#꒰ lovers. ꒱ — udai
dira333 · 4 months
Current Friend, Future Husband? - Tenma Udai/Little Giant x Reader
whoops, my finger slipped... Words: 5k
Enjoy this reluctant Friends to Lovers/He falls first with the Little Giant from Karasuno.
created as a fanfic gift exchange for @lees-chaotic-brain
tagging: @mariaace @snail-squasher @yamaguchiwestad @respitable
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- 6 -
“Tenma’s here,” your mom calls up from the kitchen.
The announcement is unnecessary because Tenma has yet to learn how to walk quietly, stomping up the stairs to your room.
His face is set in a scowl too, dark curls and dark eyes giving him quite an evil aura.
But you’ve known him long enough not to care about that.
“Grab a scarf,” you tell him as soon as he steps through the door, “I’m playing wedding.”
“Not again,” he groans, though does as he is told. The pink scarf he picks has hundreds of little coins sown to it, chiming as he wraps it around his shoulders and moves through the room.
“I’m a Djinn,” he exclaims, “I will curse you.”
“Djinn’s don’t curse people! They fulfill wishes,” you correct him.
“Fine,” he huffs, “What do you wish for?”
“I want Tenma to play the husband.”
“Not again!” He groans, throwing his hands in the air.
“You have to!” You declare, “Djinn’s always have to follow their master's wishes!”
He huffs and whines and begs but it’s no use. He plays the husband to your wife.
“Can we play outside now?” He asks as soon as you kiss his cheek and declare the marriage official. “Mom brought my ball.”
“Fine,” you decide to be nice today. “But don’t kick it too hard. I don’t like that.”
- 8 -
“It’s so weird that you’ve got a boy as a best friend,” Asuka exclaims. Your small group of (girl)friends has gathered in your favorite spot, overlooking the garden and the big open space below. Tenma’s playing Ball with a group of boys and he’s easy to pick out, he’s always the smallest in any group.
“You think so?” You ask back, taking one of the strawberries Sango brought for lunch break today. “It’s not like I had a chance. Our mothers are best friends. He’s basically my annoying twin brother.”
“Do you think he’s cute?” Ryo asks, looking up from where she’s painting Tomoko’s nails.
You consider this for a moment, look down to where he’s running around, red-faced and panting. He’s not ugly, that much you can tell, but cute?
“I don’t think so,” you say, because it’s better than to admit that you don’t really know what cute really means for a guy. You think babies are cute, but that’s not the same thing, right?
“I think he’s cute,” Ryo admits easily now that she thinks she knows where you stand. “Can I ask him to be my boyfriend?”
“I mean you can ask,” you offer, feeling a little weird that she asks you in the first place, “but I don’t know what he’ll answer you. I bet he still thinks girls are gross.”
- 10 -
“I think you’re getting a little too old to be sharing a bathtub,” your mother announces after Tenma has left.
“We weren’t sharing,” you explain, drying your hair. “We were playing that he was my magical shapeshifting dog but he rolled around in a mountain of dragon poop and I had to give him a bath. He pulled me in when I was almost done washing him.”
Your mother sighs. “Aren’t you getting a little old for those stories too?”
You tense and she notices right away.
“Dear, I didn’t mean… if this is how you want to play, I’m totally fine with that. I was just wondering…”
“How else are we supposed to play?” You ask, unable to keep the agitation out of your voice. “Am I supposed to kiss him and hold hands like the other girls in my class are pretending to do? Or play Volleyball the whole day? Or just do our homework and study, study, study until we fall asleep? Or play video games that you don’t like because they make you dumb? How are we supposed to play?”
Your mother sighs again, lowers herself until she’s sitting crosslegged on the floor next to you.
“Come,” she says, opening her arms until you crawl into her like you used to do. “I’m sorry. I know, as your mother, I should say and do all the right things but that was pretty stupid of me. Can you forgive me?”
You nod and she pulls you in a little closer, kissing your damp hair. “Now tell me, what do you like to do? What’s fun?”
You lean into her, the familiar smell and warmth, and let yourself open up.
“When I come up with a story, Tenma always makes it bigger. Like today, when I said: Do you wanna play my dog, it was his idea that he could shapeshift. And that we’re living in a world that has dragons. And… and I was a maiden that had a tavern and there would be knights who came by to slay the dragons but the dragons are actually our friends… It’s like reading a book but you’re in it, you know? And he doesn’t ask about who I like and what I like and what I think is cute all the time. That’s so annoying.”
“You like hanging out with Tenma?”
“He’s okay,” you offer and she snorts. “If he ever gets on your nerves, you can tell me, okay? I know boys can be annoying too.”
“I can handle Tenma,” you tell her, knowing you’re right. “But can you, like, not allow me to go to Ryo’s sleepover next week? She’s so obsessed with boys and she always pranks someone during sleepover. I don’t want to wake up with my head shaved.”
- 12 -
“Do you wanna be my girlfriend?”
To say you’re surprised would be an understatement. 
It’s not that you don’t get chocolates and confessions, because you do, a lot actually even though you decline every time, but never from Tenma.
For a long second neither of you does or says anything and all you see of him is the back of his neck as he bows.
But then he pops up, a weird grin on his face.
“Got you!” He declares, opening the pack of chocolates and biting into it without a moment of hesitation. “Did you think that was real?”
“No,” you say even though that’s a lie, “Why did you do it?” 
He shrugs, offering you the chocolate. You take a bite as well, feeling a little smug that neither of you cares that it will be an “indirect kiss” as the girls call it. 
“Everyone thinks we’re dating,” he admits finally when he pulls the chocolate back again, “just wanted to see what you think about it.”
“It’s annoying,” you declare ad you should have watched his face a little closer because something like a shadow moves over it, but it’s gone before you can catch it. “You’re like my brother.”
“Yeah,” he says, but it sounds a little weak for someone as headstrong as Tenma.
You don’t wanna think about it though, so you poke his shoulder. “Where did you get the chocolate?”
“Someone confessed to me. I said no but I kept the chocolate because they thought I was dating you and still confessed. That’s stupid.”
“Mhm,” you don’t ask for a name. “Wanna stay and play a bit before we walk home?”
“Volleyball?” He asks, ears perking up. 
- 14 -
Neither of you is dating anyone. 
None of your girlfriends believes that you’re not into Tenma and you’ve given up on convincing them of the truth. You don’t really want to date anyone. You like solving puzzles and coming up with crazy ideas that Tenma can bend and fold into even crazier stories. You like going for a run with him in the morning because even though you hate waking up early it sets your mind at ease and you like going for a run with him in the evening because without it, you’ll be unable to sleep.
Sure, there are some good-looking boys in your class. But maybe you’ve spent too much time around Tenma, or boys in general, to find any appeal in them. 
They fart and they burp and they dig their dirty fingers into their noses and they refuse to shower even though they smell awful and sweaty. The number of times you’ve had to drag Tenma into the shower, turn it on, and hold him under the spray because you couldn’t allow him in your room otherwise and he wouldn’t go on his own is too high to admit at this point.
It helps a little that Tenma thinks the same of girls.
Not that the girls from your class are as disgusting as the boys. 
But they giggle too much and they always flutter their lashes at him which he thinks is a little creepy and they don’t listen to him when he talks about anything that isn’t their appearance.
“I like talking to you instead,” he admits and this is probably the highest praise he’s ever sung you, “you know what I’m talking about.”
And you know what he means because you always know what he means. It’s not that hard. Tenma likes stories, the crazier the better, and he likes volleyball. And food, but he’s picky with that, giving you his tomatoes and eating all your salmon even though you’d have wanted to eat that yourself. 
All the other girls in your class are talking about boyfriends and getting married and having a family and all you want to think about is solving riddles with Tenma or telling him a story so he doesn’t make you practice receives with him. 
- 16 -
“Did you get your first kiss already?” Hisoka asks and you shake your head. Nothing sounds less appealing than tasting someone else’s spit.
“Don’t you and Tenma kiss?��� She asks and you stare at her as if she’d said that Alien’s are real. 
“Why would we kiss?”
“You’re dating, aren’t you? Everyone says that you’re dating.”
“He’s like my brother,” you tell her. “We grew up together.”
“But you’re the manager of the Volleyball team too.”
“Yeah, because I like Volleyball.”
She huffs. “Okay, who do you like? I think Tsukishima is still single.”
Tsukishima, blond, tall, and universally liked, blushes like a strawberry. You glare at him for eavesdropping.
“I’m not interested in anyone,” you declare loudly. You hope that’s the end of it.
It isn’t.
“Hey, can you walk home without me? We’re going to prank the store owner down the street,” Tenma hands you his bag without waiting for an answer.
You walk home alone, grumbling to yourself about how you would have wanted to play along with the prank.
But it doesn’t matter.
After years of being an okay player, Karasuno’s trainer seems to have spotted something in Tenma that he didn’t even expect there himself.
Extra training. More time on the court. Recognition from others.
Soon enough you’re sidelined with Tsukishima and the others.
First-year managers are not allowed on the court during official matches. 
Is there anything worse than realizing that you’ve made a mistake? Putting all your faith in one friend only to realize they can drop you without a moment’s hesitation?
“Tenma’s here,” your mother calls out from the kitchen.
You’re not fast enough at sprinting toward your door. He slips into your room before you’ve managed to close it.
“Tsukishima told me you’re leaving the team?” He sounds out of breath. Did he run here?
“I’m just a manager, it’s not like the team will notice,” you scoff, pushing him off your bed. “Besides I’m taking up Advanced English, so I’ll have more time to study.”
“What? Are you going to turn boring now?”
“You’re boring!” You scream, surprised by the anger that’s spilling from your lips. It feels as if he’d stabbed you with that question and all the words are just the blood that’s spraying out of open wounds. “All you do is play volleyball and think you’re the greatest and it sucks!”
“You suck!” He yells back. “You’re just jealous I’m finally cool!”
“You’ll never be cool!” 
Tenma stomps his foot like a little kid before storming out of your room.
You can hear the front door slam shut all the way up to your room and if you crawl into your bed to cry right after that’s nobody’s business but yours.
And your mother’s, as it seems, because she appears at your doorstep just a few minutes later.
“Wanna tell me what that was all about?”
“Hm, maybe not right now,” she offers at your tear-soaked voice, “but I expect an explanation until tomorrow evening, okay? Tenma’s family to me too. You know we can solve all fights with good communication.”
You don’t answer and she leaves you alone to wallow in your despair.
“Tenma wants to apologize,” Udai-san pushes him toward you. Your mother nudges you forward in much the same way.
“I don’t want you to be cool,” you say instead, the words prickly on your tongue. “I like you better when you’re not cool.”
Tenma’s eyes flutter around the room, arms crossed. Your mothers leave the room and you sink into the floor, annoyed and hurt and so many more things you can’t properly name.
“Do you really think I’m boring?” Your voice is much to vulnerable for your liking.
But it stills his nervous movement and he sinks onto the floor just like you, heavy and exhausted. You’ve never fought like this before. 
“I think you’re trying to be,” he offers quietly, “but I want to you to keep playing Volleyball with me.”
“I’m just a manager.”
“Yeah, but it feels like you’re playing with me. And… and you’ve always been the smart one, okay? Everyone’s always said: Tenma, you should be more like her. She’s so smart. Can’t she tutor you? No one ever told you to play Volleyball like me. No one ever told anyone to try to be like me until now.”
“I’ve always wanted to be as creative as you,” you offer and even though he wrinkles his nose you can tell he’s touched by that.
It feels like you’re standing at a crossroads. Whatever you decide or do or say next will change the trajectory of this friendship. You’re not ready for that. You doubt you’ll ever be. 
As long as there’s the safety of your past, you’ll always try to grasp it.
“Do you wanna play my dog?”
- 18 -
You’re not sure if it’s the awful music, the crowd around you, the smell of sweat and food and spilled soda, or just everything all at once, but you don’t think College parties are for you.
You recall a balcony or backdoor to your left so you move that way, push against the wall of bodies with everything that you’ve got, panic already bubbling in your throat.
Someone grabs your hand just as you’re gasping for air and with a well-aimed push you’re through, cool air hugging you like a loved relative at a family dinner.
“You good?” Tenma’s squinting down at you. He’s grown a little during break, though you doubt he’ll ever be as tall as the other guys on his former Volleyball team.
“Yeah, thanks.”
His hand is still around yours, now pulling you down the path into the dark garden.
“Where are we going?”
“Dunno, getting some fresh air into you. Met anyone you like?”
“Yeah, the fridge.”
He snickers. “What about that girl from your business Class?”
“She’s trying to eat the face of some guy I don’t know.”
“Pretended he didn’t know me.”
“Aww, I’m wounded.”
“I bet you are. What about you? Any hot girls tried to talk to you?”
“About that,” he knocks his elbow into your side, “one of them tried to kiss me.”
“A hot girl tried to kiss you?” He nudges you again at your incredulous tone.
“Don’t act so surprised. I’m famous.”
“Bet you are,” you snicker. “But what happened? Did she realize you’re not a tall girl but a small guy and run away?”
“No,” his voice sounds weird now, but you can barely see his face in the dark, “I turned her down. Didn’t want my first kiss to happen at some party.”
“How do you want your first kiss to happen?”
“Ah,” you know he’s just shaking his head from left to right as he’s thinking, you don’t have to be able to see him for that, “Like this, you know? In the garden in the dark? That’s kinda romantic.”
“Should have brought someone else over here then.”
His hand lets go of yours.
“Right,” he says, voice weirdly tight.
“Shit, did I ruin the mood?” You ask, nudging your elbow into whatever you can reach, “I can get that hot girl for you. Just tell me what she looks like.”
“Do you wanna get KFC instead?” He must have turned his back to you. You don’t know what you said to derail this conversation, but it’s clear he doesn’t want to keep it up. 
“Sure,” you agree, “but you’re paying.”
- 20 -
Tenma has started growing his hair out.
You’d be lying if you said it didn’t suit him.
You’d be a filthy, awful, terrible liar if you said you didn’t want to drag your hands through it all the damn time.
“You should cut your hair,” you tell him when you meet up for lunch, “You look like a homeless guy.”
“And you look like a sexy secretary,” he jokes, pulling you in and putting you in a headlock. It feels brotherly and it’s just what you need to get through this lunchdate that’s not a date.
Somewhere in between graduating Highschool and today Tenma’s gotten hot. 
Or maybe you’ve just finally gone through puberty, discovered all the hormone’s healthy teenage girls were supposed to have.
Last week you even sniffed his leather jacket when he was in the bathroom and you wished you could have put in on for a few minutes, but you feared he’d notice and how would you ever live that down?
“Did you get any feedback on that story you submitted?” You ask, trying not to overthink his comment. It’s probably meant as a loving insult, after all you’re not a secretary.
“Yes, actually, they told me they’re printing it.”
“No way,” you shut the menu again, “You’re joking, right?”
He grins. “You think I’m joking?”
“Not really, but I wanna make sure you’re being honest with me before I pay for your lunch.”
“You could let me pay and we call this a date,” he says and even though you catch yourself freezing up you can see on his face that he caught it.
“I was joking,” he tells you and if you’d be able to be honest, if you’d trust yourself not to ruin this, you’d tell him that his joking is the one thing that makes you still freeze up in fear.
After all, you don’t throw away a friendship of twenty years to a joke, right?
“I know,” you tell him pointedly, clearing your throat and opening the menu again. “Which means you’re paying for yourself.”
“Come on,” he whines, but his voice comes easy now, which means you can breathe again.
The moment is gone and somehow, you’re sure, you’ll survive the next one too.
“Can’t your girlfriend sleep in your room?” You can’t place the voice for a moment even though it sounds familiar.
“Not my girlfriend.” That’s Tenma. Who are they talking about?
“Well, if you keep having a girl over make sure she has a place to sleep that is not the living room. I need my space in the morning.”
“Sure, sure.” Tenma sounds like he’s not taking this seriously. 
You blink and wipe the drool from your face.
“Morning sleeping beauty,” Tenma’s face is so close now you can smell the toothpastey-freshness of his breath.
“What day is it?” You ask, feel your jaw crack as you yawn.
“Sunday,” he pulls you up with ease, “Let’s put some of my spare clothes on you before we meet up with our parents. Or did you bring something?”
You rub your eyes as you lean on him. He might have stopped playing Volleyball, but he hasn’t lost his muscles. 
The memories are slowly coming back to you. Going through his newest idea, a Manga this time. Reminiscing over old footage from his Karasuno days. Sharing one, two, maybe three beers as you giggle and swat away his hands on the Couch.
You can only hope you didn’t say or do anything embarrassing last night.
But this is Tenma. He’d let you know right away if you had.
It gets easier to live with your crush. 
Tenma never mentions any girl he’s seeing or points out who he thinks is cute.
He’s pretty good at keeping in contact even when he’s so lost in his creative mind that he forgets to eat.
And while your work is equally demanding, the hours there are more regular.
It’s not uncommon to find you in his kitchen after work, growing from putting ready-to-eat food onto plates to actually preparing home-cooked meals. They’re not awful and you think that’s the highest praise you can get.
Sometimes, when it’s so late you can forget about catching a train back home and Tenma’s so tired he sounds like he’s speaking a foreign language, you end up sleeping in the same bed.
If you drag your fingertips through his hair then, hear him mumbling softly under his breath as you fall asleep, that’s your secret to keep.
- 22 - 
Tenma’s a full-fledged Manga Artist now. 
You got your own promotion just a short month later and as he raises another glass on your good work, the question tumbles out of you before you can stop yourself.
“Do you want to move in together?”
His grip is suddenly too tight around his glass. You can tell because you’ve grown a bit too observant lately, always way too laser-focused on where he is and what he’s doing and how he’s smelling like, freshly-showered or cozily slept-in.
“You can say if it’s a stupid idea,” you ramble on, “I mean, I’m over at your place all the time anyway to make sure you’re eating enough. It would be weird though if one of us brought home a date, but like-”
“Sure,” Tenma clears his throat, “we could move in together.”
He deflects all further questions though, whether it should be closer to his work or closer to yours, how many rooms you’ll need, and if you’ll be able to get a cat, instead filling up your glass again and again.
Eventually, you walk home arm in arm, each of you trying to support the other.
It’s a hopeless case but that doesn’t mean you’ll stop trying.
“This was fun,” you say at the train station, debating if you’ll take the train home or find some excuse to stay at his place.
You turn your head, surprised to find him this close. His eyes are wide open, dark and beautiful. He’s always had the prettiest eyes.
You’re still debating their color - more of a dark brown or maybe black - when he leans further in.
You half expect him to headbutt you when instead, his lips touch yours.
The kiss is so soft, you think you’re imagining it, along with the sigh that follows it.
But you’ve always been a realist, digging your fingernails into the skin of your arm to prove yourself you’re not dreaming. It hurts.
“Tenma?” You ask, breathless and floating, “Did you mean to do that?”
His face turns pale, eyes wide like those times you’ve pushed him into a cold shower to sober him up.
“SHIT!” He pulls away so quickly that you stumble, lose your balance and fall flat onto your ass.
“Shit, shit, shit!” Tenma’s rubbing his face with his hands, up and down, up and down, and you’re left sitting there, backbone hurting, the world spinning in the wrong direction.
“Okay, shit, this…” He’s folding himself into a tiny version of himself, just across from you on the cold sidewalk, “I didn’t meant to do this, okay? I know you think of me as your brother, so we can just pretend this never happened, okay? I’m drunk. You’re drunk. We’re going to have forgotten about this tomorrow-”
“Tenma?” You interrupt him, your voice weirdly cloud-like. “Are you in love with me?”
He deflates like a balloon, there’s even a little whistling sound coming out of his mouth when he further shrinks into himself.
“Maybe?” He squeaks out. “It doesn’t have to mean anything, though-”
“I love you too.”
There. You’ve said it. You can’t take it back. Maybe you’ve misunderstood a lot of things tonight, you’ll for sure be able to blame the alcohol for it, but you don’t kiss people you don’t like, right? Especially not if you waited twenty-two years for that. 
Wait, did Tenma even wait that long? Is this even his first kiss like it’s yours?
“Why didn’t you say something?”
You blink, shaken out of your musings by the petulance in his voice.
“You didn’t ask.”
- 24 -
You’re not sure what wakes you, but his side of the bed is empty and cold.
You push yourself up with a groan, hiss when your feet touch the freezing ground. 
You don’t have to look long to find him, hair disheveled, eyes foggy.
“Hey,” you wrap your arms around his shoulders and rest your chin on top of his head, “I miss you.”
“Sorry,” he yawns, “I’ll be in bed in a minute.”
“You said that four hours ago,” you remind him, leaning further into him, “can you still see what you’re drawing?”
“If I lose this idea-” he starts before a loud, jaw-cracking yawn cuts through his sentence. 
You unwrap yourself to dig your thumbs into his shoulders, press a well-aimed kiss underneath his left ear.
“Come to bed,” you're not surprised when he follows you without another argument.
Last week one of your coworkers mentioned off-handedly that your boyfriend looks like a delinquent, all long hair and dark shadows, the hint of a stubble and a shirt he forgot to iron.
You weren’t meant to hear it, you’re sure, but you don’t care anyway.
He curls around you now, long limbs and warm hands, head resting heavy on your chest.
You drag your fingers through his hair, up and down and up and down, tell him about all the plans you have until you fall asleep along-side him.
“Look at you,” Saeko pulls you into a hug, “You’re practically glowing.”
You snort. “Don’t tell that to my mom. She’s started asking about grandchildren.”
“Yours too?” Akiteru jokes, turning from you to Tenma. “Are your parents united on the grandchildren front or are they more like ours?”
“No, no,” Tenma shakes his head, “My mom is just as insistent that we get started. Our mom’s are best friends for a reason.”
“And they never tried to set you up?” Saeko waves at someone across the streat before dragging you onto the seat next to her, “I smell a story.”
“I’m not sure my mom really cared about it as long as we stayed friends,” you think back. “But there was that time when she asked me to stop taking baths with you.”
Tenma’s face turns pink.
“I remember that time well.” He laughs along with the others, but your hand finds his under the table, squeezes tight.
You like to think that he fell first but you fell harder, but he disagrees.
If anything, he likes to say, I love you most.
“I say,” Saeko interrupts your thoughts, slinging an arm around you, “we play it like your parents. We just have to have babies around the same time and the rest will be history.”
“Don’t get ideas,” Akiteru says but you know him, he’s just as helpless against Saeko’s charm as you are.
“Not the worst idea she’s had,” Tenma whispers into your ear.
- 26 -
“Morning Udai-San,” Akaashi greets you.
“I told you to call me by my first name,” you tell him, laughing when he blushes a soft pink. “How’s it going, anyway?”
“Good. We’re actually on schedule, but I don’t want to jinx it.”
“Hmm, I get it.” You resist the urge to tousle his hair. “Is Tenma in his office?”
“Yes, I was just going to get coffee. You want some as well?”
“No, but thanks for asking. What are you getting for Tenma?”
“Two shots of espresso and extra sugar.”
“Make it one shot and I’ll make sure you get a promotion,” you wink and he winks back, slipping out of the office.
“Baby?” You ask, slipping through the door.
Tenma’s leaning heavily onto his desk, one hand playing with his hair as he thinks.
“Hmm?” He sits up, opens his arms to welcome you. “Hey, what brings you here?”
“I left Naoki with Saeko and Mi, they were playing so nicely.”
He smiles as you plant yourself on his lap, sink into him like you’re not much bigger than your toddler and not the grown woman you are.
“You good?” Tenma asks, rubbing a hand over your back. “You seem in your head today.”
“Yeah, I am, I just…” You sigh and turn your head to kiss his cheek. “I’m glad you stayed my friend.”
“Where’s that coming from?”
“I was thinking about how I don’t have that much patience. I don’t know if I’d kept crushing on you for as long as you kept crushing on me. What if you’d have given up? We wouldn’t have gotten together.”
He hooks his head over yours, wraps his arms a little more snuggly around you.
“Listen, I didn’t stay your friend because I was hoping you’d one day see me as more. I stayed your friend because I’d rather have you as my friend than nothing at all. After all you’re the best friend I ever had.”
“Even though I made you play my husband, my dog and my dragon?”
“Especially because of that.”
“Did you have fun playing with Mi?” Tenma asks your thirteen-month-old. 
The bathroom door is open and you can hear them splash around in the bathtub.
“Mi,” Naoki repeats with excitement.
“Yep, Mi. Now, can you say Dada too?”
Tenma laughs, easy and carefree and you leave the dishes in the sink in favor of joining him.
After all, the dishes won’t run away, but those little moments with your family might.
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sunstranded · 1 year
Ni and Si Difference: Typing People
I think the stereotype of ISTJ's and INTJ's being in a dichotomy of "past" and "future" as well as "memorizing" and "predicting" is a bit dangerous to differentiate the Ni-Se and the Si-Ne.
This is because cognitive theory and your personality type isn't solely who you are; it's closer to your preferences on how to perceive and judge the world. It is your tendencies not your actions. This preference and tendency interpretation enables any character and any person to go and act against their nature, making typing harder and less clear-cut.
Context: a long discourse but I just wrote down my points and arguments because they are a response to majority or "best" opinions in the personality database about Akaashi Keiji's personality type in Haikyuu
My argument is really messy but I dont care right now LMAO
If we play with the Bokuto arguments:
Ni-Se also bases a lot on the past. What they find valuable to store about the past is not literal and readily observable. It would be those patterns that make up a whole memory. This makes Ni look messy but internally organized. Think of it as storing the past in a circular manner, like a pizza with slices.
Si-Ne would base the past as fragmented specific memories or moments. They won't be as attached to implications and patterns of their memories. They are more attached to how they have always been, keeping the order. Think of it as storing the past in a bulleted list, like a neat and organized cupboard.
This grayer and overlapping interpretation makes the argument Se grip or Ne grip easier to deduce the answer but the problem of this is Akaashi both could act like he has those. Se grip appears in Akaashi with his funny obsession with onigiri and how it's his comfort food. Ne grip appears in him when he was benched due to overthinking.
Number 3 is fair game but the problem I see with this is it relies too much on specific things that could easily be interpreted differently. Se grip of his Onigiri lover moments could be his Si being attached to how it tastes. Ne grip of overthinking possibilities and overthinking could also be Ni being so attached to his understanding of Bokuto and desperation on the game's outcome to be a win, causing him to make errors.
Therefore, I have no idea which one is right but I do see the error of over reliance to KEY moments in Akaashi's character that puts him in a box. I suggest we reflect on his tendencies outside the court and match (parties or pre-game or timeskip ver) along with his interaction with other characters that he doesn't know well.
Udai Tenma's Path Haikyuu-bu Chapter 54. Akaashi focuses on big picture ideas to help Tenma but Tenma overthinks all of it in a literal way until he snaps, saying he wants a main character that is liked by everyone with a catchphrase. Akaashi immediately thinks of Bokuto because he always thinks that no one is as worse as him when handling but also an attachment not just towards Bokuto's actions and tendencies but also how/why Bokuto is or tends to be because Bokuto is eccentric, a star, encouraging.
I don't remember the chapters but remember Akaashi handling Kageyama some water when he hears him choke. As well as his interactions with Osamu in the timeskip, where they converse about beloved onigiri.
Counter to some:
Akaashi being more Si because he's by the book type of setter and memorizes a lot is a bit… short-sighted and Akaashi predicting Bokuto during the game or being smart is a wrong Ni-stereotype interpretation. Si is not past and Ni is about future. They deal and can consider both. It isn't so clear cut. The difference I noticed between Si and Ni is Si would be more critical of how you did something while Ni would be more critical on why you do something. This difference is still not as clear-cut, but I think that's the beauty of it. You don't get to decide someone's type easily and the room for error is big. Separating understanding from knowing as it does to wisdom and knowledge.
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jew123 · 2 days
Delhi's Best Cafés: A Guide to the Coffee Culture
Delhi is not only a city steeped in history and culture but also a thriving hub for café lovers. With a growing café scene that blends tradition with modernity, the capital has become a paradise for coffee enthusiasts and casual café-goers alike. Whether you’re looking for a quiet corner to work, or just a good cup of coffee, Delhi’s cafés offer a diverse range of experiences. Planning a trip from Lucknow? Use a convenient Lucknow to Delhi taxi service or book a for a hassle-free journey to explore the city’s café culture.
Here’s a guide to some of the best cafés in Delhi where you can sip on great coffee and soak in the vibe.
1. Perch Wine & Coffee Bar (Khan Market)
Perch is a perfect blend of elegance and comfort, offering a delightful combination of fine wines and freshly brewed coffee. Located in the upscale Khan Market, it’s a popular spot for those looking to unwind in a sophisticated setting. The minimalistic decor, cozy seating, and natural lighting make it a great place to relax. The coffee menu includes everything from rich espressos to creamy cappuccinos, making it a top spot for coffee aficionados.
Must-try: Cold Brew Coffee and the signature Avocado Toast.
2. Blue Tokai Coffee Roasters (SDA Market)
Blue Tokai is a name synonymous with quality coffee in India, and their Delhi café in SDA Market is a go-to spot for anyone serious about their coffee. Known for roasting their beans in-house, Blue Tokai offers a variety of single-origin coffees, freshly brewed to perfection. The rustic ambiance and industrial design provide a perfect backdrop for a relaxed afternoon or a quick coffee break.
Must-try: Pour-over Coffee and their delicious Banana Bread.
3. The Coffee Bond (Uday Park)
Tucked away in the quaint Uday Park, The Coffee Bond is a hidden gem that prides itself on serving organic coffee. With a laid-back atmosphere and an inviting vibe, this café is perfect for those who prefer a more intimate coffee experience. Their menu features a range of coffee options, from strong espressos to smooth lattes, along with a selection of healthy snacks.
Must-try: Organic Cold Coffee and Bond Breakfast.
4. Diggin (Chanakyapuri)
If you’re looking for a picturesque café that serves great coffee along with a beautiful ambiance, Diggin in Chanakyapuri is the place to be. With its fairy lights, greenery, and cozy outdoor seating, Diggin offers a tranquil escape in the heart of the city. The café is known not just for its coffee but also for its delicious Italian-inspired menu.
Must-try: Affogato and their signature Diggin Pizza.
5. Kaffa Cerrado (Saket)
Kaffa Cerrado in Saket takes its coffee seriously, and it shows. Known for sourcing premium coffee beans from around the world, this café focuses on delivering the perfect cup every time. The ambiance is simple yet inviting, making it a great place to work, read, or simply enjoy your coffee. They also offer an impressive selection of desserts that pair perfectly with their brews.
Must-try: Mocha and their homemade Cheesecake.
6. The Grammar Room (Mehrauli)
The Grammar Room, located in the picturesque Mehrauli area, offers a serene setting for coffee lovers. Overlooking the lush greenery of Qutub Minar, this café is a great escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. Their coffee menu includes classic favorites as well as unique blends, all served with style. The brunch menu is equally impressive, making it a popular spot for weekend outings.
Must-try: Flat White and Sweet Potato Fries.
7. Triveni Terrace Café (Mandi House)
Located within the Triveni Kala Sangam, this café is an artistic retreat that offers not just great coffee but also a cultural experience. The outdoor terrace seating and calm ambiance make it a favorite among artists, students, and coffee lovers alike. While it’s more well-known for its teas and Indian snacks, the coffee here is equally satisfying.
Must-try: Iced Latte and their famous Pakoras.
8. Ivy & Bean (Shahpur Jat)
Nestled in the bohemian Shahpur Jat, Ivy & Bean offers a cozy, bookish atmosphere that coffee and literature lovers will adore. With bookshelves lining the walls and comfortable seating, this café encourages you to relax with a good book and a steaming cup of coffee. The café menu includes a variety of fresh brews and comfort food that will keep you coming back for more.
Must-try: Caramel Macchiato and Spaghetti Aglio e Olio.
9. Café Lota (Pragati Maidan)
Café Lota is a perfect blend of modern design and traditional Indian aesthetics. Located within the National Crafts Museum, this café is known for its regional Indian menu and artisanal coffee. The open-air seating, relaxed vibe, and creative food options make it a unique spot to enjoy a cup of coffee while learning more about Indian crafts and culture.
Must-try: Filter Coffee and Bajra Khichdi.
10. Sardar-Ji-Bakhsh Coffee & Co. (Various Locations)
A rapidly growing name in Delhi’s café scene, Sardar-Ji-Bakhsh Coffee & Co. is all about strong, bold flavors. With multiple outlets across the city, it’s becoming a favorite among those who love a good, robust cup of coffee. Their laid-back yet quirky ambiance attracts a younger crowd, and the menu offers a range of coffee-based beverages to suit every palate.
Must-try: Espresso Shot and their signature Choco Chip Cookies.
Delhi’s café culture is a vibrant blend of traditional coffeehouse charm and modern innovation. Whether you’re a traveler looking for a quiet corner or a local exploring new coffee spots, the city offers endless options. If you're coming from Lucknow, Lucknow to Delhi cab will ensure a smooth and comfortable journey, giving you plenty of energy to dive into Delhi’s café scene. So, grab your favorite brew and enjoy the flavors and vibes that make Delhi’s cafés stand out!
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Bollywood Movies Part CCXIV: Not Bollywood, that's for sure
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J. Jayalithaa (Kangana Ranaut) becomes fellow actor M. J. Ramachandran's (Arvid Swamy) political protege, ultimately replacing him as Tamil Nadu Chief Minister after his death.
Thalaivii is a biopic about J. Jayalithaa that fictionalizes some details. It is similar to the second half of Iruvar, as that is also based on M. G. Ramachandran and Jayalithaa's relationship. I watched it in Tamil, even though it was also simultaneously filmed in Hindi. It was an interesting version of that period of Tamil Nadu politics, but it definitely leans into the melodrama. Favorite songs are Unthan Kangalil Ennadiyo, Tugalai Tugalai, and Kannum Kannum Pesa Pesa. None of the songs have subtitles.
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Pianist Ray (Prithviraj Sukumaran) witnesses the murder of former actor Uday Kumar (Shankar) but is unable to testify against those involved, Uday’s wife Simi (Mamta Mohandas) and her lover Inspector Dinesh (Unni Mukundan), without revealing that he isn’t actually blind.
Bhramam is the Malayalam remake of Andhadhun. As a remake, it's decent. The actors are all fantastic in their roles and the script is well localized. However, it is lackluster in the music, which was a huge part of the original. Favorite songs are Munthiripoovo and Lokam - Who Wants it? Neither song has subtitles.
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Veer Sooryavanshi (Akshay Kumar) chases down a terrorist plot while having angst about trying to reconcile with his estranged wife Ria (Katrina Kaif).
Sooryavanshi is big on the action and explosions, less so on the plot. This is part of the Rohit Shetty Cop Universe (as it's called on wikipedia) and both Ajay Devgn and Ranveer Singh appear as Singham and Simmba in the long end fight sequence. Honestly that was the best part of the movie as they brought some well deserved comic relief to the film which was sorely lacking in the rest of it. Favorite songs are Mere Yaraa and Hum Hindustani. Neither song has subtitles.
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rajasthanroyal · 3 months
Udaipur tour package : Rajasthan Royal Tourism 08209423763
Udaipur Tour Package: Rajasthan Royal Tourism
Udaipur, known as the City of Lakes, is a shining gem in the crown of Rajasthan. This mesmerizing city, with its rich cultural heritage and stunning architecture, offers an unforgettable experience. Our meticulously crafted Udaipur Tour Package promises to provide a royal experience, combining the charm of historical landmarks with the serene beauty of lakes and gardens. Let us take you on a journey through this majestic city, where every corner tells a story of valor, romance, and grandeur.
Why Choose Udaipur?
A Heritage Rich in History and Culture
Udaipur's history is steeped in tales of heroism and romance. Founded by Maharana Udai Singh II in 1559, Udaipur served as the capital of the Mewar Kingdom. The city boasts a plethora of historical sites, including the City Palace, a sprawling complex of palaces, courtyards, and gardens that reflect the grandeur of Rajput architecture. The Bagore Ki Haveli, a mansion-turned-museum, offers a glimpse into the royal lifestyle with its well-preserved artifacts and traditional performances.
Exquisite Lakes and Palaces
Udaipur is synonymous with its enchanting lakes. The Lake Pichola, with its shimmering waters and the iconic Lake Palace (now a luxury hotel), is a sight to behold. A boat ride on Lake Pichola, especially during sunset, offers a panoramic view of the city's skyline adorned with palaces and temples. Fateh Sagar Lake, another beautiful lake, is home to the Nehru Island and the Udaipur Solar Observatory, making it a must-visit for nature and science enthusiasts.
Gardens and Natural Beauty
Udaipur's gardens are a testament to the city's dedication to beauty and tranquility. The Saheliyon Ki Bari (Garden of the Maidens) is a lush green oasis with fountains, kiosks, marble elephants, and a delightful lotus pool. The Gulab Bagh, a large rose garden, also houses a zoo and a library, providing a perfect retreat for families and nature lovers.
Unveiling the Royal Itinerary
Day 1: Arrival and City Palace Tour
Upon your arrival in Udaipur, our representative will welcome you and assist you to your hotel. After a brief rest, we will embark on a tour of the City Palace. This architectural marvel, located on the eastern banks of Lake Pichola, is a fusion of Rajasthani and Mughal styles. The palace complex houses several smaller palaces and museums, showcasing artifacts, paintings, and weapons.
Day 2: Lake Pichola and Bagore Ki Haveli
Start your day with a serene boat ride on Lake Pichola. Visit the Jag Mandir, an island palace that once served as a refuge for Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan. In the evening, explore the Bagore Ki Haveli, where you can enjoy a traditional dance and music performance, bringing to life the vibrant culture of Rajasthan.
Day 3: Fateh Sagar Lake and Saheliyon Ki Bari
Begin your day with a visit to Fateh Sagar Lake. Enjoy a boat ride to the Nehru Island and witness the marvel of the Udaipur Solar Observatory. Later, relax in the serene ambiance of Saheliyon Ki Bari, where you can stroll through the beautifully landscaped gardens and enjoy the intricate fountains.
Day 4: Excursions and Shopping
Udaipur is surrounded by several fascinating sites. Take a day trip to Kumbhalgarh Fort, a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its massive walls and panoramic views. Alternatively, visit the Ranakpur Jain Temple, renowned for its intricate marble architecture. Conclude your day with a shopping spree at the local markets, where you can buy traditional Rajasthani handicrafts, jewelry, and textiles.
Day 5: Departure
After breakfast, our representative will assist you with your departure, ensuring you leave Udaipur with a heart full of memories and a camera full of picturesque moments.
Accommodation Options
Luxury Stays
Udaipur offers some of the most luxurious accommodations in India. The Taj Lake Palace, located in the middle of Lake Pichola, provides a regal experience with its opulent rooms and world-class service. The Oberoi Udaivilas, set on the banks of Lake Pichola, offers lavish rooms, exquisite dining, and breathtaking views.
Heritage Hotels
For a blend of history and luxury, consider staying at a heritage hotel. The Fateh Prakash Palace and Shiv Niwas Palace within the City Palace complex offer a royal stay with modern amenities. These hotels are adorned with vintage decor, providing an authentic Rajasthani experience.
Budget-Friendly Options
Udaipur also caters to budget-conscious travelers with a variety of affordable hotels and guesthouses. Madri Haveli and Hotel Boheda Palace offer comfortable stays with excellent service, ensuring a pleasant experience without breaking the bank.
Culinary Delights
Udaipur's cuisine is a reflection of its rich cultural heritage. From royal feasts to street food, the city offers a gastronomic journey like no other. Savor traditional Rajasthani dishes such as Dal Baati Churma, Laal Maas, and Ghewar. Dine at the Ambrai Restaurant for a lakeside experience with a view of the City Palace, or enjoy a meal at Jagat Niwas Palace, known for its rooftop dining with stunning views.
Travel Tips
Best Time to Visit
The best time to visit Udaipur is from October to March, when the weather is pleasant and ideal for sightseeing.
Getting Around
Udaipur is well-connected by road, rail, and air. The city has a range of transportation options, including taxis, auto-rickshaws, and bicycles, making it easy to explore.
Local Etiquette
Respect the local culture by dressing modestly, especially when visiting religious sites. It is also customary to remove your shoes before entering temples and some historical sites.
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shreejan · 3 months
Best Volunteer Organizations in Delhi NCR
 Best Volunteer Organizations in Delhi NCR: Making a Difference Together
Are you looking to make a positive impact in Delhi NCR? Joining a volunteer organization can be a rewarding way to contribute to your community. Here are some of the top Best Volunteer Organizations in Delhi NCR that are making a significant difference:
1. Robin Hood Army
   The Robin Hood Army is a volunteer-based organization that works to provide surplus food from restaurants and communities to the less fortunate. Their model revolves around redistributing excess food, aiming to eliminate hunger and food wastage.
2. Teach For India
   Teach For India aims to provide equal education opportunities to all children in India. Volunteers commit to teaching in underprivileged schools, working towards bridging the educational gap and empowering young minds.
3. Goonj
   Goonj focuses on the holistic development of rural communities across India. Volunteers contribute to various projects including education, skill development, disaster relief, and community building through innovative approaches.
4. Salaam Baalak Trust
   This organization provides support and shelter to street children, aiming to rehabilitate and reintegrate them into society. Volunteers engage in activities such as education, healthcare support, and skill development.
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5. CARE India
   CARE India works towards alleviating poverty and social injustice. Volunteers participate in projects related to women empowerment, healthcare, education, and disaster response across various communities in Delhi NCR.
6. Animal Aid Unlimited
   For animal lovers, Animal Aid Unlimited offers opportunities to volunteer in rescuing and rehabilitating injured or sick animals. Volunteers provide medical care, shelter, and support for animal welfare initiatives.
7. CRY (Child Rights and You)
   CRY focuses on ensuring basic rights and opportunities for underprivileged children. Volunteers advocate for children's rights, participate in fundraising activities, and support initiatives aimed at improving their lives.
8. Uday Foundation
   Uday Foundation is dedicated to supporting the underprivileged sections of society through healthcare initiatives, blood donation drives, and providing relief during natural disasters. Volunteers actively participate in these humanitarian efforts.
Why Volunteer in Delhi NCR?
Volunteering not only allows you to give back to society but also provides a platform to develop new skills, expand your network, and gain a deeper understanding of social issues. Whether you're passionate about education, healthcare, environmental conservation, or animal welfare, these organizations offer diverse opportunities to make a meaningful impact in Delhi NCR.
Join hands with these esteemed volunteer organizations and be a part of the change. Together, let's create a better tomorrow for everyone in Best Volunteer Organization Delhi NCR.
For more information on how to volunteer or support these organizations, visit their websites or contact them directly. Your contribution can make a world of difference!
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swatu32 · 6 months
Udaipur: Rajasthan's Timeless Beauty
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Nestled in the heart of Rajasthan, amidst the Aravalli Range, lies a city that captivates with its ethereal beauty and regal charm – Udaipur. Known as the "City of Lakes" or the "Venice of the East," Udaipur is a treasure trove of history, culture, and architectural splendor. In this article, we delve into the enchanting allure of Udaipur, exploring its timeless beauty and the myriad experiences it offers to travelers. From exploring its majestic palaces to cruising on its serene lakes, Udaipur promises an unforgettable journey.
A Historical Marvel:
Udaipur's rich history dates back centuries, with tales of valor, romance, and royalty echoing through its palaces and forts. The city was founded by Maharana Udai Singh II in 1559 AD and served as the capital of the Mewar Kingdom. One cannot help but be mesmerized by the grandeur of the City Palace, a sprawling complex of palaces, courtyards, and gardens that stands as a testament to the city's royal heritage. The intricate architecture, adorned with vibrant frescoes and ornate carvings, transports visitors to a bygone era of opulence and grandeur.
Exploring Udaipur:
A visit to Udaipur is incomplete without experiencing its enchanting lakes. The shimmering waters of Lake Pichola and Fateh Sagar Lake cast a spellbinding effect, offering panoramic views of the city's skyline and surrounding hills. A leisurely boat ride on Lake Pichola, with the majestic Lake Palace and Jag Mandir as backdrop, is a highlight of any trip to Udaipur.
For those seeking to delve deeper into Udaipur's cultural heritage, a stroll through its bustling bazaars is a must. The narrow lanes of the old city are lined with vibrant shops selling colorful textiles, intricate handicrafts, and traditional Rajasthani artifacts. From exquisite hand-embroidered fabrics to intricately designed silver jewelry, Udaipur's markets offer a treasure trove of souvenirs to take back home.
Unraveling Udaipur's Charms:
Udaipur's allure extends beyond its historical landmarks to its scenic vistas and serene surroundings. The city is surrounded by picturesque hills, verdant forests, and tranquil lakes, making it an ideal destination for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. Trekking enthusiasts can explore the rugged terrain of the Aravalli Range, while wildlife enthusiasts can embark on safari adventures in the nearby wildlife sanctuaries.
For those seeking a more leisurely pace, Udaipur offers plenty of opportunities for relaxation and rejuvenation. From indulging in traditional Ayurvedic treatments at luxurious spas to unwinding amidst the lush gardens of its heritage hotels, Udaipur pampers its visitors with unparalleled hospitality and warmth.
Udaipur: A Culinary Delight:
No visit to Udaipur is complete without savoring its delectable cuisine. The city's culinary scene is a delightful blend of flavors and aromas, with influences ranging from Rajasthani to Mughlai and Continental. From savory dal baati churma to mouthwatering gatte ki sabzi, Udaipur's traditional dishes are a gastronomic delight. For those with a sweet tooth, a taste of the famous Rajasthani desserts like ghewar and malpua is a must.
Convenience and Comfort:
Exploring the myriad attractions of Udaipur is made convenient and comfortable with the availability of reliable taxi and car rental service Whether you wish to embark on a sightseeing tour of the city's iconic landmarks or explore its hidden gems at your own pace, taxi services in Udaipur offer hassle-free transportation options. With options ranging from budget-friendly to luxury car rentals, travelers can choose vehicles that suit their preferences and requirements.
Unveiling Udaipur's Splendor: Sightseeing Tour Packages
With transportation sorted, it's time to embark on a journey through Udaipur's enchanting vistas and cultural landmarks. From majestic palaces to serene lakes, each attraction tells a story of Udaipur's illustrious past and vibrant present. To make the most of your visit, consider opting for Udaipur's sightseeing tour packages, meticulously curated to showcase the city's highlights.
1. City Palace:
 A quintessential symbol of Udaipur's royalty, the City Palace stands as a majestic architectural marvel overlooking Lake Pichola. Embark on a guided tour through its ornate courtyards, intricate balconies, and opulent chambers, and delve into the history of the Mewar dynasty. Don't miss the breathtaking view from the palace terrace, offering panoramic vistas of the cityscape and surrounding mountains.
2. Lake Pichola:
 Serene and picturesque, Lake Pichola epitomizes the ethereal beauty of Udaipur. Embark on a leisurely boat ride across its shimmering waters, passing by iconic landmarks such as Jag Mandir and the Lake Palace. As the sun sets behind the Aravalli Hills, witness the lake ablaze with hues of orange and gold, casting a spellbinding reflection on its surface.
3. Jag Mandir:
 Set amidst the tranquil waters of Lake Pichola, Jag Mandir is a sanctuary of peace and serenity. Explore its exquisite architecture, adorned with intricate Car Rental service in Udaipur and lush gardens, and immerse yourself in its tranquil ambiance. Whether you're strolling along its marble corridors or lounging in the garden pavilions, Jag Mandir offers a respite from the hustle and bustle of the city.
4. Saheliyon ki Bari: 
Translating to "Garden of the Maidens," Saheliyon ki Bari is a verdant oasis steeped in legend and charm. Built by Maharana Sangram Singh II for his queen and her attendants, this intricately landscaped garden exudes tranquility and elegance. Admire the lush greenery, cascading fountains, and marble pavilions as you wander through its serene pathways, evoking a sense of timeless romance.
5. Fateh Sagar Lake:
 Escape the hustle and bustle of the city and retreat to the scenic shores of Fateh Sagar Lake. Whether you're enjoying a leisurely stroll along its promenade or indulging in water sports, such as boating and jet skiing, Fateh Sagar Lake offers a rejuvenating escape amidst nature's bounty. As the sun dips below the horizon, savor the breathtaking vistas mirrored on the lake's tranquil surface, creating a spectacle of unmatched beauty.
In conclusion, Udaipur stands as a timeless beacon of beauty and grace in the heart of Rajasthan. With its rich history, architectural marvels, and scenic landscapes, the city casts a spell on all who visit, leaving them enchanted and longing for more. Whether you're exploring its magnificent palaces, cruising on its tranquil lakes, or savoring its culinary delights, Udaipur promises a journey of discovery and delight. So, pack your bags, embark on a Udaipur sightseeing tour package, and immerse yourself in the splendor of this magical city.
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khushiameta1234 · 7 months
Discovering Udaipur: The Jewel of Rajasthan
Nestled in the heart of Rajasthan, Udaipur shines like a true gem among the desert landscapes of India. With its rich history, breathtaking architecture, and serene lakes, Udaipur attracts travelers from around the world seeking to immerse themselves in its royal charm. Exploring this majestic city is made convenient with the availability of Udaipur sightseeing taxi services, allowing visitors to navigate its many wonders with ease.
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A Glimpse into History
As one steps into Udaipur, they are transported back in time to an era of grandeur and royalty. Founded in 1559 by Maharana Udai Singh II, the city served as the capital of the Mewar Kingdom. The legacy of its rulers is reflected in the magnificent palaces, forts, and temples that adorn the cityscape.
Palaces: Witnesses to Royal Grandeur
Udaipur is renowned for its majestic palaces that stand as testaments to its royal heritage. The City Palace, overlooking Lake Pichola, is a marvel of Rajasthani and Mughal architecture. Visitors can explore its ornate courtyards, intricate carvings, and stunning views of the city. Another architectural wonder is the Lake Palace, situated amidst the tranquil waters of Lake Pichola. Once a royal summer retreat, it now offers luxurious accommodations for discerning travelers.
Enchanting Lakes: Serenity Amidst Chaos
The lakes of Udaipur are synonymous with tranquility and beauty. Lake Pichola, with its shimmering waters and surrounding hills, is a sight to behold. A boat ride on the lake offers panoramic views of the city skyline and its architectural wonders. Lake Fateh Sagar, with its lush surroundings and charming islands, is another popular destination for nature lovers.
Temples: Spiritual Oasis
Amidst the opulence of palaces and lakes, Udaipur is also home to sacred temples that echo with the chants of devotion. The Jagdish Temple, dedicated to Lord Vishnu, is a stunning example of Indo-Aryan architecture. Its intricately carved pillars and ornate ceilings leave visitors spellbound. The Eklingji Temple, located on the outskirts of Udaipur, is revered by devotees for its serene atmosphere and architectural splendor.
Exploring Udaipur with Taxi Services
To truly experience the wonders of Udaipur, it is essential to explore its various attractions conveniently. Udaipur sightseeing taxi services offer a hassle-free way to navigate the city's narrow lanes and bustling streets. With well-trained drivers and comfortable vehicles, these taxi services ensure a memorable journey for travelers.
Beyond the City Limits: Excursions from Udaipur
While Udaipur captivates visitors with its charm, there are also numerous attractions to explore beyond its city limits. The Kumbhalgarh Fort, located approximately 85 kilometers from Udaipur, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its massive walls and stunning architecture. The Ranakpur Jain Temple, renowned for its intricate marble carvings, is another popular destination for day trips from Udaipur.
Culinary Delights: A Taste of Rajasthan
No visit to Udaipur is complete without savoring its delectable cuisine. From traditional Rajasthani thalis to international delicacies, the city offers a gastronomic experience like no other. Visitors can indulge in local favorites such as dal bati churma, gatte ki sabzi, and kachori, served with a generous helping of hospitality.
Udaipur, with its timeless beauty and rich cultural heritage, continues to enchant travelers from all corners of the globe. Whether exploring its palaces, lakes, or temples, visitors are sure to be mesmerized by the city's allure. With the convenience of  taxi service in udaipur, navigating its wonders becomes a seamless and enjoyable experience. As one embarks on a journey through the streets of Udaipur, they are not just travelers but seekers of beauty, history, and adventure.
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dandeliresorts1 · 9 months
What is the best wildlife resort in india?
India is a nation that boasts the best wildlife trips because it is endowed with a wealth of wildlife treasures. There are numerous preserved areas, sanctuaries, and natural parks. In addition to flora and fauna, India is home to numerous bird species that pique the interest of wildlife enthusiasts and researchers. In fact, some species are extremely exotic because they stopped in India during their migration flight.
If you want to go on a trip to see wildlife soon, India has a lot of options for you to choose from. You can relax in peace when you return to your resort after spending the evening spotting rare animals in their natural environment. They combine the best aspects of both worlds by providing numerous amenities and making the most of the natural setting in which they are constructed.
If you love nature, you will be thrilled to see a wide variety of plants in all of our natural parks and wildlife sanctuaries. Be it tropical woodlands like blended deciduous, Southern tropical dry deciduous or even evergreen backwoods, the thick foliage will invigorate any nature darling. What's more, plants like rosewood, teak and lendia can be tracked down in overflow.
The best wildlife resorts in India
Dandeli jungle resorts
Located on the banks of the Kali River, this resort has an outdoor pool and attractive gardens. Jungle Resort Dandeli is 2.3 km from Dandeli Wildlife Sanctuary. With its treehouses and exclusive tents, Shikhra  Jungle Resort  goes on to give an experiential stay to its guests.  Indeed the experience doesn’t end at the accommodation, but also activities that are offered at reasonable prices. All the activities offered here, come with guide and safety equipment's as per necessity, making it among the best Dandeli Resorts and hotels for adventure-lovers.
Panther Stay Dandeli
The Panther Jungle Stay is surrounded by wilderness on three sides and a grassy field with a pond on one, making it a peaceful place to stay close to nature. Right from Panther Stay, you can recognize incalculable transitory and homegrown birdlife; this makes it the best jungle resort in Dandeli for bird-lovers. You can opt to stay in the rooms, or get yourselves tented accommodation for that real jungle camping experience.
Corbett Leela Vilas, Corbett: Luxurious resort
One of India's most opulent wildlife resorts is Corbett Leela Vilas. After a busy day, it's the best place to let your stress go. The tiger reserve at the Jim Corbett, which opened in 1936, is famous. Among their amenities are deluxe cottages with attached bathrooms, a mini bar, coffee and tea makers, and room service.
Orange County, Nagarhole National Park, Karnataka: Aesthetic beauty
This location, which is on the outskirts of the Nagarhole National Park, is well-known among tourists for its scenic beauty and location. Nighttime views will undoubtedly make your stay memorable. The property has a Jacuzzi, pool huts, and a lot more than just basic amenities. It is without a doubt the best forest resort in India on our list.
Baghvan Jungle Lodge: Exotic wildlife resort
India's exotic wildlife resort is Baghvan Jungle Lodge. Tourists flock to its high decks and open rooftop machans. The trees that overhang your machan are home to a wide variety of birds, and monkeys chirp excitedly in the thick foliage. Pench National Park is a five-minute drive from the lodge.
Tree House Hideaway Resort, Bandhavgarh: Countryside experience
Lodging Tree House Hideout, Bandhavgarh offers an interesting field experience that causes one to feel nearer to nature. It is amongst the best luxury jungle resorts in India. A memorable experience is spending time in these custom-built tree houses surrounded by lush greenery. The cozy dining hall serves delicious Indian, Continental, and barbecue meals, and the Watering Hole bar serves high-quality drinks.
The Bharatpur Wildlife Sanctuary's Udai Vilas Palace: Positive experience
One of India's most opulent wildlife resorts is just a short drive away from Keoladeo National Park and Bharatpur Wildlife Sanctuary. This hotel is preferred by thousands of wildlife enthusiasts, naturalists, and jungle trekkers primarily due to its strategic location, super-deluxe accommodations, and rejuvenation services like spa and steam bath and close proximity to nature.
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vikramkumar01 · 1 year
Experience Serenity and Royalty at Uday Palace Navsari: A Proud Member of Radisson Individuals
In the picturesque city of Navsari, where history intertwines seamlessly with modernity, stands the epitome of luxury and hospitality - Uday Palace Navsari. As an esteemed member of Radisson Individuals, Uday Palace promises an experience that is a harmonious blend of tranquillity and opulence. With a reputation as one of the top hotels in Navsari, this regal establishment offers not just accommodation, but a journey into serenity and luxury. Moreover, Uday Palace Navsari is also renowned for housing some of the finest restaurants in the city, adding delectable flavours to its grandeur.
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Nestled amidst the historical and cultural tapestry of Navsari, Uday Palace is a beacon of grandeur. It encapsulates the essence of the city's rich heritage while providing contemporary comforts that cater to the discerning traveller. The architecture of the palace is an exquisite fusion of traditional aesthetics and modern design, offering a visual treat that transports guests to a realm of regality.
The affiliation of Uday Palace Navsari with Radisson Individuals speaks volumes about the commitment to excellence and unparalleled service. The combination of Radisson's legacy and Uday Palace's charm creates an environment that is welcoming, warm, and exceptionally luxurious - a true hallmark of top hotel in Navsari city.
The accommodations at Uday Palace Navsari redefine luxury. Each room and suite is meticulously curated to provide a sanctuary of comfort and elegance. The rooms are adorned with modern furnishings and adorned with touches of Navsari's heritage, creating an ambiance that is both soothing and sophisticated.
The suites, on the other hand, are an embodiment of opulence. The Palace Suite, named aptly, offers a panoramic view of the city, allowing guests to immerse themselves in its vibrant energy. The Heritage Suite is a journey back in time, with its antique furnishings and regal atmosphere. Every suite narrates a unique story, yet they all share the common thread of lavishness that defines Uday Palace Navsari.
Uday Palace Navsari not only offers a lavish stay but also takes your taste buds on an unforgettable journey. Among the plethora of good restaurants in Navsari, the ones within the palace premises stand out as culinary havens.
A gastronomic paradise for lovers of Indian cuisine, Royal Spice offers an array of flavours that represent the diverse tapestry of India. From aromatic biryanis to succulent kebabs, each dish is a testament to the culinary expertise of the chefs. The ambiance adds to the experience, allowing you to dine like royalty.
If your palate craves international flavours, Continental Bites is the place to be. With a menu that spans continents, this restaurant offers a delectable selection of global cuisines. From Italian pastas to Mediterranean delicacies, the culinary journey here is nothing short of exceptional.
While Uday Palace Navsari offers an all-encompassing experience within its walls, the city of Navsari beckons to be explored. The historical sites, temples, and local markets offer a glimpse into the rich heritage of the city. Wander through the bazaars, interact with the locals, and collect souvenirs that capture the essence of Navsari.
Uday Palace Navsari, with its affiliation to Radisson Individuals, transcends the realm of luxury and hospitality. It embodies the spirit of Navsari while providing a haven of comfort and opulence. Being counted among the top hotels in Navsari is not just a recognition but a testament to the dedication to provide an experience that is second to none.
As you step into the grandeur of Uday Palace Navsari, you step into a world where modern comforts meet regal charm. It's not just a hotel stay; it's an experience that etches itself into your memory. So, embrace the serenity, bask in the royalty, and immerse yourself in the grand story that Uday Palace Navsari weaves for every guest.
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dira333 · 3 months
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Buying You Socks - Asahi
Drunk Love Confessions Drabble - Asahi
Loving you all week - Asahi
Took my soul, wiped it clean - Asahi
Glass Heart, take flight - Asahi (FC)
love is in the small things Asahi
The Muse - Asahi
Tank Top Drabble - Daichi
Where the sea meets the land - Daichi
Exam Stress Comfort Drabble - Hinata
Make-Up Drabble - Hinata
What’s summer to you - Hinata 
One door closes, another one opens - Kinoshita Hisashi
Cool Down - Summer Vacation - Kageyama
Wordless Conversation Drabble - Kageyama
This Is Me Trying - Kageyama
Proposal drabble - Kageyama
To come home - Kageyama
Imaginary friend - Kageyama
There is no time like Spring Kageyama
Winter Kageyama
Be yourself Nishinoya
Of Worries and Dejavu's - Sugawara
Are you a lover or a fighter drabble - Sugawara
Cupid on a mission - Sugawara
In Handwriting - Tanaka
Your heart fits like a key - Tsukishima Akiteru (drabble)
Care too much - Tsukishima Kei
Don't tease - Tsukishima Kei
To be honest - Tsukishima Kei
Open Up - Tsukishima Kei (follows When we went from friends to this)
When we went from friends to this - Tsukishima Kei
Sassy reader Tsukishima Kei
Current Friend, Future Husband? - Udai Tenma/Little Giant
Orange Peel Theory - Ukai Keishin
Writer and muse Yamaguchi
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dujanesound · 1 year
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Dol Bendhe(দল বেঁধে): An Enchanting Melody from the Hills of Darjeeling Full Song Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5yQE2qz67I
Immerse yourself in the captivating world of "Dol Bendhe," a mesmerizing song brought to you by the talented team at Dujane. Set against the picturesque backdrop of Darjeeling, this musical masterpiece promises to take you on a journey filled with love, emotions, and the soul-stirring melodies of the hills.
Led by the dynamic cast including Gautam Debnath, Madhura Debnath, Gourangi Debnath, Uday Mukherjee, Trishita Mukherjee, Pradipta Mukherjee, Moumita Roy Saha, Samriddha Saha, and Sudipta Saha, "Dol Bendhe" weaves a tale of passion and longing that resonates with the hearts of its listeners.
Sudipta Saha's exceptional arrangements and programming lend an enchanting touch to the composition, while Gautam Debnath's skilled craftsmanship as the director of photography, editor, and recordist ensures a visually stunning and sonically rich experience. The recording took place at the renowned Kusum Sound studio, where every note and lyric were meticulously crafted to perfection.
With the label @Dujane, this exquisite creation is set to capture the imagination of music lovers worldwide. Prepare to be enchanted as "Dol Bendhe" transports you to the tranquil hills of Darjeeling, leaving you yearning for more of its timeless melodies anDo You Like This Song /Video ?d heartfelt performances.
newbengalisong #darjeeling #banglagaan #music #song #darjeelingdiaries #westbengal #banglasong
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yug-blogs · 1 year
Explore the Enchanting Charms of Udaipur: A Must-Visit Destination in 2023
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Udaipur, known as the "City of Lakes" and the "Venice of the East," is a captivating destination that seamlessly blends rich history, architectural marvels, and natural beauty. As one of the most sought-after tourist destinations in India, Udaipur offers a plethora of attractions and experiences that make it truly worth visiting in 2023. Whether you're a history enthusiast, a culture lover, or a nature seeker, Udaipur has something for everyone. Moreover, with reliable taxi services and car rentals available, exploring the city's enchanting sights becomes even more convenient.
Unveiling Udaipur's Highlights:
Majestic Palaces and Forts: Udaipur boasts an impressive array of palaces and forts that narrate tales of valor and grandeur. The iconic City Palace, perched on the banks of Lake Pichola, is a magnificent architectural marvel that offers breathtaking panoramic views of the city. The picturesque Lake Palace, situated amidst Lake Pichola, is another must-visit attraction that exudes romance and elegance.
Serene Lakes and Gardens: Udaipur's shimmering lakes and lush gardens add a tranquil touch to its ambiance. Lake Pichola, Fateh Sagar Lake, and Udai Sagar Lake are alluring destinations where you can enjoy boat rides, serene sunsets, and beautiful reflections. The Saheliyon ki Bari and the Gulab Bagh provide serene retreats for nature lovers.
Cultural and Heritage Immersion: Immerse yourself in Udaipur's rich cultural heritage by exploring its temples, museums, and art galleries. The Jagdish Temple, Eklingji Temple, and Nathdwara Temple are revered religious sites. The Bagore Ki Haveli Museum and the City Palace Museum offer a glimpse into the city's history and art. Don't miss the opportunity to witness mesmerizing traditional dance and music performances at Bagore Ki Haveli's cultural show.
Taxi Services and Car Rentals in Udaipur:
To ensure a seamless and hassle-free experience while exploring Udaipur, reliable taxi services and car rentals are readily available. Shri Nakoda Tours provides top-notch taxi services in Udaipur, offering comfortable and well-maintained vehicles to cater to all your travel needs. Their professional and experienced drivers ensure safe and efficient transportation, allowing you to make the most of your visit. Whether you need a taxi for sightseeing or require airport transfers, Shri Nakoda Tours can tailor their services to suit your preferences.
In conclusion, Udaipur is undoubtedly worth visiting in 2023. With its majestic palaces, serene lakes, vibrant culture, and fascinating history, the city offers a truly enchanting experience. The availability of reliable taxi services and car rental services in Udaipur, such as those provided by Shri Nakoda Tours, further enhances the convenience and enjoyment of exploring Udaipur's wonders. Plan your trip to Udaipur and embark on a journey that will leave you with memories to cherish for a lifetime.
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ao3feed-iwaoi · 2 years
Promise. Swear, Even
Read this masterpiece on AO3 at https://ift.tt/M0F7OsB
by Sammyscauldron
Oikawa Tooru and Iwaizumi Hajime met at five year old, children catching butterflies. They stayed by each other's side through their early adolescent years and the tumulous experiences of growing up.
Words: 26892, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Haikyuu x PJO
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Oikawa Tooru, Oikawa Tooru's Family, Iwaizumi Hajime, Iwaizumi Hajime's Family, Yaku Morisuke, Tanaka Saeko, Udai Tenma, Tsukishima Akiteru, Tsukishima Kei (mentioned) - Character, Yamaguchi Tadashi (mentioned), Bokuto Koutarou
Relationships: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Iwaizumi Hajime & Oikawa Tooru
Additional Tags: Developing Relationship, Relationship Study, Childhood Friends, Childhood Friends to Lovers, Iwaizumi Hajime is Bad at Feelings, Major Character Injury, Injury Recovery, Growing Up Together, Oikawa Tooru's Knee Injury, but not really, Falling In Love, Monsters, Physical Disability, Grief/Mourning, First Kiss, Coming Out, Slow Burn, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Some Fluff, Oranges
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/M0F7OsB
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10 Awesome Facts About Udaipur That You Didn’t Know
Udaipur is a beautiful city in Rajasthan, India. It is also known as the "City of Lakes" because of its many artificial lakes. Udaipur is a very popular tourist destination, and for good reason! The city has a lot to offer, from stunning architecture to delicious food. Here are 10 facts about Udaipur that you may not know:
1. Udaipur was founded in 1559 by Maharana Udai Singh II.
2. The city was originally named after its founder, Udai Singh II. However, it was later renamed to "City of Lakes" because of its many artificial lakes. 
3. The largest lake in Udaipur is Lake Pichola, which covers an area of 4 square kilometers. 
4. There are a total of four artificial lakes in Udaipur: Lake Pichola, Fateh Sagar Lake, Udai Sagar Lake, and Jaisamand Lake. 
5. Udaipur is home to the world's second tallest free-standing statue, the Ganesh Pol. 
6. The City Palace is one of the largest palaces in India and is located on the banks of Lake Pichola. 
7. The Monsoon Palace, also known as the Sajjan Garh Palace, is located on top of a hill overlooking Lake Pichola and provides a stunning view of the city during the monsoon season. 
8. One of the most popular tourist attractions in Udaipur is the Jagmandir Island Palace, which is located on an island in Lake Pichola. 
9. The Bagore Ki Haveli is a 18th-century haveli located on the banks of Lake Pichola that now houses a museum displaying Rajasthani culture and heritage. 
10. Savitri Temple is a temple dedicated to the goddess Savitri and is located on top of a hill in Udaipur with a panoramic view of the city below. 
Udaipur is truly a city with something for everyone – from history buffs to nature lovers to those who just want to relax and take in the scenery! Whether you're planning a trip or just curious about this fascinating city, we hope these 10 facts have piqued your interest!
If you are visiting Udaipur, then hire taxi from Car Rental Service Rajasthan. Also Call us at: +91-9828253341
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mdvalley · 2 years
Udaipur: The Delightful City Of Lakes
This article offers a description of Udaipur, the city of lakes, and its preferred hotels. Lovers of nature and looking for peace can visit Udaipur to enjoy its natural beauty while staying in a heritage hotel. With its rich cultural heritage, you won't feel out of place.
Introduction to Udaipur
Udaipur, the city of lakes, is one of the most popular tourist destinations in India. It is located in the southern part of Rajasthan state, at an elevation of 598 m (1,962 ft). The city has a population of about 3.5 million people and covers an area of 65 km2 (25 sq mi).
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Udaipur was founded in 1559 by Maharana Udai Singh II as the new capital of the Mewar Kingdom. It was formerly known as the City of Sunrise or the Venice of East. The city is surrounded by four major lakes namely – Pichola Lake, Fateh Sagar Lake, Udai Sagar Lake, and Swaroop Sagar Lake which make it a unique place to visit.
The climate in Udaipur is generally hot and dry with summers lasting from April to June and winters from October to February. July and August are relatively cooler months with temperatures ranging from 20 °C to 30 °C (68 °F to 86 °F). The average annual rainfall is around 660 mm (26 inches).
Udaipur has many tourist attractions like the City Palace, Lake Palace, Jag Mandir, Jag Niwas, Fateh Sagar Lake, Monsoon Palace, Gulab Bagh Zoo etc. There are also many adventure activities like camel safari, elephant safari, horse riding etc. that one can enjoy in Udaipur.
Top 5 Reasons to Visit Udaipur
Udaipur, Rajasthan's "City of Lakes", was founded in 1559 by Maharana Udai Singh II. It is located in the southern part of the state, and its natural beauty and rich history make it a popular tourist destination. Here are five reasons to add Udaipur to your travel itinerary:
1. To experience Rajasthan's culture and history.
Udaipur is a city with a long and fascinating history. It was once the capital of the Mewar Kingdom, and many of its historic buildings and monuments reflect this rich heritage. The City Palace, Jagdish Temple, and Lake Pichola are just a few of the must-see sights in Udaipur.
2. To enjoy the city's natural beauty.
Udaipur is set amidst picturesque lakes and mountains, making it one of Rajasthan's most scenic cities. A boat ride on Lake Pichola offers stunning views of the city skyline, while hiking or biking in the nearby Aravalli Hills is a great way to appreciate Udaipur's natural surroundings.
3. To sample delicious Rajasthani cuisine.
Rajasthan is known for its flavorful food, and Udaipur is no exception. Be sure to try some traditional dishes like dal bati churma (a type of bread served with lentils) and ghevar (a sweet cake made with
Types of Hotels Available
Udaipur is a world-renowned tourist destination for its stunning lakeside setting, rich culture, and beautiful architecture. There is no shortage of hotels in Udaipur to accommodate all budgets and preferences and one of the best resorts in Udaipur is MD Valley resort and Spa, this is the best luxury resort and is also budget-friendly. 
The most luxurious and expensive hotels in Udaipur can be found near Lake Pichola and offer stunning views of the water and the city skyline. These hotels often have their own private boats for guests to use to explore the lake. For a more moderate price, there are many hotels located in the Old City area that offer a more authentic experience with easy access to all the historical sights.
For travelers on a tight budget, there are plenty of simple guesthouses and hostels available throughout the city. These accommodations are basic but clean and comfortable and usually include breakfast. No matter what your budget is, there is sure to be a perfect hotel for you in Udaipur!
Best Time to Visit
When it comes to deciding the best time to visit a place, there are many factors to consider. The weather is always a major factor, as well as things like school holidays and peak tourist season.
For Udaipur, the best time to visit is between October and March. This is when the weather is at its ideal, with daytime temperatures in the mid-20s and cool evenings. It's also worth avoiding the monsoon season from June to September when heavy rains can cause flooding in parts of the city.
How To Get There
The best way to get to Udaipur is by plane. The nearest airport is Maharana Pratap Airport, which is about 15km from the city center. There are also a few other airports in the vicinity, such as Dabok Airport and Jaipur International Airport. You can also reach Udaipur by train, with the nearest railway station being Udaipur City Railway Station. If you're driving, the city is well connected by road and there are plenty of parking options available.
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