#''don't let your feelings get in the way. nobody forced him to go robbing banks.'' what a good line. tells us so much.
otogariado · 1 year
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did reese just slap finch's ass or something
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japhan2024 · 1 year
Let's go outside
"This needs to stop, Anthony... we are killers."
"We are finally what we are supposed to be, Ian. Together."
Ian was feeling Emotions.
He'd had a bad dream. One where Anthony killed everyone at Smosh and turned him into a vampire. But upon opening his eyes squinting against the blinding light of his bedroom lamp - too bright! - he heard his best friend say: "You're a vampire now, Ian, time to drink some more of my blood."
"What the FUCK IS GOING ON?!" Ian grabbed his head in agony.
"Dude, I know I know it's weird at first, but just do it. It will feel great!"
"Ian please we can get through this but you have to work with me. Drink my blood, here!"
Anthony bit into his own arm like it was a Kentucky Fried Chicken wing and black blood oozed out. The sight was disgusting, however, the smell... Faster than he'd ever moved, Ian went up to the bloody arm and drank. It felt better than he'd ever dared to dream. Anthony's strong arm, and vicinity helped a bit too, although Ian didn't allow himself to think of the unspeakable acts Anthony had committed. But they poured over in his mind, and he broke the sip.
"Fuck, Anthony what is this, I'm going insane..."
"No Ian, you're not going insane, you're fine! you're fine.."
Ian collapsed again, right into Anthony's arms. Anthony led him to his couch. His house looked nothing like it had before. It looked abandoned, like it was nobody's home. 
"I don't like it here," Ian said, eyes close, clinging to Anthony's bloody shirt. 
"Let's go outside then," Anthony said softly. 
They went onto Anthony's balcony. 
"Remember what I said about this balcony," Anthony said, forcing Ian to lock eyes with him. 
"Yeah, I remember everything about my entire life in way too much detail," Ian replied. But he knew what Anthony meant. 
"Ian, do you feel the same?" "I hate you. But yes, I love you too."
Anthony let out a sigh. A red tear formed in his eye. He ruffled Ian's hair and then grabbed hold of his head and planted a kiss on Ian's lips. It tasted divine, a sensation Ian had never felt with anyone, male or female. And he tasted something... something delicious. Anthony read him like a book. 
"I know you're not over the whole killing thing," he said and Ian pushed him away angrily. The emotions would be his undoing. "But you need to learn fast because you're going to get hangry and that's going to be a problem." 
"Okay fucking Edward, show me how to kill something."
"Someone." "Can't we eat animals?"
"Is there a way to kill me then, because I'm not killing."
"Ian! You wanted this, remember?"
"I wasn't exactly thinking straight!"
"Me neither, that blood of yours was way to good... made me feel the things I felt for you all those years but held back."
"Anthony, this is all too much. I am feeling it too, you know that. It was always mutual. Why the hell we held back at all is beyond me now."  Ian grabbed Anthony's hand. 
"But Anthony, you see, I actually can't. Won't, rather. I'd rather die, again."
"Oh for fuck's sake Ian, okay then we'll pull a True Blood and rob the blood bank!"
"Is that possible?" "I don't know! I've never tried!"
They sped like cars but they were just walking, it was truly weird. After a few seconds they were at the bank. It was dark and desolate. It was way after midnight. 
"Can we just walk in here?"
"Let me do it."
Anthony walked at human pace again, slowly to the blood bank. Ian had time to take in his surroundings, new senses still adjusting. He looked at his own hands. They were pale, of course. But he saw more sharp than ever, the details actually freaked him out a bit. And he listened. The city was so busy, so many people, so many heartbeats, Ian felt dizzy when he listened too much. But then it happened. A smell. So sweet, some kind of feral instinct took over. It was definitely a woman, a woman walking through the park he and Anthony had just crossed. Her perfume, her deodorant, her panties, but above all, her blood. Fresh blood was pumping furiously through her body, just begging to be drunk.
It all happened in a matter of seconds. Ian picked her up like she was a pebble in his hand, ran to a place where nobody saw them and then, wholly without thinking, crashed into her neck like it was the spring of life. He drank and drank and spilled a lot of blood as well. The woman didn't scream, just as he hadn't screamed. She lay limp in his arms now, dead. She had been beautiful, with a kind face. Ian dropped her onto the ground, horrified of what he had just done. But then the Feeling hit him. Stars before his eyes, he finally felt Alive, more alive than he'd been during his actual life. He felt so good, in fact that he danced around like an idiot. Then Anthony found him.
Two heavy bags dropped to the ground. "Ian!" He cried out, concerned. 
"I feel so good, Anthony!" "Oh, it's happened huh." "Yeah. I hate what I've become but I can't be bothered by it at the moment, let's dance, Anthony!" The two vampires danced around, and a different kind of lust developed. Laughing, Ian pushed Anthony against a tree. He kissed him, reveling in the feeling of finally allowing him to be in love with his best friend. He brushed through his beautiful brown hair with his hand, traced the dumb tattoos Anthony had set, with one sweep ripping his shirt off of him. 
"I really do hate your tattoos," he said as he kissed and licked them, cutting Anthony's flesh with his fangs. 
"I know, I set them to spite you," Anthony giggled. 
"We're finally going to fuck, huh." "Yes we are."
They made passionate love like only vampires do. Ian sucked on Anthony's dick and let him come all over his face. Then Ian fucked Anthony from behind. It hurt in the best way. And Anthony returned the favor, while scratching Ian's back deeply, leaving trails of black blood, resembling his own tattoos. They fell down into the grass, next to the dead woman, laughing but while he laughed, tears streamed down Ian's face. 
"This needs to stop, Anthony... we are killers."
"We are finally what we are supposed to be, Ian. Together."
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heresathreebee · 4 years
Dirty Water
Benny 'Borracho' Magalon x Robyn Banks (Black!OC)
Summary: Robb met a couple of shady characters calling themselves cops. Well it just so happens they are, and they're worse than she first thought.
Word count: 2.5k words
Rating/Warning(s): +16 Mature | kidnapping, mild torture, tied up, wanna be clear: IRL I do not condone hooking up with a person who kidnapped you or was complicit in kidnapping you, it just don't work out like that in reality
AN: so basically I'm gonna write and post this in whatever order I please, then go back and figure it out later. Since my brain has jumped back on the Pascal bandwagon, it's hard to focus outside of his body of work but I'm still coming back to this story with relative ease.
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Just when she'd started to warm up again, a another shower of ice cold mop water was pitched over her head. Robyn sputtered and coughed, trying not to swallow the suds in her mouth or let them see her cry to keep the dirt out of her eyes. From the shadows that danced beyond her eyelids, she could tell the alleged cop who called himself Nick was crouching in front of her. 
"Last chance, sweetheart," the dirty cop said. "Tell me how you know Tony D'Onofrio." 
Seven years ago, two federal agents walked in on officer Robyn Banks being sentenced to traffic duty. She didn't mind– she was fed up with the secrets her colleagues were forcing her to keep anyways. Maybe stepping down could help her clear her head, maybe give her time to compartmentalize those events and feelings. Only now could she say that the rest of her career was already out of her hands. 
"Those agents on that file? They approached me about D'Onofrio. Said he was my moby dick. Made a big deal about 'justice' and 'law and order' and 'the sanctity of the badge." Robyn spit more mop water onto the floor and continued, "I told them I didn't know what the fuck it had to do with me and they just sorta looked at each other." 
The blond man– Nick called him Z, she thinks– crossed his arms. "Quit jerkin us around, Banks, get to the fucking point." 
Nick held up a hand. "Easy, tiger. I asked for a story and that's what I'm hearing. Keep going, Robbie." 
Robyn scowled on the inside. "They told me he was my father. More like a sperm donor than anything, he probably didn't even know I was alive." 
"Now that is interesting," Nick purred. 
He cut the zip tie binding her arm to the rolly chair and handed her a towelette to wipe her eyes. She dared not reach for the tie on her other arm, lest her captors think she's pulling a move to escape. Instead she dabbed the sweat and mop water that soaked into the skin of her neck and face to pause and think about her next words. 
"That was the basis of the deal. I join their investigation undercover, see if I can get somewhere with my connection, and help them put one of the biggest crime bosses on this side of the coast away for good. In exchange, I get to call the shots, they'd put in a good word with my CO and elevate me to detective status instead of beat cop." 
"Thought you liked being a beat cop," the one in the silk flamingo shirt said. 
"Apparently nobody believes that." 
"So," Nick steepled his fingers beneath his aquiline nose in thought, "your end of the deal wasn't even your idea? How does that work?" 
"Sounds like she got something else out of it," the bald man in the white polo accused. 
Robyn glared at him, but she didn't contradict him. If she wanted to be listened to, she needed to stay calm. Stay calm, stay alive. Go home with the minimal amount of PTSD. 
"Do you want me to tell you what happened or not?" When nobody raised any more objections, she continued. "I agreed to their terms. Next I know, I'm climbing the criminal ladder, dropping bread crumbs about my parentage, two years goes by, yada yada yada, and then bam. I have a meeting with the heir apparent to the Italian mafia. 
"At that meeting I told Tony D'Onofrio he knew my mother and that I knew they had been dating around the time I was born–" 
"Yeah that– he stared at me for so long I forgot how to breathe and then… he… believed me." 
A pin dropped somewhere in the empty parking garage. A dog barked wildly a mile away but could still be heard in the silence that followed. Robyn still couldn't believe he'd bought it either. 
"He just… believed you," Nick said skeptically. 
Robyn could do nothing but shrug. "I never got the details, I couldn't ask my mom about it and Tony never gave me any indication that he knew about me before that meeting. He just asked me what I wanted and did it." 
Nick dragged his eyes over her form, shivering and glistening, and then-- "what did you ask him?" 
Robyn felt her eyes gloss over as she tried to remember what mysterious force compelled her to say the exact right words. "I told him all I wanted was for him to know, to see him with my own eyes and know he was real. I said I didn't need any favors or special treatment. I just needed some closure." 
That was all. And the agents had been fucking furious with her. They had accused her of using them, of being a traitor and a spy for D'Onofrio or a mastermind cat-woman type villain and all manner of other terrible things. They were ready to pull the plug on the whole operation when Tony had offered her a better job. A job where she would come face- to- face with every schmoe on Tony's payroll. 
"Tony offered me a job 'running errands.' Not quite in his inner circle but higher in his ranks than I had any business being," Robyn said. "Most of the people doing these jobs were kids, easy to get around the city undetected and reliable. Now he knew I wasn't a kid but I guess he wanted to see more from me, put his best eyes on me to see if I was legit." 
Nick nodded and stood up (his knees popping like broken branches). He walked over to Murphy in the flamingo shirt and passed a few inaudible words between them. Robyn wasn't skilled in the art of lip reading, and failed to catch anything from Murphy except the word 'pointless.' It rubbed her the wrong way, sending a spark of fear through her that quickly dulled back into the numbness of being helplessly bound to a chair. She needed to finish this soon before she completely cracked. 
Nick returned to her side, chasing some pepto bismol with a flask of what smelled like tequila in it. "That's a very sweet story, Robbie, really it is. But… what I wanna know is why you're not in this file." 
"That's not what you asked me," she griped, then backpedaled into, "I'm trying to tell you why I'm not in the file. But in order to tell you that, I have to tell you what was left out of the file first. I'm getting to the point, I just… there's a lot of shit to sift through." 
Nick nodded like a patient father (yeah, right). "Just the good parts then." 
"Yeah," she nodded quickly, "just the good parts..." 
"The good parts, uhm. Well he did learn to trust me. I barely had to do anything just… let him try to kindle a relationship between us. I started calling him dad at his request, nobody bothered me or questioned me after that and I didn't abuse it, expect on the downlow giving info to the feds. He liked that about me– he liked me. We'd talk about my mom and he'd let his guard slip, started taking me to his meetings and asking me to deliver his important paperwork." 
"I let him think I was with him and documented everything I could for six more years." In truth, she had had some doubts. About putting him away and the vacuum of power it would create, about the dichotomy of good versus evil, about her career. In that last year, she had actually warmed to the idea of becoming a detective and getting to do work with her own moral backbone and not someone else's. "We made the arrest January 19th and put him away for a dime." 
Nick leaned so far forward in his chair Rob had to lean back. "This is the part where you wrap it up, sweetcheeks." 
Robyn gulped. "Gomer and Valentine pushed me out. They'd been acting really strange at the end, wearing these shit eating grins and looking at each other, and then they iced me out. Had me fired on the grounds that I was too close to the perp, used a fucking Christmas photo for evidence. There went the Italian mob's heir and seven years of hardwork, and I wouldn't even be mentioned by name in the case file. No testimony, no credit, just a dishonorable discharge and dumped on my ass in the streets." 
"Wow." Nick rubbed a hand down his face like he was the exhausted one. "That's quite the story, princess." 
He looked at each of his mates, every face stonier than the last. Especially the silent one's, the latino guy. Then he looked back at Robyn and smiled with a lot of teeth. 
"I do have some questions though, if you'll let me." Sure like I have a choice. "Now it wasn't public knowledge you were in on the investigation, but I find it hard to believe your dad's lackeys didn't know it was you who turned him in. And what I find even harder to believe is that they'd let you live for it." 
Robyn said nothing. There was a part of her that didn't quite grasp it either. When she had arrested him, when she'd slapped the cuffs on him herself and read him his Miranda rights, after the shock of her betrayal wore off, Tony had congratulated her. 
"I'm proud of you, kid. You may be a narc but at least you got your head straight. You got guts, kid." 
As far as she understood it, his last order as the leader of the mafia was not to harm her in any way. Nobody bothered her. They still knew her face on the streets, sent glares her way but never touched her. One of his underlings had come to her place and suggested she skip town permanently just to be safe. It was not a courtesy she ever expected from anyone let alone a man with a reputation for high profile robbery and murder. 
She didn't know what to expect. "I guess he really did love me." And Nick left it at that. 
Robyn was unbound, blindfolded, and dumped right back onto the street those so called cops had snatched her from. Her legs shook as she walked the last block to her place, utterly miserable and in desperate need of some sleep. Maybe tomorrow she could figure out what the fuck her life had come to. She showered (and cried) and picked up the half drunk beer from her fridge and brought it out on her front steps, taking a sip of the flat beverage and wishing it was something stronger. 
People passed below her on the streets, never once looking up. The traffic never disappeared but it did lull this time of night. She didn't mean to– barely noticed she was doing it– but she found a pack of cigarettes in her overcoat and lit one up. 
"Next time," she promised herself. I'll try to quit next time. 
Just as she was beginning to ease the tension that had been weighing on her all night, a man climbed the steps to her building and pointedly slowed down to a stop a few feet away from her. She chanced a glare at him and found him no stranger which was somehow infinitely worse. 
"Fuck off," her nerves got the better of her, "I told you everything, can't I at least get some sleep first?!" 
The man lifted his hands in defense, carrying a bottle in a brown bag in one of them. He was, well, he was the handsome one. The Cuban with the neck tattoo and broad shoulders. His eyes seemed a lot softer now Despite the dark setting. 
"Swear on my life, I'm not here for Nick." He took a single step up, waiting to see how she'd react, and when she didn't run, he took another and set the covered bottle down next to her before backing off. Still skeptical, Robyn carefully unwrapped the thing, revealing an expensive looking wine label. Dark red. "It's an apology," he explained with his hands in his pockets, "Nick thinks he's this big, clever actor but he can be a real bully when he drinks." 
Robyn gave him the 'do I look like an idiot' eyebrow and he had the decency to look at his feet. "We could really use your help with this, Banks. Nick forgot to mention the part where Tony was put on parole for good behavior. He'll be out tomorrow." 
"He what." That's just the thing isn't it? The case that ended her career permanently and he just got to walk off after only serving two years of his sentence. That was the real crime here. Robyn gritted her teeth, gripped the neck of the bottle and squeezed. She started shaking it like it was her criminal father, or the weasel federal agents who took her credit, or the dirty cops who kidnapped her tonight. 
Borracho looked concerned. "Do you need a corkscrew or– " 
Robyn shrugged off her jacket and looked him dead in the eye as she wrapped it around the base of the bottle and gently banged it on the porch step until the cork exploded into the air (along with a third of the bottle's contents but whatever). Borracho raised a hand to protect his face from the spray, and turned away to hide a silly grin. 
"Nevermind," he said, shaking the excess drink off his hand. "Listen, if he calls you about anything, please let us know." 
He pointed to the bag, which had a phone number on it. "Don't let your work be in vain." 
"You try that line on everybody?" Rob was feeling a little facetious in the face of mercy, over tired from the revelations, and pissed off by these fucking pigs. "Your good cop, bad cop routine needs some balance. Did you know I was kidnapped today? Now this wine is a start but you'd better step it up, good cop." 
He started to walk away but she called out, "I got Nick, Z, and Murphy. Clocked 'Gus' by the name written on his underwear. Which one are you?" 
"Benny," he threw back, and disappeared into the nighttime traffic. 
"Benny," Rob scoffed. "Cute ass." 
Robb drank the equivalent of two glasses, then passed out from exhaustion. She slept dreamlessly and tried to forget last night had ever happened. Benny, in the meantime, returned to the office where his crew was huddled around a phone receiver. 
"Don't appreciate you throwing me under the bus, B," Nick growled from his seat. 
"Shup up and drink this," Benny pushed the glass of raw eggs closer to his boss' hand, a so called 'hangover cure'. Nick shrunk back a little.
"Told you she'd be sweet on him," Z elbowed Murphy in the ribs and ignored his protesting 'um actually I said that.' 
"Wouldn't call her sweet," Benny said, grunting as he took up residence at his own desk. "She looked like a feral cat." 
Nick laughed. "Yeah well don't go getting mixed up with that pussy, B, we've got work to do." 
It was gonna be another long night for everybody. 
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Imagine Eijirou Kirishima and Reader
Part 4
Previous part here
Before we begin I remind you that English is not my main language, but I am doing my best.
Kirishima starts coming to visit you everyday before his internship with Fat Gum. You learn a lot about him and his friends during this period, until one day you decide to open up and talk about yourself too. Kirishima digs it and before you notice, you two are kissing, but a sudden appearence of Suneater scare you away. The next day Bakugo burst in your house with Kirishima to force him into sorting things out with you. Kirishima finally asks you to date him and you agree. You spend lots of wondedful days together until one day their friends show up at the bakery and because of Bakugo, they end up recognizing you as Kirishima's dear one. They convince you to hang out with them in an arcade, Kirishima comes, too. You end up having fun with them, until you get caught up in a memorizing colors game that make you use your quirk until you pass out, exactly when someone recognizes Red Riot and a big crowd sorrounds him.
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You are at school, your license had been over for two days now. Last night you woke up to some noodles and a note from Kirishima apologizing for not being able to stay and take care of you. It asked for you yo call him as soon as you woke up and, when you did, he was worried sick and apologized a lot more.
You tell him not to worry.
"And... thank your friends for me. I had a lot of fun. I am sorry for passsing out like this."
"I should have taken better care of you. I forgot that it happens when you use your quirk too much."
"It is ok. I am happy that I met your friends."
"They liked you a lot."
This last sentence was stuck in your mind in a mix of happiness and doubt. You hadn't have this kind of interaction with people since preschool.
Someone slaps your desk and this makes you look up caught by surprize. Some people from your class are staring at you in a not very friendly way.
"So, you know Red Riot?"one of them says.
"I... I..." you stutter."Fat Gum and... his sidekicks... Red Riot and Suneater, they buy at the bakery I work in."
"Oh, but you were not at the bakery when I saw you! You were at the arcade." another one says in a accusing way.
"I... Red Riot is..." you can't proceed.
"I saw him givin y/n a plushie." someone else says.
"Are you two dating?!" the person who says that seems absolutely disgusted.
You look to the other side trying to avoid their mean looks. It was better when nobody looked or talked to you.
"A guy that handsome wouldn't date someone that creep." someone says and everyone else giggles.
"So, once you know him. Can you get us his phone number?" The person who slaped your table says.
"I..." the words are stuck in your throat.
"Just get y/n's phone, this creep must have his number there."
Someone tries to pick up your phone from your desk, but in a sudden courage strike, you stop them by pulling it back to you and standing up in an impositive way, like you remember Bakugo doing when he told Kaminari, Sero and Mina to leave you alone.
"I don't know why you think I'd give you anything after the way you treat me!" you voice comes out firm and you stare at them with a frown.
They seem to get surprized and a bit scared of you.
"Let this creep be." someone says, and they scatter back to their seats.
You sit back down, your heart is beating faster than it ever has.
When Kirishima arrives, you are waiting for him outside already. He is wearing his hero costume and, as soon as you see him, you put your face between your hands.
"Why is it so revealing?" you say, embarassed.
"Sorry?" he asks.
"Nothing I... why are you in your uniform?"
"Oh, I need to meet Suneater a little earlier. We are going to investigate a little more about that accomplice... why aren't you looking at me?"
"Why do you even wear clothes, I mean..."
He smirks to notice you are aroused by the appeal of his costume.
"It is easier to use my quirk with this." he explains. "It is not like you haven't seen..."
"AAAAH, LET'S JUST GO!" you interrupt him as fast as you can.
He tries to hold your hand but you step away.
"Heey. What is that?" he says, pouting at you.
"It just that... people... Some people from my school saw us together and... it was a bit of a problem for me."
Kirishima stops in front of you with a serious expression, while you hug your own arms trying to avoid his look.
"Are you embarassed of me?" he asks.
"NO! No way! No... it's... it's the other way around." you say.
He stares at you, in silence. That serious expression doesn't suit his face well, it makes you nervous.
"They say... you wouldn't date a creep... like me."
"Are you being bullied?"
"I... They just. Aren't they right?" you can feel your voice fail each word you say.
"You are such a bright person, you have great friends, you are a great hero... you even got famous. I am a nobody who works at a bakery and has no future ahead... and am afraid of my own shadow... We don't match... we shouldn't..."
"Shut up!" Kirishima shouts and scares you to your soul. "Don't you dare saying anything more."
"Kirishima I..."
"I don't want to hear. ANY OF THIS. Now answer: Are you being bullied?!" You had never seen him this mad.
"They just said a couple of things."
Kirishima sighs and, then, pulls you for a hug. A gentle and passionate hug.
"You aren't a creep. You are sweet, you are a good listener, a great friend and an adorable person. I love it when you are as quiet as you wish to be, I love it when you trust me and talk to me, I love it when you get embarassed by things, I love the courage you have to be vulnerable and be yourself, even if you have some issues with it. Please stop saying mean things about yourself."
You can feel tears pouring from you eyes and landing on Kirishima's chest, but he doesn't let you go from the hug.
He hugs you until you feel well enough to stop crying.
"Sorry. Thanks." you say among stutters. "Thank you."
"So what about we eat ___your favorite snack here___ to get you out of these tears?" He asks showing you a big smile.
You nod, returning the smile to him.
After you eat and chat Kirishima leaves you at the Bakery for your shift. He is probably coming back at 3 for the sweet bread batch. But you feel like it is time you do it: you kiss him goodbye instead of waiting for him to do so. He gets so happy about it you can see him hop a little while he goes away. You giggle at it.
When you get inside the bakery, you feel your heart almost stop.
It is her. The woman from that day. She is wearing the same overcoat from that night and is walking around the store cheking on some bread.
You think about turning back and scream at Kirishima to come back, but she locks eyes with you. You do your best to not let your anxiety show.
"Can I help you with something?" you say to her, making efforts not to stutter.
"I am just browsing." she replies, eyes still fixed onto you.
You go behind the balcony and think of getting your phone, but she is still staring at you.
"If you need anything, just call me." you say.
"Ok." She replies without taking her eyes off you.
If you do anything, she will know. You see something move under her hat. Could she have the same quirk as the guy before? What the hell did she want with the bakery...
The bank! It is right behind the bakery, maybe she has a plan of... could one person try to rob a bank alone?
You look around and you sudden realize that... all of the costumers from that day are there. They are probably all accomplices, the bakery is just a way in and a distraction.
You try to pick up your phone in a not suspicious way, but your boss calls you out:
"Hey y/n! Get to working! Not time for this."
You look at the woman out of the corner of your eye and you see she is onto you.
"It... its very quickly." you say.
Too late.
A huge snake comes out of the woman's head and hits your hand, making you drop your phone. You can only see it land on the floor before a huge cloud of purple gass fills in the store and nothing can be seen anymore.
You hear something crash and you are sure it comes from the side wall. Your colleagues are screaming and coughing, but you are reaching for your phone as fast as you can. By memory, you dial his phone number even if you can't see the screen and it rings.
"Hey!" his voice comes from the other side.
"KIRISHIMA HELP!" you say between coughs.
You feel yourself being caught by a snake strong entail and it bites you on the shoulder. You let go a scream.
"This prick can still see!" you hear the woman say.
"Leave it be, I already opened the wall" you hear a man's voice. "Bring this one as a hostage, just in case!"
You hear their steps, but the cloud follows you. You have transpassed the bakery's limit, they are probably inside of the bank now. You have watched on TV a documentary of bank security before. They are inside one of the vaults.
"HELP, PLEASE!" You scream, as loud as you can, but the snake bites you again and makes you gag in pain.
That is when you hear his voice:
"Y/N where are you?!"
From the sound of it, he is inside of the bakery.
"Eight steps in, five to your left, we are in the bank! She has snakes for hair!!" You yell.
"Shut up you little fucker!" the woman says and you feel the snake's body thighten up around you so hard you lose your breath.
But suddenly it lets you go and you fall to the floor. You hear she crushing onto a wall and Kirishima steps come closer.
"Six steps to the side, I think he is super strong!"
You hear something crash against a rocky surface, then it again, and again many times. Someone is coming at you, so you crawl to get distance. The fighting sounds continue, you keep listening to the steps and memorizing them.
"THERE ARE THREE MORE, one of them is making these clouds, I don't know the others!" you yell.
Someone gets you from your waist and you are sure it is one of the villains.
"Shut up!" He says, covering your mouth with what seems to be a reptile hand full of claws.
You bite it, as hard as you can he let go complaining
"KIRISHIMA!!!" You yell as loud as you can. "Six steps to your right. He is holding me! Lizard thing!"
You just feel the guy let you go and feel the air blow above your hair. You are pretty sure he was tossed over you.
"Where are the others?" You hear Suneater's voice come from outside.
You scream the instructions to guide him inside. Every step you listen and memorize you start yelling, reviewing each memory you know from whom the steps are. Until you hear a great crash and the smoke goes away.
Fat Gum came from the roof right on top of the guy with the fog quirk. Suneater is holding all the others with his octopus tentacles.
When you look at Kirishima he is in his unbreakable form, fighting against a huge man. He was not that big when you first saw him.
When he sees you, his eyes burst into flames and he throws one punch at the guy that sends him straight to FatGum's belly.
Kirishima comes back to nomal and runs towards you. You are sitten on the floor, you shoulder bleeding from the snake bites.
"Y/n. Are you ok?" his expression is worried sick.
You look at him, eyes full of tears. The memory of that day, when the hero missed the villain... when your father got in front of you so you wouldn't be hit comes back. You feel as if it is going to take you to the breaking point again. But...
Every second you look at Kirishima, his hands coming to confort you, the heat of his body, the sound of his voice. When you see, you are living again the great moments you've had with him.
"I really love you." you say to him, you can't understand why he is tearing up.
"I love you,too. I love you. Please, stay awake."
You can't see anything else but your memories now.
"You had to see the drama." you hear Fat Gum's voice coming from the outside. "Ah, to be young and in love."
"So... why am I here again?" you look at that guy with deep dark circles in his eyes who is staring at you by the door.
"I wrote this recommendation letter. Y/n would have to retake a year, but I think those habilities could be well developed in a regular class from UA." Fat Gum says.
"Hm... unforgetable memory. I think it is a nice quirk. I will give this to Nezu." he replies.
"Thank you Aizawa!"
"I hope you are not doing this just for the two of them to get to study at the same school." he replies. "You better not think I don't know why he is coming back later than the others."
"Whaaaat? No way. He is with me the whole time." Fat Gum laughs.
"You're awake!" you suddenly hear Kirishima's voice beside you.
"Actually, you were the one sleeping." you say, smiling at him.
You had waken up a while ago, but when you saw Kirishima naping on a chair next to you, you decided to wait for him to wake up.
He almost got up the hospital bed to hug you and kiss you.
For your luck, the snakes on the villain's hair were not venomous. All the villains were aprehended by Fat Gum and his sidekicks and they confessed to be trying to rob the bank from the bakery.
"I think I need another job. With less emotion in it." you said. "Maybe I should get back to living with my mom."
"How... how about your dad?" Kirishima asked, scatching his hair anxiously.
You let go a sigh and lean against his chest for confort. Then, you start telling everything about your father, the hard memories and also, how, for the first time, they didn't come to haunt you.
"It is because of you." You say.
"Of... me?"
"When the bad things came you just... showed up in my head and then everything was fine."
Kirishima smiled at you and then, kissed you gently, softly rubbing his fingers in your head.
That would me one more of the great memories you would have to support you.
So, do you move in with your mom and start sturying at the same school as Kirishima? Does it help you start overcoming your trust issues and anxiety problems? Will you go visit him at the hospital after he gets beaten helping rescue Eri? Will you also help him with his trust issues? How many more adventures will you live togehter?
Now it is up to YOU!
Thanks a lot for being the hero of this story.
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