#''i know youre trying to impress me with yr pronunciation'' and thinking like BITCH YOU WISH U MATTERED THAT MUCH TO ME??
ayyponine · 6 years
anyway im getting some vengeance, in a small way
remember march/april 2017? bc that’s when i had my third and last teaching practise/internship deal of the school year (after having had one not so good and one excellent, everything hinged on this last one) and i had some real cold war type beef w an adult ass english teacher. look it up on like /search/teaching, /teacher or similar terms. short recap: it started with a small misunderstanding on her end which made her feel entitled to talk v rudely to me via email. i convinced her to meet me anyway irl and learned she was even more condescending like this. less than a week before i have to take over her classes she rejects everything i’ve planned and demands 1. i teach different content and 2. do it her way (aka by p much reading str8 frm the text book and doing everything w all kids together aka a way that will get you a big failing grade if yr in real teacher training bc that work method is, actually, in practice, shit) all this WHILE berating me for getting my shit wrong and not doing it like that in the first place. with a feeling of like “ok great, im gonna fail this internship which means failing my year, if i dont die before that, ofc,” i went crying to my own teachers who sat down w me and one lady especially fukn got me through this and more or less literally saved my fucking life by showing understanding like that. anyway i made it through p much fueled on spite and absolute refusal to let that teacher woman see me suffer and in the end i passed, made it through the year without a failing grade or resit (but then crashed a lil after bc turns out? shit had taken a real toll on me and merged with some other shit i had/have going in life just in general, that did not go down well.)
anyways im no longer a student this coming year which means my school email account is getting deleted later this month so im like hmm maybe i should.....make sure this is Not Forgotten. bc even though the very first fuckn line she ever sent me was sarcastic and bitey as fuck, i damn well made sure i was never anything but polite and willing to negotiate and talk things through. so thats been almost a year and a half ago but i figured you know what??? for all i know shes still oh so nobly “””helping””” my uni by letting students take over some classes to teach her pupils. and i had a shit experience, i was in charge of study hall and know other kids fukn hated her, for all i know students of this past year had an equally shit experience with her. so honestly?? fuck that lady. im reclined and sipping on my ice tea while typing a letter to the teacher in charge of the student internships and im 1. again thanking her and esp that one colleague of hers bc they really did help me pull through that shit time just by listening and acknowledging that woman was being real fukn unreasonable to me 2. giving her a clear overview by sending through exactly what was said in that correspondence (i never showed that entire shitshow) to then do with whatever she please and 3. im just getting some personal peace of mind tbh like. ive been thinking abt this every so often and i already feel guilt abt students who mightve been wronged, maybe even more than i was, this past school year so honestly fuck it im sending this through, setting a precedent, giving other students some support in the form of real hard evidence against that woman should they need to be able to fall back on it and like i can rest easy knowing ive done everything in my power to help those peers suffering through contact w a shitty excuse fr a teacher. like back then i had to grin and bear it bc a bad review from her could have real consequences (even after my own teachers were like “shes asking fr unreasonable things, it’s good you came to report this, we’ll make sure to send someone to supervise one of yr lessons so it’s not just HER judgement when she’s grading you....i can see this is difficult but just keep it friendly, dont provoke her, and it’ll be over soon enough”). but right now?? turns out im still bitter and honestly fuck that woman. she works in a school somewhere in my city center (unless she QUIT, in which case thank FUCK) and honestly if some day i happen to run into her i swear to god. i wont start shit ill just smile and be friendly but should she so much as suggest that entire shitshow was my fault and im responsible fr making her behave so unbearable towards me??? im ready to give her a piece of my mind bruv like shes no longer in a position of power over me, i am equal and i am fucking pissed
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