#🎃 buncha pumpkins runnin' round; orthos family stuff
sxilor-1010 · 1 year
I promised I'd show off my beeg Halloween oc family, so that's what this post is about. All the art was done by my buddy @InfernalJade on Twitter and Newgrounds, please go check her out.
Other than that, here is my biggest group of OCs I have. Update (4-8-23): Added their respective voice claims! Please check for the latest reblog to watch. Update (8-6-23): Renovated the sypnosis and character descriptions so they're better written! Please take your time rereading :) Update (9-4-23): Made an Introduction video for the blog, please watch that first here before reading about each characters!
Within our world lies many tales, and in those tales lay legends told throughout history. Tales of trolls and true love, cautionary tales for children and the childish, and stories of the supernatural and superstitious. All of these fables were recorded over the years by many different people over many decades.
But that’s only to the people of Earth and the Dead. Beyond both planes lies a third realm, one where the Autumn Equinox rules forever. The days and nights are never too cool or hot, and a place full of humans and creatures of myth. This realm is Samhvilia, and it is the home of a wealthy family known as The Orthos Family.
The Orthos Family has been around for generations, and have been seen as high royalty to many in Samhvilia. It is here that The Orthos Family are keepers of deep knowledge. Books of lost history and much more from Earth are found and polished for Samhvilia to read. Whatever kind of book you wish to find, The Orthos Family will have it somewhere within their library filled walls. Not only that, but they’re the family that holds the Power of the Autumn Haunt (Halloween). Without it, Halloween would’ve been lost to time long ago.
But… even if they hold much knowledge from past decades, there is one story that remains untouched, untold by time. There is more to The Orthos Family than what everyone sees, and when two of the youngest sons in the family find a piece of an unsolved puzzle, they discover there is more to the Family and Samhvilia than anyone would ever thought.  Join the children of The Orthos Family, as they embark on a journey of mystery. To understand a rabbit hole of untold history, and the true powers of the Autumn Haunt and those after it.
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Founded by the Patriarch Samhe (Saw-way) Orthos, The old turnip has lived through much history and hell that he's grown tired over these last generations. He's often reserved to himself, but his cold and what feels like emotionless attitude can make the hairs of anyone who sees him stand up instantly.
He's not used to the world and how much it's changed, even outside of Samhvilia. His personality is that of a strict father, a tough and cold attitude to show he means business. In his spare time, Samhe likes writing in his room or reading a gothic book to himself.
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Following Samhe is the Matriarch of the clan, Willo Orthos, A rutabaga headed nature spirit. She's somewhat similar to Samhe in terms of a strict parent, but she doesn't come off as cold or emotionless like he does. In fact, she's quite the opposite. Willo takes happiness in ger role as a matriarch and mother, teaching her children lessons for them to use as they grow older, and even offer a helping hand to those in need.
She has a few degrees in spell making, culinary alchemy, and party arrangements. Other than that, Willo is loved by her family and even by some other children. A kind mother despite being uncanny.
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Moving from Samhe and Willo now comes the children. The first son of the family, Crane Orthos is the eldest of The Orthos Family children. He was raised by Samhe under a golden child influence, which developed his personality into that of pride an arrogance.
There are days where he's selfish, yet this doesn't mean Crane is completely heartless. He cares deep down for those close to him, whether it'd be his family or close friends (assuming he even has any friends). In his spare time, Crane likes to practice his sword fighting skills alongside writing down stuff in his private journal.
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The next child of the Orthos Family is Hallows Orthos, the second oldest son in the family. Hallows' personality is described as charming and energetic, an optimistic go getter who loves playing tricks and pranks and having fun. He is also close to Crane, despite Crane having slight jealousy towards Hallows for being the Spirit of Halloween.
He doesn't care too much for his family's history archiving tradition, but rather he embraces the Autumn Haunt every single day. He is the Spirit of Halloween afterall, so to keep such a title and power is important. Otherwise Halloween as a holiday would've been nonexistent long ago. When he's not playing tricks or gobbling down bowls full of candy, Hallows loves playing around with his younger brothers and visiting Earth from time to time.
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Next is the adopted daughter of the Orthos Family, Batile orthos is a vampire bat fairy who hailed from a different part of Samhvilia before she became a foster child. In the family, she's the older sister. It's unknown whatever happened to her previous family, but Batile doesn't remember. She's quiet, sassy, and a reserved bookworm who, like an actual bat, spends time hanging from ceilings reading or sleeping.
She's often the medium between Hallows and Crane whenever they argue, the older sister to keep Ignus and Scorch from making bad decisions, and her relationship with Willo by learning magic and feeling like she's a part of the family. In her free time, Batile likes to read magic books to help furbish and even improve her magic skills.
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Finally, we have Ignus and Scorch Orthos, the younger twin brothers of the Orthos Family. Ignus is the one in the orange sweater vest, while Scorch is the one in black. Ignus and Scorch's behavior and age are equivalent to that of tweens, ones who love to play tricks and find new adventures wherever they go. They can be a bit dumbfounded, and even comedic, but both twins stick together even when things get dark.
Ignus is described as adventurous and mischievous, while Scorch is smart and cautious. Together, these two like to cause hijinks wherever they are, and they also have a great relationship with Hallows.
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Binded by flesh and soul; We, The Orthos Clan, dedicate to the archives of this world.
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12 notes · View notes
sxilor-1010 · 1 year
Reminder that I got an ask blog for my orthos family ocs with an open ask box for questions!
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