#。 * ․ ・ ☽   (   OUT OF CHARACTER.   )
halphcs-a · 3 months
I might have a job. Fingers crossed. I have been gone because I have been testing for different things for different jobs. Im really hoping this one goes through. Wish me luck. I’m heading to my last interview for this position.
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wickdcreatures · 7 months
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          “ Hey sweetheart, ”    Salem speaks into the spirit box, the home’s creaky stairs almost sighing in response,     “ I like your vibe… could I get your number? ”     He looks over to @unpossession, wild eyes alight with the rush of a dare completed. Why not flirt with a ghost, anyways? 
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cosmama · 1 month
He's literally never braided hair before, let alone hair that spills like starlit ink, liquid constellations pooling in the palms of his hands and dripping between his fingers. All the same, Gene still takes his time braiding the spools of starlight, methodically weaving uneven and sloppy braids while humming a nameless tune. // @castershot
cosmos lays against his bare chest, eyes closed, as she enjoys the rhythmic moment of her head rising up and down along with his breath. the soft beat of his heart reminds her of how different they are; a fact that once would've disgusted her...but now brings a strange sense of delight to her being. she closes her eyes, breathing in the scent of him possessively while he plays with hair - her silver tresses only rival is the moonlight itself, every strand brushing against surprisingly soft hands while the rest spills across both of their nude bodies ( and 'her' hair, may or may not be, another element of this form to help lure victims into a trance for her. but only maybe ).
her eyes eventually flutter open as she comes down from her afterglow and one of her hands begin to absentmindedly trace along the curves of his muscles. eventually she pauses near one of his scars in curiosity and studies it. he was sensitive about them although she had no knowledge of why - his mind was ( frustratingly ) protected from her many attempts to nosily poke and prod at his thoughts and memories. without a word, she rises up from his chest and continues to study him without blinking. gene doesn't pay her any mind, used to her many oddities and stares - probably only thinking that's finally decided to eat him ( and in truth, it is still a constant fantasy ).
instead, she reaches to softly brush her pales fingers against the two rough and jagged scar lines that run across his left cheek - a decision that quickly destroys the serene atmosphere after their hours of lovemaking.
gene violently jerks away from her touch, dropping his hold on her hair while moving to put as much distance between them as he could. he nearly falls off the bed in the process but he recovers and jerks a finger angirly towards his door. ❛ go. ’ he hisses, his eyes flaring with an emotion she cannot comprehend. cosmos doesn't move or speak, only staring at him unnervingly with her head slightly tilted in confusion.
❛ i said GO! ’ he shouts again while she continues to sit there, her expression becoming increasingly more unreadable the more his own frustration grew.
❛ you forget who you speak to. ’ cosmos doesn't flinch at his words, just passively watching as he clutches his chest in pain - the man struggling not to hyperventilate while fighting off a panic attack. she's once again reminded of how different they are: he is human and she is not. ❛ in fairness...i guess i forget that you are still a child as well. ’ his eyes narrow at that, darkening in barely contained anger - she cuts him off before he can interrupt her. ❛ you wish to be stronger all while still clinging onto some silly fear that i do not care enough to know about. ’ it was a lie; but even ancient aliens could be petty.
❛ ultimately it is rather...unfortunate i think. ’ cosmos states in a clipped tone before she blinks and is gone, leaving behind any trace she had been there in the first place.
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firstwcman · 3 months
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The force of husbands are in discontent.
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orphicdelirium · 6 months
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Hey, uhh, does anyone still remember me? Anyone still around?
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asakishi · 6 months
I miss you, oreo protector.
Hope to see you back some day!
this is such a deep cut reference to like 10 fucking years ago, lmao. whoever u are, kudos to memory span of an elephant. my god. <3 (ps: thank you. xoxo. and pls reveal urself, i must know who this was.)
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musaeon · 7 months
how are you ruined?
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ruined by loneliness. you are so lonely. you are miserable in your solitude. you hate that you cannot bring yourself to reach out, to ask for help. you will be forgotten by all who never knew you. your biggest fear is that you will die alone, and you know this fear will be seen to fruition. you refuse to extend yourself beyond the box that others put you in. and it is a box that no one dare come near. you are lonely because you are afraid of yourself.
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ruined by loneliness. you are so lonely. you are miserable in your solitude. you hate that you cannot bring yourself to reach out, to ask for help. you will be forgotten by all who never knew you. your biggest fear is that you will die alone, and you know this fear will be seen to fruition. you refuse to extend yourself beyond the box that others put you in. and it is a box that no one dare come near. you are lonely because you are afraid of yourself.
tagged by: indirectly by multiple people on the dash! tagging: steal it from me!
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malicedarkened · 1 year
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quick doodle warmup of the ink goo boi from a few days ago!
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ruinakete · 9 months
aloe : how does your muse handle grief ?
BOTANICAL HEADCANONS ・ accepting! ( asked also by @sublimeflowoftime and @enarmor! ) ( brief warning for very small suicide attempt mention in second paragraph )
though i want to say her reaction would be extreme, it actually isn't. in fact, it's the opposite? her handle on grief, reaction-wise, is quite calculated despite the immediate dissociation as if her heart doesn't fully understand that she's supposed to be grieving.
likewise, the only times i can remember Zephia being forced to grieve, with her whole heart, is after the destruction of her village and before Griss' death ( as she had bled out before he did ). her instinct in light of both incidents was to take back control; younger her immediately tried to destroy her Dragonstone and, to an extent, herself instead of idly carrying or being the cause of her parents' deaths while pre-death her used the rest of her magic to create a crystal for Alear, more to spite Sombron than to help Alear despite it doing just that and her words insinuating the latter.
so, in a way, it could be argued that Zephia doesn't really acknowledge grief properly until a loooong time passes. her first instinct will always be to regain the control she lost from "grieving" in the first place. and by not recognizing grief as an actual emotion until centuries pass, she tends to forget exactly what brought the grief upon her in the first place. and that kind of just... ruins the whole healing process. it's like a continuous cycle.
I wish I could give a more elaborate answer but Zephia, at her core, is a person who doesn't waste much time on the human aspects that make her, her. that's just not who she is or who she was raised to be; both by her tribe and Sombron.
for example, instead of actually being sad about Marni's betrayal ( which I can confidently say had an impact on her, no matter if the said impact was big or not ), she immediately killed the hound instead of wasting time to wonder what drove Marni to act the way she did. while that was cruel and Zephia's uncaring comments on it were heartless, I truly believe that it was her form of grieving. taking back the control she loses is the only comfort she deems necessary to helping her feel better.
however, another factor might just be that she didn't really care that much for Marni at that time since she had yet to realize the dynamic they had was what she had wanted all along. so, to Zephia of the past and present, that incident wouldn't even be counted as something to grieve over. but there is no doubt that she does care about her.
anywho, my last note on this is to reiterate that grief likely isn't an emotion she's been subjected to a lot, which, in her thousands of years alive, wouldn't make her as responsive or familiar with it.
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ladyseidr · 10 months
horrible muse addition thoughts i've had lately
[ gives mrs. em.ily a canon name ] i'm just doing this for henry. i'm not going to write her. she will not be another elise or jayne. [ comes up with her appearance ] . . . but like what if—
secret muse page but only for Funny Joke Muses that are request only and like half-serious until i write them 3 times and then dedicate my entire life to them and add them as a full muse ( you know how it is )
me being horribly ( jokingly ) angry abt the above idea because if i did this, i would absolutely add ne.ss ( matp.at's cameo ) from the fn.af movie and that would be proving @florietiae right ( i love you )
kinda already did this via the golden fr.eddy page but Evan For Real and also Cassidy For Real. they are absolutely open to interactions but cassidy is kept intentionally vague
once again thinking abt np.md like you know my grace would slay. tell me you know this.
like i could fuck with some x-m.en muses SO hard, i was such an x-me.n girly ( gender neutral ) growing up. like mysti.que? rog.ue? magma?? only problem is i'm like Desperately opposed to writing with Movie Mar.vel stuff ( minus the x-m.en movies specifically ) so i feel like that could be a problem lmao
speaking of, more D.C muses. like sorry that tim is horrifically neglected on this blog but i still think i could write scarecr.ow or riddl.er or—
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midmare · 1 year
the mental image of midnight sleeping with a koala or some sort of creature in his lap won't leave my head
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halphcs-a · 5 months
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Doodle of the cutie
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wickdcreatures · 8 months
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now that heather is being dumped ( again ) which means she only has ONE boyfriend, she is taking partner applications ! there are approximately 9,999,999,999 positions still open !!
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firstwcman · 3 months
@jizzlords said, something something omega. lilith, get ur alpha ass in gear. go sort ur omega out.
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"Oh, he's the one causing all this ruckus?"
Pspspsp, Come hith~er, hon~ey pock~et. 🎵
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11alpha · 2 years
scott protective of his betas af
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asakishi · 1 year
oh my god what has happened to this place
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