#🥲 I'll sleep again as soon as I finish thinking about my life while taking an incredibly bitter pill haha
yu-huuuu · 1 month
I absolutely love your Sesshomaru Hc! One thing I noticed during my current episode of Inuyasha/Sesshomaru obsession: he. Is. 175cm. (5‘9). And looks like 19.
Now, how would he react if someone of european descent, who are in average a bit taller and curvier than Asians, in their mid twenties turned up? And they had a hair colour that isn’t black? Because yes, his entire family has white hair, Shippo has reddish-brown hair, but most Asians have black hair. (Fun fact: when my family was in China, and my brother had blonde highlights, so many people wanted to make pictures with him, because that was so rare 😂)
So, yeah, what do you think?
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[ 🌸 ] waaaait nooo— and besides, we're talking about ancient times. Approximately 500 years ago in Kagome's original time, and over 800 years ago for us now
Girly, they would easily label you as a demon or some celestial being from the heavens 🤭🤍 (it would probably be more the latter tho…)
characters: sesshomaru; some character mentions
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— Sesshomaru will be curious when he sees you.
— Beautiful blue eyes that could rival any pearl?
— Hair like the sun and curly?
— Pale skin but not sickly, with some freckles?
— Plump and rosy lips?
— Extravagant and dazzling features?
— A curvy and elegant figure?
— Woman, you would really be extravagant, especially with that sweet accent you have.
— You, on the other hand, would be surprised; you're just a foreign exchange student at a university, and by some twist of fate, you became friends with a young girl who goes to a secondary school. You met her when you went to a café and ran into her.
— And one day, suddenly, you're sucked into ancient times by a strange well that was in her house.
— How terrible!
— On the other hand, many people stare at you; you draw a lot of attention at first glance.
— Maybe it’s because of your features or your accent; maybe it’s the way you act and how your body is too different from what people are used to.
— But despite that, you can't help but feel as if someone is watching you from afar.
— What?
— Where is Kagome?
— And why did Inuyasha, Kagome’s boyfriend, whom just days ago you thought was just an irresponsible young man, suddenly have ears and is growling while looking into the distance and—
— Oh.
— Wait…
— Did Inuyasha just call that majestic man over there, who is now staring at you intently, his brother?
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teamhaeyoon · 3 months
[TRANS] 240622 — HAEYOON youmeOn Updates
All time is in KST unless otherwise stated
4:02 PM
Thank you for coming often to youmeOn to play with me💗
But still, it's so nice that youmeOn is a place I can talk about a lot of things and then I can also read stories from Lullets🤩 It's raining here too! I didn't even know it was raining so I planned to go to a cafe to read a book today~
I did but!!!!! it's raining
But I braved the rain and still came
4:06 PM
Messyyyy hair
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Wavy hair that cries on a rainy day...
4:07 PM
I brought 3 books
One book is about the purpose of life One is about NFTs And one is about economics
4:08 PM
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ So... many, right?
I like to read several books alternately
If one is hard to read, I read another one
Like that?!
4:09 PM
I also do transcribing!!!!!
I don't do it that much these days but there was a time I was very into transcribing ㅎㅎㅎ so I could easily used up a whole notebook..
But for transcribing, I think you should only do that for the books that you really, really want to read again but are too long to read in full again, so you need a summary!!
Only transcribe the books you want to keep only for yourself ㅎㅎ
If you try to keep all the good books for yourself, there won't be any room for all of them...
But!!!! since reading is really a habit, if you read just 1 page before sleeping, you can easily finish 2-3 books a month! That is why I keep books next to my bed
4:12 PM
When I'm busy, there are times when I can't even read!!
Usually, when I'm not promoting, I read about 4-6 books but when we are promoting, about 2-3 books?! I also like poetry collections, it gives me healing...
But I usually read books that seem helpful at the moment but I should read some novels too
Check check✅
Novels are good tooooo
4:15 PM
Any book recommendations these days?!!!!! My all-time favorite books⭐ If you worry a lot = How to stop worrying and start living If you're struggling with relationships = How to win friends and influence people I also want to recommend a novel but its been a while
I used to enjoy The Red Address Book?
I enjoyed it and want to read it again
Ah also!!! Seriously though!!!!!! There's a book that I want to know but I can't find it because I don't know the title 🥹
Oh~~~~ I love book recommendations. I'll be checking it out next time
4:17 PM
The song I'm listening to right now is
Love Letter - Anthony Lazaro, Sarah kang
4:19 PM
Ha my hair is wavier in real time
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The snack I'm eating right now
You know, heating it up for 30 seconds in the microwave, right?
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ What is this
4:20 PM
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Next vlog spoiler
I'll spoil it in advance for youmeOn friends
She's cute, right?!
I'll upload it soon.... 🔥
The vlog this time, Natto comes out a lot
I think it's almost 5:5..?
4:22 PM
Hamster is a must of course
⭐⭐ Hamster appearance notice⭐⭐
(The hamster is me...)
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I want to set this as my profile photo but the problem is
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There is this one too
But the real problem is
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There is this one too..
You want me to set it as my profile pic?
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ But there's Lullets too who doesn't like hamsters...
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This one's cute
It's hard 🥲🥹😗😗😗
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ But wouldn't it be shocking for people who will be seeing my youmeOn link and then my pfp is a hamster?
Okay, until this weekend, special hamster appearance ⭐⭐
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Here we go
Drum roll clap
I changed my cover photo too and the message😗
4:31 PM
Don't get me wrong. I am not raising a hamster. I am the hamster (It is my nickname)
I am raising a cat
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The story behind this photo
Jiwon (and her mom and aunt) bought Natto's cat tower as a housewarming gift
But Natto didn't even look at it or climb it, so we were both upset
Finally ⭐ after a month, she recently climbed up
Hooray Natto⭐
Natto is very shy so it takes her quite a while...😂
Isn't she cute?
4:34 PM
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She's cute too
4:35 PM
Ackㅋㅋㅋ everyone changed their profile into a hamster, whyㅜis it so funnyㅜㅠㅠ
Hamster heaven
That's right... I can see all your profile photos
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅎㅎ It's fun
4:36 PM
I'm gonna go read a book now for real
ㅎㅎㅎ Byebye💗 Have a good weekend
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