#한국어 배���기
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koreokie · 4 years ago
TTMIK Lv.3 (16 - 20)
Lesson 16 - Let's
Ways to say "let's":
-아/어/여요 (polite/plain)
-(으)시죠 (honorific)
-자 (informal)
-(으)ㄹ래요? (polite/casual)
-(으)실래요? (polite/formal)
저도 서점에 갈 거예요. 같이 가요! I'm going to the bookstore, too. Let's go together!
배 안 고파요? 우리 햄버거 먹어요. Aren't you hungry? Let's eat hamburgers.
Lesson 17 - In order to, For the sake of
위해 = 위해서 = in order to/for
위해/위해소 makes the sentence sounds very formal, thus it's more often found in news articles, books, song lyrics, etc.
Noun + -을/를 의해(서)
건강을 위해서 ... for the sake of health ...
Verb stem + -기 위해(서)
한국에 가기 위해서 ... in order to go to Korea ...
슈퍼맨은 세계 평화를 위해서 일해요. Superman works hard for world peace.
저는 한국에 가기 위해서 열심히 공부했어요. I studied hard in order to go to Korea.
건강을 위해서 매일 운동하고 있어요. I'm exercising everyday for my health.
Lesson 18 - Nothing but, Only
-밖에 + negative verb conjugation = ONLY + verb
This can't be used with imperative sentences (requests or giving instructions). For that, use -만.
When the verb gas negative meaning, -만us more commonly used (i.e. 저는 닭고기만 싫어해요. I only hate chicken.)
한국인 진구가 한  명밖에 없어요. I only have one Korean friend.
한국어 조금밖에 못해요. I can only speak a little bit of Korean.
왜 공부밖에 안 해요? Why do you do nothing but study?
Lesson 19 - After -ing
Three most common ways to say "after -ing":
-(으)ㄴ +  다음- / 후- / 뒤- + 에  
All variations are interchangeable and have the same meaning but different as standalone words.
다음 : next (i.e. 다음 주 : next week)
후 : after (i.e. 오후 : afternoon)
뒤 : behind, back (i.e. 등 뒤 : behind the back)
영화 본 다음에 우리 커피 마셔요. After watching the movie, let's drink coffee.
점심응 먹은 다음에, 도서괸에 갔어요. After having lunch, I went to the library.
이거 한 뒤에 할게요. I'll do it after I do this.
결정한 후에 연락 주세요. Contact me after you decide.
Lesson 20 - Even if, Even though
-아/어/여도 : even if, even though
요즘에 바빠요 + 그래도 운동은 하고 있어요 --- 요즘에 바빠도, 운동은 하고 있어요. Even though I'm busy these days, I'm till doing some exercise.
집에 가도, 밥이 없어요. Even if I go home, there's no food.
석진 씨는 제가 전화를 해도 안 받아요. Even if I call him, Seokjin doesn't answer.
냄새는 인상해도 맛있어요. Even though it smells weird, it's tasty.
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