#''reboot is woke'' sglkgdlkhsgds like babe theres literally a line where Eli (canon landlord) praises Sergio for underpaying his workers
megafreeman · 1 year
Also one more insane thing about Volition shut down is just seeing how many people think Deep Silver are victim here??? To the point there are people actually surprised that Deep Silver was involved in sanitizing the reboot???
Like you literally have people on Twitter writing think pieces how EVIL woke devs at Volition conned poor gullible millionaires at Deep Silver who only care about games for their moneymaking potential into releasing the "bad" reboot.
The game is so damn sanitized and filled with pro-corporate messages that it can pass as a Disney+ show.
The extend some people go to hate on Volition is just so damn insane that we're getting Q-Anon level of conspiracy theories.
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