#🎏 - *from inside the pocket*
lucky-lucky-duck Β· 10 days
🎏 β€” all good! just wanna check in 🫑 and speaking of sauce, i can see Ren pocketing sauce packets and randomly snacks on them lol
c u r s e d. What kind of sauce packets? Because my ass is assuming that you just implied that Ren just casually slurps on ketchup packets. Omg, Ren eating mayonnaise packets that he just keeps in his pockets-- I'm unwell.
In honor of our new symbiotic relationship, have the ed ideas that I had to scrap from the snapshot drafts because there was no way to even remotely imply a romantic relationship... Under the cut, because the second one is... a little yucky. Edit to clarify: I accuse Ed of pissing in bottles. Not in a kinky way.
Edward Hart ? Obscuary student!reader
Surviving Mornings:
"My brother in Christ, it is a fucking toaster," you wheeze, looking worse for wear as you watch your slightly pathetic/legendary-immortal-beast house captain attempt to navigate a basic kitchen appliance. "There are only two buttons, man. If one doesn't toast the fucking bread, push the other, holy fuck. Please--just watch me this time."
Helping him clean his room: (Based on a specific line in episode 6. "Mysterious liquid" my entire ass; that was a piss bottle, brother. Okay, a few clicks later it was described as "viscus". So it was probably congealed blood or something but I was in Schrodinger's hell for a hot minute. I had a lot of questions after that and I provide only the most cursed answers possible.)
"Ohmygod," you cry, dropping the bottle to the ground. You hold your hand as far away from you as possible, the disgust nearly bringing you to tears. You shoot Edward a withering glare and make a mental note to buy Rui some lunch from Sho's food truck tomorrow for having put up with him alone for so long. "You're 400ish years old. This? Tragic. I want hazard pay." "Oh, do calm down. It's hardly the same as your human equivalent. Think of it more as... excess sweat." His hand waves you off in a lazy motion, as though his response doesn't leave you with more questions than before. "All love and light, what the fuck," you hesitate, almost afraid to get an answer, "do you mean by that?"
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lucky-lucky-duck Β· 2 days
🎏 β€” :0 i don't have a birthday twin in tdbk but the closest one to mine is Ritsu's and i can see us getting along really well πŸ‘Œ i liked Leo just that one moment he wasn't being mean LOL
idk if you know but Leo and Romeo had interaction in the Pit and surprisingly nothing went down (i low-key expected an argument)
and you're welcome :D i love rereading your works and continue to look forward to more! thank you for feeding us too 🫢
i will be sleeping now, so goodnight !
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!!!! 🎏, you have my entire heart. This gave me a lot of motivation to write, so thank you again lol.
But since you mention it, yes, but Leo is a real catty bitch (affectionate) so he does it in that underhanded mean girl way where he complements it to Ed's face and then takes screenshots to talk shit with Sho later πŸ’€
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Sleep well, 🎏!
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lucky-lucky-duck Β· 2 days
🎏 β€” AAAAAAA all that goth grandpa do is complain about everything >;( always saying "Rui does that, not me" smh Rui greets me so sweetly :c
and issokay, the 🎏 is enough 🫢 thank you for even giving me my own tag ~
LMAO I didn't realize that. That's so on brand, I love it. Part if what I like about tkdb is that so many of the characters are damn near unlikeable and still manage to be entertaining at the very least.
Like, me and Leo? We might be birthday twins, but we'd verbally rip each other to shreds, and I love a good toxic sibling dynamic. Or! ROMEO?? Brother, I don't understand a SINGLE thing he says to me, and I don't care to try, but... πŸ‘€ pretty.
At least Rui is a polite gentleman lol
also!!! Thank you!! For continuing to talk to me!!! Ofc you get your own tag!! They might look a little different each time I post, but I'm doing my best lmao
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lucky-lucky-duck Β· 2 days
🎏 β€” welcome back! fufufu i wanted Haku and Sho.. but Rui and Ed came home instead... both are dashing men so I can't complain πŸ₯² congrats on getting Haku !!!!!
Hhhh, ngl I had to try multiple times for that Haku card, but it was w o r t h it. But just think! With that Ed card, you get to be greeted by goth grandpa on the daily lmao. What a way to start the day.
Also?? I just realized that I keep fucking up the tags on these-- I am an illiterate fool lmao
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lucky-lucky-duck Β· 2 days
🎏 β€” :from the pocket void: DUCKY DUCKY I GOT EDWARD'S SSR CHARACTER CARD
(Also you got this card the same day I got the limited Haku card, look at us gO)
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lucky-lucky-duck Β· 7 days
🎏 β€” i had the same assumptions when i went through that episode and i also stand by the piss bottle, that man is vile. need him to be contained in a jar and away from society.
LMAO! So true. He's the epitome of untreated mental illness, and he's been alive for so long that he probably doesn't think mental health is a thing ^^"
Poor goth grandpa. Maybe that's part of the reason that he and Ren would have a bond lol
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lucky-lucky-duck Β· 7 days
🎏 β€” also :0 my own tag :fishnoises:
:yells unto the pocket void: HI 🎏! I'm visiting a friend, so I might be a little ghosty, but rest assured I'll open the pocket every now and then so you can breath c:
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