#正���量 Positive energy
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nickalbertchoo · 13 days ago
威蛇献福@Wislent 威思联2025 蛇年新年歌 完整版
威蛇献福@Wislent 威思联蛇年新年歌 Happy Chinese New Year 2025威思联#蛇年新年歌,#威思联 恭祝大家新年快乐,万事如意,恭喜发财!!Wislent Language School 熊猫老师 #循人 #尊孔 #坤成 #中华 #独中 #yes蛇 #myfm #aifm #中国报 #新闻抢鲜报
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vouu279 · 1 month ago
Có một điều là, cuộc sống chỉ đang phản ánh lại thái độ, tư duy và năng lượng của bạn.
Khi bạn tỏa ra năng lượng tiêu cực, tự động những điều "xấu xí" sẽ xảy ra. Trạng thái tinh thần chùn bước, nhìn vào đâu cũng thấy bế tắc. Lúc nào cũng trong trạng thái lười làm thì chẳng có thời điểm nào hoàn hảo để bắt đầu.
Khi bạn tỏa ra năng lượng tích cực, những điều nhỏ bé "xinh đẹp" sẽ tự động đến với mình. Bạn sẽ chợt nhận ra những khủng hoảng trước đó có cách giải quyết rất dễ dàng, chăm chỉ tập trung vào bản thân thì thời điểm nào cũng là đúng lúc.
"Cuộc sống như một tấm gương, bạn cảm thấy như thế nào thế giới sẽ phản chiếu lại như vậy. Và cuộc đời sẽ thay đổi khi chúng ta đổi thay."
Vậy nên bạn muốn có cuộc sống như thế nào cũng có thể do thái độ, tư duy và năng lượng của bạn quyết định.
There’s one thing: life is merely a reflection of your attitude, mindset, and energy.
When you emit negative energy, bad things will naturally happen. Your mental state will falter, and you’ll see obstacles everywhere. If you always stay in a lazy mindset, there will never be a perfect time to start.
When you radiate positive energy, beautiful little things will naturally come to you. You’ll suddenly realize that previous crises have simple solutions. By focusing on yourself and being diligent, every moment becomes the right moment.
“Life is like a mirror; how you feel is how the world reflects back at you. And life will change when we change.”
Therefore, the kind of life you want is entirely determined by your attitude, mindset, and energy.
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jzlily333 · 10 months ago
The more grateful you are, the more favor you will experience from God. ​​
Whoever offers a sacrifice of thanksgiving glorifies me; whoever walks in the right way will receive my salvation (Psalm 50:23).
03/30 Bible verses
To the pure, all things are pure; but to those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure, but both their mind and their conscience are defiled. (Titus 1: 15)
To him who is pure all things are pure; but to him who is defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; even his heart and conscience are defiled (Titus 1:15).
03/30Good words 
1. Make friends who appreciate you and comfort and help you when you are down and out; make friends with positive energy and accompany and encourage you when you are depressed.
2. No one can be sorry to anyone in this world. Only those who don't know how to cherish are the only ones who know how to cherish, and everyone can have a happy life.
Hymn: Let your kindness rain down
凡以感謝獻上為祭的便是榮耀我;那按正路而行的,我必使他得著我的救恩  (詩篇50: 23)。
To the pure, all things are pure; but to those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure, but both their mind and their conscience are defiled.  (Titus 1: 15)     
在潔淨的人,��物都潔淨;在污穢不信的人,甚麼都不潔淨;連心地和天良,也都污穢了 (提多書 1: 15)。
1. 結交欣賞你的朋友,在你窮困潦倒時,安慰與幫助你;結交有正能量的朋友,在你情緒低落時,陪伴與鼓勵你。
2. 人活在世界上没有誰對不起誰。只有誰不懂得珍惜誰,懂得珍惜,人人皆能擁有幸福的人生。
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yimingpurelandacademycenter · 6 months ago
Greed, anger, ignorance, doubt, and arrogance are all afflictions and negative energies. There are no positive scores; the highest score is zero.
The so-called virtue means the absence of greed, anger, ignorance, doubt, and arrogance. As a practitioner, if you can't eliminate greed, anger, ignorance, doubt, and arrogance, you are on a non-Buddhist path.
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userminghao · 2 years ago
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[181231] 徐明浩_The8 Weibo Update:
2018就这样过去了,感谢一直陪在我身边的人,还是那句话,因为有你们,才有了今天的徐明浩! 我一直都在我能做到的范围内做好自己,或是突破自己,尽管现在还是有很多的不足,但我知道只要通过我的努力,我可以改变我自己,也想让大家看到我的变化,也希望大家可以和我一起 为做一个更好的人而努力 然后在这里我还想对喜欢我的人说,其实我也知道喜欢一个人不容易,也知道有的时候你们也会受委屈,但我不能一一去安慰你们,也不能陪在你们身边 真的想对你们说声对不起 我会尽我所能和你们一起承担 所以以后的日子里也不要怕 有我在 也不要太在意别人的话 喜欢我的人不要因此生气也不要不开心,因为你们比他们得到的更多,我也是因为你们才更有动力,想做更好的音乐 做更好的舞台给你们看 其实我就想做一个 “可以带给喜欢我的人 正能量的人” 最后想跟大家说 我们都要活出属于自己的人生 只要你清楚自己想要的��什么 那就尽管按自己的想法去生活吧 别人怎么说都与你无关 ​​​ 愿大家今年所有的遗憾,都是明年惊喜的铺垫 2019一起努力吧💪
translation ↓
2018 passed like this, thanks to the people who have been with me, because of you, i am today's xu minghao!
i have always been able to do well or push myself, although there are still many shortcomings, but i know that through my efforts, i can change myself, i want to show you my changes, and i hope you can work with me to be a better person
although i can't comfort you one by one, and i can't be with you all, and i really want to say sorry to you, i'll do everything i can to share with you, so don't be afraid to have me in the rest of your life
don't be too concerned about what people say, don't be upset about it, because you get more than they do, and i'm motivated by you, to do better music, to show you a better stage
i wanted to be a "person who gives positive energy to people who like me"
finally, i'd like to tell you
we all have to live our own lives
as long as you know what you want, just live your life as you wish, it isn't anyone else's business
may all this year's regrets be a stepping stone to next year's surprise
let's work hard together in 2019💪
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jjj-no-studio · 3 years ago
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may fortune be with you -Fa Cai GI 發財鷄
台灣民間習俗中,傳說能夠得到金鷄的人,就可以得到土地公的庇佑,使其榮華富貴,賺錢發財。「金鷄」在台語的諧音上除了有「金加」—金錢越加越多的意思,還有「勤家」—勤儉持家的涵義。「鷄」本身也有「吉」的諧音,因此求金鷄不只是求富貴發財,也可以求家庭和樂圓滿,大吉大利。 我們堅信好的文字能夠帶來好的能量,因此將「招財進寶」的字體重新設計放在盒子上方封條處,並在盒子上印製中英標語「MAY FORTUNE BE WITH YOU」、「財富好運,與您同在」,不管是自用還是送人,希望大家在收到商品時,馬上就能感受到發財鷄滿滿的正能量。 The Taiwanese folk belief states that those who obtain the "Golden Rooster" can receive the blessings of the Land God, leading to prosperity and wealth. The term "Golden Rooster" sounds similar to "money keeps growing" and "hardworking and frugal family" in Taiwanese. By redesigning the font of "Attract Wealth and Treasure" and adding the slogan "MAY FORTUNE BE WITH YOU" and "Fortune and good luck be with you" in both Chinese and English on the box, we hope to bring positive energy and good fortune to the recipient.
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privatestructure · 8 months ago
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Private Structure - PRD 展現您的獨特魅力!Private Structure推出PRD系列,為您帶來全新的活力體驗。這個系列是為了讓您每天的情緒都能輕鬆轉換而設計的。擁有豐富多彩的色彩和正面積極的訊息,PRD系列能夠為您的生活��入無盡的喜悅和歡樂。當您穿上PRD作為您的首個穿搭時,它將為您注入激勵和正向能量,讓您整天保持活力滿滿的狀態。 PRD系列不僅能夠提升您的情緒,還能提醒您以積極的態度看待事物。它的外觀設計精美,同時通過提升效果、塑造輪廓和選用優質材料來提升您的穿著體驗。PRD不僅僅是一款內衣,更是您的幸運護符,為您注入自信和好運。無論您身處何地,PRD系列都將成為您充滿活力的盔甲,陪伴您勇闖人生的旅程。 穿上PRD,您將擁有個人的幸運符!讓幸運與樂趣同行!PRD系列以明亮多彩的色彩激發樂觀心情,為您的每一天帶來歡樂!融入每一個色彩的魅力,迎接積極的人生態度! 讓樂觀的名言為您的早晨增添光彩!從一開始就散發自信和快樂的氛圍!PRD系列將成為您每日情緒的助推器,為您注入無窮活力!讓Private Structure的PRD系列成為您充滿自信和樂觀的時尚夥伴,攜手征服世界! 銷售點: 旺角MAD、祟光百貨、千色 (荃灣店) 網店: https://pshk.cc/prd/fb Unleash your unique charm with Private Structure! Introducing the PRD collection, designed to bring you a fresh and vibrant experience. This collection is created to effortlessly elevate your mood every day. With a range of colorful designs and positive messages, PRD infuses endless joy and happiness into your life. When you wear PRD as your first outfit of the day, it injects motivation and positive energy to keep you energized throughout the day. The PRD collection not only enhances your mood but also reminds you t日o approach things with a positive attitude. With exquisite design, contouring effects, and premium materials, PRD enhances your wearing experience. It is not just underwear, but also your lucky charm, instilling confidence and good fortune. Wherever you are, the PRD collection becomes your vibrant armor, accompanying you on your journey through life. Wearing PRD, you possess your own lucky charm! Let luck and fun be your companions! The PRD collection inspires optimism with its bright and colorful hues, bringing joy to your every day. Embrace the charm of each color and embrace a positive attitude towards life! Let uplifting quotes brighten your mornings! Start your day with confidence and happiness! The PRD collection will be your mood booster, infusing you with endless vitality. Let Private Structure's PRD collection be your confident and optimistic fashion partner, together conquering the world! #privatestructurehk #後空 #男士內褲 #底褲 #後空提臀褲 #後空內褲 #週年�� #男士內衣 #brief #後空褲 #三角內褲 #privatestructure #blackfriday #四角內褲 #pshk #trunk #mensunderwear #underwear
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lau-wei-liang85 · 10 months ago
No one is positive all the time. It's impractical to cut off everyone who doesn't consistently bring good vibes. Instead, be discerning and consider who to keep close by evaluating their intentions, commitment to growth, efforts, & the overall energy they bring out in you.
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aacd2020 · 11 months ago
Overseas Chinese immigrants must pay attention to using (the Internet and netizens) my suggestions.
We are especially not suitable for living alone, lonely, lonely and uncomfortable life. If we can make full use of the advantages of the Internet and rely on the support and guidance of netizens, we can gain huge positive energy and find hope in life. Am I right?
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shujung · 1 year ago
« Wanderlust & World Traveler » 2022 Action for Art - Online Streaming 24, May, 2022 /10h00 ~ 18h00
. (Document 6'00'')
https://vimeo.com/728782556 https://shujung.tumblr.com/2022Wanderlust
此錄像行為表演記錄為2022年與麥提舞團合作, 在疫情期間藉由自己身體的行動行腳於自身居住周遭所在地域。藉著「個體」與「場域」對話的當下進行就地創作。
This video performance documentation captures a 2022 collaboration with the Mai-Ti Dance Company, undertaken during the pandemic. Through personal, bodily movement within the artist's immediate surroundings, the work unfolds as a site-specific creation, fostering a dialogue between "individual" and "environment."
Using a handheld camera, the artist captures scenes and documents the creative process during these explorations, sharing collected footage in real time via online platforms. This allows participants to virtually experience Taiwan alongside the artist, roaming freely through the post-pandemic lens. By connecting people, landscapes, and performance art through digital platforms, the artist reinvigorates the body as a means of creating and practicing art, opening a new mode for audiences to engage in outdoor, cloud-based spaces and to appreciate art.
This project radiates the artists' energy across Taiwan, aiming to bring a positive influence to the fluctuating social atmosphere during the pandemic by fostering connection and expression. The internet links people, land, and performance, guiding audiences out of confined spaces to participate in the moment of creation. This approach presents an emerging model of coexistence between pandemic conditions and artistic creation.
A Journey... . 地方↔ 非地方 Places ↔ Non-places . from Home to ↓→ ...Nowhere Elsewhere... . 人與自然形塑時間的樣貌,時間和空間的堆積沈澱雕塑了作品,猶如孩童般最初的眼光好奇地去觀察和探索這世界。 Human and nature jointly shape the landscape of time. The accumulation of time and space has carved a sculpture artwork. Let us observe and explore this world with a childlike curiosity and naïveté. . 時間和空間是最動人的催化劑。 Time and space are the most active catalysts. . 似曾相識的奇異氛圍讓人忘了身在何處。 The atmosphere of Uncanny that makes you forget where you are. . 流動的記憶加深了觀者多重感官且不同層次的感受,猶如顯影劑般地慢慢浮現。 Flowing memories intensify the viewers’ multiple senses and layers of feelings, which emerge slowly and gradually like the effect of developer. . 一段旅程的結束意味著另一段旅程的開始 The end of a journey means the start of another. --------------------- .指導單位 Supervisor : 文化部Ministry of Culture 國藝會National Culture and Arts Foundation
.主辦單位 Organzier : 麥提舞團 Mai-Ti Dance Company
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nickalbertchoo · 25 days ago
Happy New Year 2025
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yuanzhixinling · 1 year ago
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Master Lu’s call-in radio program
(中英版,Chinese & English
要为众生活着 佛陀为众生而活,千百年来为众生所怀念
- Wenda20200117 40:51
Master Jun Hong Lu: Bear in mind that we should never live for ourselves, instead, we should live for sentient beings. Many people are selfish all their lives, and only to fade into oblivion upon their demise.
On the flip side, there are those who devote their lives in the service of others and for that they will always be fondly remembered.
What kind of a person do you exactly want to be?
Take a look at the Lord Buddha. Despite having entered nirvana some 2,500 years ago, yet till this day, the Buddha remains fondly remembered by everyone around the world
Conversely, there are those who have committed a lifetime of evil and for generations to come, they will be loathed. This underscores the importance of putting in the effort in your Buddhist practice by cultivating positivity. Positive energy is when you help others and, when you are able to attain liberation, you are said to have all-surpassing energy.
As your Master, I am trying to help you surpass your own self such that you can rise above your attachment to the form of self, the form of others, the form of beings and the concept of a lifespan.
Source: Wenda20200117 40:51, Master Jun Hong Lu’s call-in radio program
Translated by Oriental Radio Practice Centre (Singapore).
Proofread by 2OR Secretariat
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jzlily333 · 7 months ago
Joy is not determined by circumstances, but is a determination that becomes a habit.​​
Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I say, rejoice (Philippians 4:4).
07/02 Bible verses
Give thanks to the Lord of lords, For His lovingkindness is everlasting. (Psalms 136: 3)
Give thanks to the Lord of lords, for his love endures forever (Psalm 136:3).
07/02Good words of wisdom
1. A cheerful heart is good medicine. An abundant life is to bring joy to others and heal one's own sorrow at the same time.
2. When the rice husk is ripe, it lowers its head. When the sunflower is ripe, it also lowers its head. The head is raised to absorb the positive energy, and the head is lowered to protect the abundant fruits.
Hymn: Source of Joy
你們要靠主常常喜樂。我再說,你們要喜樂 (腓立比書4: 4)。
Give thanks to the Lord of lords, For His lovingkindness is everlasting.  (Psalms 136: 3)   
你們要稱謝萬主之主,因他的慈愛永遠長存 (詩篇136: 3)。
1. 喜樂的心乃是良藥,豐盛的生命是要將喜樂帶給別人,同時就能療癒自己的憂傷。
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靠近正能量的人,就仿佛沐浴在阳光下,仿佛自心中的阴霾也在退散。 那么,如何把自己的心也训练成正能量呢?训练这个心性绝不是强迫把情绪和妄心压制下来,觉悟者教导我们,训练心,首先要具体地看清心的运作方式,然后开始训练这个妄心,用正确的观念和思惟去转变我们错误的观念,逐渐消除各种负面情绪。
Those who assimilate positive energy can dispel gloom in their heart as if shades disappear under the sun. So, how to train our mind to be positive? It is not about suppressing emotions and desires. The Enlightened Ones teach us that it starts with knowing the mind. After knowing it, we can tame it. The rightful views can transform wrongful views, and gradually many negative emotions will be eliminated.
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masterscrafts · 2 years ago
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Crystal Art Mythical Creatures, Dragon of the East, Rise of the Dragon
Material: Crystal Glass
Technique: Pate de Verre
Size: 13.19L x 7.48D x 17.83H inches
Limited Edition: 298 pieces (Worldwide)
Note: As the art pieces are individually hand-made, the color and dimensions will vary slightly.
Design Concept:
With its vibrant green hue & wood element, the mighty dragon of the East embodies strength, prosperity & growth. This beautiful sculpture captures the essence of the dragon's power & majesty, with its fluid movements and intricate details. The dragon's agile tail & soaring claws are a true testament to the challenging wax casting technique used in its creation. Perched atop a starry sphere, this artwork speaks to the importance of respecting the natural world & finding harmony within it. The constellation on the sphere provides guidance & direction, illuminating the path towards a bright & prosperous future. This stunning piece is just 1 in a series of 5 mythical creatures, each guarding a different cardinal point, imbuing the world with positive energy. Let the ancient wisdom of the East guide you towards a life filled with joy, success & harmony.
龍出東方,東方顏色為青,屬性是木,因木具向陽性,吸收天地正氣生長,如同龍,其強盛、軒昂、向榮,更寓意“生生不息”。作品中的青龍,鱗爪飛揚之間,體態飄逸,動作悠然。 靈動的尾巴,除了展現脫蠟鑄造技法的困難度外,亦展現祥龍奮起之姿,頭部昂起,身軀騰起雲端,在球體上有祥雲刻紋,整體作品傳達積極追求夢想,蓄勢待發的能量。此系列作品,五靈獸均徜徉於一塑有星宿的球體上,球體,象徵天地宇宙,是生命、是希望,提醒自我對宇宙自然的關照,明白四時有序、耕耘收藏,和諧共處的智慧。球體上塑有星宿,說明方位,指引方向,引領我們清楚,下一步,怎麼走,並因為知道了位置,步步是妙草吉花,處處是好人間、好前程、好時勢、好風水、好力量五相,東青龍、西白虎、南朱雀、北玄武、中麒麟,安���人心,信心的鎮守與護佑。古老的東方智慧,指引人們前往美好和諧的未來。
Rise of the Dragon
From the east rises the sun, and the dragon atop a cloud. Formidable and mighty, casting glory on all creatures below. Azure clouds across boundless sky, all is within grasp, all is right.
日出東方, 龍起雲生; 至大至剛, 萬物爭榮。 青雲萬里盡在握, 好人間。
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shadowlok · 2 years ago
我們總有選擇。決定後,就要相信這個選擇是最好的。 We always have choices. After making the decision, believe that the choice is the best for you.
「我值得受到重視、尊重和愛。」 勇敢結束不愉快的關係、遠離讓自己感覺不適的人事物。清除了佔據內心的雜訊,才有位置容納更美好的一切。 ❝I deserve to be valued, respected, and loved. Bravely end unhappy relationships and distance yourself from people and things that make you feel uncomfortable. By clearing the mental clutter, you create space for more positive things to come into your life
很喜歡以創作抒發情緒、發表作品來自我療癒。 想要分享自己的想法和故事。 有時候,人際關係會帶來磨擦。 情感表達過後,讓對方決定要如何跟自己相處就可以了。 並非要從對方身上獲取什麼,而是給予尊重和自由。 I really like expressing my emotions and sharing my thoughts and stories through creative works to heal myself. Sometimes, relationships can bring friction. After emotionally expressing myself, I let the other person decide how to interact with me. It's not about getting something from the other person, but about giving respect and freedom.
感謝負面情緒的出現,提醒了自己需要照顧過去並未處理好的傷口。擁抱這份負能量:感受它、意識它的存在。 Thank you for the difficult feelings, reminding us to attend to the wounds from the past that were left untended. Embrace this negative energy: feel it and acknowledge its existence.
堅持去做熱愛的事,就會吸引最美好的一切來到生命裏 Keep doing the things you're passionate aboutTo attract the best to come to your life Follow me for a Refreshing Spiritual Growth ♡ 那天去了展覽影爬爬,影完發現原來已經拍了一小時。您最熱衷去做的事情是什麼?That day I went to an exhibition to take photos of reptiles. Then I realised that I had already been shooting for an hour. What are you most passionate about doing?
情感不成熟或許暫保您不受傷害;但久而久之就會把您的靈魂囚禁終身,徹底剝奪您愛與被愛的能力。 準備好面對挑戰,選擇自由,還是繼續蹲在監牢?Emotional immaturity may safeguard your heart now by avoiding vulnerability, yet over time that shield becomes an ultimate prison for your soul, stealing your ability to love and be loved fully. Accept the challenge to choose freedom, or keep staying in prison? 被誤解了又無法好好解釋,令人感覺窒息;但我會以開放心態找機會澄清一切。我會創造正向的結果。Being misunderstood without the chance to explain feels suffocating, so I choose to stay open and seek opportunities to clarify my intentions.I create positive outcomes.
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