#💎 Tomb Treasure (Ishizu Ishtar)
universestreasures · 3 days
The Song Of Memory (A Kisara & Ishizu Drabble)
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"We've been expecting you, Miss Utahara."
The greeting is given as soon as the singer steps out of the car by the one she had contacted on Yugi Muto's recommendation, the very woman who was claimed to have the answers to all her many questions regarding the strange occurrences that had been going on recently. Kisara had traveled a great distance to meet with Ishizu Ishtar today, and without her sister, no less. While Shiori's company was to be expected and preferred in most situations, she had specifically requested she attend this meeting alone. This meeting was regarding Kisara's own circumstances, ones she didn't want to burden her sister with when she already had so much on her plate.
Upon walking towards the tomb keeper, who herself was accompanied by two bodyguards, the singer bowed her head in respect. This was not only a custom, but also a sign of gratitude. For securing this meeting had been of high importance to her ever since she learned that the answers she was looking for could be found with the elder woman.
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"Thank you for taking the time to meet with me, Miss Ishtar. Considering your important position, I imagine you must be very busy. I very much appreciate you being able to fit me into your schedule."
"Of course. Now, will you please follow me? There is much for us to see and discuss." The woman gestures towards the entrance of the tomb, Kisara giving her a nod as she follows her down the dimly lit staircase. The two bodyguards then moved to guard the location's entrance. Seems they would have total privacy for this conversation, thankfully.
"This tomb is the current resting place of some of the relics that were once on display in Domino City's history museum. I originally brought them to Japan in hopes they would inspire the current generation of duelists, but with that task having been completed some time ago, they have been returned to their homeland."
"I see...So, that must be why you said we could not meet in Japan. You wanted to make sure I could see the relics, right?"
"Precisely. I hope these relics can inspire you Miss Utahara in the same way they both inspired Pegasus J. Crawford to create the game of Duel Monsters...and Seto Kaiba to host and battle in the Battle City tournament.
"He...He saw them too?"
Ishizu's words caused Kisara to halt in her tracks; her eyes widened as the flash of that man, of Seto Kaiba, flashed in her mind. Her encounter with him was the starting point of all the strange occurrences that had going on. The dreams. The visions. The strong ache in her heart when she sees him. Some of these she's experienced in the past, but they've only increased in frequency since their initial meeting. And it was the explanation behind these occurrences that she sought to find by coming here.
"Is something wrong, Miss Utahara?"
"N-No. It's...It's nothing." It clearly wasn't, but she couldn't lose focus now. Not when she was so close to the truth. "I was just...surprised. I...I didn't expect anything related to Duel Monsters to have taken inspiration from Egyptian history."
"Despite not being a duelist yourself, I think once you see them , the connection will become clear to you. Come, we're almost there."
She nods as she follows Ishizu deeper and deeper into the tomb, Kisara's heartbeat seeming to rise with each step. Was she getting nervous? Nervous about what she might learn? Or was it the thought of Seto Kaiba that made her heart race? She isn't sure, but regardless of the distraction, she pressed on until she met Ishizu at the bottom of the chamber.
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"These two carvings you are about to see are from the 18th dynasty of Egypt that existed over 3,000 years ago. We at the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities have worked carefully to preserve these treasures so the legacy of our history is not lost to the sands of time. Please look at them at your leisure, and I'll be here to answer any questions you may have. Though, I believe the one you must look at is the one on the left."
She gives the other a nod before advancing forward, choosing to look at the tablet she was directing her towards first. Kisara is not sure what to expect when she looks at it. What did Ishizu mean by 'inspired'? What did these relics have to do with her experiences relating to her visions? To her weird connection to Seto Kaiba and the White Dragon? Guess the only way to find out was to see it with her own eyes.
Thus, with a deep breath, Kisara's gaze shifts to look at the stone. And the second she laid her eyes upon it, seeing the image in full, she froze, unable to do anything but look with widened eyes and process the unbelievable imagery before her eyes that seemed to fit the picture perfectly into the missing pieces of the puzzle of this mystery.
"That dragon...That dragon is...!" Flashes of different memories of her dreams and visions are shown before her eyes, and all of the dragons in this carving are seemingly depicted as plain as day. "The White Dragon...Blue-Eyes...White Dragon...The dragon from my dreams...It's...here on this stone, but...how? How could a creature of my dreams be on this stone, and later turned into a Duel Monsters card that is only owned by-"
Kisara pauses, realizing an important detail. Beautiful blue hues then start to shift their gaze from the carving of the beast to what was below. Or rather, who was below it, the very figure depicted as battling side by side with the dragon.
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"It...It's him..." She speaks softly as she approaches the stone, gently touching the face of the figure depicted there for reasons she can't understand. "It's that man from my vision...The one that looks just like...!"
"Seto Kaiba." Ishizu's voice brings Kisara's focus back, her head turning back to face the woman who had approached her. "That is a depiction of a priest known as the 'White Beast Tamer', a loyal and prideful member of the Pharaoh of the 18th dynasty, Pharaoh Atem's, court. Despite being in his service, he considered the king both his greatest friend and greatest rival. The battle between these two destined duelists is what is carved here on this stone."
Her eyes then wander to the opposite side of the tablet, the side featuring both the king and the magician carved above him. "That's Pharaoh Atem? But...but he looks just like Yugi Muto! Why...Why do these two figures look like people from the present? And what does all of this have to do with me? I came here looking for answers, but...I'm more confused than ever!"
Her heart was racing. Not only from the anxiety of the situation, but also because of what she saw on the stone and in the flashes of memory. There was clearly a connection between all these things. That was undeniable, and yet the very nature of it was still frustratingly unclear. Luckily for her, she had someone who could elaborate a bit.
"Miss Utahara." Ishizu speaks, gently placing a hand on Kisara's shoulder to try and help ease the obvious panic in her soul. "What does your heart tell you when you gaze upon this tablet? What feelings does it evoke? What words? What sights? It is in them that you may find your answers."
A hand is moved over her heart. The white-haired adult can still feel it racing in her chest, as if threatening to escape. She tries to take deep breaths in an attempt to calm herself enough to focus on the confusing cloud of feelings deep inside, once again her gaze shifting to the stone, specifically its left side. Silence fills the chamber for minutes on end as she continues to look, and it is only broken once an instinct takes hold of her, an instinct that allows her to convey what she is feeling in the only way she knows how...through the expression of her soul.
🎵"Once, like a dream...You looked at me...And everything felt new..."🎵
Her song is accompanied by images, images that were as clear as day to her. She sees herself beaten and stoned by a crowd, only for it to stop once he, the priest, intervenes and saves her life.
🎵"Time slipped away...The past seemed to fade...My hope restored by you..."🎵
She now sees herself looking at the priest from her weakened position on the ground, whose image seemed to glow in the sunlight. He was a beacon of light. The light of hope that she desperately tries to reach for.
🎵 "And I know, for some, it's temporary...Like a shooting star soon out of view..."🎵
Kisara finds her visions to now be of herself behind bars, watching the priest slowly turn and leave towards a darkened hallway. It then shifts to herself in the center of what appeared to be an arena, faced down by horrifying monsters. However, she turns around, now facing the image of the priest staring back at her.
🎵"But this will always be...It's my destiny...To be in love with you..."🎵
The priest in her images then moves in front of her, summoning a creature through his magic to defend her. Circumstances then cause the floor beneath them to fall, leaving them both dangling by a thread. That's when her body emits a bright blue aura, and from within that aura appears...the White Dragon...
🎵"Some people fall in love for life..."🎵
She finds herself behind bars again, her cell now breaking down around her. That's when he appears, like a miracle, to break her free, taking her by the hand as they escape a crumbling palace.
🎵"Others never get it right..."🎵
He then speaks to her. They are words Kisara cannot hear directly in her vision but are ones she can seemingly understand. They tell her to run, run away from this land, and don't look back. Despite her hesitance, she runs away from him, seemingly never to return to his side.
🎵"Love's fickle when it calls..."🎵
But...she ends up turning around, unable to leave him behind. He looks back at her a moment, screaming out her name, before everything is consumed in a dark light that strikes her core.
🎵"One thing that I know for sure..."🎵
Everything slows around her as her body slowly wilts, akin to that of a dying flower. She can see the panic in the priest's eyes as he cries out for her, a sign of his care for her. That...That was enough for her, she feels, to see him be concerned over her well-being, a feeling that can't help but feel a bit distant as these memories replayed.
🎵"Longer than our lives endure..."🎵
The sight before her now is a familiar one. She sees herself in his arms and knelt before a tablet depicting the White Dragon. Even now, seeing this sight fills her soul with an intense sadness, enough to cause tears to flow from her physical eyes and for her to drop to her knees.
🎵"You're my forever fall..."🎵
Kisara's eyes return back to reality, once again facing the stone as her song concludes. She reaches for the depiction of the priest once again, and for a moment, his image flashes in her mind. He smiles at her, reaching out his hand, before the image breaks and her hand finds itself touching the cold gravel of the tablet.
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"Lord Seto...That's your name...That's who you are...The man who...saved me...in the past...The man who I wanted to repay...The man that I..." Her hands move to cover her heart, and her tear drops fall on the skin like dew drops. "Loved..."
She takes a few moments to herself to steady her spirit, slowly wiping the tears from her eyes with a handkerchief from her pocket. Kisara then stands up, one movement at a time, and turns back towards Ishizu. The look in her eyes is different than before, both murkier from her tears but almost...clearer somehow, as if some fog had been lifted.
"So...I'm the vessel for the White Dragon, or rather...I was in a previous life. And what I've been seeing...What I've been experiencing...That song I just sung...It was me connecting to that part of myself, wasn't it Miss Ishtar?"
"Yes. Just like the destined duelists the tablet depicts, it seems your journey, too, has not yet reached its final conclusion."
"Does this mean that...I still have the White Dragon inside of me? Could that be why I see it in my dreams?"
"I'm not so certain of that. In ancient times, Egyptian sorcerers trapped creatures, both good and evil, into stone tablets that they could summon at will. Today this practice is represented by the Duel Monsters cards duelists can summon to aid them in battle. If you still had the spirit of the White Dragon within you, then I think there could be no card of it."
"I guess...I guess that makes sense. And those cards...They belong to..." A puzzle piece seemingly clicked in her mind as she was putting things together, things she wanted to confirm with the women first just to be certain. "Miss Ishizu, Does...Does that mean that Seto Kaiba is..."
"He is as you suspect. He is the priest reborn in this new age, and he is fully aware of his ancient heritage."
"Then...Then, does he know about..." Her words die in her throat, and she remembers one crucial detail from the memories of her human life she had just seen. While her past life's feelings for the priest had been clear, they were ones she did not get to express. For her past self passed away before being given the chance to say what she felt to him, of the love she had for him deep inside.
At least...as far as the blue-eyed women knew, anyway. There were more secrets of her past still yet to reveal themselves. The memories of her human life during her time in Egypt had been unlocked to her. However, the secrets housed within the other parts of her soul, the ones tied to the four Blue-Eyes White Dragons, still were out of reach, and until she could reconnect and access them, the full truth would still be just a mystery.
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"I do not know what he knows and does not know at this current moment. What I do know is that he has outwardly rejected and denied his claims to the past, to his very destiny on multiple occasions, despite what he has experienced first hand."
"I see...I cannot say I'm surprised. He is...a very mysterious and cold person, with his heart seemingly sealed off from the world..."
It was a stark contrast to what she witnessed from the priest in her visions, who always appealed to her as warm and protective. Then again, she doesn't know Seto Kaiba that well at all. Could he too be hiding a part of himself?
"But honestly, after learning all of this? I...I want to get to know him, more than I did before. I don't know what fate has in store for us, or how I'm going to handle these new...feelings from my past." Contending with a love, a powerful one that seemingly crossed time to the present day, that is hers but also not hers was going to be challenging, after all. "All I do know is that I should at least try. I'd forever regret it if I didn't."
"I wish you the best of luck with your efforts. Now is there anything else I can help you with? You still haven't looked at the second carving."
"I...I think I got more than I could ever ask for just by looking at the first one. If anything, it gives me an excuse to see you again. Thank you, Miss Ishtar. Thank you for everything." Kisara bows her head in gratitude once more, a soft smile characteristic of her gracing her face.
"You can just adress me as Ishizu."
"Only if you address me as Kisara."
"Alright, Kisara. I'm glad I could be of help to you. You are free to contact me anytime should you need it."
"I appreciate it, Ishizu. Thank you again."
With permission to be casual around one another exchanged, the two ladies leave the tomb, and Kisara heads back on her way to her hotel. The singer is sure to call her sister and tell her the meeting was successful and that she will be flying back to Japan in the morning. Seems like she has a busy schedule ahead of her when she gets back. She did take a few days off just for this trip, meaning she'd have to play catch up when she returned home.
As the Blue-Eyed Maiden sat in her room, her hands were busy writing in her songbook. She was writing down the song she had sung in the tomb, a song that she had known how to sing and knew the notes to without needing to think. It was a song that seemingly came from her soul, a song that Kisara...wanted to share with him someday, no matter what his reaction may be. It would not be for herself now, but rather who she used to be, to say what she never got to say before...before her death.
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🎵 "Your trust, honesty...Helped me believe...A ray of hope shined through...You set me free...Saw what the world couldn't see...I found my joy in you...
"Every life is filled with passing moments...Like the seasons change, they come and go...But this is infinite...Nothing, even death...Could separate our souls...
'Cause you're my final goal...
Some people fall in love for life...Others never get it right...Love's fickle when it calls...One thing that I know for sure...Longer than our lives endure...
You're my forever fall..."🎵
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universestreasures · 3 months
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where does your soul rest?
Deep, Deep Underwater
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if your body wasn't made of flesh and bones, your soul would dive deep down below, under the sea, where the waters are cold and the sunlight is a mirage. i think it's a peaceful place, for a troubled soul like yours; i feel like you're an introvert who works best alone, with your thoughts and your habits, but i also know how much you crave soft touches and reassuring words. to someone you're a comforting presence, a hidden treasure buried in the sand. i like how inside you're just as soft as velvet; your heart is pure, and i wanna remind you that your past mistakes don't define who you are today. you're not what hurts you. if your soul had a color it would indeed be teal, a shiny kind, and it would smell like the salty sea breeze. i know someone is dying for one of your salty, bittersweet kisses.
Tagged By: @thuganomxcs (Ty Jayvid <3)
Tagging: @shacchou @aoiinome @relevc @scarlxtleaves (Atem) @infintasmal (Ja'far) @ofkawai @devildukem and anyone else who wants to do this!
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universestreasures · 3 months
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Due to enabling from the goat L ( @thcsevoices ) Ishizu Ishtar from Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters has been added as a somewhat active muse! She is a canon compliment, and headcanon expanded, and like my other DM muses, has verses for the anime and manga as well!
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Priestess Isis, Ishizu's ancestor, is also available to interact with as a bonus (but is not added as a formal separate muse due to how linked she is with Ishizu / how similar they are in personality)
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universestreasures · 1 month
@lcstsons Sent: A Trust Sentence (Vol. 1) (Accepting!)
“Children always say what they mean. It’s adults you can’t trust.” (Seto @ Ishizu)
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"Then I suspect that means you don't trust me, yes?" She reacts to his bold statement with one of her own. In truth, his suspicion and lack of faith in what news she delivered to him wasn't shocking. It did, at first glance, seem farfetched, being the reincarnation of an ancient priest. However, after how she saw him react to the artifacts that surrounded them, she would think he would essentially have no choice but to believe it.
A stubborn one, wasn't he?
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"You may believe whatever you wish, Seto Kaiba. However, what I told you and what surrounds us is the truth. And whether you 'trust it' or not, you will not be able to run from fate's storm that will soon be upon us all. I certainly trust that fact and that you will return Obelisk to me when the time is right."
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universestreasures · 1 month
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One of the things I love about Buddyfight is that all the character's decks have names and a cool little chant (known as the 'Lumanize Chant' by the fandom) before they start. It got me to wonder what they'd be for some of my YGO muses, so here is what I came up with for the DM ones.
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Deck Name: Thunderstorm Of Chaos (AKA his Thunder Dragon deck)
Chant: A chaotic storm is brewing, and guess what!? You're in it's path! Lumanize! Thunderstorm of Chaos!
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Deck Name: Secrets Of The Tomb (AKA her Battle City Death)
Chant: Mystical powers of the past, guide me to my destined victory! Lumanize! Secrets Of The Tomb!
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Deck Name: Sarcophagus Of Light (AKA what I imagine his Post DSOD Deck is, being the new Shining Sarcophagus archetype)
Chant: Forged by the Power of Unity, the light of courage shines eternally! Lumanize! Sarcophagus Of Light!
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Deck Name: Strength Of Spirit (AKA Kisara's Eyes Of Blue Deck)
Chant: The power of the soul, comes from the depths of the heart! Lumanize, Strength Of Spirit!
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0 notes
universestreasures · 3 months
Height Chart of my YGO DM Muses + Mobuka's Friend Squad
Note: Some of these heights are offical, some are headcanons. Older Akatsuki, Suzuha, Gao, and Tasuku heights I don't have HCS for yet.
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