#''mads you're kind of being a jerk who doesn't understand that some friendships have different needs and sometimes tone tags can
rubensmuse · 6 months
i know i don't have to like tone tags. nobody gives a shit if you don't like tone tags, we're not throwing a party and we're not inviting bella hadid, people who like em will use em and people who don't like em won't. but see the issue is, as a tone tags disliker, there is actually one tone tag that does recontextualize a statement for me and it's /lh. in the opposite direction. /lh recontextualizes a statement for me in the opposite direction than intended. i see a screenshot of somebody ribbing their friend and it reads as cute and harmless. i see they've added /lh on the end and immediately the joke becomes amusingly hostile to my eyes. because you had to specify. you felt the need to specify. you didn't want to leave any room for this to be taken to heart, to make someone the target of cruelty, because you are considerate of them; and immediately my inconsiderate brain goes "okay but wouldn't it be funny If". /lh that means now you can't accuse me of anything. /lh that means now you can't take it personally. /lh as my everythingproof shield this is the funniest thing that could have possibly happened to me
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The Perfect Bad Boy (Pt. 02 of 18)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 2.5K
Summary: Working as a lifeguard in the Hawkins Community Pool, you try to fit in after moving from New York. Things were going pretty well when you notice you've been under someone's stare. Billy Hargrove, Hawkins' bad boy, has been staring at you since day one. You never intended to have anything to do with him, judging by the reputation he has. But Billy won't leave you alone, determined to show you his feelings are different this time...
As if your heart flooding you with confusing feelings wasn't enough, there are weird, strange animals lurking in the woods... But those have to be just part of the wild live of the woods surrounding Hawkins... Right?
<- Previous part (01)
Next part (03) ->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
Car Trouble
“Are you having car trouble?” Billy asks, his eyes locked on yours.
“Judging by the smoke, yeah.” You sigh, opening the door and stepping out of the car. You avoid eye contact, looking at the light gray smoke instead.
“Pop the hood, let me check.” Doing as he says, you press the button as you sit back on the driver's seat, hoping he can actually fix whatever is wrong just so you can make it home. “Bad news.” He says after a couple of minutes.” There's nothing I can do. Not here, at least.”
“Are you sure?”
“One hundred percent.” He lets the hood fall before coming to stand by the door. “Didn't it give any signs something was wrong?”
“It has been making this funny noise since I bought it. But that was a month ago, I didn't think it would actually stop working.” Taking a deep breath, you take your bag and get out, closing the door. “I'll call the mechanics when I get home. Thanks for checking it out.” You wave at him, walking away.
“I could give you a ride home if you want.”
“I'm alright. Don't want to be a bother.”
“I wouldn't offer you a ride if you were a bother. C'mon, I'm just trying to help a co-worker.”
You stop, turning to face Billy. He doesn't have to usual cocky expression he always has. And he's right. He's just offering a ride home because your car is broken, there's nothing more. Monica and those girls are just getting under your skin, making you think too much about something that doesn't deserve much thought. “Ok then.”
“Let's go.” Billy guides you to his Camaro and you get into the passenger seat. Seconds later you're spending up through the streets, and you buckle up because he's going a little too fast for your taste. You give him your address, not really paying attention to the route he's taking. Your eyes are on the landscape outside the window, passing by in a blur.
“Do you mind if I stop to get some tacos before dropping you off?”
“No.” Shrugging your shoulders, you run a hand through your hair as he parks in a small restaurant and gets out to buy his food. As you wait, you wonder if you should tell Monica about this. If you do, you probably won't hear the end of it. But it could also snap her out of this whole mission thing. Today she was silent again, overanalyzing Billy instead of watching the pools. At least she seems to be excited about something.
A whistle gets your attention, dragging you out of your thoughts. It's Billy at the restaurant's door, gesturing for you to go there. You're a little confused when you leave the car. Did he make the order and then realized he forgot his wallet or something?
“What's up?” You ask him, crossing your arms.
“Nothing. C'mon.” Billy guides you to a table on the back, where he sits. “I ordered you some tacos too.”
What the hell. “Do you even know if I have money with me? You should've asked.”
“But I didn't, did I?” He raises an eyebrow.
Taking a deep breath, you decide not to make a big deal out of it. “Whatever,” you mumble, sitting down across from him. It's so damn obvious he's staring now. He doesn't even try to hide it. Since you're here, you could try to put a stop to this nonsense. Sorry, Mon. Your mission will be over soon. “What are you looking at?” You ask, elbows on the table, finally meeting his gaze.
“You.” He simply says, and there's no hint he'll give further explanation.
You were just about to say something when the waitress comes with your tacos. They do look good, and you're a little hungry.
“I'll get something to drink. What do you want?”
“Ice cold Coca-Cola,” you answer, watching as he gets up. You don't wait for him to come back, you just start eating. The last time you ate tacos you were in elementary school.
“Here's your drink.” He places the can down and you open it, taking a sip. “So, new girl... How do you like this dipshit place?”
“I really like it. Hawkins is exactly what I was looking for.” Billy seems a little surprised, raising his eyebrows. “What? Did you think I was dragged here? I wanted to come.”
“Can't understand why anyone would want to live here.”
“I had my reasons.” Shrugging your shoulders, a loud laugh gets your attention. It's a girl you see often in the pool. She's friends with one of those girls from the locker... The girls who were talking about Billy. “Hey. Don't you have a date today? With that Jennifer girl?” It comes back to your mind, and you burst it out. “Let's go, I can take these and eat at home.” The last thing you want is Billy being mad because giving you a ride kept him from meeting some girl. So you get up, taking the plate and the can.
“Where are you going?”
“...Home? You're taking me home now so you won't be late to be with the girl.” Why do you have to state the obvious? You doubt he'd forget about a date.
“I am with a girl. Now sit down and relax.”
If this day gets any weirder, you're calling it a night and going back home immediately. “Fine. It's your night you're ruining.” You sit back down, defeated.
“Who said my night is ruined?”
“Billy...” Leaning forward, you look into his eyes. “Whatever you're trying here, it won't work.”
“I'm not trying anything.”
Alright. Time to end this game. “I'm not the kind of girl you hang out with, ok? Put your efforts on someone hot and beautiful, don't waste your time with me.” You take another bite of the taco on your plate.
“Wait. You don't think you're hot and beautiful?” He leans forward too, pushing his empty plate away, eyes on you.
He totally got the wrong part of what you said. “I'm... Ok. I'm cute but you can aim so much higher than me.” You're not blind, so you're not immune to Billy's effect. You have to admit you stole a few glances on your first days working on the pool, but knowing his reputation, you'd never let it go further than finding him handsome. “But they say beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, so...” You're done with the tacos, and you drink what's left of your Coca-Cola.
“I wish you could see yourself through my eyes then.” Billy lowers his voice, the smirk leaving his lips as if this statement is the most important thing in the world, a fact on which the whole Earth stands.
You gasp, giggling a little. “So that's how you do it. That's what you say to get your girls.”
“No. I say very different things.” The smirk is back, and you look away for a moment. You really hope you're not blushing.
“We're both done eating. Can we go now?”
“I haven't finished my drink yet.” He gestures at is can. “You don't need to leave your guard up all the time. We're just... Two friends hanging out. No big deal.”
“So we're friends now?” He simply nods. “You don't even speak to me at work, how can we be friends?”
“I'll change that, don't worry. You don't seem to have many friends, anyway.”
“I do. Monica and her little crew.” It's actually mostly just Monica, but he doesn't have to know that. “They're nice.”
“Well, you can just add me to your list of new friends then.” Billy smiles at you, and now that you get to see it, from up close, it's so damn beautiful. There's a secret behind it, something he's hiding, and it looks like he knows you're aware of that. “What do you say?” He reaches out his hand over the table. “Try to get to know me instead of judging by what you heard.”
You hesitate for a while before shaking his hand. You won't fall for his game, so there's no problem befriending the guy. And you must admit it's a little mean to judge someone by what people say. You rather judge him by his actions. “Fine, Billy Hargrove. We can try to be friends. But that's it. Nothing else.”
You stay at the restaurant for another hour before he finally takes you home. Your aunt is organizing some papers, so she doesn't make many questions. She's just happy you were out with someone. And you don't really give much thought to what happened. You actually had some fun today, and since you're still struggling to fit in, you're in no position to refuse any friendship you can get.
And it was kind of Billy to offer you a ride home. You're so attached to everything you heard of him that you didn't even felt thankful for his help. If he was the asshole people say he is, he'd just leave you in the parking lot, or take you straight home. But he didn't. Billy even paid for the tacos. It's mean of you to judge the guy so harshly, before exchanging any words with him. He does sleep with a different girl every night, but they go out with him because they want to. They know he won't stick to them. But this is just something he enjoys, it doesn't mean he's a total jerk. Right? Jennifer and her friend seemed okay with a one night stand, so it's obvious he's not forcing them into it. They know it's a one-time thing.
So if you take this part away, you're left with a normal guy. So, if he's not trying to make you fall on his game, maybe his intentions aren't what you think they are. It's harmless to try and get to know him. Maybe he can become a good friend, who knows?
During the next day in the pool, you're still thinking about it. You don't really understand why you're feeling a little guilty for thinking so low of Billy. So, as you're walking back to your post and Billy is coming from his chair, to take his lunch break, you decided to talk to him.
“Billy, can I talk to you for a sec?” You say when you're close enough.
“Of course. C'mon.” He tilts his head, gesturing for you to with him back into the cafeteria. You were just going to say it right here, but since he's already walking, you just follow him. Monica gives you a meaningful stare once she notices you're following Billy. But you shake your head no, trying to tell her this is nothing.
“I'll be quick. I have to get back to my chair.” You say as he sits down on the table. “I just wanted to say thank you for yesterday. For the ride home and for the snack you bought me.”
“That's it?” He seems genuinely confused.
“Yeah...” You stand there awkwardly, watching as his lips break into a smile.
“What happened to your car?”
“It'll be ready in two days. Mon is giving me a ride until then.” Shrugging your shoulders, you start making your way out. “Well, that's it. I gotta go.”
“Keep doing the good job.” He winks at you, and you can't hold back the smile that comes to your lips.
“I will.” Turning your back at him, you go back to your chair.
By the end of the day, you're sitting shotgun in Monica's car, the windows opens to let the fresh wind come in.
“I have great news.” She says, smiling.
“Let's hear it.”
“Jennifer was super mad today. Now guess why.” You exchange a glance as you think if you should tell her or not. But she's so excited about it, and Jennifer has always been mean to her... So you decide to just say it.
“Because my car wouldn't start, so Billy offered a ride home. And in the process, he stopped by this restaurant and bought me tacos.” She hits the breaks so suddenly that your heart skips a beat. “Holy shit, Monica! Are you trying to get us killed?”
“What did you just say, (Y/N)?” She's dead serious, looking at you. “Explain it. And don't hold back the details.”
She drives slower, just to give you more time. She forces you to remember everything he said, and everything you said, overanalyzing every single word. She doesn't seem too convinced that Billy just wants to be friends, going on about how he looks at you. With affection, admiration. But you don't really believe that.
“Just the fact that he was straight forward with wanting to be your friends is impressive. You gotta understand this is not usual of Billy.” She says as you walk into your house since you invited her to stay for dinner. “Believe me, I know. I wouldn't be talking about Billy with you if I wasn't utterly perplexed.”
“Who's Billy?" Your aunt asks, coming from the kitchen, an amused smile on her face.
“Good evening, Mrs. Florence," Monica says, matching your aunt's tone.
“Call me Diane, dear. And tell me about this Billy.”
“He's just a friend, aunt. He gave me a ride home yesterday.” You and Monica follow her into the kitchen, sitting on the table.
“Yesterday? You came home late yesterday.” She rests her back on the counter, looking at you. You feel like you were busted doing something wrong.
“He wanted to eat tacos so since I was with him, we just stopped by a small restaurant at the side of the road.” Shrugging your shoulders, you try to act casual. But why are you trying to act casual? It was a casual meeting.
“Did he pay?”
“Yes, but–”
“Then it was a date,” Diane states before turning around, her attention back to her current task.
You feel your cheeks burning as you exchange a glance with a smirking Monica. “It wasn't a date.” You have no idea how you could make this more clear than that. “If it was a date he would have kissed me goodnight.” You use the cliche every romance movie implements, trying to change their minds. “If that doesn't happen, it's not a date.”
“Well, say whatever you want. But tomorrow you'll be going out with me and the guys. No Billy.” Monica says, gesturing at you.
Whatever. You don't have to explain anything, and time will show them there's nothing between you and Billy. “Count me in,” you tell her, looking down at your hands for a moment. It will be good. No Billy, nobody talking about Billy for a change. It's your second week here, and it feels like it's all been about him from the start. You can't wait until people realize that everything that's ever gonna happens, if it happens, is just a friendship. Nothing more.
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