#〖   ↻   》  ᶤ ᶜᵃᶰ'ᵗ ᵗᵃˡᵏ˒ ᶤ'ˡˡ ᵈᶤᵉ ᵎ ᵃᶰᵈ ᶜᵒᵐᵉ ᵇᵃᶜᵏ ᵎ  ⌜ IC. ⌟   〗
malvidia · 4 years
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❝     ain't nothin'   wrong   with indulgin' with a lil' bit of flirtin' every once in a while   ...   just a lil'   though   ---     ❞
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malvidia · 4 years
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             ❝     ya' know   ...   'm startin' ta' really hate lostbelts with all of them bein' these cold winter wonderlands .     ❞     his bones were already in a bad enough state, it was even   worse   with the cold raising his pain and stiffness. when he sneezes, his only retreat is the warmth of his tattered red hoodie.     ❝     i miss those weird beach days   ---     ❞
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malvidia · 4 years
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                 ❝     hey now   ...   wha's all this i'm hearin' about   servant class   discrimination   ---   ?     ❞
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malvidia · 4 years
@magibled​   -   summer fun time baby  !
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          ❝  ya’ looked so at  peace  tha’, if i’m honest, i almost thought it’d be better if ya’ didn’t have ta’ deal with me  ...  ❞  it feels horribly awkward, being painfully truthfully.    it’s a new thing, a new feeling  ;  he thought it was bad enough being so honest when talking to da vinci, with yumeko, it’s a whole  different  story.   at the very least, he can blame his flushed visage on the sun.
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❝  but i  --  thought maybe ya’ could go for somethin’ ta’ help cool ya’ down  ...  so i got ya’ this, if ya’ will have me .  ❞  figuring out bb’s new currency certainly was a hassle, but thankfully, a couple of popsicles were  hardly  a struggle to attain.  ❝  got strawberry-pineapple an’ mango-berry  --  first pick goes to ya’, of course .  ❞
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malvidia · 4 years
@goldreign​ replied to your post: ❝     ya’ know, i’m gettin’ the odd feelin’ that a...
excuse me
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              hmm ...  ?  oh  --  yer’ excused  !  we’ve all got our kinks, no need ta’ be ashamed.
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malvidia · 4 years
@originlist​   -   summer fun time baby  !
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          ❝  ya’ know, archi  ...  no one’s forcin’ ya’ to stay outside in the heat if it does ya’ no good  . . .  ❞  while he’s still in the  cautious  stages of recovery, alex knows he can handle the heat just well enough.   sure, he’d get a bit of dizziness every once in a while  (  noted by his servants. he can’t count how many times he’s seen them quickly step forward as if he was going to fall out of his wheelchair at any moment.  )  but he knew his limits  -  archimedes, however  ...  stubborn  wouldn’t be the only word he’d use to describe him.  ❝  unless, of course  --  ❞  he can feel his cheeks curl  ;  though he doesn’t smile fully at the caster, the desire to clear to see in his eyes.
❝  ya’ wouldn’t happen ta’ be endurin’ this heat for me, now would ya’  ...  ?  ❞  oh, that tone of voice is  awfully  far from a simple question.
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malvidia · 4 years
@nishkach​   -   summer fun time baby  !
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❝  romani  . . .  ya’ know me  -  well enough at this point tha’ ya’ know the things i say, i say em’ because i care for ya’ a lot but  --  ❞  there’s no reason for him to take up the task at hand.   his hands are weak, shaky  ;  whenever he bundles them into fists, they  ache  and barely hold, but he does so nonetheless  -  for he considers it his responsibility, his duty, some may say.  now that he’s no master, no magus, it’s the  least  he can do.   
  if putting aloe vera on romani’s horribly burned back, as pink as a freshly boiled lobster, is the only thing alex can do right  -  then he’ll be  damned  if he doesn’t do it.
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                     ❝  ya’ really are an idiot, aren’t ya’  ...  ❞
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malvidia · 4 years
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❝     don't   LOOK   at me, don't   talk   ta' me   --   don't even think of breathin' in my general direction .     ❞     it appears a certain master has been forced into a rather   ...   unwanted   outfit.
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malvidia · 4 years
bursts out from his room   ---   the front portion of his uniform   coated   in various, unknown, and brightly glowing liquids.     small glass shards   follow   where he walks.
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                 ❝     where   ...     ❞                                   ❝     where did tha' noise come f - from   ?!     ❞
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malvidia · 4 years
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❝     i think 's kinda   sexy   of me ta' keep existin' despite hatin' nearly every aspect of my person     !     ❞     and having a nice ass. that helps as well.
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malvidia · 4 years
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           ❝     t - this is just ridiculous   !     ❞     what are these stats   ?   the longer he looks at them, the more   confused   he gets.
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malvidia · 4 years
@caimkairos​ replied to your post “                 ❝     hey now   …   wha’s all this i’m hearin’ about...”
sadhbh vc: easier bullying is good
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                 ❝     no, no bullyin'   ...   !   this is a no bullyin'   area   !!     ❞
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malvidia · 4 years
❝     ahem   ---     ❞     there's a sound of a cough. a ragged,   sickly   thing from within his chest that rattles at his every bone. for a moment, there's silence as he recovers from it   ;   but he endeavors to continue. clearing his throat once more.
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❝     this is yer' navigator's assistant speakin' from the command center of the shadow border   ---   a bit of a vocal test before we get any images runnin' yer' way, though i'm sure seein' this beat up face will be anythin' but a relief   .   .   .     ❞     a bit of dry humor. something new from him. he even laughs, quietly, to himself as he speaks it.     ❝     since our dear da vinci is so occupied, i thought i'd take it up myself ta' be yer' voice for any information that comes our way on yer' side . i'm sure someone we all love and know would be   proud   -   if a bit disappointed in the lack of enthusiasm .     ❞     he'd try, even if he was lacking these days.                  ❝     this is yer' former master eleven speakin' .     ❞                                   ❝     stormy days ahead, shadow border . here's to   sunny skies .     ❞
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malvidia · 4 years
@lacobscur​ replied to your post:                  ❝     i - i’m a good   MASTER  , ...
nods sagely
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                 ❝     y - ya' think so,   really   ...   ?   yer' n -- not lyin', right   ?     ❞ the sageness of the nod makes his sceptical. seems the master needs a   full   acknowledgement.
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malvidia · 4 years
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❝  ...  hm  ?  ah  --  they did heal rather bad, didn’t they  ?  i hope they don’t make ya’ too scared, just lookin’ at it  . . .  ❞
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malvidia · 4 years
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    lays in a puddle of his own blood on the floor.  consequences for the crimes of calling kotomine kirei a ‘hunk’.
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