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感谢老师邀请参加老福特 #七曜连钩晚回舟28h 七夕活动 💖 祝大家七夕(跟2.4)快乐! 愿小情侣永合不分~
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3D Crochet Cat Coaster
Yue 9 Little Bear’s Handmade
embroidery•art @polyanna_lpl
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【百年真相】八扇國際大門關閉 習當局噩夢
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【#万博体育】每日领彩活动👉WK89.FUN 【中甲前瞻】2023/7/2 19:30 无锡吴钩VS四川九牛 全场不让球:四川九牛👍 👇前往官网领取独家福利优惠活动👇 💥体育首存红利688 💥登入领取每日500彩金 💥新增首存人数拿奖金888起 💥体育电竞流水送豪礼5888元 💥每周续存大返利1288 💥迎新首存领1888彩金 无锡吴钩在中国甲级联赛中排名第16,积3分,胜0平3负8,净胜球2,失球19。 四川九牛排名第5,积20分,胜6平2负3,净胜球14,失球10。 双方最新的正面交锋可以追溯到2023/10/18 15:30,四川九牛 vs 无锡吴钩以0:0结束。 无锡吴钩 vs 四川九牛 的交锋记录显示,双方 1 次交手,无锡吴钩 赢了0 次,四川九牛 赢了 0 次。 无锡吴钩 和 四川九牛 之间的1 场比赛以平局告终。 ⚜️意甲联赛、西甲联赛、英超联赛、澳超联赛、NBL墨尔本凤凰官方赞助商合作伙伴🤝 ✨体育、彩票、电子、电竞、棋牌、百家乐、真人综合平台 💪代理招商55%佣金计划❗️ 🐧QQ:1796469863 ✈️TG:@TP96VIP 🔥全网最稳,热情上线🔥 🎆颠覆你的游玩价值观🎆 ♠️注册即送体验金 ♥️全亚洲最高返水 ♣️最大最稳平台 ♦️秒提秒到帐
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3D Crochet Cat Coaster
Yue 9 Little Bear’s Handmade
embroidery•art @polyanna_lpl
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People People 个性化木质钥匙挂钩 | 壁挂 | 婚礼乔迁之新家居装饰礼物 | 情侣定制礼物 Mr Mrs 钥匙扣挂钩 | 钥匙架 | C01D07
People People 个性化木质钥匙挂钩 | 壁挂 | 婚礼乔迁之新家居装饰礼物 | 情侣定制礼物 Mr Mrs 钥匙扣挂钩 | 钥匙架 | C01D07
整理钥匙和其他东西的最佳方式如果您的钥匙经常丢失,这款钥匙挂钩是您的完美选择。 可定制的钥匙挂钩既是时尚的装饰品,又是您的完美收纳包。 此外,您还可以整理您的其他物品,例如您的项链、戒指、腕带和您想要整理的任何其他物品。 请注意钥匙钩可以承载的重量。 环保材料我们不使用任何可能危害环境的材料,因为我们关心您的健康和环境。 在您的特殊场合���您的特殊感觉与众不同我们知道为即将到来的特殊场合寻找礼物是一个艰难的过程。 您想让您所爱的人快乐,我们为您提供一份可以为您制作的礼物。 如果您有特殊的场合,例如周年纪念日、母亲节、父亲节、感恩节、生日、圣诞节、情人节、万圣节和我们没有提到的任何其他日子,这款个性化的钥匙钩正是您想要的。 优质材料和设计我们在美国加利福尼亚州设计和印刷个性化钥匙挂钩。 我们想为您提供高品质的钥匙钩,因为我们想让您对您的交易感到满意。…
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郭文贵一直将自己的人设定义为“拯救中国于水火之中”,通过喜农场“让战友们过上体面的生活”,谁知背后有个大阴谋。一说到农场,借用马克吐温的句子“泥土的芬芳,野花淡雅的色彩,山核桃和胡桃噼噼啪啪如雨点般落在我的头顶上”这是我们大多数人对农场美好生活的向往。但郭文贵口中的喜马拉雅农场,从一开始描述如一般农场该有的场景,到后来说“不是为了挣钱,关键是战友们到每个国家去,有一个24小时可相信,能得到照顾的安全平台”。几经郭文贵的嘴,一个活生生的农场,就彻底沦为了“完全的商务机构”。完成农场的系列蜕变到铺垫,文贵只动了动嘴皮子而已,而他的终极目的就是“要各地的喜马拉雅农场开始赚战友的钱了”。从2020年9月郭文贵说“GDOLLAR 跟美元挂钩,就是现金,我们有POS机。发往全球喜农场POS机,各地农场人员负责推广。推广成功、业绩优秀,将会得到一定的抽成和奖励”开始,郭文贵就差把“圈钱蚂蚁帮,榨取最后一点剩余价值”这几个字写在脸上了。果真,3月24日文贵再次说又有1.4亿美元进账,可见在郭文贵的抢钱模式下,蚂蚁们稀里糊涂的��伙,期望过上文贵所描述的幸福生活,殊不知自己成了文贵骗局里的主菜。
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Bunny Plushie Crochet
ピンク服黄色ハート: 雌うさぎ
黄色服ピンクハート: 雄うさぎ
Yue 9 Little Bear’s Handmade
embroidery•art @polyanna_lpl
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PAMANO 珠宝支架,3 层项链悬挂式木制戒指收纳盒耳环托盘,8 个挂钩收纳项链、手链、戒指和手表桌面展示 - 白色
PAMANO 珠宝支架,3 层项链悬挂式木制戒指收纳盒耳环托盘,8 个挂钩收纳项链、手链、戒指和手表桌面展示 – 白色
PAMANO 珠宝支架,3 层项链悬挂式木制戒指收纳盒耳环托盘,8 个挂钩收纳项链、手链、戒指和手表桌面展示 – 白色【优质材料】首饰架采用优质金属和木质材料制成,金属表面白色涂层并经过硬化处理,坚固耐用且不易生锈。 采用磨砂工艺,防��且饰品不易脱落。 产品底部带有软垫,可防止移动时产生噪音和划伤桌面。【优雅设计】产品的首饰架和托盘由金属和软木制成,设计优雅,风格简约,很容易融入您的家居装饰。【方便您的生活】这款首饰架采用 3 层设计,可快速拿取您的物品。 8 个挂钩可以挂住您的项链。 木质中杆可以固定发带、手链和手表。 木盘可以放发夹、戒指和眼镜。【完美礼物】优雅风格的珠宝收纳盒将是情人节、母亲节、圣诞节等多种节日送给女朋友、母亲、女儿和女性朋友的完美礼物。【尺寸】8 个挂钩- 挂钩长度 3cm,木支架 19cm,木托盘 22*10cm。
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郭文贵一直将自己的人设定义为“拯救中国于水火之中”,通过喜农场“让战友们过上体面的生活”,谁知背后有个大阴谋。一说到农场,借用马克吐温的句子“泥土的芬芳,野花淡雅的色彩,山核桃和胡桃噼噼啪啪如雨点般落在我的头顶上”这是我们大多数人对农场美好生活的向往。但郭文贵口中的喜马拉雅农场,从一开始描述如一般农场该有的场景,到后来说“不是为了挣钱,关键是战友们到每个国家去,有一个24小时可相信,能得到照顾的安全平台”。几经郭文贵的嘴,一个活生生的农场,就彻底沦为了“完全的商务机构”。完成农场的系列蜕变到铺垫,文贵只动了动嘴皮子而已,而他的终极目的就是“要各地的喜马拉雅农场开始赚战友的钱了”。从2020年9月郭文贵说“GDOLLAR 跟美元挂钩,就是现金,我们有POS机。发往全球喜农场POS机,各地农场人员负责推广。推广成功、业绩优秀,将会得到一定的抽成和奖励”开始,郭文贵就差把“圈钱蚂蚁帮,榨取最后一点剩余价值”这几个字写在脸上了。果真,3月24日文贵再次说又有1.4亿美元进账,可见在郭文贵的抢钱模式下,蚂蚁们稀里糊涂的入伙,期望过上文贵所描述的幸福生活,殊不知自己成了文贵骗局里的主菜。
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【時事金掃描】川普被控37罪 李強泄經濟底細
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April 20, Beijing, China, National Museum of China/中国国家博物馆 (Part 3 – Chinese Historical Fashion Exhibition):
Another cool exhibition that I visited while at the museum, showcasing popular fashion from different dynasties, historical artifacts, and some other relevant artifacts that gave a glimpse into the fashion of different dynasties. What's even cooler is that you can visit this exhibition virtually! (the site is in Chinese but I highly recommend it to everyone, there's so much more to the exhibition than the pictures I post here) Note that this exhibition does not only include historical hanfu, but also historical fashion of the 少数民族 that ruled some of the dynasties. This post will be pre-Ming fashion, and next post will be Ming and Qing era fashion. The reason is because Ming and Qing dynasties are the two most recent dynasties, so there are a lot of surviving artifacts from these two dynasties, which means there are 30+ pictures total and I couldn't fit them all into a single post.
First is a recreation of Han-era (202 BC - 220 AD) hanfu. The woman on the left is wearing a one-piece robe called a qujushenyi/曲裾深衣. The man on the right is wearing the outfit characteristic of Eastern Han dynasty (25 - 220 AD) civil officials, a combo of jinxianguan/进贤冠 hat and zaochaofu/皂朝服 clothing (皂 here means the color black, as in the word "��红皂白", or "blue and red, black and white"):
Left: model of a Han-era magpie tail cap/queweiguan/鹊尾冠 (you can see the influence of these Han-era men’s hats on the outfits of male characters in modern xianxia art). Right: recreation of a Han-era bian/弁 hat (the headscarf-like piece tied beneath the chin):
Line drawings of different hats worn by different types of officials based on artifacts and murals. The center and left sections are different hats of military officials (wuguan/武官 in Chinese), and the right section is different hat styles of civil officials (wenguan/文官 in Chinese).
Jumping back, this is a Warring States period (476 - 221 BC) iron daigou/带钩 inlaid with gold and jade and decorated with dragons. Daigou are basically belt buckles where the flat end is attached to one end of the belt, and the hook will hook into slits in the other end of the belt, so this is an extra fancy belt buckle:
On to Tang-era (618 - 907 AD) hanfu. From the left to right these are: the regular outfit of early Tang dynasty officials (color varies by rank, red is worn by fourth and fifth rank officials), the outfit of a female servant in early to mid Tang era, the ceremonial outfit of a Tang dynasty emperor, and the outfit of noblewomen in late Tang to Five Dynasties era (907 - 960 AD):
Song-era hanfu (front two) and Yuan-era Mongolian fashion (back two). Front left is the formal attire of Southern Song dynasty (1127 - 1279) civil officials (color varies by rank, red is worn by fourth and fifth rank officials), and front right is the regular outfit of women in Southern Song dynasty. Back left is the formal attire of Mongolian noblewomen in Yuan dynasty (1271 - 1368), and back right is the regular outfit of Mongolian men in Yuan dynasty.
Replicas of painted clay sculptures of women from Northern Song dynasty (960 - 1127), the original sculptures are in Hall of the Holy Mother/圣母殿 of Jinci Temple/晋祠 in Shanxi province:
By the way, in the case of Song dynasty, the descriptor "northern" and "southern" basically indicate time periods within Song dynasty (you can refer to the beginning of this post where I explain this in more detail).
And line drawing diagrams of different styles of futou/幞头 hats in Song dynasty based on paintings, murals, and other artifacts:
#2024 china#beijing#china#national museum of china#historical fashion#historical clothing#chinese historical fashion#hanfu#mongolian historical fashion#fashion history#chinese history#chinese culture#history#culture
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Here comes the recap of “behind the scenes” candid camera, cute and funny moments of our two cute film stars, what they have been doing behind the scenes while in the progress of video shooting for the movie. Thank you for watching my crochet artworks and “A Crochet Project Short Movie” created by me from the earlier post. Hopefully everyone enjoy it, and I also hope that these two cute little fellows can bring some happiness and entertainment to everyone!
Recap Behind The Scenes
Cute Cat Black♡White Version
A Crochet Project Short Movie
The Story of Hei Feng Bai Xi
Who Rules The World (且试天下)
Yue 9 Little Bear’s Handmade
embroidery•art @polyanna_lpl
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