured. additionally still has a magatama maya gives him
mia fey, maya fey, pearl fey - all three share the same channeling ability due to their fey blood. feys still have the fame from spirit channeling, it’s just not much big of a deal as it was in the AA universe. additionally, mia can manipulate her scarf. think rashomon, but not as harmful- more of a shield and an extra hand.
miles edgeworth - Logic Chess, allows him to realize what the person he’s talking to will say next depending on what he will say. also lets him deduct possibilities in a case which helps the agency in their cases. kinda like oda’s ability, but more on verbal probabilities, rather than probabilities in the future, plus ranpo’s super deduction, just super limited.
gumshoe.... is their actual detective, a private detective for them. not actually gifted, but aids edgeworth on his cases. he used to be a detective under the police department until edgeworth invites him into the agency after finding out that his failures in his job has cut his salary a lot. he’s bad at being detective, but edgeworth brought out his best after he stayed with the agency.
ema skye - a forensics expert, helps within the agency. sometimes tags along with edgeworth and gumshoe whenever she’s needed for her expertise. can see bloodstains without the use of luminol, but she has to wear her funky glasses. can also tell whose blood it is as long as she sees other comparative blood samples.
franziska von karma - a prosecutor that works with the skilled ministry. unnamed ability grants her super strength as long as she’s annoyed/angry, which is often.
godot - Fragrance of Dark Coffee lets him dispense drinks out of fucking hammerspace. any drink, really. but mostly dispenses coffees of his own blends. throws dark coffee at enemies honestly and it throws them off guard but man can he fucking fight
apollo justice - Chords of Steel, his voice enables him to unleash destructive sonic waves but he has it under control. still loud as hell but minus destruction unless he means to. additional perception ability from the gramaryes.
trucy wright - adoptive daughter of phoenix after her dad, a suspect in one of the agency’s cases, disappears. a magician still. Magic Panties lets her pull out anything and lets her put anything in it. even people. she can manipulate the space fabric containers honestly, but prefers to use the panties for her shows. despite her magic panties being her main ability, she still has the heart of a magician and devises all tricks as much as she can.
klavier gavin - Guilty Love lets him use any sound he causes to unleash destructive sound waves as well. same as apollo honestly, but more control. can make a needle drop more destructive than it should be. still a famous rock star.
thalassa - has the same perception ability apollo has. Siren’s Serenade allows her to enthrall people with her singing, making them focus only on her. not part of the agency but often visits for trucy and apollo.
athena cykes - resident psychologist of the agency. Mood Matrix allows her to hear the voice and turmoils of your heart. honestly the same thing in the AAverse, and can choose to switch her ability on and off with widget’s help. also, for some unknown reason, the agency’s best hacker.
simon blackquill - another psychologist in the agency but works with edgeworth sometimes to manipulate possible suspects into fessing up. no ability, but can cut your throat
clay terran - apollo’s best friend and assistant of sorts. not an ability user, but this guy has learned how to map the stars and impresses everyone in the agency with it. he’s actually very helpful to them and everyone appreciates him despite being not an ability user. sometimes spends time with ema and gumshoe.
juniper woods- is not part of the agency but a student in Themis Legal. has an unnamed ability that allows her to grow flora or reverse the growth of plants. generally plant-based ability, but it tires her out pretty quickly. visits the agency and gives them all treats from her garden in the mountains after they help her avoid being falsely arrested.
the Phantom - Phantomime... generally enhanced imitation ability. the same thing in AAverse honestly
nahyuta sadhmadhi - no ability but honestly has the power of the Holy Mother™. the whole defiant dragons and khura’in’s shitty history doesn’t happen so he isn’t a prosecutor or anything, but he does fly to the US to visit apollo to see how he’s doing in that weird agency he got himself into
rayfa khura’in - enhanced insights anywhere as long as there’s water she can dance around on honestly. her insights aren’t as dull as they were in the AAverse, and while she can let images appear in the water, she experiences the victim’s last moment herself within her mind, and this lets her make correct judgements whether a defendant is guilty or not.
idk what else i was gonna write more about the port mafia counterpart in this but this is so long already honestly and i have no idea what to do with that
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