#🕸️ 。 — ❛ You'll always be my Highness. ( IC.)
ensnaredearl · 3 months
A young bellhop accidentally found himself lost in a new world, rain pouring down as he ventured forth, eager to see all that was here.
As he walked, he took note of the various buildings as they looked to be old-fashioned by the looks of it, different from the buildings back in Penacony.
He gulped a little as he then noticed a very large structure just in the distance, maybe he could take refuge here as he wondered if anyone could see him, probably not.
He slowly made his way over before sneaking inside through what looked to be a cellar to escape the falling raindrops, keyhole shaped pupils taking in all the sights and sounds as he stayed curled up.
( from @bcllbcy )
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀❛ Claude!! Claude, where are you, you useless demon?! ❜
Alois lounged in his opulent bed, his frustration growing. He called out, his voice laced with irritation. The rain pounded against the windows of the Trancy manor, a rhythmic yet annoying backdrop to his rising ire.
Just as he was about to call out again, a faint noise reached his ears, something unusual amidst the storm's din. His eyes narrowed as he listened intently, distinguishing the sound of cautious footsteps echoing from the direction of the cellar.
A sly grin spread across his face, transforming his annoyance into curiosity tinged with malice.
❛ Well, well, what have we here? It seems that I have a little rat in my manor. ❜
Descending the grand staircase, Alois made his way to the cellar, his bare feet making no sound on the cold stone floor. As he approached, he could hear the intruder's nervous breathing, the sound of someone clearly out of their element.
❛ Well dear mouse? Don’t go all quiet on me now, show yourself. ❜
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ensnaredearl · 2 months
@pupacirci continued from here
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⠀⠀ Alois squinted at Doll, looking her up and down with a mixture of curiosity and disdain. He folded his arms and puff up his right cheek.
❛ Kid, you say? Well, that's quite the assumption, innit? You don't look much older yourself, or maybe you're just a bit on the short side. ❜
❛ Besides, what fun is a circus if you can't get up close and personal with the main attractions? ❜
He took a step closer, his expression shifting to one of feigned innocence.
❛ And as for Jumbo, I'm not scared of a bunch of circus freaks. So, why don't you save us both the trouble and let me be, hmm? ❜
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ensnaredearl · 3 months
@ominasapphirus continued from here
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Alois’ eyes widened in surprise as he felt the shift in Ciel's tone and demeanor. He suddenly dropped the boy, crouching down to better scrutinize the differences in this twin. His own vibrant blue eyes narrowed as he took in the unfamiliar face.
❛ Who the hell are you?? ❜
He mutters more to himself than Ciel with a squint. He tilted his head as he studied the boy before him — no Faustian contract in sight and his tone was strangely gentle. Very odd–!
❛ Well, well, what do we have here? You look like him, but you're not quite the same, are you?❜
Ignoring Ciel's demand, Alois leaned in closer, his face inches away from Ciel's.
❛ You know, that gentle tone of yours is absolutely repulsive. It's almost laughable. Tell me, little mimic, who exactly are you? And what makes you think you can order respect? ❜
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ensnaredearl · 3 months
[ FINGER ] — sender flips receiver the bird
- @navyciel
Prompts for muses who are little shits
[ @navyciel ]
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⠀⠀⠀⠀ Alois' eyes narrowed dangerously as he watched Ciel's insolent gesture. The smirk that played on his lips was anything but friendly.
❛ Oh, how quaint! The little earl trying to play the tough guy. Didn’t think you would do something so uncouth, thought I was the one who was vulgar~? ❜
With a flourish, Alois grabbed a glass of red wine from a passing servant’s tray. He swirls the glass letting the liquid hit against the glass. Without giving Ciel a chance to react, Alois tilted the glass, pouring the deep crimson liquid over Ciel's head, the wine cascading down and staining his pristine clothing.
Alois stepped back, a satisfied look on his face as he watched the rivulets of wine drip from Ciel's hair and clothes. He let the glass drop and shatter in-front of the other earl.
❛ Consider this a reminder of your place or at least try something less childish than a middle finger~❜
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ensnaredearl · 3 months
@ominasapphirus continued from here
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⠀⠀ Alois chuckled mischievously, his eyes gleaming with excitement as he glanced back at Ciel, who struggled to keep up with his brisk pace.
❛ Oh, Phantomhive, don't be such a worrywart! A little adventure will do you good. Besides, you could use some fresh air and excitement. You're built like a sickly grandpa. ❜
Alois continued to lead Ciel through the bustling crowd, his steps light and confident as he guided them towards the unknown destination,
❛ I've heard some interesting gossip about this charity bazaar we're off to. Seems like it's not your typical stuffy event. Who knows what scandalous secrets we might uncover? It's much more fun than listening to those boring old ladies chatter on about their petticoats and tea, don't you think? ❜
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ensnaredearl · 2 months
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⠀⠀⠀⠀ In the grand ballroom of the Trancy manor, chandeliers sparkled with a thousand tiny flames, casting a golden glow over the assembled nobility. The air was thick with the scent of roses and expensive perfumes, mingling with the soft strains of a classical quartet playing in the corner. Alois with a mischievous smile and a glint of cunning in his eyes, stood at the center of attention, his blond hair perfectly coiffed and his attire immaculate.
Alois had spent considerable time that afternoon ensuring his freckles were concealed beneath a layer of finely applied makeup. He knew well that in the unforgiving gaze of high society, even the smallest imperfection could become fodder for gossip.
As he chatted with Lady Bloodworth, he felt a slight itch on his cheek. Discreetly, he reached up to scratch it, only to realize with horror that his makeup was beginning to smudge. A quick glance in a nearby mirror confirmed his fears: a few rebellious freckles had managed to peek through.
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ensnaredearl · 5 days
He softly sighed. "Fine, you may not be lying to me, but you are not telling something. And that makes me very worried, you know"
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ❛ Come on, Luka, you're overreacting. There's really nothing to worry about. It pains me to see you worrying so much about your big brother. ❜
His expression softened as he reached down and squished the younger boy's cheeks together, trying to shift his suspicions and lighten the mood.
❛ You look too serious, and it's giving me the creeps, you know! ❜
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ensnaredearl · 10 days
❛  you do realize that i know you better than anyone, right ? so i know that you’re lying.  ❜
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ❛ Oh, do you now? It seems you’re more perceptive than I gave you credit for, Luka. But knowing me and understanding me are quite different. I’m not lying, would I ever lie to you? ❜
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ensnaredearl · 2 months
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He slumped against the wall of the Trancy Manor, his palm raising to his forehead. Even his face was slightly flushed after the coughing fit he had outside, just now catching his breath. Ciel barely managed to keep himself up before he would grab onto Alois.
"I can't breathe... get Sebastian.. Claude.. please.."
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Alois' eyes widened as he saw Ciel's condition. For a moment, a flicker of genuine concern crossed his face before he quickly masked it with his usual playful smirk. He placed a hand on Ciel's shoulder, steadying him.
❛ Well, well, Phantomhive. You look positively dreadful. But I suppose I can't have you collapsing here, can I? ❜
He turned his head slightly, his voice taking on a more commanding tone as he called out.
❛ Claude! Bring Sebastian here at once. It seems our little guest is in need of some assistance. ❜
❛ Just breathe, Ciel. Claude will be here any second, and we'll get Sebastian for you. Just hold on.❜
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ensnaredearl · 2 months
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"We didn't kiss? Good, I don't think there's anything that would ever make me want to share such sickening displays of affection with anyone. Besides, you're the last person I'd ever want to kiss if it was necessary for survival." He said as he walked away from the earl, before pausing. "Right, I forgot something."
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Making his way back to him, he would pull him in by the collar of his suit jacket for a very subtle kiss to his lips just before pulling away and walking off once more. -- @akumanomorii
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀❛ Oh, to think that my very presence could be so revolting to you, Phantomhive! It's a shame, really. I had such high hopes for us. ❜
He placed a dramatic hand over his heart, feigning a pained look before smirking, a glint of mischief in his eyes.
❛ But don't worry, the feeling is mutual. If it came down to survival, I suppose I'd rather kiss a frog. ❜
As the earl started to walk away, Alois's curiosity piqued when he abruptly paused and turned back.
❛ Forgot something, did you? ❜
Alois muttered, raising an eyebrow. Before he could react, he felt the earl's grip on his collar, pulling him in for a brief, subtle kiss. Alois's eyes widened in shock, and he stood frozen, his mind racing but finding no coherent thoughts.
❛ B-But... what...? ❜
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ensnaredearl · 2 months
@grellsaw : “ who asked you for your opinion ya brat? “
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀❛ Oh, I didn't realize you were so sensitive. Maybe you should ask yourself why you’re so defensive. Did I hit a nerve? I wasn't even talking to you. Unless you had some wandering eyes at my staff, a guilty conscience is always one’s worse enemy~ ❜
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ensnaredearl · 2 months
when ciel kissed you you blushed like a school girl if anything you want to be kissed and hugged as well
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⠀⠀⠀⠀❛ OI?? I did not blush like a school girl! Why are you even bringing up Phantomhive anyway, we didn’t even kiss! ❜
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ensnaredearl · 2 months
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Something caught her eyes, a sight she'd never seen on the other earl before. In fact, it was rather faint so it would take a tedious eye to notice. Even though it was just the two of them at a little table enjoying a spot of tea, she leaned forward just slightly over it before going back into her seat. The details of his face, the little freckles that decorated his fair skin. She would pick up her tea cup as she began drinking before commenting, "You have stars over your cheeks like a beautiful evening sky." -- @divinecanopus
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⠀⠀⠀⠀ Alois nearly choked on his tea as Elizabeth's words reached his ears, causing him to sputter and cough in surprise. He quickly set his cup down, a forced smile playing on his lips as he tried to regain his composure.
❛ Stars over my cheeks, you say? Oh dear lady Milford, you must be seeing things. It's just a trick of the light, I assure you. ❜
He raised a hand to his cheek self-consciously, his fingers brushing over the carefully concealed freckles. The thought of anyone noticing his imperfections sent a shiver of dread down his spine, but he knew better than to let his facade slip in front of Elizabeth.
❛ Maybe you've been sampling too much of that delightful tea. You know how it can play tricks on the mind. ❜
Alois leaned back in his chair, his posture relaxed but his mind racing. He couldn't afford any slip-ups. With a charming smile, he made a show of adjusting his collar, a subtle gesture to ensure his makeup remained intact.
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ensnaredearl · 2 months
@ominasapphirus continued from here
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Alois stared at Ciel, clearly unconvinced by his reassurances. Without hesitation, he flicked Ciel’s forehead, eliciting a small wince.
❛ Do you have any idea what a hassle it would be if you collapsed from exhaustion? I’d have to take care of a sickly dolt like you. ❜
He sighs and rubs his temple in dramatic exasperation. Without waiting for a reply, Alois grabbed Ciel's wrist firmly but not unkindly.
❛ Come on, you're going to rest whether you like it or not. I don’t need drool on the documents from your timely collapse. ❜
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ensnaredearl · 2 months
Tears from Lelouch vu Britannia
Desperation : An assortment of angsty actions
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Alois paced nervously, his usual bravado and flamboyance replaced by an uncharacteristic uncertainty. Tears streaked down Lelouch's usually stoic face— it felt alien and almost uncomfortable to watch. Alois, usually reveling in others' misery, felt a strange twist in his chest.
❛ This isn't like you. You're always the one with the master plan, the one who never shows weakness. Seeing you like this... it's unsettling. ❜
Alois began, his voice unusually soft. He awkwardly patted Lelouch's shoulder, unsure if he was doing this right.
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ensnaredearl · 2 months
“Come with me to the ball.” — Spare
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Alois raised a brow and placed a hand on his hip, a playful smirk dancing on his lips.
❛ Oh my, Phantomhive. You do know how to sweep someone off their feet, don't you? No 'please,' no 'I'd be honored if you joined me'? ❜
❛ Are you sure you don't want to try that again with a bit more charm? Maybe I’ll even say yes ❜
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