#🧸 i don't want to study right now... anya
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toyfulbox · 2 years ago
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"You know, people say they pick their nose, but I feel like I was just born with mine." || @twiloid
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"Papa that's..." She tilts her head ever so slightly, unknowing of the intention here. Was it supposed to be a funny joke? Was he being serious?
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"You never make sense, papa."
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matenrou-fan · 2 years ago
Ichiro taking care of their fem bipolar s/o on a bad day? Something like they physically can’t get out of bed sometimes and its hard to take care of herself and do basic tasks. Thanks so much Anya! Your works are always so charming 💗
-🧸 anon
Ichiro taking care of his fem! bipolar! s/o
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ahh hii star!! thank you for such kind words!!! <3
femreader, comfort, mention of meds;;
-For Ichiro, taking care of his loved ones is one of his love languages. After all, he's head of the Yamada family now, and sometimes looks more like a young father to his little brothers. Never able to bring himself to ignore people in need, of course he was ready to help you too, no matter how hard it can be.
-So when you two just meet and don't even think about starting a romantic relationship, he's already started to study the problem. Because even if you two are just friends, he want tk help as much as he can.
-And now, when you're a couple, Ichiro knows pretty well all your triggers and how often shifts in your mood change each other. He's always prepared to watch over you in manic episodes and take care of your needs on depressive weekends. And when you sent him a text about feeling uneasy again, he was already on his way to your place.
-Never ever he would scold you for turning your house and yourself into a mess. You don't do it on purpose, after all, so Ichiro always calmly cleans your room. On days when you're very sick he does it alone, but closer to your another wave of energy he slowly would give you some small task that you can accomplish together.
-But right now, when you're on your bad day, Ichiro firstly would get closer to you, with a light casual talk at the whisper level. As a start, he wants to know if you eat today or at least drink something, and make sure you would have something nutritious if not. And of course all prescribed meds, I'm sure he has something like a note to always remember when and what kind of stuff you need to take.
-Ready to help you with any tasks, even with something small that you're ashamed to ask, like bringing a cup of water or cleaning your teeth. Ichiro always scolds his brothers, especially Jiro, for being a little bit lazy about their hygiene but never he would tell you the same, calmly brushing your hair.
-Somewhere in the depths of his bosom he just wants to hug you tightly and keep talking in a loud vigorous voice as it always helps him cheer up.. But right now you need some silence and rest, so he would treat you like a porcelain doll, not increasing his tone even to a normal volume.
-Today he would throw away his business and tasks, spending it together with you. Doesn't matter if you want to talk with him or just lay together in silence, sleeping on his chest, your boyfriend is willing to be near you in both ways. But he's still bringing some CDs with anime with him just in case you would want to kill some time like that.
-In such episodes you always get so insecure and full of hard uneasy thoughts, and Ichiro's always ready to listen, to comfort you. And of course to provide you with some deep sweet words that would raise your spirits a little. So, even if you would say something harmful, overwhelmed with inner pain and sadness, he would forgive easily.
-Ichiro does understand it's not you but your disease that speaks in you. Soonly you would forget about all these flaws you found in yourself and im him, but still he can't help but prove you wrong with his sweet compliments..
"Here, s/o.. I still would be here for you, alright?" - he leans closer to kiss your forehead with a soft smile. - "No matter how bad you feel, remember about this, alright?"
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toyfulbox · 9 months ago
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[ zoo ] // anya if you want!! ♥️ || @chainmemories
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quality time starters || open!
Anya was left to be babysat, thankfully the boy seemed to be of the reliable sort, she didn't feel as if anything was off-putting about him whatsoever. She knew that he was safe, and if anything were to go wrong, then she would try her best to help in any situation.
But now wasn't the time to think about silly thoughts like that! They were at the zoo, and it was time to enjoy it!
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"Ah! Look at that!" She points to a giraffe. "It's a long-neck! And there's a baby one too! A baby long-neck!"
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toyfulbox · 2 years ago
tag dump (huge one lol)
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toyfulbox · 2 years ago
Anya perked up just after the Christmas episode of Bondman had just finished! She was propped up against Bond before, and she was now sitting upright, reaching upwards towards the ceiling in a great stretch! Accompanied by a little yawn as well, she stands up, Bond following suit.
“Yes, mama! I wanna help make ornaments!! Maybe Bond wants to help, too!” She looks over to the dog, who had just been in the middle of a big stretch, mouth wide open and tongue curled. He was a lazy oaf, but who couldn’t adore him?
Anya ran over to the small coffee table in the middle of the living room, and sat in her small chair, of which Bond sat right next to her... clearly eyeing the bowl of popcorn.
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“I did arts n’ crafts once in school, I think making the orny-ments will be easy!!” She spoke excitedly, looking over the tray of materials that was presented to her, she grabs a popsicle stick, a handful of beads and cotton balls, and a little bit of glitter tubes. 
“Watch this, mama! I’m gonna make the best orny-ment!”
Preparing for Christmas
Yor looked at the supplies she had prepared, tapping her chin softly as she confirmed she had everything. Unlike in years past, this year the hidden assassin really felt she had a reason to celebrate this season. And that reason was her stepdaughter.
Anya's green eyes had been bright when her father had mentioned some of the plans for Christmas and had stars in her eyes when he had brought home a modest pine tree for decorating. The only things that currently adorned it were a string of lights that Loid had checked multiple times to ensure no fires would start. But it had no ornaments... Yet.
She planned to change that today. Loid had gotten called away for an emergency patient earlier that morning, which had ruined her plan of doing this as a family...but that didn't mean she, Anya, and Bond (maybe. The large dog may just watch...) couldn't prepare the ornaments and decorations while they waited for him to come home!
Nodding at the bowl of popcorn, tray with beads, popsicle sticks, glue, glitter, and cotton, she deemed everything ready and walked out of the kitchen into to the living room where the little girl and her dog were watching the end of the Bondman Christmas special.
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"Miss Anya," She called as the credits rolled. "Would you like to help me make some ornaments for the tree?"
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toyfulbox · 2 years ago
cont. from here || @yorprincess2
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To keep up the little jest in light of the holiday spirit, Anya stayed as straight-faced as she could. Sure, she felt bad for putting the blame on Bond (to which she would get him snacks later to make up for it!) But it was all for fun and games, of course.
Though, she didn't know where Bond was at in this current moment, last she saw, he was in her own room. Though she kept her innocent look upon her face as she responds to her mother.
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"Anya saw Bond in papa's room!" Just another joke, perhaps Yor would fall for that as well, thinking that the dog would make another 'stinky' in his room.
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toyfulbox · 2 years ago
continued from here @twiloid​
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Anya had been so ever patiently waiting for her papa to wake up, she figured that if he had been tired enough to not make it to his bed, then she wouldn’t bother him! However, the thing was, she knew Yor was there to assist as well. Then she also knew that her mama wasn’t a great cook by any means. Therefore, Anya had been kind enough to tell her mama. ‘not to worry about it! papa can make me food!’ And basically ushering her out of home, she didn't want her to be late for work, after all!
Though, when was he going to wake up? Thankfully she was already in uniform, her bag packed up. All she needed was her breakfast, to brush her teeth, and she would be ready and set to go! ... Soon enough, she did hear the mutter of her papa’s voice.
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“Not yet, papa.” She spoke, “but Bond helped me get peanuts from the pantry, Anya’s been eating those!” Anya states, if it wasn’t obvious from the peanut shells that were littered upon the coffee table already, at least.
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toyfulbox · 2 years ago
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“Papa, there’s already lots of presents under the tree. Can Anya at least open one? Please? Pretty please? Anya’s been soooo good this year!!” 
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toyfulbox · 3 years ago
∗ 39﹕ sender  is  caught  following  receiver . - With Anya for Ibara!
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Ibara had been trained as a soldier since he was very young.
This meant that he had a certain kind of instinct when it came to realizing that he was being followed. It came as natural to him as breathing, or somewhere along those lines in any case.
What he hadn’t been expecting when he rounded the corner of the building to catch his stalker redhanded was that…
His stalker? Was very… Very small. And a girl. A child.
“…Can I help you?”
It wasn’t too long ago that Anya had been following the magenta-haired young man. In fact, she really only began to follow him simply because he dropped his wallet, and didn’t even notice! She’d thought to herself that it would be a good deed to return it to him... but.
He did look like the type of person that would send her back to the orphanage, and yet again she would escape from it. So of course, she was scared. But that didn’t stop her from still following him along. That is, until she got caught in the act of doing so, and with her poor attempt of hiding behind a mailbox.
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She peeks her head out from behind the box, looking over to the older. “U-um..” She stammers, nervous, then holding the man’s wallet out. “Y-you dropped this, glasses man...”
∗ 39﹕ sender  is  caught  following  receiver . - With Anya for Ibara!
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Ibara had been trained as a soldier since he was very young.
This meant that he had a certain kind of instinct when it came to realizing that he was being followed. It came as natural to him as breathing, or somewhere along those lines in any case.
What he hadn't been expecting when he rounded the corner of the building to catch his stalker redhanded was that...
His stalker? Was very... Very small. And a girl. A child.
"...Can I help you?"
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toyfulbox · 2 years ago
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“D’ya think I can make mama or papa get me another puppy.”
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toyfulbox · 2 years ago
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‘ Anya, I want you to know that when the time comes, and you have to make a hard decision. You will have the courage to make it. ’ - @twiloid​
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Such absolute powerful words coming from her papa. Someone that she looked up to. While she always was impulsive on her decisions, she knew that when the time did come for when she had to choose between two hard decisions, she would eventually have to choose one that would be for the better, one for world peace as she knew it.
She stares up at Loid with her glimmering green eyes, a determined look upon her face as she nods ever so gently. “Papa...” She spoke, laying a tiny hand upon his leg, “Anya will always know what to do, so don’t worry papa. It will all be okay!” She then pats his leg ever so gently.
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toyfulbox · 2 years ago
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Yor to Anya: ( chest ) sender pulls the receiver into their chest for a hug / cuddle - @yorprincess​
let’s cuddle rp prompts - accepting!
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There were good days, and there were bad days, and there were days when the day was just ‘alright’. But today was one of those days where even Anya couldn’t really decipher what it was that just felt off. She could always ask Bond to show her the future, or give her some sort of hint as to why it was like this today... but knowing him, he would just show her tonight’s dinner, or literally anything else.
Though Anya had been standing in front of the TV, staring at it blankly, not even paying attention to the episode of Spy Wars on screen she was, however, suddenly taken aback when she was pulled away for a hug from Yor.
That... that snapped her out of it.
“Hi mama.” She spoke, turning around to wrap her little arms around Yor’s figure as best as she could, nuzzling into her warmth.
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toyfulbox · 3 years ago
sora quickly lets go of her and backs away with wide eyes. ’ s-sorry! i was just giving you a friendly hug! ’
Oh... so it was just a hug! “W-well! You scared me, that was mean!” Anya shouts in response, her cheeks puffed out and a frown upon her face. “You gotta be polite, you know!”
sora quickly lets go of her and backs away with wide eyes. ' s-sorry! i was just giving you a friendly hug! '
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toyfulbox · 2 years ago
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"I'm shaking them very carefully, papa!!" Yet another strong shake from the little girl holding the present in her hands before she put it down underneath the tree once more. Anya looks up at her papa as he crouches down next to her, observing the presents.
"They're the only small ones, papa." She spoke, head turned away from him and nose turned upright. "The other ones are big... bigger than Anya!" She points to a present that was sat next to her, "it's Bond-sized..."
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toyfulbox · 2 years ago
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Send me “🎵” and I’ll post a starter using lyrics from a song I recently listened to! - Accepting!
Lollipop - Mika
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“I went walking with my mama one day, when she warned me what people say.” Anya took in a deep breath, making a somewhat serious, but almost comedic face. “She said, ‘live your life until love is found, ‘cause love’s gonna get you down!”
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toyfulbox · 3 years ago
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@keywcilder​ 'hey there, little one! remember me? the one that hugged you from out of nowhere? you still mad at me, right? ' - anya
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“N-no, I’m not mad at you!!” Anya responds, “It’s dumb to be mad at anyone, I think...” She sighs, “I forgive you, spiky-hair!”
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