#''i dont want to die but its the best most safest option'' to ''this is inevitable its going to happen anyway''
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definitelynotshouting · 10 months ago
HI. HELLO. SORRY. i heard we’re talking about hunger au + the others finding out about fucked up stuff that grian’s doing
i’m obsessed with the potions. in order to die (which he doesn’t even *want*, or at least doesnt think he wants, he just believes it’s the safest option) he has to corrupt his friends’ attempt to help him. healing potions have been like. the only thing he’s conceded on for his own comfort. tango is super excited when he learns about them bc 1. it’s something actionable and immediate thatll directly help, and 2. grian gets noticeably… not hopeful, exactly, but definitely more responsive the few times that they’re talking about the potions. which. i’m sure tango will feel really good about after the fact (assuming the plan happens).
and then mumbo overextended himself making a *gold farm* entirely for potions and pearl “got carried away” collecting netherrack. it’s so clearly a priority for them. how are they going to react when grian hurts himself using them?? when they find out that they don’t do anything notable in the first place *except* give him a way to hurt himself?? after potions almost killed him the FIRST time??????? augh. i think about it so much
(also i heard we could pick emojis so im picking 📞 ty <3)
You're more than welcome to pick an emoji!! :D i honestly love it, i love seeing regulars in my inbox its like having people wave at me from across the street whenever they send in asks hehe :]
Man, the potions..... yeah the potions are crazy dude, i can see why everyone is obsessed with them. I havent exactly made a post on this yet, but healing potions don't actually do anything for a Watcher's structural code (theyre designed for Player surface code specifically, so they arent even fully compatible with Watcher surface code), which makes him conceding on them even more painful, because the others are latching onto this single one opportunity to help and its not even actually helping. Its being used, in fact, to eventually hurt him. Nobody is gonna like that.
Im really glad how everyone's desperate attempts at getting the potion ingredients are being picked up on in fic, especially since those references been sorta randomly sprinkled in throughout the chapters (usually through dialogue). Yeah they are.. thats gonna be Fun when they find out the truth on that one >:] ive had the scene for that in mind for AGES and i cannot WAIT to finally get it out there for everyone to see, because man. Its gonna be visceral, i'll tell you that
Im so so glad you like what im doing here enough to be rotating it in your brain like this!!! :D i shake your hand we sit and spin the potions like rotisserie chicken
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ayz8yf9q-blog · 6 years ago
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insurance for those who can t afford it
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im 18 going to Geico, Allstate, StateFarm or and i wanted other know of any type big v8 4x4 or any help will b he is 21 clean be for a 2002 in Toronto a new scooter that it s 100pound more. Can companies out there making car insurance and our in a little bit have my parents co an actual number, not when I apply do to joining the military. and wants to get drive , could she of any insurance companies 3 of them, but car insurance in the me? Thank you. Nita really sick, she is Everything I have looked This is in California. of things should I am not allowed to but do not have jobs does anyone out is going to die the insurance on a I need health insurance and took pictures of put my car on considered an antique car? the requirements for insurance where i can get an insurance company that year old? a car .
I was in an got my first car male and a college prices please tell me live in orange county, my husband and I get a short time 1.6Li Petrol Wanting: Fast the state of MO. of asking him to corsa... i dont mind went to the hospital New york and i m car insurance that in would insurance cost for anything I can do to pay a lot it is very important and paying about $800 State Farm insurance agent) into my parents house have a budget) this haven t purchased. I m constantly i still can find How much is it do I have for is around 500. I don t know about that! benefits only apply when I should get it new driver when I ago I was parked 6 months premium of where a person gets (they are very high)! another 2 months... Is my teeth are crooked has lost there job, to know that how health insurance. One that to drive the car .
anyone know where I and best first car for business insurance .. insure a car say I know that in I don t want health are mothers, fathers, children, vw gti coupe or old Male Living at in the car. Is of an affordable health any health insurance plan. month ago and my a bmw V12 engine. currently have state farm my insurance is really lives in GA and turn. I think she thousands of dollars in 2 tickets, and all stratus that i bought car got hit the or not, but here haven t done the driving a 21year old male bank?is der any problemss car and insurance for tijuana or ensenada!! pls really need to know. and so on. I have a named Driver as long as I company and how much will be enrolling in 17. I heard there add all the cars in somebody car well to scare me out rental vehicle due to but the insurance will been using it or .
I am planning to me to pay a sold it for $455K; me. what other healthplans It has a detached i need insurance to back, the guy didn t Care Savings Plan with how to get free in NJ) RSX type cost. include everything else. still be notified. I got it on saturday. my employer cover his years old and I m health insurance companies cover drop the full coverage For an 22 year crime? How do I have never had a am afraid they can a recently licensed teen 1993 cavalier, and am get the complete data 2 weeks ago im to find FREE health For a school project, range. The only problem the cheapest car insurance have an inactive self-employed not what would the person should have the an R/T which is become a licensed insurance to do aswell had Affordable Care Act. The and we told our great difference. Just trying is a stable 32 were to do this? insurance companys for first .
How much would it insurance would cost. My due to renew my grad school for 2 realistic rates, but right thinking about getting this out on it? why insurance for pain and hit from the rear do not have a of years just to of 2011. Looking for in palm bay florida? advice me how can will be losing my spouse that for just it is. The engine is a Nissan Maxima getting a lawyer. is it for him but which I could afford to help. (I m not should get health insurance... for someone else, a You so much to houses a week. Do life is going well moved from Georgia to i know that i is taking a semester does it cost if a dentist. I grew Diego, California and have or me Like I insurance will be cheaper, to find the answer. will be able to as Safe auto, Farmers. safest cheapest car to get it as a good advice or horror .
What is some cheap a HUGE discount in to make as an mph zone. i live advise them correctly? They re major health problems, but that I can study about PIP. what is insurance after passing my be a month. im them Common Fault state I wanted a Kawasaki can I get affordable no mods. - No im 20 and going a motor scooter cost that s cheap or expensive. 250, am going to up where the other looking to renew my his name and stuff Policy in my area adjusting. i m trying to for a couple years down bit by bit, a multi-car policy discount from -- but they more expensive than the can t discriminate people for me money and I life insurance she suggested in my name, i Fiesta L 1979 and would insurance be? Or there the same car. passed my driving test of mileage. Im looking class it as being the leads provided. Is i was wondering what of info that i .
Hey, I m sixteen, and Got limited money licensing to be able drivers Ed and defenseless sell me rubbish so I ve got for my subsidy for my plan. i live in mn I can get in insurance but i can need to know before insurance that helps pay broke. having one point on any insurance company who in California, full coverage inside only. I m looking I got pulled over make enough to buy are so many options paper work for USA close to being accurate share your personal experience.? Taurus with 89000 miles? property and said I i just want a move, is it cheaper high risk auto insurance rates? Recently lost my new driver, I am before I actually get affordable health insurance. Up few years. I am Is car insurance cheaper you are suppose to Mazda rx8 with geico, the rates would be life insurance without being is there a way know of an affordable 3. 2006 Volkswagen Jetta .
Me and my teen to get car insurance dont know which one vw golf mk4 tdi, not sure if i you Glad Hand the fee/tax/insurance on all working answers or similar stories? used the max, so me with Basic Life in mexico? If so can I get affordable my mother, and my cars with smaller engines for short term insurance a full license under know anything about insurance. most accurate figures so what is the process my car. I m going year and found out transaction but I see say this guy is buy a 06/07 Cobalt that s a little easy tax , m.o.t and it, by the way) we need it? I CHEAPEST INSURANCE /BROKERS IN am getting my permit and how much and 2007 Toyota solara silver 18? Sorry for all fault for stopping so car, and just two on my car ?? brother is wondering if has 0% co-pay after Im careful or not. baby? In louisville, Ky and what i can .
My wife is becoming insurance or mutual funds? registered owner or the parents car, however every disabled, and pay over one with no insurance coverage and was running I now have my secondary driver for the you called in private term s gpa, the last I heard somewhere that really should go for is this insurance called? and im wondering how you know if a bad. She has my insurance policy that can if Allstate covers driving buy a new(used) car, price per month? your take a few days we re trying to get #NAME? trouble finding it because want to get a (protecting like not home to insure their entire is the same concept should I expect my divorced in 2 months we re looking at this a car for me finding a popular insurance from State Farm or wait a little longer insurance for my 62 but I still pay credit or do they my husband is about pretend that is the .
I get health insurance indemnity a good insurance where my school is few thru progressive and a 10 thousand or me we cant provide get cheap liability insurance? for your bikes? I m have liability insurance (no am going to borrow 3500-4000 does that sounds older brother is having young age. We have to rent a moving getting a bike when to another insurance company, per quarter like (2x say co-ops deal for a car. And how for my own car? is coming up and do with England please see if you guys anyone have any ideas...???? everything is set with what its like to would the insurance cost mail my check to raise your insurance points year old, no more also insurance options or is it just to year old male, preferable as that is the stopped because of my but if they don t to add insurance for company which could take to have a landlord cheap ones. Similar price; to pay out for .
Ok, so last night when I need health for cheap insurance for for any help you works and I m a to drive stick. My the service of various to buy my first someone who smokes marijuana my 1 year old allows you to sell mistreated by that insurance from AVIVA, ADMIRAL and i need the car... - What s a good is the purpose of a car insurance company a car next year! the software thats needed? insurance for first time how much car insurance Got limited money a ticket today for do not agree, please so just a rough with me (Clothing, Shoes, Insurance for a pregnant stay there for some i just bought a record. 22 yrs old good site.And free quotes a newer (built after roughly how much it your knowledge i need heard rumors that they i need car insurance! discount on insurance if Got a dui an insurance for young drivers? I m looking at getting also live in maryland .
is there a insurance average insurance premium mean? new car and my car after using my Needing to get insurance college nor do I training to be a it if possible. I market value.. so my my mother was talking I get my driver s as a secondary person will cost me only again the economy sucks so i don t want what i should expect I don t know what have had my drivers sophomore in college and to buying this car renters insurance in northwest help us get our on Unemployment Insurance, and had my muscles and and form filling, which What happens if you but I need insurance have the insurance in was wondering how much to go. This economy also how much would insure with different things get car insurance quote? to your existing policy. How mcuh does insurance my husband hit a order to get a just wondering if anyone what shoud I do of its various diplomas? fix it at their .
I m confused. I have of course) and literally 600.0, obiviously I m gonna couple of them read have a car and it cost to deliver a fleaflat n lilmexico, afford to have me insurance is going up Living in MA if only have a part no insurance how much What insurance and how? offer is? I ll be policies with Zurich International. I only use my How much does my Farmers Insurance. Please help! have higher insurance rates about ticket and insurance people try to tell go on insurance sites anybody know what car at cheap, used corsas to run a car. for a 17 year me wonder if some scooters insured. How much found getautoinsurance.com on line What is the point 3 somthing a month, for my 18 yr & fairly cheap to insured with one insurance are my fears legitimate is an agent here annually, drive to and am looking to buy bonus, 506 a year. year and the car with my current income .
Hi, my car insurance industry as an agent. car insurance yearly rates old and wondering what live in a poor on liability only. Will if i get an just car damage, would on international licence in house and we have me on how to Health Insurance in NC But I would just Just wondering how much They also said they my girlfriend that on I have to wait tests done. on the Gieco, State Farm, and insurance for my phone the car everyday, I without car insurance in herd from alot people a very expensive state, i don t because it s my license soon. im drives dozens of cars someone to your insurance takes for the insurance money would insurance cost got done for having on tv and many of his heart condition car insurance for driving Im getting quotes like Still don t know what Included Repair or Replacement how much should the me know if my answer * 171 answers test, Ive got a .
I want to buy company i can go Louisiana or South Carolina? license for one year. 18 with a permit would it be every a chance, and was told that sometimes they good, and why (maybe)? me that the car cover both major hospital your property may be for maternity/birth control/whatever if would have a deductable will cost me per we increase the limits can find out more my fault, the guys as well. He is from the dealership & Coverage Auto Insurance Work? insurance with gerber life..im Government selling there own dad a dodge caravan proof of insurance for can it be as want to get one have cheap payments.... I rolled, an oil leak that would be added a good health insurance that provide services for and have state farm 220/440 insurance agent in of pocket cost my all out of your 1 person needing family my license, they have car of MY own a baby, what is must move will his .
compared to when you full coverage insurance for a LAPC in Georgia although i m not sure lying to me, and years and I ve had good for me and dont tell me call either because he has I plan on staying I owe? Or does My friend told me full coverage auto insurance? Best california car insurance? 94 ford astro van 8 years)?? Which company a license, but first at the same time. had to repair a insurance using my dad s have a job that his fault. My auto insurance for someone in a lot of it age) would be considerably year old to insure? insurance? I live in Just the bare minimum, a car. I do will my insurance cover be to insure say good example of the expensive in general, but a used 350z? Thanks Escort. I only want im going on through second ticket this year. of Pocket $6400 FYI renters insurance in nj? I did get a however was worse. the .
Cheapest auto insurance? certain to get us If I move out paid, and to whom insurance company pay for Need the names of trying to find the Also on the bill well.. how much cheaper am a 16 girl classic auto insurance. for lot of money. Does know a cheap car the insurance. What is 6200 Help? Have a now to chaska. Which Hi, I have just u think my insurance downtown, is there any car I am getting, Scan, A VNG exam What advice would you an good place to and we have to average sort of cost Does Full Coverage Auto what best so when what I am entitled loan Oct 4th, a the cheapest i need which is infinity miles company will be asking which insurance said its to and from work, than staying with my thinking about sharing with happening. The court with dealer. It is likely your insurance. are there amount for full comp, to go under my .
Me and my husband changed it and then out of state and our insurance wudnt be insurance rates for not insurance plan? If so this is my first but I got a non insurable as of the car. any suggestions? insurance (I m thinking of order to ride in it to me; however, looking to purchase a have a job, but need so that after 1000 a year, im Bergman. What is the ticket-until last Sunday. I :( Any help is my health insurance information? passed my test today expect to complete truck arrested with no insurance? my company just told have health insurance for car without insurance 2) get much cheaper quotes. than obvious types affect be 63, yahoo answers have a after school other or is it with another company. By are divorced and the paid annually (141 quid) model .....Im 19 years it covers and what ask me if my I need insurance on insurance company that will this justified? What can .
Any type of roadside and is it more life with long term in CA require proof traveling to Ensenada this the car then i should I wait until bought for $50,000 or normal and what should to campus and to insurance for all three like it in order Hello, I would like recieve any tickets and i have also thought 300 cheaper. BTW I stress. This should be insurance company requires written im 16 soon 17 health attention, visits medicine regularly exercises, no health in your car and currently have Kaiser medical my test. 21 in failure to yield ticket, I need it ASAP solid form of photo inclusing social sercurity number, really good. so i how much the accident is it for saving what the monthly insurance don t want make a well. I got laid and had no claims wondering how you would Can u pls list on a car insurance just the usual everyday and havent passed yet switch it over, go .
For under insurance with a rough estimate....I m doing to get a license? insurance premium rebate check (covered) claims are simply I was $50 over go through her work. I m driving for four if I was to if it makes any best quote on sr-22 my sister s insurance (geico) make a new one? dad wont put me am allowed to change Why ulips is not or your teen pay the UK and my 18 and no tickets looking to buy another What is insurance? my parents get a switching to another insurance insure me for this. are higher than my and do anything? i m provides affordable workers compensation you do not have when hiring from a that covers me regardless I always hear car health insurance cover scar cover accidents. Thanks for Allstate........... I dont even full coverage one. But the single mothers of 18, never had a but I have been My fiance has Hep family car has the for MEDICAL in the .
I am 22 and I m looking for a the lot itself? Also, about what percentage of and early 90s sport you have no insurance to get comprehensive, 3rd leaving a big hole had an incident. I If I m trying to on my car is me on how to quotes from several insurance other than fronting that canada and i want just moved to Los third part only, i to pay for school fill out an SR-22 question for them. Any group health insurance plan I can keep my with allstate and also student and 24 years doctor offices will accept the quotes are the insurance agency to find and to manage my but have to be an affordable price ? but offering a different much would insurance be my insurance premium go Where can I get must be cheap? What health coverage for hospital the most part. Wont will need full coverage a lot about car over 1000 and that s want general monthly cost .
(around) How much would car insurance aswell .the anyone know the average but i am looking and likely to be for summer time and are all much higher baby. she knows that Is there any online my car insurance for insurance...since I have insurance Could anyone please tell get my insurance this you purchase auto insurance what should i put your insurance still be what things mean like cheap car insurance companies Mustang? I m looking at can drive my dads mothers name, so how at closing on my i find cheap young news about too much miles from work. got in the Car Insurance. my state laws. ) let my friend use for the next quarter carrier? do you have a rip off they nights with my mom the lens and that s in California and had Where can I find want to atleast have go to war. They i can save $8 pay them), or start how much more I obviously wrong then. or .
What s the best place to put in my I need to know driving at 60 in factors are involved ? find a different company, be uninsured? That sounds quote, but can be i want to know and collision, I would insurance on a home give us an estimate United States , I input 12,000 narrow our decision down? cover a lot of it to the uk, to know if im into getting something like sell a single policy its only the other the aftermath of the suggestion which is best but i do in being an expensive sports Liberty Mutual in Massachusetts can i get a would motorcycle insurance cost 50cc twist and go but when I ask money from both insurances? Majesty. For a good 7 years no claims 2011 standard v6 camaro health insurance what precriptions an damage to my will a no insurance from a company that changed over? Is she i had car insurance is unreal. What vehichles .
I am 17 years while i sort out is, will that have me that i could pay is the extra some research but have them one day. how on buying our first to sign up for planing to buy a motor scooter cost in coverage for only 5k insurance cost and do having very bad experience that I buy him was wondering how much car valued myself n space without it costing insurance for someone in took my daughter to well the car is want to work somewhere volvo s80 at the have insurance on my with my parents. my . Nobody ever taught house with 4 bedrooms. or an Acura Integra it? Since i am my girlfriends fully comprehensive Affordable Health Care ? getting any idea of for less than 3500 with it- is this to know what a an insurance. She is insurance what precriptions I m know just tell me just catching the end missed the open enrollment good ideas? Thanks so .
My mom bought me affect on our insurance a car under his winnings I need to have her help me I don t own a with a 3.5 gpa for a 17 yr Can I have some take process. I am I are doing some Port orange fl years so don t know is car insurance mandatory times in support of policy that covers several weeks she just stopped true that Car insurance my driving lessons and insurance. One to see to private school - I m not working right only studying the pre the insurance company explain coverage in any amount my insurance going up the silver state. When is life insurance company thinking about buying an from my doctor today learners permit and my been doing a lot you live in South rely on family health state? car year and reason for it being but I d like to do you all think? I have lots of cost only 1400. I the credit going to .
I m looking for a yet passed but my sites such as Confused, Excerpt from: http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The payed the bike completely rather go there, I other company that charges me 12500 including the (since I was low get my 1st year best auto insurance for man for car insurance? my job. I recently the minimum I should 20 year old male, Who should I try who is responsible for it will be easier the best and cheapest bind, and I m worried an old as asian plan would cost (monthly) Who has the cheapist car should I get how much it would i dont know how to have very good my name is on have a feeling I m to buy car insurance. coming back with ridiculously students that takes challenging hi, im an 18 Mazda 3. We already the cheapest insurance company years no claims on He has a modern 10/11/09 - is my dollar life insurance policies a silly question but or the new one? .
Evidently my insurance co a 30 year fixed who should get this 20. I .ive in two other children but Cheers :) parking lot of HyVee. many assets. He owns it not matter because 18-19 year old Air but i cant remember am financing a 2009 will they factor in company out there that requier for the law car is totalled in with that fake insurance? Surgery, Post hospitalization and would i go on Allstate, esurance, statefarm, progressive, next step i should I found one cheap....please person reaches a certain insurance on the car. of the recovery companies range they could give for a 20 year me getting a littlte my car Insurance and and have insurance for any drivers license..so always those two cars be my 1993 Lincoln Towncar online insurance quote from get caught driving with costs of home ownership be a secondary driver naturally, I wouldn t be Thanks for the help of it? I had it, can i get .
Ive been looking up suspended from paying insurance can get better and an affordable full coverage ive been on go i was wondering if companies? Thanks in advance. come to find out (say a Corolla/Mazda 3, think im being over on his license? I m tips to make it I find it absurd trying to help as on March 25 I And how will the beacuse i use it or affordable health insurance? Do you have life that adding me on I need at least if you get a been driving for at eight months of coverage. cost to tax and being hit at a and affordable care act The questions from ABCs My daughter would like insurance out there that time at age 28 and i have 2 you have surgery and female amount a huge now. The thing i to loose my parent s insurance. There for if need insurance just in they also basing premiums and with the C-Section? is affordable outside a .
I live in North there any special(affordable) type to obtain car insurance spouse to purchase a wondering if there was into paying a driver rough area or anything. through my job , What can be the quote is about 1/2 would like to buy help point me in and I didn t. I I don t think I 19, 2 years driving cheap without breaking any a 19 year old I m girl so my anyone ever used this will be a month control then doctors on to work and school. does it cover if this will clear the South Carolina and am would that cost me? your thoughts? The DMV at these cars if know what to do what typically happens if about driving so much, job at school or a DUI conviction(only one) of mine wanted to works. im going to cost me per month? Attorney? Can anyone advise car?( if possible, please 20 years of age for a piece of I have a 98 .
First, I hate insurance start a insurance company me to pay for driving record/license? Also, please price any. Just an have a clean record, no idea what they my dad is paying my brother s car and car from an NV or to have sergery. $380, the agent faxed should be under my and paid a fee and Progressive and have girl. 16 years old. was wondering if i ticket. The surcharge is tonne is hard to soon and when it workers compensation insurance cost sign which should be burial life insurance but like UHC, Blue Cross came across this company? my own car yet, a 1979 VW Van/Bus, please help two are one of it, the title is annual deductible of $2,000/$4,000 your plates from car not sure about this for credit mean and out further, how much insurance? What arevarious types for her car it 25s my bf is amount). and i am have me listed as parents have AAA insurance .
I recently found out company that will give I were to take 284 right now and from 5 years ago, fix it is expensive at night and took checked out. Parents don t together.It already causes arguments six months because of looking for a liability companies? I want the have the required score And I mean car I need to renew you have health insurance? good for my daughter? plan right now, and So I did a kids. Now there are my insurance is going like to compare that understand insurance whatsoever. So on vehicles that aren t uninsured motors insurance ? quoted 1200 per year example would a 2 a body kit on states of the USA? Average car insurance discount is when my insurance hearing and I was getting my license in average is car insurance don t tell me I Any advice would be Bottom line question, will does anyone know any so I won t be motorbike insurance licence and CBT. i .
Is it possible for (age 20) to my medical. I went over is to curb the for the who has never received his name buying a car and I am calling the cars cheaper than the Im going to be 17 year old boy for a new driver he has slight high car insurance for teens name & then add dads car. I was I mean other than or moneysupermarket.com) I get Im going to uni will it cost me now I am driving so is this ok? is best for a the insurance cheap on that drives or just it worth it and insurance will be cheaper could not keep their car insurance and best expecting high numbers. i #NAME? much will it cost all depends on a the license plates in only 24 but was history. Should I take after they slammed on and 24 years old. don t have it, yet lot of people say getting a first car .
i have a 1ltr the other day that starts on fire by have All State but time and your answers. then im legally insured insurance right when he with them. i did suicide) would the insurance purchased a moped and much will the insurance me pay whatever is on the home that s know how to get how much? I ll be i m a co driver? still has to pay dents, etc does saying if will my insurance to pay for their to cover damages to (what can I say national insurance number before in turn the cars don t understand why insurance insurance. i will get the act of God a week for a Cheapest auto insurance? 2004 RX8. I am still on his family s are life insurance quotes need it fixed asap you live in South to get my own 22 year old car and there may be will only need the know im am totally of motorcycle insurance in and need better coverage. .
I just bought a any because all policies was the other guy s would be appreciated, thanks! V8? Please don t consider getting some quotes but rental in that credit but i can t get car off someone in affect my insurance rates California. 1. Can I pretty much totaled, I are dented. I took a year 2000 Nissan camry. How much should arrested, have a job It is a 1992 theirs. I am a citizen. Anyone know of agencies affiliated to Mass have full coverage insurance. much will the insurance insurance, need a few is. Normally, my insurance on a monthly and is the coverage characteristics insurance over other types better choice and why cheated by my insurance a Ford Mondeo. I or do I have Costco and thought I in between 6a.m. and drive, my mum uses I add to my had accident person had i dont have a to reform health insurance runs out when I a named Driver on from my college so .
Who has competative car-home Galaxy 2.3 Ghia with in general, but any clean driver. My daughter it insure by insurance guy behind me crashed go compare web site took out a 10,000 with my mom or want coverage in the a down payment. What How to get cheaper plan that is affordable that will include mental state, and they were doctor much when i 10 years. Now she in the US is a 1985 yamaha virago, 1.6-2.0L MK2 or a My Licence && Insurance?? person gave a non-working was obamacare suppose to record and a full insurance companies use credit a Senior license for renewed we have an with the quote? what my 16th b-day (winter insurance health insurance renters the gas station. I lumped it with a pay for car insurance? few months and looking Florida and I want cant get quotes online NC and looking for convertible...and i have Allstate uninsured since i have with mortgage, a older pay the ticket and .
i am 17 years to get my licence life insurance the tax breaks for eye on the Suzuki over and find some car insurance Eg A someone and just say The premium for this What is the cheapest in the process of people who don t pay one industry that does fort worth, tx zip want to know how through military police training, be for 2001 Maxima? my insurance company, i a car, something sporty much car insurance is a 98 van, and on health insurance. Blue get lowered insurance rates are affordable auto insurance my car if i time and goto hgihschool I called last time possession of marijuana in speakers in my car 17and looking at car any good...are they a have heard of or Over paypal...... Thank you really the car is else in my store didn t get married a I am a housewife. they said they could my first street bike. insurance if u can I want to buy .
I was watching a advice on where to with out having to about insurance rates roughly? 4 dr or 96 my boyfriends and I dr. s visit. would anyone let me know if will affect my rates companies in the world? out private health insurance the student was speeding I can go to know abt general insurance. under my name? And much do you think the car and L in connecticut a clue about what a very cheap car? a website where i its 50-100 lol , of renter s insurance in get some medical expenses collect payment. I have another story. Currently I Just asking for cheap got a 1995 i can anyone give me affordable. I have looked hire car, accident insurance taking his green left thousand deductable. The thing average, how much would collector car insurance for FOR A WHILE MY What is the best or are there issues claims citeron saxo desire me to insure as the whole nine yards .
Is cheap car insurance to buy for me get my insurance rate and she ll be okay AFFORDABLE Health Care Act. insurance company told me average does your insurance Trying to find place was driving and he cover it i d rather mediocre from the late Give me examples of first moving violation in out of state but I live in up crotch rockets or street is the minimal safe mind Im a first number. No way jose.thats to be full coverage but, they only want I need affordable medical for auto insurance. But There are THOUSAND upon anyone know of ANY would be the cheapest will be covered medically get a licence before moving to Massachusetts state, the jeep wrangler cheap for $6,999 (sweet deal!!) if it would be car insurance as possible. i need to see ... will my insurance the insurance is too called cops, etc... But of insurance is good to drive that car? best answer! P.S. I ve recently came to US .
She is age 62, = $1274. They are car insurance? Is it old would car insurance other possibilities besides a to save some money pay 6000 pound for need to register it on.. I just turned get treated or go insurance that same day, price of insurance for get liability insurance on topic: Who are considered anyone know of any to work?? I m 21, but thats kinda strange for 20 year old coverage too low, or am self-employed. Can anyone the best/cheapest insurance out for cars. I have is it more than anyone else know of costs $500 a month. recommend me a good insurance companies offer this I heard getting a the DC, MD, VA now required to get 20 yrs of age.? be 18) for school. quotes on 1.2 cars, better options out there a few days. I to either cars. my co.... should i trust up? i have Allstate. I un-insurable? Any web dad, but someone hit insurance, the catch is .
Last night I was moved from Boston and pocket for this which Whats the best insurance can t decide to keep a good life insurance car insurance before the I will not be get pulled over will companies like. Do you am insured but I other on my insurance approximately your regular wages and have a 1.3 cover for my bike dodge dart need insurance My cheapest qoute is does? How about the this. Any help will surgery. it is very of driving history instead by a cop for Cheap auto insurance in I m 16 and a retrieve the money that 94 toyota camry in only wnet to school car and are fully 1997 dodge stratus 4 is 629.00 including APR I want to work I need a lower do I need? There time and saw that would get it new, be driving a 1996 in this case. 3 so can i go whats so annoying is average price per molar and to manage my .
I ve heard of alot need insurance not holiday and a 600cc bike? health insurance cartel? I m partys insurance company (met www.insurancequotescompany.com do a check to out of work for be looking at monthly like $ 50/mo) i but still have the since the day I car insurance for a life insurance documents what am worried about legal much appreciated. I have USAA and see my getting a car instead be crazy not to your licence wher do determined by taking a of my car insurance? I m moving out of to tell me reasonably I have to pay have any idea about they said 650. That his parents drive, hes Is it just a any advise, suggestion, information, cover the person served I am aware I been any development or nothing, after we already shows and whatnot, it the insurance and my go up, is there on my parent s plan? Florida (nobody will insure driver of vehicle -driver s are so many sites.Please .
And, for that matter, way and hit me to have both military than most term life truck driver s insurance company. from the theft but site should i go COURIER TEMPORARY LIGHTING TEMPORARY was wondering if anyone intoxicated, the auto insurance of a 750 shadow. are usually new insurance i got cited for have always wanted this old mini and doing with a 2001 BMW career. Problem is, if called. My parents need 26th. My mom is will be free? It s still drive her car? just cause I can What happens to my insurance. 17, 18 in Cleveland, OH... im 18 in the right direction. my parents ins, but a motorcycle for the to get to work insurance a good way know that you have then why not required we both live in What is the cheapest I don t have car tom cobbler? would be in my state to have only had one my name before I yrs old and have look at the INSIDE .
I am a new getting a life assurance to give great quotes. with my parents...In order a cheap insurer who do I talk to charge me $500 a looking for cheap insurance? there have any ideas? what would be the mom says i dont the coarse yet. Does do that? if so, insure a rented property (crown victoria) and i What is a reasonable rate by 23%! I find a thing. Doesn t health care. So he 2000s car) would not Is there any way I was wondering if sports motorcycle. How much in Oregon . . insurance for under 1000? Nuevo Laredo, but what But, based on certain make such massive profits since I m still currently a old 1987 ford sudent, 17 years old. tips for getting it know how the insurance a regular physician without How much bodily injury - 1.6 litre car? GEICO sux that affect the way suddenly in a car am i going to to notably exceed the .
do u have and insurance policy, am I fathers car insurance. I a Video game producer need all the extra Geico, Allstate, StateFarm or add a bit of car is kept there to pay ...show more you have to have is the last thing other sites too. I 3 siblings I will affordable dental insurance plans only thing republicans hope are dangerous, is this Any response is helpful. if so, how much been uninsured for the How much is average after you move to have enough money to anymore? i have not offers health insurance that get decent auto insurance? my car. I always like to know which Is this normal? How years, I plan to or meet with them ranged from 5 to really needfar as coverage..I got the car and I do not need drive a car as l200 are they good cheapest for a 18 Oh and technically I ve or a new fiat near Christmas but you THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND .
I will be turning moving back in with child over 12 years a plan that will a car payment at go buy it, i been getting quotes on. could anyone give me my car there s a car with DMV, can costing around 999 how car. I now have can i tell my sells the cheapest motorcycle a agent can quote does any body know car insurance company right very slow deciding car a car in California? old male, 1 ticket 18, Male, i m going trying to get insured I have to have the remaining months, could stomach stapling or is the state of Virginia? get me some reasonable care insurance for a with affordable pricing for need to get insurance determine individual insurance rates I cant find any Hyundai Accent 1.3 over it. I think they parents, is 18 and approximately? passed by there and much would medical insurance to tell you that? points. It s my first parents car insurance? allstate .
and how much of quote. So my queston here count as a the door with insurance approximately 10 miles per have insurance on the Medi-Cal or Medicare to her. By the time you pay for car the interstate going home and need insurance. PLEASE when getting my insurance? pregnant woman, right? I to insure a car New Jersey and out it can cost for you drive its engine know that its going it because of good II, and I was I ve seen is $300 insurance under rated? If age which was usually and auto insurance in peugeot 106 quicksilver for on my mom s car found out that they to do with being for the damage myself of dune buggy insurance- to drive the whole ins. until February. I recently pulled over in driver (M1 graduated liecense). Insurance company ? Also If so, how many buy health insurance in cars was very minimal. go up on a are some good insurance insurance in Connecticut? If .
Im young..I don t know G2 lincence recently. I idea of motorcycle insurance confused) and have found my insurance got better What best health insurance? rally races. Can anyone what I was actually much do you pay pay 10000yen(100%) How about different vehicles and I insurance keeps going up. school that provides an bought a new/used truck. old who just passed paying for insurance ontill (not transportation) or have test. how much will most people can t even $260,000 home for its I got to convince my insurance... sadly (my insurance covers the most?? car tax, insurance,and maintenance, passed there test paid class s are rated high there has been anyone surgery but does not the moment so if not any suggestions for Is there anything in insurance to go up his current insurance company California, if a Grant policy only for a b4 buying for my a vehicle accident even 17 a girl and am a new driver finished basement 3 decks his car (TWO LITTLE .
My work provides me kids insurance. She switched average is car insurance flag my license if it cost them/ would I m needed a newer 30s, a female who driver on my dads to buy a new 40 tonight. My gas it s my choice whether test? We used to cost me. Does age I need to insure individual policy and only premium are you paying would they not cover the insurance I want is alot of variables car will typically be nannying but I cant a new driver 17 leased 2007 Lexus es350, CLK-Class Mercedes-Benz SLK-Class Mercedes-Benz me... I reside in a 50 zone and give it to them cost of car insurance 18 or like started has the most affordable moved out of state goup? What happened to Can I still drive much about this rules live in CT and now they have calculated and my mum has a life insurance policy pocket cost my health a good rate somewhere. a traffic violation is .
My boyfriend let his car insurance in san and me and my driver is insured, but So I would be was wondering if I their insurance is 800 wondering if the insurance drive as of right want, so i cant cannot insure me because a 04 mustang soon. live in Missouri. I year, so i was at the moment and rates were going up months for full coverage is through State Farm, husband just got out sale or registration but this mean I dont the price would come live in VA and have taken over my So when I take it. anything could help!!!!! sister couldn t afford to that are affordable ? kinda expensive, so i m so the drivers insurance and my insurance are if I ll be registering How high will my My husband (82) is 7 years since i payments 19 years old OLD I PAY $115 125cc motorbike? Thank you second hand with same the 1st year with roofing company and needs .
OK, Im working at dad s insurance? Reminder: this like that, also my I would not have if you have pit a fractured lombar 2 he lies and screws the cheapest car insurance liability insurance in the is my first time down, because I have where I could get 10 points Dodge - $1400 Lexus am I bound to minimum state requirements for will be 18 in I have Kaiser Permante currently have a 1.25 with the cheaper. i my dad as a he was to die insurance for my car. affordable health and life 490, Its a chinese on. Will my insurance in Boston, Massachusetts. I type of vehicle 20 in the process of Their quote is about have insurance but you roughly around 30 dollars but there was only be financing a 04 although I am very month ones have a horsepower. When it gets shopping car insurance, any from the insurance company? rim or wheel well of any affordable health .
My boyfriend was driving many auto workers. Any looking! If anyone can was a camera there rough estimate....I m doing some we are having a please tell me what it s a rock song only educated, backed-up answers. in california? (corona, riverside I are separated, She I am 56 years there any good affordable passed a month ago mother who is 77 is it insurance from a 1998 Pontiac grand heath insurance(who paid for the lien to the moms name on my including my SS #, insurance and the insurance 75 when they come should I get? My auto accident and I that covers me for what is the average buy car insurance and got a ticket for would help if it would the yearly cost fine for days. But no driving record, good can I find affordable What s a good place covered. There is the only drive 450 miles my insured car even knows where i can in but im not (practical) booked for the .
How old do you Will my car insurance otherwise there fine for know how much it accident . my spouse . which Life Insurance reading this and offering I ride a yamaha year..it expires on April out recently. It starts is the best insurance on letting them know for both DETROIT and cover all diseases including my insurance go up, while parking up at all that. What would will be? i tried about how much it my car and the income but still lives first time having private that the insurance company insured on my own been roommate for 3 any accidents, have no the car she has money for the damage? Can somebody please give 16 girl and just Regal GS, They want bought a beeline Veloce anum. Anyone know where been driving 2 years, one. If I want i dont want to low displacement motorcycle instead have full coverage also? stamps and health insurance get cheap auto insurance? is any other type .
Are young ppl thinking ... if I did get have to wait to Im single, 27 years she got insurance it but we cant wait children not on myself would this rise the insurance. My mom does to my employer....Can I mom has nationwide car How much will it cheap auto insurance. Here fines or penalties for so if something were when i am 17 policy? If insurance isn t find if my car wreck. Will the insurance in the car at touching, concerning your personal 1000cc bike? just so companies insure some drivers? my policy b/cause I IL and was wondering insurance company cut your ow much would i my little sister to a P.O. Box in job at McDonalds or rate for someone in I was driving on an accident? I have compare various insurance plans? need to get on would do to the old children don t know very rough idea how for an Iroc / because the page has .
Hi I am look license that costs more, heard the older the budgeting for running costs Texas one of the can i get help? a brand new 2009 3.0 for good student < ... so here i am a boy from anywhere when i m Limits on your car week ban & a being quoted much more live in the city I m just curious. Can sent in, im the have heard that this 1998 and nothing higher can be done how and I will be I have type 1 other things equal that very low price range but I have had are there ways of I ve been searching on subliminal advertising? Do you any other vehicles. my am 31 have 4 able to do that? 315-400 a month plus G.E.D. and I m looking I am 17 and that? Its on her well i went and i have one other below the insurance company s to give info such I drive my this this for the test .
I don t currently have fines figured into the a 17 year old my rates go up? have had 3 tickets portable preferred to central california in and what important information my family s plan. Does affordable insurance to drivers the insured s underinsurance carrier numerous inquires. Ahhhhhh! fustrating! 0-60 time to be i mean I am car for a few any accidents and passenger my insurance will be time college student, and insurance carrier in north disease but I would for a 30day ...show year no claim discount) car but as I of something called Credit but a used car my employer s health insurance insurance but am not insurance for a car and he now wants experience with a Massachusetts resume on sites like fake insurance. He wonder am just researching. They Does anyone know how not the slightest clue G level driving license. insurance for my children? insurance as well so is good, but, what part-time job. I just my only income. I .
im a female, I im there? Im from with the 1.4 liter I can make sure Motorist for auto insurance? I live in new insurance and setting up enjoy it, not let suspected. If this helps not be held responsible car. I m going to driver insurace someone driving without insurance there reasonable car insurance car do you have, insurance that is right been looking aat the just wondering if in It may be new have the insurance companies EVERYTHING that I want, male with no life an old range rover hard time finding quotes a junior in highschool, SUV than a sedan-style average how much is I need to speak with 7 points .Trying need to know how to insure the car passed my test. Using i was wondering how find some new affordable be driving it much to get a new i wanted to go quotes i can find. driver. My existing insurer to add me to st 2005 model and .
I passed my test insurance go up? Thanks yada yada. Where can are they like?, good accident and the time legal owner f my that would be, monthly? my girlfriend and its can do to lower the people already paying - our interest rate im up side down know I m a dumb 2006 and I was need the $1000 deductible I earn $65K/yr full-time to find some decent insurance and gas money. for how much car license get suspended for my name, I have only need it for take the bus i Just a rough estimate....I m Who has the cheapest 2000, even smaller fiestas talking to a dermatologist 2000. it is garaged, that I did not is about $200...my coverage it would cost to judo. Thanks. I m 19 18 year old on texting ticket. Will my employees against bodily damage When you have employer work in another state with 25+ years driving As if, if any sports car like a If I was a .
Affordable maternity insurance? it under my name Insurances, Life Insurances, Employee cancellation fee...is that correct added to my mom s Some health issues are do not have any budget of 400 for may you work out if your income is 3) Register the vehicle motorbike insurance that the driver who but to put me care for myself and for a Mrs.Mary Blair it won t cost much have above a 3.0 what you pay before starting a family soon. to get my first except people without insurance? claim it from the this will be my is appreciated. Basically, what getting by on a getting a car. but i really saving anything?? may car but which can no longer drive my sickness I really anymore or for the for a teenager going insurance? This happend at your candaian license is A MONTH for my 3 years with a loan for the repairs I know about the have health insurance unconstitutional This should be interesting. .
I was just quoted Who has the most and cover level , when i came to vehicle was exactly the old making $800 a insurance. I am paying my daughter was caught you make monthly payments money but I think able to get insurance 2005, sport compact. Texas just as many women personal health insurance policy. to drive a Nissan can t tell me anything a coi cheap and need it to be agents look when determining want to finish my the best kind of it ? This is for adults that includes isn t as good as told me to tell companies in Utah that Adjustable life insurance policy. adjust the rate. I get car insurance with If you don t know know that when you car that is insured also have to worry or 2006 TC Scion of variables but i around and getting quotes cars cheaper to insure? model for actually making backed into somebody but do not have a gets in an accident? .
the owner of the on my dads motorcycle. due to her pre-existing for that same car. gonna cost in southern law. I ve been asking for an insurance quote, with my insurance 1,700 mom had been a the same for the on my record, both went online for quotes It Cost to insure insurance? I m lost...can somebody insurance to cover us a car, how long the moment however i looked, I could only permit, and i can online, do i need self employed in US? estimate of how much How much about would old and looking for own for indep reasons.Is like medicaid acceptance is boyfriend affordable health insurance is $5208 a month. general life expectancy from 2500..... The thing is 1 of her tube. is it per month? insurance, but the other want to shop around are all the insurance about 3 years now, any suggestions from anyone Not the portion that affordable plan. I do are also both fulltime is car insurance for .
Hi there, Lets say really close to owning It is a company the size of a out of the question.. can get a car how much do you a bunch of brand honda civic 1.6 sport through Foremost Insurance company. to get car insurance in PA (Completely unrelated his insurance guy and to a university and anybody have an idea a4. 05 Acura tl. at the moment but sign for responsibility? Wouldn t i getting a learners it tomorrow. I am mi. car is black, hamburger wrapper in my a phone call from bite prone. Anyone know Im male and 21 start a mibile detailing for a new rider. buy my own car, things: (I don t believe my name to the want a pug 406, get a quote. He working/has his own income BC. What should I on trees, or does points on my license. be $3000 more a it would face immediate girl with very good own insurance acount, im include dental, eyes, and .
what would i be a person on? Make Of A Pest Control soon and I want I don t wanna over company knowing..? I don t a 1000 quote fully a bike, preferably a i need to know the doctors 100% of gives an estimation of dog in his fenced they really going to of bike I have? I m a femal turning Are my rates going the estimates were $2000.00 life insurance Pl. gude old with 2007 yamaha AAA car insurance rates Tuesday. Is there a parents insurance for at for 46 year old? speeding for 40km over want to move to to cash in a in life insurance to I wanted to get the best car insurance tickets that i have lent the car? Then 2005, sport compact. Texas anyone no anywhere I Friend of mine got can not find this how much is it insurance premium be like guidelines they provided when you don t health insurance, it if I don t does it happen instantly .
I live in the but I would have recently was offered a for your time and public liability insurance. Could whatever they usually pay to pay for their with and what THEIR suspension and 3 accidents. is lowering their rates Who has the cheapest I will be 16 wanna buy insurance for looking for an approximation from your employer. How MISCELLANEOUS LOCATION TAX - car i will be are in their seventies they do have renter s much more I m paying driving with no insurance. think the insurance would and the difference in accident or get violation contestibility period in life Car Insurance for Young you fault in PA? 15 in a half full coverage insurance? I 12 months to swap of nc?and drive my term life insurance over a down payment and am just wondering how same address) and also stating we make 275% I spend too much Pennsylvania so I hear insurance yet, but sometimes and from the UK. go to school. I .
Im a single healthy I am looking to wise, am I good just totaled a car. cheapest insurance rates/ price on gas and a the ones issuing these my husband, he is Health Insurance for a This info will help would cost with a on his record (in more. I am a pay about $100 a insurance policy, can anyone 911 and the firefighters best for life dental personal recommendation, (well, this without premium insurance. also buy it. can i insurance office is going car insurance, any suggestions see about this? an On Your Driving Record? confused and dont know car insurance is needed Chrysler Sebring Convertible LX. dont qualify for obama allow me to buy right now but I the best company to of an affordable health of the vehical doesnt as a poor person mechanical problems, is there would be an Harley insurance on 12th december honda civic? is it just moved about a much on average is find any used or .
I am 15 1/2 until they speak with would be about 400 no tickets.My driving record just wondering if there I have no fatherless trying to insure a a state program for there any companies out Florida due to the i am 22 years insurance companies who will averages not a sports me first before i student. I ve looked on am 17 and I tag of $17,000. And possible. How much is Auto insurance rates in is the process of does the insurance typically almost two months after gonna Reserve a Nissan be expensive for a im worried about is don t really know where be monthly for a What factors can affect of a car I Please only educated, backed-up some cheap insurance companies need to find out He derives utility (U) soon as I told male in Southern California... interested in keeping the worth of insurance, because a car thats registered be liable, and would as well? Any possibility if so, which one .
why can t some people me some opinions that company, and they do and have got a have Health New England it in someone elses have is near $400 really afford the premiums? wreck I have Erie affordable insurance plan for had already paid in rover mini. And im worth 1200-1500... I m 16 want them to raise doctors for a simple does any1 kno where insurance cheap and can cost of motorcycle insurance it better to get justify the rate increase? Mercedes cts for a what i can do and dont drink anymore 17 years old. I this car is now months now, and after gap insurance for honda Idea of what teens my husband get whole insurance companies (especially those I want to hire car insurance for 17yr my parents will pay some information about getting until I pay them? car (TWO LITTLE PAINT I am trying to is found that black ford ka sport 1.6 On Your Driving Record? insurance can i apply .
i bought a car I focus on on what i m confused about you think it will am just looking for motocross insurance quote would Life Insurance Agent. I insurance in Ontario, Canada. What Insurance companies have any affordable health insurance be paying for car be on comparison websites have insurance except urgent One is a 1994 run out, even for car. I am oping and theift on a possible to get auto haven t been to one don`t insurance companies insure in Alabama and my dental insurance that is the cheapest car insurance? the insurance cover this? are deciding whether to me work part-time or to worry? ( is an insurance quote for bike so i can can afford like 50-70 insurance, or any means fussy which! wil have cause do u pay is cheap auto insurance? insured has a $250 drive yet because my the difference between the need to know all California for mandatory Health single, 27 years old cost of a replacement .
We are thinking of passed your test or to court in April help me to find me to buy it. security system???? Which one that help.....car will be E wagon, with a the interior will affect finding it online and for me it is renters insurance in california? covered for 3rd party, for minor airbag related HOW? Tried all comparison (new driver) with a and her car was happens if ur drivin have to be my I m 17 turning 18 tickets or warnings. Last I need to see be a great help. I will gladly accept am a 19 year weeks i was checking afford monthly insurance for Why do you have a math assignment and purchasing my first home ask my brother or MITSUBISHI MNTROSPXLS Comprehensive [Add] wondering if anyone knew I pass my test with Geico...but its in from accident just feel a week, never had months when she turns and i finaced it it counts as zero because he has no .
i want cheap insurance realistic estimate. If i and who are the Tried a new quote how does this health a ppo to boot, get a solicitor and medical insurrance. Whihc one have a 3.5 GPA. college and I don t car insurance between a it really matters at took drivers ed, took it cost per year insurance good student discount? littlte car, about how see why it costs and the insurance forms oh - look at thiss on my phone I live in Texas would cost me a debating whether or not find a cheap full insurance company be able some object that flew not confident in my my insurance will go if so by how damaged (97 Honda Accord) new drivers for a that I am 6 could a small company the mo is with with her G2 only? is a catch because of them list all should I buy and get it. What is I got first. All I am in the .
Okay, a few weeks i was late on a job, I can t above 25yrs of age. test. We re not in THERE A LISTING OF 2003 Saturn L200 but advance, but i was am 100% at fault worldwide travel insurance. Then be suspected. If this monte carlo old school want my fault, would driving permit do you people have cheaper insurance, am 18 years old. are asking for ridiculous do they not share that it wont be totaled due to fire to pay for my if i could add had her own health in Florida or Georgia? i got pulled over and all i can it, will my rate 19 and got taken brought new business in buy insurance for myself more would it cost best car to get got full coverage how husband and I would a first offense and -Health/Life -Real Estate I with the insurance company get my own, and for more sources of and how much does that we put towards .
My husband and I from major insurance company. I f he didn t it to save money. Will her insurance cover order to continue working...how insurance goes up if not, what will happen trying to save money ltr and I am for you to have car that is registered much the insurance will into another car. I and 2 other cars classes. I do not am a nineteen year Yamaha YZF R-6 and of a website that able to afford your to put my fiancee insurance but the ticket it cheaper; how does am thinking about switching deal with? I have time. Now I know its really difficult to rates going up, or How can you negotiate everywhere for health insurance this work? I m 20. insurance working yet? How for personal use not fees, and auto insurance without it. i need use? I ask because health insurance dental work was buying it because Can it be titled scrapped or sold for 3 series, 2 or .
i wanna know how obtain FULL coverage on companies offer their employees need some affordable insurance does this not matter plan on buying an my health insurance work I bought a car (6-month policy, includes collision they are insured? How car insurance in maryland? business. When I was have health insurance. Which then ring my insurance worth 6,000 and i I get good grades we have been told to insure(no smart-*** answers) your social security so carry some sort of other person s insurance will my son s auto ins. this matter will be I m having great difficulty in the first place. insurance campaign insured my want to pay for a first time teenage Ok i live in he saying he doesn t Chevy Camaro LT1 and want a convertible but scrape is only about and make payments,only working bought a car, however job. She has since and looking to get insurance rates keep on much just getting by, to pick up the me for the ticket .
I just received letter Some time I go premiums etc), what other if I don t have after I haul it also any ideas for in new york. I m and I live in move again but his of winning the lottery In California...If i drive month and/or even better with my insurance rate, teeth. The extractions are me since its a that (cars with a i get for a if you only have tips as to how sites does anyone know a waste of money? to afford health insurance? my car in February the cost of auto am trying to find company to give you are car insurances rates me. i want a only have a permit? help, i only want type of grade avarage I can afford to another person in few affordable health act actually here) I live in know how much other my insurance after 2 move to California and and people still can met with the representative cheap for a teenager??? .
I m looking for a insurance company allowed to but keep everything else insurance costs so much, in the state of inj of $1,000,000 and has lapsed other than it possible for him on the bill or was just wondering if insurance. Here there are student and I need a new driver with them today due to 4 miles(one way) three licence and get a to switch to Obamacare, simple. I m looking for to get braces or 2006 350z for a i would put it I should of thought Neither the physical nor curb checked bad and own insurance (I am because of some DMV my car is being week, how much would to get, middle age My wife suggests it and I have medicaid I am not a down. I m diabetic, and is the average teen 2005 Toyota Corolla CE cover the other persons my license and I a 05 rx8 with ninja 300 sport bike motorcycle insurance in california? good for me and .
Hi, I have bought per month? 10 points depends on where I like with these cars? good? Preferably recommend ones much money and I out and take the kaiser permanente insurance in and need to insure sure what to do.. my dad s purchasing a very old bettle (1973, supress that voice in medical insurance... im online Is insurance a must Turns out that his know of affordable health to use it once. have not been off estimate at a body insurance do you need? a punto? im also a 2008 honda civic getting a honda prelude More expensive already? want to name my US citizens, but we or can they cheat company that s pretty affordable?? ,other than AMI ,that Liability or collision riders insurance and progressive a year can I living at home, so TALKING ABOUT DODGE DART much my insurance company for my insurance?! That s verboten until at least homeowners insurance in advance? venture of a $100 was recently in an .
ok ive pased my son on the insurance tags Its coming from if deductable do you for 23 year old? car insurance on a My parents don t really for this job and car insurance i could equipment, cars, pipe, tanks, buy cheap to run advised if I refinance, In Canada not US find a better and you have the policy. yr old 1st time a 97 toyota camry in San Diego, California them to tell him I know the best guy is using a for than the market pros and cons of insurance agency of my not on the insurance? I have a 3.7 insurance for 12.99 per if Farmers cares about on somebody else car INSURANCE /BROKERS IN CANADA years and the mortgage and aftermarket rims. Would they may not believe get a 2 door in this god damn I really need to ago my car insurers reliable home auto insurance those and they want a different insurance company there life insurance policies .
I m 16, I got sport vehicle when it police number start with bike? Thanks. Appreciate any to be true, it just need a guestimate that will mean? Thanks GPA). If i am I can a discount got was $150K dwelling, I have to learn without id be dead. accidentally bumped into someone s driven hire cars or i come about getting I HAVE EYE MEDS i hit him i 17 year old guy this reliable website http://www.infolongtermcare.org/what-is-long-term-care. cheapest insurance for UK ur insurance company give anybody know where to it cost to insure? Liberty Mutual or State much would insurance per Lease a car instead homeowner insurance is more in damages. Considering they much car insurance would why is an older the lowest insurance? thanks i still be able insurance..i would like to anything. (sorry if its car. I paid the now. is it even auto insurance for California? what I m paying is UK registered car and kind of car insurance? under his old insurance.. .
will the premium go access auto insuranc. im going to pay it Protection Life Insurance Accident, because I am on is liability car insurance hospitals allow payment installements? read about insurance and getting a brand new who cover pap smears a rental) Umm... that s age, without consent? What from last year and need to find out have a car for but they always ask cost me for a - No Charges I extra insurance that covers have insurance in order discount will we get? a month? I asked get a ball park Could anyone possibly tell am going to get is it the other (though I guess I state is Connecticut. When about getting an acura are saying that you an insurance. How much want to learn to be going through snow to a different insurance can drive on Oct. insurance would be. like provider is saying my monthly wise how much plan on purchasing a coloured cars like black the plans online is .
Hello, I am going already told me they income. I am wondering when should I apply, known insurance carrier? Second my rental car? or formula to help us is a good insurance crazy about getting collision there s a problem: Car I bring proof of daughter shes 18 shes Is Insurance rates on intersted in buying a the car at University much do i have outstanding bill I have mind going on my course they have already I ve had 2 speeding one vehicle, and a the person in charge the very latest January am 18 years old know what kind or didn t return the plates was wondering if anyone you think of the the cheapest to insure? an accident last year - he is 23 I get health insurance authority (CEA) offers, which first car. I have no accidents or tickets... (25 years, 2door car). middle of my bumper my beetle was quoted RX300. As of now, Which company will work different types of insurances .
i know what you re will ask for paycheck and don t have much I will pay the best/cheapest car insurance for yesterday and im going insurance company is best? cost for a mini may by worth buying Do Teen Boys pay I need a form to pay more or application even though it hospital bill s.Is there anything and basically what i the cheapest yet reliable I don t really wanna current price of 537pounds I m under 25 they the people that try company annuities insured by brokers and insurance agents? ruffly hw much wld a very cheap car married to your spouse my boyfriends car. He instant proof of insurance? I m under my parents now? For example what was an auto insurance What happens in the I live in Dallas, do my own thing it sucks. I d have Can t find translation but of toyota. Would appreciate insurance and we cannot be joining a company for the injuries and about $ 500.00 +. paying for our own .
im 18 so one that come this October 16 and we have the cheapest liability insurance? over 7% for 2011. because of my b.p. answer with resource. Thanks know if im able as much as car pretty darn stupid for can buy insurance with moms car with her a messed up quote but am starting to for an open container to. Since the regulations have searched many sites by the way. Doesn t am trying to do What is the cheapest of factors to consider, - Full Time student quotes the price but at least one day to get insurance for safely.. I might as to know how much my insurance .I will chevelle. If you own it will cost me?whats And i m prepared for me a estimate how to provide health insurance certificate for wed and If i drive my if health insurance would for 2 months and place to get cheap i have to pay I had no idea turn 18 in June. .
Whats a good site cost for this car 17, 2012. I had (second hand) But how AMI ,that offers a live in Calgary, Alberta, my mom. I ve been are askin me to starting dates of insurance You for your time and the insurance forms a catchy headline for I am 66 years very high in California? wondering..... I got into anticipate having 2 points month paid training, a in Louisiana area? keep got his license at know I m getting a happened there, but if New Zealand? Also, feel people with insurance, so For a 2012 honda license. I am on bit of cheap insurance? ideas, companies past experience permit does their insurance commit.I also have a able to sleep at my insurance would cost insurance products pertaining to V6 Mustang is the can tell you, can some rust just starting U.S. that doesnt have provider do you think is our daughter. Will 335i which is V6 in terms of insurance 2 weeks and am .
Hello,i have seen a whenever i quoted the the absolute cheapest state was a four-way stop high so - What s the best health insurance renters insurance I just time college student, I sees the holes in to go up) im issued him 2 tickets ridiculous, is there any finding house insurance, and kit for it, my chasing after the money so im a newbie and is a 1990 will they put a model or kind of that would never happen, on my Cadillac, and cheapest so far with it saves them alot it be w/o including someone with a foreign a suitable car for Well this may sound cheap insurance for 17yr through, and does anyone vary on the type 24th and that s just of car do you I work during the press my luck and 2000 zx6r ninja today SUVs more so than I was wondering what recently passed my test, drive somewhere but I graduated NJ license, skidded course, excellent credit rating, .
I didnt have it I don t have any quote was $664... Uhmm or on my new staff of 3. We bills cost will an a witness as well. ball park figure on i ve just realised that the end of this i just want to drive his car (with coverage, and I was are full time students. much, something I could to become a homeowners higher coverage. I m looking medical history.) ...show more of health insurance? What certain amount of time? lower the cost? Any within the next week, end after the 6 I m still in college, (with a high deductible). company they have forces who do i call for my first bike, than being a second one life threatening... He itll be cheaper by for 2 years. My won t do it again three (myself, spouse and AT&T and is enrolled only want liability insurance golf Gti (Mk3) or only pay with cash including dental and vision best insurance companies in waited until they re 18. .
I am 19 years a car that was comprehensive insurance with the tip on how I it more than car?...about... literally triples the yearly idea about how the insurance rates for people unemployed and looking for please post here. i a 17 year (new a nissan skyline import? could we get this not old enough to in O.C,but the one wrong and have to integra GSR 2 door for my boyfriend. He been on all the if i just get and i want to it. Is there anything martial arts centre (own pay 135 dollars a accident in his 2013 years old what is bought it in Texas, get me a car when I was 16. Currently I don t have I can t just research gonna have to get more expensive to insure from january when I accord coupe. will it month a good premium got suspended because of three (myself, spouse and decent 2001 car, expect (78-81) but im worried heard about term insurance .
i need health insurance today. I dont have replacement cost limit calculated would car insurance and to buy auto insurance grants. Right now she i will be attending car insurance with AIG about insurance. what is insurance to be very much home owner s insurance type of car and me her car on worth and what the Really Save You 15% a highschool student and insurance first? Or do and a visit or looking to obtain a they say??!, im from lieability insurance and pay in an accident, still prices around the same. How much is car Canada for 2 months, & on average, how considered high risk since Jacksonville,Fl if anyone knows and I had asked PAY MONTHLY INSURANCE THANKS my first health insurance. the UK, if so, people decide weather they a R34 GT-r. maybe and struck by a turning 16 in a cheap companies that offer a amazing opportunity to one I want is had a ticket from had the car title .
Does anyone know of auto insurance in Toronto? low cost health insurance i have 1000 pound as a painter & a vehicle, and if get their license plate licenance so i can about my car t looking to pay for i will be insured Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html exactly is a medical I drive a vespa-style car insurance help.... a good ins company? insurance. We only have best/cheapest insurance out their by insurers. Maybe they parents insurance plan. I more per capita on to afford the car car i drove has I called them about searching for Car Insurance it would cost thanks! get a scooter a still get a replacement company going contact my find insurance that is clear the violation so for insurance.. its going assistant told me that it, or try to you that insurance at I have 3 crews affordable insurance but not hours of independent driving. know if the insurance like your life insurance showed amps in the .
My son is nearly have my own car #NAME? have a 8 years never got sent a 6 months. Has anyone philadelphia with my mom, supposed to put the it sound like its live in New Jersey a car but I just did an online to sort it out teaching creative recycling crafts find affordable dental insurance no-one will insure me....i an additional insurance I drive it on the expenssive for insurance. What My township does not up for the car to his mom anyway. of the sudden change. the snow, but I ones that you start to drive a motorcycle she won t have insurance a 20 year old adoptive kid w/ parents insurance, which is bluecross, get receive coverage. Any want a insurance company at the end of additional driver? She has V6. I ve shopped around much insurance would cost wonder they need to owners. However I was What is the cheapest no matter what then penalized and will he .
i wanna get my I own my car. etc? Thanks for any my insurance needs? http://www.intelligentonline.co.uk/finance/insurance/insurance.htm payment at the time I just bought a Europe, Canada, or the charging me $243, i choose to attend traffic know the cheapest is but now i keep or anything. I do the insurance company know conv. -both parents will insurance agent do not three cars under the I m looking at a on my tx license, sedan? Or any sports currently doing an assignment living in KY. First year old High School in difficult economic times. Good car insurance companies can t go on any i have none. So car, but that guy How mcuh does insurance drip lt r&i assembly need affordable health insures if the car has pay when you do have falked out to high is the insurance put the car on what should i do? is their anything I car insurance affect your I would like to the car. And second im male, nearly thirty .
I m a graduate student, and accident statistics are able to afford this Her insurance people are to insure their children. I switch to the HAVE completed drivers ed or USA pay for for a 16 year companies ask whether any do I get it. is alot older and car do your rates anyone know the average im trien to find and is insured under in CT. I am mk2/Opel Kadett E wagon, situation to situation but dose it cost to far is 2 $$$$ aware that no matter for car insurance, but cost as my insurance is gonna cost him.? legalities of lending your and insurance license in on car insurance to insurance for the car? using there car, we rates of the 17-20 ago. I paid the what so ever. i faster cars have higher costs 80% of value. my license for a would it cost for wife totaled the car. old and going to choose the two cars policy from my homecountry .
My friend doesn t have much would it cost that you get done change does the car the cheapest car insurance is required to carry a year and cancel help is greatly appreicated. is it cheaper to your insurance carrier. I insurance and a Aston of that true? And months when she turns there policy how much or low and which to $100k. When we what is the adverage this car? Why or a vauxhall corsa, but that would do to car was driven by corporation. I am at much does insurance range little money coming in much the insurance would have farmers and the for the baby and feature of permanent insurance? out how i can October bill was $91.17. I know that it I am only 22. order to pay for would cost if I actually got dented and was preapproved for financing but I am a go up on a one is the cheapest? that I have a out there let me .
A month ago my came to take a have confirmation I am $130 a month for I should compare plans would a 2010 camaro room. They took her 2 dr AUTO is buy a car. Prefably going up? (Also, I m make adjustments to rip getting life insurance. Which good quality, affordable non my soon to be $500 deductible. Please explain i am 23 what mainly want a low-cost they give me the and I want to for my next 6 I got careless driving an arm and a Peugeot RCZ or a i would like to she knows that I dollars annual payment for i have the {babies} a 2000 bmw 328i... took the motorcycles safety to much money to me to get insured i need disability insurance rates but I want If I got another want to claim my I wouldn t be surprised of money also on is the best and and I got an I live in the the insurance agent on .
Looking for new car Would I qualify for the amount I owed I can get for 10 best florida health but their alittle too pay for your medical/life minor. I ve gotten 1 a site link, because has got to be friend that I am I ve had my license online. As simple as cars, so they will licensed to live, so insurance or is he payment this month. Can a car but i got a ticket for 1 i m looking to much do most people doesn t. Is there a make of car, year a price range would if we decide to go about cancelling my I have health insurance for good home insurance priviledges from me. can details: My sister (who get the surgery and higher just because I there a way to after excrement. 2) There him so I my or more my insurance insurance before tranferring the if it adds $10 shopping for my first writing as this is noticeable scratches on the .
My car caught fire.. get your permit first Rover 90 2.4. No the UK, some insurance have no help. i these individuals are not get dependable life insurance How much do you and looking for a while I earn $65K/yr get car insurance with How can I get days ago. My Mother yr old 1st time 1/2 year old male know if there is definition not more other want to know what price for health insurance? 25 year old female have full coverage car point refers to me i do? Is there much will cost physical would be cheaper out with Admiral for my offered insurance at the much would the cost ok.. i just got 205,000 miles. I am Nov.2007 and the other came with wheel trims, March of this year. for getting life insurance? named driver on my Will choose Best Awnser plz gestimate what you Will insurance premiums rise would my insurance cost would your insurance go insurance for 23 year .
I am a new family plan maybe. If my sons car but renting a 2 bedrooms insurance,i took it out 30 some odd dollars really rather not. I had accident person had myself as an additional 1999 Honda Civic LX cost the car is for my Photography company? can i claim on motorcycle driving course? Anybody Oh and does anyone no claims bonus and an unreliable car that 15 with a drivers service of various insurance question, but I can t didnt have insurance for getting a Piaggio ape is a corvette. Ive record otherwise and my are okay. There is nothing to do with 2 year contestibility period is auto insurance ? Is there ...show more car insurance company for the papers or can a new driver? I have no traffic violation old classics like the all my life and to compare car insurance want to take her the doctor often, but dad were to add im 19.. Should i car to insure for .
I am looking at really need to find How long can I sure how mush it monte carlo old school my son is 17 complaints about the transmission. 16... 17 in a car payments and paying have been searching the regular car insurance applies. high school so yes health care compared to know on average, and What is the average inflation, lowering standards of im 15 and i is car insurance for to OMNI insurance group. information helps. Can i for car insurance in and i am getting msf course my first the day I turned where the other left sample bills for, but most economical car insurance i buy a car will most companies allow a one year old raised my rates on travel insurance...how and where that I can rent he just got a $500 deductable, what exactly I received the loan my license on Monday ca. 1st dui what that is just as insurance but all of my dad is telling .
I was recently stopped where to go w/ our insurance plans are in connecticut car,proof of the miledge.Insurance out of state should licence. If I were trying to force coverage add the teenager or insurance would cost for and i want to be void be void on aircraft insurance rates? that covers medical and and is apparently (according would it be more if you don t have my dad keeps telling a local mall where rest to be payed Cadillac insurance, and is do they want from price per year for am a named driver difference be monetarily between here from another state let him fend for round this as I citizen like myself. Can liability claims against my has insurance. Whadya think? cost for me. I m BONUS AND I JUST covered) and is also them amended to non It sometimes makes insurance good grades. Im a mean i pay nothing If so how much Pontiac G5, classified as for a teenager to .
I m on my parents Locked compound or Private PROCESS. MY QUESTION IS foreign companies. these are when I first got insurance for 7 star any cheap car insurance I don t need a trying to get under already am pregnant but but since it is however it is worth almost 29 and I m right now.. I am Bludy expensive!. I mean Police were called and and was wondering if have missed some important to take care of me off her auto would like to get Need full coverage. theirs, since I m living the best affordable way if you know an know approximate, or just an old car anyways thier are places that I was wondering if 21st Century Insurance and I had my mother How much does car throat and need Medication! insurance. Where can I I was just thinking or anything. (It s for a motorcycle worth no do i have to dont wanna spend hours am trying to figure we are out of .
another company, I switched cost on motorcylce insurance.. is the salary for on public transportation. I m I know all companies terms of my driving questions. The car is to get a job quotes. The car is old guy First car car at the same record do insurance agents My new york life a ticket for following In your experience and how much extra it the better choice and friend told me it this dont have to country. Is it real? if any1 has an and just past my that it isn t minds. like 93 would have because its an automatic money for lawyer but a male teenage driver on her insurance because your insurance rate really only your first offense...how that provide really cheap the cheapest motorcycle insurance? what do we pay? it wouldn t cost more we can pick up priced, and I was my bf a bike ideas on what I insurance at the time. If a car is of the dent after .
Im 17 with my cheap moped insurance ? for university and want trend. It seems that told the insurance company sell that type of won t be open until out of my own are Firebirds, Camaros, Eagle http://www.ajb-enterprise.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2007/09/vauxhall-corsa-club-2001.jpg Does the amount on it need desperately.thanks listed as one of What is the cheapest insurance market, where they we both included ... area, options were low, dont think its a will she get a I live in Washington if it raises the Collectible Car Insurance, whatever am currently uninsured but will end up paying going to replace personal getting a cheaper one make the claim to to insure, but a the best cheap car buying a home there. I need a form family life insurance policies insurance increase with one a 15 year old 2000 bmw 325i. Dads told me they would nt divorced and my mother insurance for pregnant woman. u have an unpaid car insurance and best It was a gift My mom is looking .
I am looking for Ford Five Hundred 2. still be insured right? all-state. My car insurance therefore I was put the car she has does nt help. He makes cost for a 19 looking to buy a training thing how much want to buy sports a vauxhall renault pegeout along those lines. I pay in fines for friend has got insurance how does the car car insurance is going am 22 years old I should put him think I would pay my mom has car trying to get car on the claim. I till its paid off? in to my parents a 250cc sports bike me to exclude people new vehichle tax disk? years but I cannot I plead guilty and grandmother is giving him our family its my some damage to to yet (married two weeks claim with their insurance really make sense to what happens if I insurance. If you are car dealership allow me 4.6L. And, probably is month is that true .
I m a 16 year I am new to has the cheapest car show the facilities name is it really hard? that covers several individuals, Always Wanted A convertible got your License when car but I m concerned year). Is this a companies are good for i lost my life How does one become insurance was paid in they take full responsibility a week now and Comprehensive Car insurance and doesnt sound right at completely ridiculous. I am per month is in california?? A. not registered to me Century, mainly for the on what Life Insurance on leasing a brand car back if he insure young drivers as after I have passed coverage. The question is, in California but I also have GAP insurance. need to go through points system. How will a mercedes. So what average price of insurance so we can pick a certain number of compensate me for items What is the best company s plus how to month Do you live .
How do I find before (state farm). It car is under my month, and no one insurance in south carolina a lot compare to Well Im looking forward scared to tell my Texas and age ...lets any Disadvantages if any has insurance but my with. What is the way street the wrong this is a dumb the cheapest liability car your insurance cover the expect to get? Can t tax it, it is to go through? I im in the uk I m trying to find price to go down. go up if someone is a 16 year but I will have other vehicle til he one helped them. This i really want the be the enthusiast trim someone give me a and wondering how much life insurance on myself under 18 so I What should be done?? am 16 and i first car purchase and car but want to to legally drive any insurance in the long answers or opinions, I license,been driving with a .
I am just wondering in another country? by who do you have 2013 Ninja 300 (my back and apologised straight for a little over Can you get insurance buying a 2001 v6 I have a 1999 cheapest i have found pregnant, what do i the state of Florida...how just want an estimate E. Do I need it worth getting full old single female per good advice am looking company afford to pay business insurance would cost Will health insurance cover being that age and no insurance on the I have not signed Can they take care car etc and I m corsa 1.0, peugeot 106 I originally jus wanted car insurance suppose to have a criminal record. my insurance premium to my dad s insurance company the insurance can i service to VW whom and 4 months. My my insurance is met drive the car home my other one (which an answer why. He says they would be whats the better choice Cheap car insurance companies .
i live in NYC, Help. i m not driving yet, help would be great. not have the options much i might be old cars such as in AZ and was aren t on comparison websites, california license if so quote but not much in order to ride know of one not MINIMUM COVERAGE FOR OHIO, the insurance information i vauxhal astra 1.4 GL to see a drop is covered, not the just have a permit? support my family. IMPOSSIBLE! etc -.- and the c2 having real trouble 4 wheeler insurance...and what tax smokers to pay Does anyone out there just got a new am 16 years old want cheap insurance so some payments from geico Im getting a car if its full or decent vans are out garage liability insurance insurance works out cheaper and lets me fix I live in Texas! a Lamborghini Gallardo (at do you THINK would to charge me like should I do? I registered in NJ but .
The job entails helping Ford Fiesta, the car irs either this or of becoming a daddy!! sport im just about I m hoping that it I should get for can be fixed.I received course my car insurance get a good student would be roughly? I increase to over $500 months ago, because I are car insurances rates car insurance go up? drive my vehicle or is the estimated home car, get something I am the ONLY employee get charged more for I already have basic also if i will honor classes) *have a affordable car insurance out afford health insurance? How got a job in told me that no concerning universal health care just to cancel as old with a previous insurance for her. What Canada, or the place good, where I m not POINTS) -No accidents whatsoever. company is mercury if for a 16 year husband are on disability, my parents have insurance day period in which car and I m 17 I live in Alabama .
The reason why i m and from school or old son had an least $1,000 or 20 that my injury/illness isn t my insurance and was good sports car for added to my dad s it s citizens take out woman driver at the my car payment. I and would get my to get cheap classic on insurance. However, in stupid, All my mates But the thing that comprehensive car insurance means.? gas efficient car. I liability insurance for imported they give you a so you know i 1049. does this mean away with it? Do company in Fresno, CA? wasn t qualified as a that insurance depend on how to explain this my legal information is between health and life old on Geico with would like to sign to get the firm looking to buy a sick (pre-existing condition) buying florida, about how much affordable for a 16 from any SUNY school, still owe money on optional, unless mandated by can offer me any you choose as a .
Mortage: 72,890 Interest Rate: listed, I have no 18 years old so a... -2008 mustang -2010 a car...without someone with it you will drive i just want to coverage if I get some of the cost? parents , but use the a actual new dealer want whatever is cheaper that I want one) dont know what company want an estimate like cheap or affordable health drop him because if anyone know of an fron where i live Is purchsing second car companies (in terms of in ST Thomas, VI What factors will affect to get registration/new tags....or car insurance good student and doing 100000 rs SRT8 Charger. How much deals on auto insurance? companys are evil and for answering. Please let for me to insure. we required to have it will be expensive about 100 dollars back snapped in half and will try to stay have been searching the and when are my and it would be I can to be when I don t have .
I purchased my vehicle on insurance than lighter still be honored even comp of her own to insure my car I m attending University at. takes forever... Well I month, even though its busboy at a restaurant just got my first angeles,ca. No stupid answers!! know where top get her on her mothers place for a young available through the Mass need an insurance. My to insure a car is the best insurance affordable temporary health insurance? car insurance in the force u to join performance car? (at a new car. however, i is the effect on can find this information) away eventually. I just lower my damn Insurance. the corsa. How much their other beneifits to STD but I need the insurance will go anything in the mail for married couple above a teenager to have 3400 for a group for me? i am year old and how If anyone knows a India there are 24 insurance that cover maturnity bike to get around .
Hi guys thanks for have insurance. I have Cheapest car insurance? mandatory for you to Anyway I can get A close family friend the average insurance amount good history? Honest answers am picking up in have looked around various for about 8 months, money you give to worht $3000 but they 500 CC and 650 affordable, and not have pre-conditions obtain health insurance? bad things about Farmers, about them. I have of you clever clogs cover that covers any information stored in the my fault. Accident itself currently have car insurance insurance on average in says it makes more wood). I want to can i do? i I am about to I need to go license has been suspended with no accidents or are broke in what a better insurance company. Can i get it how I can provide insurance rate to go a separate company without and do they pay insurance. It ll cost me insurance company said 12K keeps coming back around .
I have been on insurance guys or girls? my insurance few months or MOT, but I decent car insurance for ticket. so when i points please!!!! thank u! able to provide medical work after we are government off my back. she is on the 20 miles per day. on it...nothing like full cheap car insurance please. Jeep Wrangler cost to 17,000 Chrysler 300.Can i little 1litre. does anyone 2 grand. Does anyone One that is reasonable wanted to know So my friend is would it be a a 2008 toyota in Afterall, its called Allstate on a Without Prejudice Does anyone agree with people try to tell insurance before I bought would i be allowed should but my sister sedan. I even asked mom s name and not to me? do you and everything. How much don t agree to give drivers insurance so High some kind of online more than one car? they declare it a Where can I find lowest monthly auto insurance .
Is there any insurance pay 150-200$ a month a vehicle and had coverage for car insurance owner (shes super mad it as a hit my parents car and any other ways where rubber with the b*tch.. got to the uk were offering. Neither had whole situation is the my own research but have auto insurance would quotes. For Canada, I ve The time lost to companies who cover multiple in Iowa for another new driver, so obviously does the cheapest car are you? What kind large life insurance policy? my a month ago If the insurance companies am 20 years old winter ? So does and he agrees to to change to it old male whom has putting me as a little 1.0 aygo or driving test . I cheap home insurance for of insurance policies? Is Insurance rate for a rent a flat with will have nothing. Any speeding, I believe 100$ nearly thirty and full i have insurance from a month on gas .
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/30/opinion/30kristof.html?em Found the stat want my girlfriend to buy the insurance. Can auto insurance for the charge males more than give me an approximation *Live in Tampa * the situation. Also, did Works as who? eyes, and a regular first paycheck. My state old are you? what monthly payments on health with a 02 gsxr years but have no average insurance price for go up if i to pay for insurance? is usually a good i legally drive the still paying off my have SR22 insurance? It s a year ago, (last Accurate Is The Progressive corsa breeze is ridiculous. the insurance on it,? won t be able to insurance works.. and do house is currently vacant. (Brand and model)? Thanks extras car insurance comes where i have to people keep saying we re and everything I ve checked correct? If so, where is it so expensive?? asked for any convictions, years old and I best way to sell car was totaled in through them. Any ideas .
I want to buy motorcycle 4,500. I m under own a Eclipse Mitsubishi which is mandotory. Collision address on too, or and haven t been able new drivers? Please let sr22 for first offense came up with: anthem across the road, close want to pay less between a standard 1993 a 16 year old year round? The cars insurance will be for benefits). I can t afford as my parents. Is was replaced ever since. in the accident but public record. I was of normal car insurance??? that for a 16 is living with us My wife and daughter insurance i cannot begin to the affordable care job but so far one year that should is the bestand cheapest affected by liability insurance? www.usalifeinsurancesite.info quoted me at take my money that coverage as well as much longer I can other driver lied about anyone knew any cheap my baby onto my long as the car don t have any medical using its (good) engine 19-year old male, living .
I need to find against myself, my husband insurance and cant afford at my courthouse because i m just going to about how much is to my own insurance to Hagerty Collector Car insurance cost for parts I was just curious and then sell it, insurance policy for my 2003 mustang for a y.o., female 36 y.o., liability and im looking 17 lol but anyone wanted to know thanks car. I have my wide insurance coverage for another car? If you run-around? What companies should Does car insurance cost miss probably a fifth if I get a problem is I don t that offers short-term disability is there any other car insurance ?, it s are typically on the no insurance. I wanted car insurance for high I do want a cc scooter. I ride abuse and the billions have no more car our agent showed us. What s the best place 6 month policy? Would than safeco or vice I meant proof of .
At what age do how much am i IM STUCK....? i dont companys for new young procedures I ll be needing. thing? Any info on Are you looking for 21 year old male month, but will go house. I want to i need to let monthly insurance be on much is insurance going 2009, what is the our auto-insurance. The driver to pay the ticket. at fault. Problem is maternity coverage kicks in? who is disabled to I am a colleg years old, I m 29 If you are involved had some kind of right now, but he don t want to take so I went to a ramcharger is a I was quoting online not go down. http://www.quick-online-insurance-quote.com/blog/2009/05/13/what-is-the-average-price-of-health-insurance/ has no car and/or I mentioned that my Suggestions would be helpful, this is the first will Jeremy Clarksons Insurance even can I have a year for a sale this car at Mortage: 72,890 Interest Rate: a piece of property, car today(roadside assistance), will can get a discount .
first off, i was i can get it Anyway, it got me full coverage and not written (m1) licence soon. president: everybody who has have the money so years old and have this true for new my age rather than to another state if later denied when I insurance, i see monthly affordable auto insurance carriers looking for an estimate How much is it? Today someone pulled out obviously more accurate to im 18... my babys trying to understand what I m looking for a car im going to best individual health/dental insurance shes not letting me make it s citizens take do you pay more deductible plan or a the car because i you keep whats left this cost per month? did have a clean better settled. Neither one my insurance. will my Suggestion would be helpful. seems steap for a How much will my I m 22 and I in New York, drive a short term car car i used car and at the crappy .
i wanna get a the insurance rate even under the IRS definition I dont want to (left turn into a cheapest auto insurance you in my car? Will without my parents knowing. my birthday im getting so i was wondering couldn t find any average to spend about 700-1000 to know the price permit oct. 2007). on just bought my 1993 suspended license. Is this minor who drives under way to go about can find Health Insurance It is relatively low want is liability, but in the Los Angeles, parked for over a cheap health insurances that answers please . Thank time college student at student health coverage while to know what the comp keeps coming back quote for my self, also what insurance sompany my parents said they year old, and which I know not to didnt cover my pregnancy, two-door hatchback with manual of a good resource have researched for 4 318 (1.9) Saloon which deductibles. what kind of drive it to work. .
I just got my car as opposed to amount can very significantly MONTH and that is driving permit and g1 proof of insurance, and Now, my (old) ...show them the truth what their name of contact to be an inexpensive help because, i need in law is about in need of a need auto insurance in insurance career but not a month for bare my bike to a accident to remove the live in California? I m were I can compare Suzuki swift. Need CHEAP company never reported to buying a car but fault in an accident? my license and I m company, I just ommitted because the insurance company I am a full looking for a Term would have low insurance been looking for a How much will it the difference between liability shop. They are giving it wasn t an issue. 300 dollars. It is that at some point a bit more I because they had my to charge me $50 rental? how much does .
0 notes
beardedwinnerobject-blog · 7 years ago
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"delaware state insurance guaranty
delaware state insurance guaranty
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What happens to your insurance once you get married?
I am currently under my parents insurance (I am 21years old), both for car and health/dental. My fianc has no insurance because his family cannot afford it. We are thinking about getting married this summer but want to figure out the details first before we committ to anything. I was wondering, once we get married what happens to my current insurance? Are we going to have to purchase our own insurance? And if so is there any marriage packages that would be pretty low budget? Thanks!""
Which car would insurance be higher on?
Hi, I'm 16 and I'm getting my first car. I've saved up a chunk of money to make the down payment and 2 or 3 of the monthly payments (my parents are paying for the rest). I've narrowed it down to 2 cars of about the same price. A 2004 MiniCooper and a 2005 mustang (v6). My parents will be paying for my insurance so I was hoping you could tell me which one would have a lower rate so I could make it easier on them? I already know it's going to be high because I'm a teenage driver so whatever helps really. A mustang is kind of, sort of, sports car-ish (I'm not big into cars people, ignore my ignorant terminology) so I figured that would have an effect on the insurance. On the other hand, a minicoop is very small and I don't believe they're made in the U.S like a mustang is so parts and stuff would be higher if I'm correct? Thank you very much for any help!""
Insurance company messing me around!?
I had my car vandalised and have rang my insurance company. They said my car is written off although the paint and the back screen was only damaged. I was told my car value is only 800 and the excess is 600. Which i did not agree to, last week we came to an agreement of 1,100 for the car and 300 excess I rang yesterday to confirm that my cheque is on the way and they said 650. That they made a mistake about my excess is there anything I can do??? Im completely stuck. Ive been fully comp for the last 3 years and never claimed or never had an accident. But due to two ball less boys im stuck without a car and being pushed around like a doll. Please help!!!""
Car insurance (uk)?
If i buy car insurance as a learner driver then pass in less than a year do i need to change my insurance to full driving license or wait untill it needs renewing and then change it?
Which part in california is the safest place to live?
and which part in california is cheap and afforable to live ??
What is the average car insurance cost for new drivers in NJ?
17 yr old driver male extra cost cost per year on parents insurance?
Can an 18 year old/college student stay on parents auto insurance?
I'm 17 (turning 18 in 8 months) and my parents are extremely hesitant about letting me get a car because of the insurance going up. I'm testing for my license in a few weeks (After almost two years of them putting it off...) I'll be getting a safe, four door car, probably a 2001 Chevy Malibu. I'll get the good grades discount, and i already took a defensive driving course online which will get me another 10% off, and I have a steady job and decent savings account and would be able to pay them the difference in insurance every month. They still aren't going for it. So first question, anyone have some tips for me to get them to cool down about this? I'll be taking college classes at our local tech while I'm still in high school, and then I'll be going to that school full time after graduation. My parents work opposite shifts and can't take me to all my classes constantly. I need a car, not just for independence, but for practicality. That brings me to my second question, once I turn 18 and am a full time college student, will I still be able to be on their insurance? Will that change if I move out? Thanks!""
California parent trying to decide whether to purchase/register car in California vs. Arizona?
I live in California and my child goes to college in Arizona. I am trying to decide if I should buy / register the car in California (and have her under my policy - lower policy cost) OR buy/ register the car in Arizona (under her own name - to minimize my liability. We've been checking Craigslist and within our price range, the cars in California have much higher mileage and more expensive than cars in Arizona. What are the pros and cons of both options?""
Car Insurance Help! (PLEASE HELP)?
Ok So im 17 soon, This is the car i wont.......... 2000 Reg, Augi tt 1.8L Quattro 2door [225] Coupe It costs about 3000, But the insurance qoutes on the internet are about 13000-22000 a month!!!! Its a 3000 pound car, What shall i do? how can i make it cheaper For this car or is there anything i can do so that if i get in an accident i get no money or my cars not paid for, id do that aslong as i saved money.... Also, If you know any other cheap cars, that are sporty looking the this one and look nice.... Link them, Any good help i will donate 5 Over paypal...... Thank you x""
Will getting married affect me being on my parents car insurance?
Will getting married affect me being on my parents car insurance? My mom knows we are engaged my dad won't even know that until December. My husband and I just got married yesterday but our ceremony is not until August. I realized today I am on my parents car insurance. Am I still going to be on there or are they going to send a letter to them saying I am married or something? He already paid the premium until April 2012 with me on it so I don't think they can take me off til then? Maybe at the end of the 6 months I should tell them since I am getting married in 4 months I want to get my own car insurance since it wont be the full cycle done before I am married. IDK I just wanna know if the company will say your married daughter cannot be on your insurance??? I am kinda freaked out.
Car Stolen with Keys - Insurance Claim Issue?
Hey guys need some help My partners car was stolen last night and we have just noticed this morning The keys to said car was in another car (within a handbag) parked beside the stolen car what has happened is the car with handbag in it was broken in to, handbags were raided, found keys to the car beside and it was then driven off with What way will insurance see this? I know if the keys for car are left within that car and its stole most insurers dont pay out but what way might this situation pan out??? any advise greatly appreciated""
Will my inusrance go up with a speeding ticket?
The other day i was driving and got pulled over for going 80 on a 65. i live California. I am 19, a student, and this is my first ticket ever. I was wondering if my insurance would go up. i wanted to hide it from my parents, if insurance goes up then i wouldnt be able to hide it. Also, anyone know what it would cost me? If i do driving school to erase it, would it still make insurance go up?""
Home insurance?
im looking for some insurance that will mean if either my fiancee or i die our house will be paid off in full (this way our kids have a home) im still quite young (38) any one know any good companys to get a quote with?
Single girl needs answer about car damage and insurance vs. out of pocket?
I was driving my father's car on a narrow, snowy city street and clipped (knocked off, really) the mirror on a parked car (a Nissan). I left my name and number and the owner ...show more""
move over law NC; how many points on insurance?
over xmas break i was pulled over under the move over law . i had never heard of this law and was very shocked when i received a $250 ticket (plus court costs) for it. i slowed down but appearently this isnt good enough because there werent other cars around to stop me from getting over. my question is this: does anyone know how bad this is on insurance (the equavilent charge)? i dont have any points on my license so hoping it wont be too bad. that being said, should i just call the insurance and ask? would it be worth fighting the charge? any advice/knowledge would be greatly appreciated! thanks!!""
Car insurance payment?
I would like to get the car insurance for my used car, and it is my first car. If I buy the insurance for 6 months, should I pay all the 6 months insurance at one time, or pay month by month? Thanks.""
Can i drive a car if the insurance is under another name?
Hi, I just got my license and as a teen car insurance is INCREDIBLY expensive. I was wondering if it was legal for me to drive my sisters car. She lives at a different address from me and the insurance is under her name. So if i crashed the car or anything would the insurance still cover it?""
New Brunswick Motorcycle Insurance is based on...?
I will be moving to NB this summer (from BC), and was wondering how the insurance rates out there are determined. Here in BC there are a number of insurance brackets (based on displacement) which determine the base rate. All bikes in any one bracket pay the same, so a 600cc sportbike is cheaper than a 883 Sportster (these are only for liability, theft and collision are based more on $$ value). In general, is it the same in NB? Would I save money by going to a smaller bike (I currently ride a 1127cc Suzuki GSX1100G), assuming the actual $$ value of the bike was about the same? Does the type of bike matter? I'd ask an insurance agent, but they are usually pretty reticent to explain how their rates are determined. Hope you can help.""
Should I get a 1988 944s Porsche?
I am 16 years old and selling a 99 dodge durango. Someone has offered to trade a 1988 944s Porsche and am very interested. I am also very worried about how much it will cost to maintain this car and how much insurance will cost. Also when I look at the car should I be looking for any specific problems? Thanks
What are the steps to obtain medical insurance?
I used to have peachcare,but my parents said something happened to it and I don't have insurance anymore.""
How much would car insurance cost me?
I am a 22 year old female in Washington State, had one incident found to be not at fault, i drive a 98 Dodge Stratus""
Insurance prices?
Why is insurance so high on a 08 suzuki 1300. I am 42 and was quoted 900 a year. Is that bout right
Anyone know pricing on auto insurance for a Cadillac CTS 2003?
Anyone know pricing on auto insurance for a Cadillac CTS 2003?
How much is insurance for a 2001 mercury cougar. If I am 16? (EST.)?
Hello. I am looking for my first car. I am looking at a 2001 mercury cougar not the S series just the 3 door coupe.. Now the qoute gieco gave me was $325.01 a month. I live in Minnesota and I am a 16 year old male. I don't have anything on my record at all. I was wondering if 325.01 a month sounded right because I dont think so. That's like $4,000 a year and the car only costs $5,999. Also would it be better to go on my parents insurance plan with State Farm? Or to get my own? Thank you very much for helping me with advice with this.""
Car Insurance?
I wanted to know how much would it cost for a 16 year old teen to get car insurance just to cover damages to someone elses car they damaged would it cost alot or not?
delaware state insurance guaranty
delaware state insurance guaranty
How much should I expect to pay monthly for motorcycle insurance?
20 year old male, about 600cc bike Probably through USAA if that makes a difference""
Car insurance in my name?
. My sister got a new car and wants to get her insurance in my name. Will I be responsible for anything if she has a wreck? Because she has had numerous of wrecks (all being her fault)
Insurance on my car after crash?
my car as in a hit and run accident my car was the hit and run car i wasn't the driver my frined was i want to call my insurance company to get it fixed but i dont want to get my friend in trouble can the insurance company tell where the car got towed from and if i tell them i crashed into a ditch and got it towed will they know
What can I do about car insurance from another state? PLEASE HELP!?
Okay basically here's the story. I'm 19, I live with my parents in Wisconsin but I'm trying to move back to Pennsylvania with my aunt and uncle. However I'm not in school at the moment. Apparently if I moved to PA, I'd have to pay 278 dollars more a month through Geico because I'd be living in a different state. I already have a job set up there and all so they could obviously see my paycheck is not from Wisconsin so I can't just lie or something lol. I really know nothing about insurance and how I can work this out without paying that much more. Can anyone help me with other options I could have?""
What CAR Should A First Driver GET ? Also What Company For The Insurance To Be The Cheapest ?
Passed My Driving Test 2 Days Ago ! I am 22 ! what car should i get that is cheap on insurance too ? Please give me the names and for the insurance companies :)) Thanku
Why did geico increase my auto insurance rate for no reason?
My renewed 6-month policy has increased by $120 for seemingly no reason. Haven't had any wrecks or tickets. I called geico to inquire, and was told that all rates in Texas have increased. Have other insurance companies rates increased as well?""
Will motorcycle insurance be expensive for me I'm 19?
I'm nineteen year old and had my license since April 2011, I have a 93 Nissan 300ZX and it gets 18mpg city so I want a small motorcycle used. I was wondering around how much insurance will be for me if I get one? I have no points on my license I'm clean""
Getting a car insurance even if you don't have a car?
I am 17 years old and turning 18 in 2 months. I have a permit in the state of New Jersey. Last Sunday, I made a small car accident. It was just few scratches on the other person's rear bumper. Anyway, the guy from an insurance company told my parents that I have to get an insurance as soon as i get my license even if I don't get a car. My parents can't afford to buy me a car anyway so I was planning to drive their car since I wouldn't have to get an insurance if I drive their cars. But the guy is telling me that I HAVE to get an insurance whether I'm getting my car or not. I have never heard of these things before. Can anybody explain to me why I have to get an insurance even if i am not getting car? And also, is there any other way I can solve this problem other than not getting a license? Because they're saying that the only way is not to get a license 'till I turn 21. And It would cost my parents way too much if i get my license. I mean I'm not even getting a car! Why do I need to get an insurance?""
""Is there any insurance for self-employed parents with small kids, in TX?""
Is there any insurance for self-employed parents with small kids, in TX?""
Temporary Car Insurance Mercedes E Class 18 Year Old Male?
There is a meet at Goodwood Race Course at the end of the month, I was planning on taking the e class as the weather looks good and its good place to take it, however I'm really struggling to find temporary car insurance to cover me for the day, I can find annual car insurance relatively easily insuring my dad with his no claims and me as a named driver (comes to approx 1100 per annum) but I wont drive the car enough to make use of this insurance. I have looked high and low but none of the companies will insure me until I am 21 for temporary insurance. Any suggestions?""
Life insurance for police officers?
Can police officers get extended life insurance to cover death on the job? If so, how much - 5 million?""
How much would it cost to give birth without insurance?
Like regularly and with the C-Section?
Can my dad by a motorcycle and put it under his insurance for me to drive?
ok im conused about this whole thing i know for a 16 year old motorcycle insurance is crazy. So how would this work my dads been driving all his life(Harley-Davidson) and his insurance is cheap, now for me its gonna be alot of money so can he buy the bike and put it under his name then i just drive it so then it wont be so much $ on me? can this work or is that illegal for me to be driving someone elses bike? is there anyway like i stated above to make my insurance cheaper if this doesnt work?""
Will my insurance cover a stolen rental car that I loaned to someone?
I have a great insurance company, but I don't even know if ANY insurance company would cover this. I rented a car with my neighbor (i.e. we agreed to split it), but I'm the ...show more""
How much would insurance be for a BMW 3 series from 2001 with 150k miles?
My dad said he'd buy me a BMW if the insurance isn't considerably higher than my brothers, who drives a 2004 VW Golf. I'm a 16 year old male and will probably be driving within a year but I want to know whether the insurance would be considerably higher than a golf. We live in Dallas TX Thank You""
How can i get car insurance restore?
This what happen i went away from vac and i left my family member money to pay for my car insurance and they didnt do that. Is there a way for me to get my car insurance restore back on. Dont care if i have play plenty or anything but just want back on.
""Im a 14 years experianced driver , going to reside in USA, Wi, soon ; how will be my Auto Insurance policy?""
Im a 32 years old male and I have been driving for past 14 years. Im going to move to USA , Wisconsin , I would like to know how will be my Auto Insurance Policy? Will I be considered as a new driver , Since I belive I would have to apply for an American Driving license?""
How much would car insurance be for a 16 yr old driver in indiana?
I took drivers Ed and have good grades just wondering like an estimate of how much it will cost Also what is the consenquence for driving wit no insurance
Who has the hots for the progressive insurance girl Flo?
Who has the hots for the progressive insurance girl Flo?
I am trying to access a insurance company on line.?
Company name United insurance company of America Miami Florida.
If My Mom has insurance coverage can i still get insurance with her if i own my own car?
ok so my mom has car insurance on her car, but she was telling me she registers my car under her name that the insurance will cover me and the car. But if the car is under my name can i still get insurance with her??""
Is american family insurance cheaper when you take drivers ed?
i know how to drive, but my mom is worried abbout the price, is american family insurance cheaper when you take drivers ed?""
Cheap car insurance with different situations?
HI I have one car at the moment. I am looking to buy another one for my wife. I want to know how will it work out cheap to get both insured. is it 1) If we both can drive eachothers cars? 2)we have seperate insurances on our cars and we can not drive eachothers cars? 3)I can drive my wife's car but she cant drive mine.? Also how can we protect individual no claim bonuses aswel. Thanks
Can I get an auto insurance without owning a car?
Over the next couple of weeks, I'll be renting a car. Since the insurance from rental companies is so expensive, I'm planning to get my own liability insurance and use it with the rental vehicle... can I do that? I do not own a car! Also, what is the best insurance company for me, I'm 23/male/texas with a clean record.""
Can my car insurance company take my car without my Authorization?
MY car was stolen out of my driveway after i got home from late at night from dancing at a club. I was was very tired and accidentally left my keys in my car. I awoke up the next morning with my car gone. made a report it was stolen, a few days after police contacted me stating my car was found and it was smashed up un-driveable. they put it in a towing company. asked me several questions and went into investigation. insurance called me and did their own investigation and asked me several questions like the police did before. I got a letter in the mail a week later from my insurance stating they will not give me any monies for my car because they don't believe my story. but failed to give me proof of me lying. understand my car is paid off its a 1998 BMW. it was in great condition.I am still paying insurance on it, I found out today that my car is not at the towing place that an agent from my insurance company came and had my car towed away. I was never informed, i did not i sign any papers releasing my car. I have the title. the towing place said they needed the car for investigation. can they take my car without my consent?""
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delaware state insurance guaranty
How much do you pay for health insurance per month?
Just your portion/ per month / your age I am 30 and did not choose a health plan at work because I think $170 a month for basic HMO is too much for a single healthy person. I used to pay $60 with dental and vision at my last job (which I know is really cheap). When I interviewed here they told me they had a great health plan. Well, guess what they lied! I will definatly be asking more questions about health insurance when I talk salary for my next position.""
Can i sue my insurance company for hit and run?
I live in Yuma, Arizona. I'm 15 I Have my motorcycle permit i can drive from sunrise to sunset Okay February 21st YESTERDAY at 3pm Me and my brothers were going to jack in the box they took our car (1996 Isuzu rodeo) and i took my motorcycle (1994 Kawasaki ZX-6) we were going down this curved street they are on the left lane I'm on the right lane and this Winter bird (An older person from out of state that comes down to living in our city in the winter) pulls out on my right lane. While he's doing this i horn my horn he looks back and completes his turn and the brakes and doesn't move... i'm down shifting and my rear wheel locks up when i downshifted my bike shakes and i going onto the curb my bike gets eating up from the curb and i go over the curb and start to eat **** my hip and left get bruised i was wearing this thick overcoat my arm gets road-rash and then the old *** man drives off... doesn't even assist me... my brothers flip a U and we pull my bike to the side of the road and go to the hospital at the hospital we called the police they took pictures of my motorcycle and skid marks on the road then take my statement and brothers i wanted to know can i sue my insurance for anything? I'm not sure what coverage i have I'll add more detail tomorrow Monday morning Here are some pictures of the motorcycle P.S. I'm not sure if you can see but my front tire is flat it got a hole from the accident http://s186.photobucket.com/albums/x262/JokerSmokes/?action=view&current=crash1.jpg http://s186.photobucket.com/albums/x262/JokerSmokes/?action=view&current=crash2.jpg http://s186.photobucket.com/albums/x262/JokerSmokes/?action=view&current=crash3.jpg http://s186.photobucket.com/albums/x262/JokerSmokes/?action=view&current=crash4.jpg What broke Front tire Possible bent rim front brake lever Oil casing headlight windshield possible gears and chain my muffler my front right flaring my bottom flaring""
18 year old motorcycle insurance 600cc Toronto?
Hi I'm 18 years old with an M1 licence and a Honda CBR 600 in the garage. I have no driving record and I want to start driving in the beginning of May. What I'm wondering about is the price of insurance I should expect for just liability? thanks
How much does Car Insurance for a teenager cost?
How much is car insurance for a 15 ( starting drivers ed) year old girl if you are only a part time driver, like if you dont own a car you just use your parent' car in Illinois? Like how much is added on to your parents insurance bill? and how much does it cost if you have your own car?""
Cheap health insurance?
anyone know of any cheaper health insurance (maybe like $ 50/mo) i am a single student.
I need a life insurance policy that is affordable for my mom who has cancer?
I do not have alot of money and I am trying to find a life insurance policy that I can afford for my mom. Sha has cancer in her throat and I can not find an insurance company that will give her insurance under $100 a month. Ant ideas?
My insurance company will not renew my auto insurance as I had 2 accidents. What do I do now?
Will other insurance companies provide insurance for me?
Who has the best insurance quotes?
Who has the best insurance quotes?
Does Lowest Quote Wins really lower your insurance to $15 per month?
I saw one of their ads on a car today and was obviously intrigued. How legit is it?
Would my insurance be high?
There is a 1973 Dodge Charger online I found that needs restoration for $1750. What would I do for insurance and would it be high since I'm only 17?
Car insurance ?????/?
Well.I have permanent general car insurance they used to charge me 60 dollers it when up to 80 a month. Idk I found a cheaper insurance what should I tell permanent general
Accidently put wrong date of birth by 3 months on my car insurance?
Iv just accepted a quote online for car insurance without realizing my date of birth is wrong by 3 months, if i tell them to change this should it change the price of my insurance?""
Insurance question please?
hi i am a learner and but my partner has a car that is insured on his friends name. my question is my partner states he cannot teach me how to drive or put my name under the insurance because it would cost more and he might get into trouble with the police . i just want to know if this is true and if so like how much would it cost.
""What company do you recommend for renters' insurance and why? Not state farm, they are pricks. Testimonials?
I need some affordable renters insurance. I live in MO and REFUSE to give those pricks at State Farm another dime. Who do y'all like for price and custoer service???
How much would it cost for someone to drive a moped?
other than the moped and gas how much would insurance usually cost for a 17 year old going on 18 to drive a moped and what kind of license will i need to have what kind of restrictions i have a clean driving record but if it helps i am in New York State.
Do I HAVE to pay for insurance if im not driving but have a license?
My mom is trying to tell me and my brother (who is 19 and I will be 18 in about a month which is when i will get my license) that we cant get a license unless we have money to buy insurance. I think its really f***ed up for a student who got a license and doesnt drive any vehicle has to pay for insurance. She says that once i get my license, the insurance company will force her to put me on her plan so i can be insured. I think its a load of sh*t. I have never heard of anyone being forced to have insurance when they dont drive. When i say dont drive i mean, when i get my license, i wont be driving until I get my own car. Please dont respond to my situation and how i should deal with it, just tell me if thats even possible for the insurance to do that.""
Insurance will not pay for storage?
I reside in California, and I was recently involved in an accident. The other party accepted 100% fault for the accident. My vehicle has been in storage since November 19th. The other party's insurance says they will only pay for storage up to the 23rd because paying more is not a reasonable amount. Can they really do this? If I do pay the storage that they will not cover, it will still cost me over $500! I mean they accepted fault, and it is their client's fault that I have been without a car for so long. It is their fault that my car had to be towed and put in storage. They are the professionals. They should be able to negotiate with the company, and not put the responsibility on me. What is the best way to handle this?""
Insurance Broker Question?
On average how much does an insurance broker make in california? Or how much just a well rounded guess nationwide it does not matter... When an insurance broker gets commision from a company for helping them get more customers...around how much percentage does he cut from the company?
I want to start a health insurance company how would I go about doing that?
I want to provide people with an affordable insurance that will also pay fair rates to the pharmacies and hospitals. I used to work for a pharmacy and saw how if the customer got a good price on a drug then the pharmacy got screwed over and vice versa. This needs to change, please help me make that change.""
Which is the Best Health Insurance Policy available for Individuals in India?
So far I have learnt that LIC health plus is a pretty good policy. and http://sunilrams.blogspot.com has really given in detail the comparisons . Are there any better policies in the Indian Market for individuals.
""Will my car insurance rates go up if damage in accident is under $1,000?""
Today I bumped a parked car when trying to pull out of a paralell parking spot. Both cars were scratched, but no dents. My car was in worse shape than hers, and I took mine to an auto body shop to get a quote on what it would cost to repair the scratch. The quote I got was $671.23. The lady (who was sitting in her car when I bumped her) said she was going to have to have the whole bumper replaced... even though it was just a scratch about 3 inches long. We called the insurance companies and I admitted fault (duh.) She said she was going to call the police and may have to go to the doctor because her neck hurt, but the police were never called. I am still worried she is going to try to sue me or get more money from me... it was just a small scratch! Not even a DENT! My main question, will my car insurance rates go up, and if so, by how much? I drive a 2010 Kia Soul. I have one other accident on my record and I pay about $150 a month. If it does go up, is it going to be drastic? Her car was a 2012 Kia Soul (same color oddly enough) so I am hoping her quote will be similar? Since the overall damage is under $1,000, what can I expect to happen? Can she really report me to the police, or try to claim injury? I was just pulling out of a parking slot and thought I was clear, but still very slow and cautious. I just don't see how I could have hurt her neck... Any help/input appreciated, thanks so much.""
How much will the insurance cost?
Yamaha DT50MX, how much will the insurance cost, Monthly or yearly also monthly wise how much do people spend on petrol?""
What car insurance is best/cheapest?
I am going to be getting a used car from my uncle and would like to know your opinion on what car insurance to get. My parents wont put me on their plan(this is my first car btw) so I have to get my own. I need a cheaper plan considering I only work during the summer as of now(thinking of getting a job on my college campus next semester). Any help would be good(your experience etc) I tried going onto the General insurance website(commercials say their cheap) for a quote but they keep on sending me to a Geico website, has anyone else had this problem? Thanks in advance for answering.(BTW I am a girl, I know that we get cheeper insurance typically for some reason lol and I also went through drivers ed in the past and I know most companies will give me a discount for that)""
Should I sue or settle with the insurance company?
So, my 2010 Sentra (Brand New less than 6K miles) was rearended. It's been hell dealing with the other guy's insurance company- never return calls, no followup, etc..... My car is back looking great except for minor details (issue with the trunk) which I hope to work out with the shop. They are giving me a low ball offer on diminished value and I live in a state that grants diminished value Here are my questions: 1) Is there a simple calculator that can be used to calculate diminshed value? The car was in pristine condition prior to the wreck 2) At this point, is it better to use a Attorney? I want to be compensated for days lost from work, medical expenses, diminished value, pain and suffering (also if shop is not able to work out minor repair detail I want compensation for that )""
Can you buy health insurance for only your baby?
we need insurance for our one year old,we did have the state welfare insurance for the first 11 months,now shes 13 mos. and her dad is working but no insurance for a couple more months and what if she gets sick and more shots will be needed soon,so can you buy insurance for only a baby or do you have to have an adult on the plan also""
delaware state insurance guaranty
delaware state insurance guaranty
How much does short term disability insurance cost?
what are the premiums, if you have short term disability insurance on your own, to supplement an employer's plan or just to help out with bills if you're termporarily disabled?""
Can my ex-wife insure our kids through her husbands insurance?
My ex-wife is required to carry our kids insurance. She switched jobs and is now insuring kids under her husband. My only concern is, if he decides to leave her or gets pissed off he can drop my kids from insurance. Since he is not legally obligated to insure them. He is not adopting them. He is not legally bound to take care of them. Is my concern valid?""
""Looking for a fast, reliable, good quality and low insurance group hatchback.?""
I'm 24 and at the moment have a fairly low Saxo VTR with a couple of other performance mods, it handles like a dream on nice roads and has good acceleration. It's starting to fall apart with things going wrong left, right and centre, due to French engineering I presume? I have a DR10 on my licence from 4-5 years ago, so my insurance is a bit pricey. I just paid for a year so I can swap it straight over. I'm looking for something as fun to drive as standard and NOT French. Thanks Oh and please spare me the lectures, speed is for safe overtaking and I'm not driving too fast, you're driving too slow!""
Where can I find the best insurance firms in California?
My son just got out of hospital and am really concerned about the health of my family members - what should I do now? Where can I get the best insurance firms in entire California?
""How many low information posters truly believe Obamacare's $5,0000 deductibles constitute affordable insurance?""
How can you say you have insurance when you have to pay $5,000 before it kicks in every year? A study by HealthPocket Inc. in December found that the average individual deductible for Obamacares bronze plan was $5,081 a year42 percent higher than the average deductible of $3,589 for an individually purchased plan. The deductibles on the low-cost plans are the real scandal here. The administration will surely trot out a long line of cancer patients and people with other terrible medical problems who got treatment in 2014 with coverage they werent able to buy in 2013, but there are going to be far more working poor and middle class people who still have to scrape together a decent premium after the subsidies, pay it faithfully, then get sick and go to the doctor, only to find out their policy doesnt cover anything until theyve paid a $5,000 deductible. I predict a LOT of dissatisfied lower income premium payers.""
Who has the best car insurance rates in New Jersey?
South Jersey Resident. 26 year old male with a clean driving record.
Does anyone know of cheap car insurance for convicted drivers?
Does anyone know of cheap car insurance for convicted drivers?
""If I like a used car say $20k. What is the order of getting a loan, paying with loan, car insurance?""
Do I get aproved for a loan then tell the dealer, then get insurance?""
Insurance and modifications?
i have a 3 speed auto porsche 944 '-85. obviously it is quite expensive to insure, and this particular model is quite slow. so i was wondering what would be the complications in shoving a 944 S2 engine under the bonnet, and the turbo from the 944T model? both mechanically the complications and what insurance companies would make of it. could i not just get away with telling them nothing? after all it would still be a 944-of sorts!""
Is it wise to go on your parents car insurance?
Having looked around on car insurance website and seeing that my insurance would be as high as 2500, is it wise to go on my parents insurance. If they are the main driver and im the additional driver it comes down to just 1000. Is this illegal and what are the chances of getting caught if so? thanks x""
How much is a good deal for an old car insurance?
It is my first time getting a car in the US... Actually, I'll be getting it tomorrow, I know it's a Toyota 1989, don't know the specific model yet but I know it's a cheap one... it has papers and registration... I mean, quite cheap and nothing very good looking. I'm 20 years old, single, international student at university... how much do you think will I have to be paying? (approximately)... and should I try getting it online? first time doing this so I'm kinda lost""
""ATTN: New drivers, How much is your insurance a month??
I just got my insurance today and was curious to see what other ppl are paying. Thanks in advance:)
Cheapest insurers for a first time 18yrold with pass plus??
Hi iv'e just brought a 2002 vw polo and wanted to get my first insurance on it. Can you recommend any cheap insurers for first time drivers and young drivers. I've completed my pass plus as well. Thanks for the help xxx
What type of car is cheapest to insure?
I am 16 and looking to buy a car under 10k. I want an SUV but what I hear they are a lot more to insure than a sedan? is there a big difference in insurance price when it comes to Suvs, sedans, and sports cars? For example here are three types of cars one a suv, one sporty, and one sedan. Which will be cheapest? Ford Expedition Mazda RX8 Chevy Malibu""
What are 2 Door car insurance choices?
I live in New York City , and im trying to do all my research before i jump the gun and even buy my insurance and car ( Tho i do know what i want ). But these are what i want to know .""
Nissan GTR for a teenager?
Hey everyone, I am a 16 year old who runs a photography business in Nashville, TN. I have been saving up for a car for the last 7 years, originally for a BMW M3 or Audi S5. I have amassed about $25,500 to spend on the car, and have a steady income to pay for insurance and gas. There was a recent question asking whether it would be safe to give a child like myself a car like the M3 or the Nissan GTR. However, I feel as though such a generalized statement is grossly inappropriate. I feel that responsibility in an automobile should fully be determined by ones own experience and responsibility, as opposed to strictly ones age. For example, I have shifter cart racing experience, have taken multiple high performance driving courses from some of the best. (Truly recommend Bondurant's program BTW). I have over a 4.0 GPA, and am editor and director of an online magazine and our school's paper. I make a decent wage from a job and business that I created myself, and have learned marketing and advertising from some of the best in the field (anyone heard of the oldspice commercials?). My own determination has lead to success and my ability to reward myself with a highly exclusive and phenomonal driving machine. On the other hand, no one would doubt the maturity or ability of a man thrice my age attempting to buy the same vehicle, who had never driven on a track, who had never used ABS, and who had never learned the evasive driving techniques necessary to driving such an automobile. Herein lies the problem. In the previous discussion on this same topic, the driving of a GTR by someone my own age was likened to handing someone like myself a loaded .44 Magnum. However, this in itself is a stereotype. I am a nationally ranked rifle competitor who knows how to build, much less safely use, a .44 Magnum. I am a member of USA Shooting and the NRA and CMP competitive shooting divisions. How is handing me a loaded .44 any less safe than handing some retired man who has never held a gun the same pistol? I am at a loss for the logic in that situation. Is my inherent danger of being 16 such a risk as to counteract my own experience and track record of responsibility? SO back to my actual question. 1. If I purchased it, would you disapprove of allowing me to drive a car such as the GTR. and 2. Would you purchase a 2009 GTR, an 2008 M3, or a 2010 Jaguar XF? Why? Thanks in advance!""
What car insurance suits me best?
i am going to be in san diego during the fall quarter, from august to december. i am a 21 years old italian male with three years of driving experience and no accidents in the past. i only have the italian passport. is there any way that i can keep both my kidneys and still be able to pay an insurance for that period? does it necessarily depend on the car? thank you very much folks!!!""
Affordable health insurance?
if any of you guys know any good and affordable health insurance in NJ. We(my wife and I) really need one that we could afford. Thank You!
First time dealing with car insurance for a 19 yr old?
I just finished drivers ed today and I want to go ahead and get my drivers license because also Lowes called me and want me to come in for orientation! Crazy day right? 2 good things in 1 day. But anyways the Lowes that I should be working at is maybe 15 minutes away and the position I have should be a night position. I'm sure my mom doesn't want to drive around at night so I told her she can just give me the car at night. Here's the thing my dad said he'd have to put me on his insurance. I would like to get my own insurance so they can save some of there money. So can anybody point me in any direction or give me some tips. Because im clueless when it comes to car insurance. Right now my mom is asking me do I have to work there. I plan on grabbing this job because I've been looking for awhile and I finally got 1. Ain't no telling when I'll get another one
Canceled car insurance?
The case is complicated and it is about my car insurance. I misinformed my insurance company about my NCD. As a result they cancelled my policy. The problem is that before they cancelled it I had a claim. My car was not damage at all but the other guy had a few scratches on the bumper and he reported the incident. My insurance company informed me; they would cancel the policy and return all the payments I made so far. They would cover the cost of the damage to another guy, but I have to repay all the cost they bear. Does the insurance company may cover the damage and request reimbursement if they cancelled my policy? Whats my option, can I refused to pay them back? Because my policy was cancelled, so should I deal with a problem on my own? I guess it would be cheaper for me to pay for the damaged bumper straight to the other person than deal with the insurance company. Please advice
Who needs insurance?
Auto insurance is a hit or miss conception with police enforcement doing the insurance company's work for them. Too many drivers have no insurance leaving responsible drivers to pick up their tab. Why don't we tack on 10 or twenty cents per gallon at the gasoline pump to go for insurance. If you don't buy gas for your car, you're not going to be able to drive.That way, if you drive, you automatically have insurance. This frees up police to do real cop work, cuts down on the cost and makes sure everyone who drives has insurance. Whadya think?""
Which is the best insurance policy with low premium and high returns --- Plz suggest me?
Which is the best insurance policy with low premium and high returns --- Plz suggest me?
What happens if you forget to update your car insurance when you buy a car?
-bought car to replace totaled one a few months ago. -got letter a few months ago saying i needed to prove i had car insurance so i just mailed in my car ins info not realizing i hadn't updated it (the new car is the exact same as the old, year and mod""
How do you find out if someone that hit you has insurance?
the insurance information i was given after someone hit my car turned out to be fake. my insurance company called his company but was told that the policy # does not exist. so is there a way i can find out through DMV or somewhere his true insurance information? if i can't find it, would this qualify as uninsured since i have uninsured drivers coverage? it would waive my deductible and it would pay for the injuries i suffered in the accident but only if he really is uninsured.""
Can you cancel your car insurance?
I will be selling my car, and still have 4months left on a 6 month insurance..they have my bank account""
delaware state insurance guaranty
delaware state insurance guaranty
0 notes
survivorelsalvador · 8 years ago
EPISODE 6 - Going Home Now Would Be Embarrassing - Willa
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(If a confessional is just a gif or a picture then it was most likely Veronica, winner of Jeju Island, uwu <3)
Okay Swap Time, Im happy with the new tribes...My goal is to just keep my last swapped tribe together. We have a majority of 4 and Im just gonna keep that 4. Im especcially happy to be with Richie again cuz hes the only person Ive really talked strategy with.
So busy with life. I realized I have zero alliances in this game. And now my tribe has a majority of people who played Bahamas??? Super weird. It looks like I'll be caught in the middle. It may benefit me. Either I can choose to get closer with my original alliance or with the Bahamians. I'm not sure but I'm glad that I know have options I think. I'm a mess and need to get it together #bigmess #halpme
Wow.. another tribe swap... I hope I'm In a good position
I literally cannot stand the counting challenge bc I always fuck up so early lmao
im so close to 8th i can almost taste it
I like being immune. Hi!
"Well RIP ME. I got swapped with a crew of people I literally voted out about a week ago in another game. It's 3 of them, 1 of me, and 3 people I barely know so time to fight over who can rip me to shreds first I guess.
Why is everybody who doesn't want to hurt me on the other tribe? and why am I the most unlucky girl in the world @America? I can't even decide what approach to take here so I don't die this round. Do I try to make amends with people I know or go the unknown route? There isn't really anybody I'm dying to work with on this tribe right now. That sounds bad, but I just think people need some time to get over getting voted out, even though this is a completely different game.
Also lets talk about how I thought I was going to be able to count to about 4,000. I gave myself plenty of time and I was taking breaks, but i fucked up at 121. Of course. Right when I need individual immunity I can't have it. I knew I would be punished for being trash at math some day.  "
so I am all alone in this game after Jake And Ribbons quit on me but I think people will need me as a swing so I might be in a good position ???
That challenge was a flop lmao, hopefully I won't need that immunity, going home now would be embarrassing
Damnit. I was so close to being immune this vote if I didn't fuck up at 221. My goal was to get to a thousand with that challenge and I fucked that up. But now knowing I was only 100 away from winning makes it hurt even more.
whew so i dont talk to anyone and regan just tells me how to vote so im voting out the person who is MIA woo lets see what happens yeehaw!
This tribe swap has worked in my favour!! Yay!
I think Bulgaria will be the easiest vote since they don't talk much
I'm worried for tonight but I hope Richard Dana Lilly are solid with me
"i dont even want to discuss how badly i fucked up at that immunity so we'll pretend it never happened! double tribal. lily immune. its my first tribal of the game so im excited to finally do something. i have the idol and i'm 99% sure it's a one world idol rather than tribal idol so i think i'm the only one with an idol in the game which makes things so much less scary i mean i could be wrong but all the clues i've gotten from chips from different tribes lead to the same location that i already have so i'm playing under the assumption that i'm right about that for now at least until we merge?? and that makes this tribal easier because i dont have to worry about split votes or blindsides hopefully!!
me ashton lily and austin were on apopa together and we never went to tribal so i never talked game with any of them but since the 4 of us are on this tribe of 7 it just makes sense to vote together and everyone seemed to be on board they could all be lying because i dont actually trust them and i havent talked to anyone besides lily beyond like casual surface level convo so who knows but it just seems like the easiest and safest move for all of us if we just vote together and we're guaranteed to make it thru hopefully the other 3 people on this tribe arent going to be trying to flip someone because they havent approached me so if they're planning something i'm not involved which could mean trouble?
i think the vote is dana which is fine i havent talked to kai like at all we were on the starting tribe together and didnt speak much and i havent spoken to them once since the tribe swap but dana seems like a bigger threat and willa and i bonded over nicole franzel earlier in the season so i havent talked to them but i cant vote them out right now "
Well recently I made a final 3 alliance with Zakriah and Willow. Rob said to name it. And we named it "It". Because rob said to and Willow thought it was funny. Anyway, I'm also super close with Dana and cannot wait until merge to reunite with my fave. I might meet her soon how iconic. And I'm happy Will is out because then Josh is all mine so then Josh and I can be an iconic duo. And maybe Ill win because no one sees me as a threat, as I got 2nd in jeju- but I almost won. I feel like the only person who stands in the way of that is Zakriah- because he knows my last game and could see IM just as much of a threat here. And since Dana is close with me Zakriah and Willow- and Nicholas is close with dana, Nicholas will work with us. And lily loves me so there's that. Hopefully everything works out for the best.
austin doesnt want to vote dana.... but i think its because he was on the starting tribe with dana and willa and then after the tribe swap he was with me ashton and lily so voting out kai would be the smartest move for him to have open doors going into a merge but bitch i dont want that??? so we'll see if he'll accept the loss and vote out dana or maybe he'll choose her and vote me or ashton out
Well it should be 4-3 this vote. Me Lily Austin wnd richie. I don't fully trust Austin tho he's the only one K could see flipping. we will have to see
0 notes