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buffetlicious · 6 months ago
The Teochew Yam Pastry with Single Yolk (潮州单黄芋泥月饼) is Paradise Group’s (樂天餐饮集团) rendition of a flaky Teochew mooncake. With smooth yam paste wrapped around pine nuts and salted egg yolk, the base is embedded with white sesame seeds for crunch and a nutty aroma. My finance department’s colleague pre-ordered a box and both my camera and I were invited to the photo taking and tasting sessions. :D They and one of my other colleagues have recommended this pastry to me but after the taste test…
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The Teochew Yam Pastry with Single Yolk (潮州单黄芋泥月饼) came in a glossy royal blue box. Each of the four compartments contained a piece of the flaking spiral pastry packed in its own individual box. Lifting the pastry out of its container, there is this crust of white sesame seeds on the base and along the bottom edge. Sliced it in half and the outer crust shattered but the plastic knife met resistance when it reached the salted egg yolk inside, not a good sign though. Further dividing it to quarters just confirmed the truth. The salted egg yolk is over baked during the preparation stage that it had developed a tough outer layer around the yolk. Instead of a crumbly yolk, you get rubbery pieces of egg among the smooth yam paste. The pine nuts in the yam paste and sesame seeds crust on the outside lends a nutty fragrant to the flaking pastry shell. Overall, it was a good eat letdown by one of the main ingredients. This set me thinking if I want to take a risk and buy it next year.
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Since the above cannot make the cut, I will just stick with East Ocean Teochew Restaurant (东海潮州酒家). The Crispy Yam with Whole Egg Yolk Mooncake (酥皮单黄芋泥月饼) is best eaten within three days of purchase but if you can’t finish them in time, just store them in the fridge. To refresh the pastries, covered them loosely in aluminium foil and bake at 200 °C (392°F) for about 20-25 minutes direct from fridge. This cause the pastry to be crispy again and the warm yam paste tasted more mellow and fragrant than at room temperature.
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Video shows the salted egg yolks preparation processes. Topmost image courtesy of Paradise Group.
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zer0-dxm · 1 year ago
We will share the AC data of "TEN-SOU" and "TEN-ROU", ACs made entirely of Dafeng parts (we Japanese call them Dafeng man).
Please feel free to download and use it.
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briefenthusiastlight · 1 year ago
中共要和美軍航母作戰,讓山東號扮敵人,習近平大國夢停不下來;把敘利亞做戰略盟友,習近平如同許家印歌舞團,犯了同樣錯誤。| #秦鵬政經觀察
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whyout0uzhele · 8 days ago
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jinrizhiyi · 30 days ago
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as1206668 · 1 month ago
新葡京娱乐场app_网址:05311.cc 详细咨询钉:as1206668 飞机@aw0654 或微:ruilovewangyibo
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