#��� ► ᴠᴏɪᴄᴇꜱ ɪɴ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏꜱᴍᴏꜱ ◄ ⌠ In Character ⌡
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cxncrie-a · 1 year ago
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@hellshoard asked: The doe wasn't new to Heaven. She knew the ins and out of it. She knew who everyone was. So when she ran into Adam, of all angels, she's quick on her feet to back away. Pink fluffy wings fluttered for a moment, tucking against her for tightly, "Quite sorry, good fellow! Seems that my head was up in the clouds today."
Unprompted Asks || Always Accepting.
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" Fuck bitch what the fuck. "
   It unfortunately caught him off guard to the point his grip on his cup loosened enough for him to drop it. Well, so much for finishing that drink, and now he's going to have to go get another one. Feathers fluffing up briefly in anger, he mumbles something under his breath before turning to look at Allurina. 
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" No shit bitch, you just made me drop my drink. " Classy. " Fuck's your problem anyway, tits? You always got your head up in the clouds that you can't pay attention to where the fuck you're going or some shit? "
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nebula-drcams · 3 months ago
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@hellshoard asked: Adam walks by, sipping a smoothie before grabbing his girl to hold onto his lap, "Sup babe."
Unprompted Asks || Always Accepting
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   There's a soft squeak that escapes her as her ears flick upwards, almost yelling but relaxing once she hears Adam speak. She didn't even see him coming, how dare he spook her like that! At least that would be what she said if she wasn't already purring as she nuzzles against him.
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"I was wondering when I was going to see you again."
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cxncrie-a · 1 year ago
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" I uh .. actually didn't think it'd stop the nightmares. I just thought maybe if I woke up abruptly that I'd at least see someone there with me for once .. " 
   Her ears flatten a bit as a soft sniffle escapes her, but she quickly moves her hand to brush away incoming tears on her sleeves. Focusing more on his other statement, she lets out a sigh. 
" I've been dead for a year and a half, my heats may have come and gone and I didn't realize it. Not really sure. Haven't really .. been in that kind of mood since I've been down here, at least not that I can remember. Either way, I don't really know what to expect but I guess when it happens it happens. "
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"Explains a few things. Why ya slept with me in bed. We both weren't havin' nightmares that night." He comments. He wasn't going to ask her about the nightmare. It wasn't any of his business what so ever. He hums once more before he tilts his head, thinking to himself, "It should actually be happening right now. But uh...you were a mortal so probably either this month or next month perhaps? And who knows, maybe you won't get it all."
He shrugs slightly, "It's best to keep cautious but not freak out over it. It won't do ya any good if ya do."
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cxncrie-a · 1 year ago
@shadowzgather Cont. from Here. 
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" .. Yeah. Along with some other things. He was someone I loved dearly. " 
   Despite indirectly complimenting him basically, her expression is rather sad before she takes a deep breath and forces herself to go back to a more neutral expression. Just forget it for now, it's time to move on probably. Make friends or something. If you can even do that in Hell. 
   Keeping her focus on the creation, there's a hum of amazement that manages to escape her. Ears perk up slightly as she looks over it, only to soon chuckle at his word usage. 
" It's just ' cool ', Sir Pentious, not ' a cool '. I should teach you modern slang if you're trying to learn it. Though imagining someone like you using more modern terms is kind of funny, taking one look at you, I can say you're from the Victorian era which means slang wasn't really a thing for you, nor would it be proper for you to use. And some of the things I know aren't exactly you want to hear from a lady's mouth. "
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nebula-drcams · 3 months ago
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@dragonwish asked: “I think my fingers are tail is frostbitten.” (from Raditz for Chikori or Nimue?)
❄️️Winter Starters❄️️ || Accepting Until February
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   There's a bit of a laugh that escapes her, yeah she can understand that feeling considering she keeps her own tail tucked under her clothes during the winter seasons. Sure the fur helps with keeping it at little warm but not for too long, especially if she starts to get covered by snow. She's not exactly meant for the cold weather, and never seems to like when she gets stuck being out in it instead of curled up somewhere warm.
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"Might want to keep it under your clothing, helps keep it warmer. At least it does for me anyway. Plus it keeps it out of the snow too."
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cxncrie-a · 1 year ago
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@hazbinwisteria asked: “   Might commit a little tomfoolery, maybe even some shenanigans. ” - Emily to Adam or Charlie 
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   Should he be worried? Staring at Emily, there's a raised eyebrow before he shrugs. Nah. Probably not. Emily's type of tomfoolery is probably going around and being super nice to everyone instead of actually causing trouble. Stretching out his wings for a moment, they soon tuck back under his arms as he takes a sip of his drink.
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" Yeah? And whatcha gonna do Ems? Shower someone in confetti or glitter? 'Cause I don't see you causin' much trouble without turning around and probably feeling bad for it. "
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nebula-drcams · 4 months ago
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   Why are there so many detectives...
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nebula-drcams · 6 months ago
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@troublcmakcrs asked: 🍂 take a walk in the woods to look at the leaves (tweek & nimue)
𝐂𝐎𝐙𝐘 𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐔𝐌𝐍 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 || Accepting for Autumn
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   She wasn't really sure if he'd take the invitation to go for a walk, let alone in the woods, but it was certainly a pleasant surprise when he did. For all the grief she gives this town for being as shit as it is, one thing she'll give it is that the woods were often peaceful, and mixed with Autumn being here and the leaves starting to turn and fall, it was even better. 
   While she wasn't sure about his coffee preference, she opted to get hot chocolate instead, handing him the cup once he arrived. 
" Figured I'd bring you one too. Good weather for it. Hot chocolate I mean. Would've brought you some pumpkin spice but I didn't really know if you liked that or not. "
   There's still some things she has to learn about Tweek, but it's one step at a time of course. It probably wouldn't have been so much if she had tried to befriend him while they were still in school.
" Sorry for suddenly asking you to join me by the way, Fall's my favorite time of the year, never really figured out why, but the leaves are rather pretty to look at. "
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nebula-drcams · 2 months ago
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"Oh, I'm kind of the same way so I just buy whatever I can at the time and go from there. Some games I really do wish I didn't play though... whether it's boring or just bad gameplay, it depends."
   She brings a hand up to tap her index finger against her cheek, trying to think of any off the top of her head that she'd recommend, but then again her own opinions are heavily biased considering she prefers to play RPGs.
   As Ryuji responds again, she looks back up at him with a frown. She got looking out for yourself, but there's a point where it's too much...
"Being closed off is one thing since I understand that, I can be a bit closed off in general sometimes, but being mean takes more energy than being nice. It's exhausting and all you're doing is making things worse for yourself and others. But some people don't seem to realize it."
   She's a bit bothered by the fact he doesn't seem to hear much positive though, especially when he genuinely seems like a good person, that's another reason why she doesn't like the rumors but there's not much she can do there..
"Well, you certainly seem approachable to me... If other people can't see that then it's a loss for them."
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"Man, I'd sure like to read through 'em if you don't mind - I usually have a hard time making up my mind on games, so I bet reading your blog would help,"
He was usually indecisive when it came to new video games, often going online to see what the consensus on it was - and while his opinion wasn't wholly shaped by the opinions of others, it did help to know what people were saying about it.
Plus, if she covered a wide variety of games on her blog maybe that would give him the chance to branch out beyond his usual genres, too - after all, few things got him more hyped than reading someone else talking about a game or better yet, watching it!
He nods his head vigorously at her at her remarks about just how cruel the world seemed - he couldn't agree with her more on that - he didn't know why people felt the need to be cruel to others, it just seemed that kindness was becoming a rarity these days.
"I don't get either and all it really does is create a cycle where people feel like they can treat others like crap, 'cause someone treated them like crap - people get closed off and they only look out for themselves,"
Not that there was anything inherently wrong in looking out for yourself but in his experience, it so often seemed to come at the expense of others these days.
"A bit, but that's okay, I don't mind so much..." He shyly tugs at her hair, cheeks flushing in genuine gratitude at her words. "I'm glad you think that - I try my best to just be an approachable guy, you know? I definitely think you're cool - and I bet I'll think that even more once I check out your blog,"
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cxncrie-a · 1 year ago
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" .. What's wrong with tea? "
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nebula-drcams · 4 months ago
@historias-multorum - Autumn Starter for Saiki and Haruhi.
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"Fall drinks and snacks shouldn't be only once a year, they should be year round so there's not a time limit in trying to get them. A year's too long to wait."
   His priorities are... somewhere.
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cxncrie-a · 1 year ago
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@hazbinwisteria asked: Juzabell decides to join biting. Tiny angelic cat nibbles 
Nobody can escape Chewsday ig || Today Only
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" Can we fucking not? "
   There's a bunch of swears under his breath before he quite literally pries the angelic cat off him by scruffing her and holding her out of biting range.
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" No offense babe, but I'm not a fuckin' chew toy. Go find a toy mouse or something. "
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nebula-drcams · 10 months ago
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" By all means, have at it. Fish or Vegetable flour is what it's usually made with. You can figure out the rest I'm sure. But don't expect me to try it. "
   As much as she'd rather not put him through that, joking or not, he really is on his own with eating it if he figures it out.
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"Now I want to make it." He said to her. "I'll find it out on my own." He chuckled. "You've done a dangerous thing by saying no to me." He said with a gentle joking tone. He was far from serious about it.
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nebula-drcams · 4 months ago
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   Has been dead to the world and sick with a fever for the past few days, send help.
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cxncrie-a · 1 year ago
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@thestupidmeanone asked: "Could  I  interest  you  in  everything  all  of  the  time?" ((ngl Church would absolutely sing the entirety of this song to Charlie))
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" When you say ' everything ' what do you mean by that? "
   She knows what he's referencing but she's allowed to have some fun. 
" Also by all of the time do you mean 24/7 or just while we're awake? Because if you're giving all of the time then you're never going to get any sleep and that won't be fun after awhile. "
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nebula-drcams · 10 months ago
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@friendscfmine asked: [ 𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐑𝐃 ] My muse sits by your muse’s bedside while they are sick/hurt. (christophe for nimue bc kill yourself. kill yourself is why)
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   It's .. strange. Strange that anyone would take the time to care for her when she's grown up so used to caring for herself in this little town. Perhaps she shouldn't have answered the door today, perhaps she should've stayed in bed, perhaps she shouldn't have shown signs of being ill. Yet here he is, aware of her fever because she had poorly cared for herself and it's finally backfired on her since she pushed herself a little too hard. 
   Despite her insisting that she'll be fine, he remained, something she doesn't really understand, but remains there in silence for quite some time while he's there. Normally, she would keep it to herself, any questions or reasons as to wonder why someone would stick around, but against better judgment, she speaks, although she does not turn her head to look at him as she does so.
" I don't understand why you feel the need to stay. Surely you have other more important things to do? "
   By no means is it her telling him to go away, no harshness behind it, just .. confusion. Granted, even she knows that if he were to actually leave, she would just be up and about until she collapsed somewhere for a few days, which is the one reason she hasn't tried to really run him off after he seemed determined to stay. 
" Either way, I suppose I should apologize. "
   She's not really sure for what though just yet.
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