#🐉 ; a familial bond found in the snow ; doloniaxdiegesis ; clara
draconicfool · 3 months
this is a platonic tag dump
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draconicfool · 3 months
Papa said he was alright but she was still so scared, so she held onto her dad as best as she could.
The sight of that bullet in the sky not leaving her mind or letting her rest. Her tears once again starting as another round of sobs leave her small frame as she holds her dads coat tightly.
Clara refused to move , her phone in her hands and her cheek pressed against her dad's chest. The steady and strong heartbeat of his keeping her grounded but the feeling of being overwhelmed not once leaving her.
So lost in her worry she didn't notice Mr. Svarog leaving them water and a few light food items to keep in there stomach.
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It was like he was stuck. He'd been bringing groceries back for his visit to Clara when he saw it. That purple shooting star that his husband had mentioned. His eyes wide as he stared up at the sky. The bags dropping as he held his hand over his mouth. He'd dropped to his knees. He'd screamed and he's sobbed in the cold before Svarog had found him.
Before he'd been carried back home, immediately attached to his little girl. His arms wrapped so tightly around her as he laid on the bed he'd shared so many nights with her between them. Laughing and regaling her with stories. Of Boothill's adventures and Eros' fairy tales from his father.
But tonight that laughter was silent. There were no stories to fill the cold room. Only a man holding his daughter to his chest. His black-tinted fingers clinging to her coat in the same way that hers did to his. Afraid to let her go. Afraid she would slip away in the same way.
Neither had said a word. Only sobbed in each other's arms. And as much as he wanted to say something, anything to comfort his little girl...
He simply couldn't.
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What was there to say? What could he do to ease her when he was a wreck as well. He'd promised. It was all that played on his mind. His husband had promised that he would come back to them in one peace. It would be easy, he'd said. There was nothing in the world that would keep him from them. He'd swore it.
Tears streamed down his face as he remembered the other's departure. How they'd lingered in the clinic doorway. Holding Clara in their arms between them as they shared one last kiss. How they'd both held onto his hands until he simply had to let go. How they'd watched him walk away thinking there would be a next time soon.
And now he was a pile in the bed with their little girl.
And the lights in their little home were on.
And there was Svarog leaving them food and drink to make sure they stayed well.
And there was knocking at the door.
But there was nobody to answer it.
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draconicfool · 3 months
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Eros absolutely makes little treats and meals from his mother's cook book so that he can bring them to Clara. It makes him feel especially warm and fuzzy inside to make something that can be enjoyed by his little girl.
He'll accompany her on her walks to look for scraps and sometimes let her ride on his back or shoulders. It's something his father always did when he was little, and he's more than happy to do the same for her.
When he has to go away on his 'supply runs' he'll usually leave his necklace with her as a promise that he's going to come back so that she doesn't have to worry about losing him.
Even though he knows she has a home in the robot settlement, sometimes he'll ask about stealing her away to stay with him in the clinic for awhile if only so he can enjoy more time with her. These are especially common either before or after he's gone away for awhile because he wants to get to cuddle his sweet girl and let her know he missed her!
relationship headcanons || accepting
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