#⸻ iona rossi.
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hcark · 2 years ago
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What's so funny? He wants to spit in vexation, but the following question trumps the comeback. "Like 'em or not, I've got my regulars." What a roundabout way to say he's horribly picky with who he chooses to give his energy to. And this lady? On thin ice for being rushed out.
A snort of his own works its way out as Marc turns his attention to other things. Always polishing to be done — not to mention the constant righting of the wrongs made by curious hands. "Anyone can use a knife. But to do it halfway decent takes practice. Never know who can turn your own blade against you— most commonly through the neck and chest.”
There is something comical about the way the storeowner draws on. Iona cannot be certain if it truly is comical or offensive speaking to a priest in such a tone. But to say the least, she has not heard anyone breathe the word, bitch, in her vicinity for too long a time. Whatever venom he drools, she cannot help but huff out a small breath of laughter behind a clasped hand. The snort forgotten by her in mere moments after lifting her gaze from the displays to look at him almost incredulously.
"You don't like customers? The news not good for business?" she asks out of obligation, eyebrows raising gently as she nods along with him. Maybe she has no experience with self-defense other than throwing a few punches in her youth, but she doubted a switchblade was hard to understand. "Well, it's just a knife. How difficult can it be to use?"
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cagliostrohq · 2 years ago
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Your adventure begins here, C. it’s dangerous to go alone! before starting your journey, make sure to FOLLOW OUR STARTER BLOG, and go over THIS CHECKLIST! you have 48 HOURS to post in-character and send in your blog to the main.  
(nathalie emmanuel, she/they, cursed blood) To IONA ROSSI, the whole world looks like an open page. With a leap of faith, their ability of CATOPTROMANCY (MOST OFTEN PRODUCING NEGATIVE PREDICTIONS) grows a little stronger. They are an ASP shade aligned to NO ONE. For THIRTY-FOUR years, they have survived a world of magic with both their BEAUTY and APPREHENSION. They work as a PRIESTESS, but if they could change their fate, they’d want to RESTORE THE DRAGON PRIESTHOOD AND OVERCOME THEIR CURSE. (c, 22, she/they, cst) (The Tested Follower)
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we-are-union · 1 month ago
coming: up: in: music:
Everyone's favourite dance-punk group is on the loose again.
The release of Bangles' debut album in 2013 sonically altered the skyline of music as we know it. Ever since then, each new single has climbed the charts, and their bassist, Petra Nicolau has agreed to be interviewed by one of our correspondents on the topic of their upcoming album.
Eccentric luthier Francesca Rossi is preparing to unveil a "new instrument".
Renowned for her first-rate handcrafted violins and acoustic guitars, the celebrated septuagenarian recently came out of retirement to pursue what some are calling a passion project, and others are calling a desperate cash-grab.
America's most popular art-rock duo have revealed the location of their next concert.
BITE THE SUN, ex-astronauts from Queens, NY, have decided to return to their roots and perform live in outer space. Tickets are on sale "for a completely astronomical price," claims one fan. The world awaits the outcome - this could completely change the future of music.
Pop music pioneer James April is on the verge of a new relationship... and maybe even something more.
The rising star was caught staring at a woman slightly too long last Sunday at Spite Fields Nightclub. People from all corners of the internet have put aside their many, many aggrievances to place bets on what the pair will name their firstborn, which is how you know it's serious.
Stay tuned, because this is Union.
~piece by feature writer Iona Farkas
0 notes
engarde-unlp · 1 year ago
Juegos Panamericanos Santiago 2023: Se dieron a conocer las listas completas de atletas
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El Comité Olímpico Argentino anunció quienes serán los participantes que serán parte de la delegación argentina en los juegos de Chile.
Los 522 atletas argentinos participarán en los XIX Juegos Panamericanos de Santiago 2023 bajo el lema de “Nuestro punto de encuentro”. Cada uno de ellos competirán en 57 disciplinas de 37 deportes que se desarrollarán a lo largo de dos semanas.
A través de los Juegos Panamericanos, 21 modalidades le otorgarán la plaza directa hacia los Juegos Olímpicos de París como también serán de gran ayuda para obtener marcas mínimas o puntos para el ranking olímpico.
En esta 19° edición, Santiago recibirá a más de 8000 atletas provenientes de 41 países americanos y a su vez, tendrá el debut absoluto del breaking -que también tendrá su aparición en Paris 2024-, y el skateboarding que estuvo en el centro de atención durante Tokio 2020.
Los Juegos Panamericanos se llevarán a cabo desde el 20 de octubre al 5 de noviembre y será transmitido por Panam Sports Channel.
Franco Florio (100, 4x100 y 4x400 metros)
Elián Larregina (400, 4x100 y 4x400 metros)
Diego Lacamoire (4x400 y 1500 metros)
Julián Molina (3000 con obstáculos)
Pedro Emmer (4x400)
Bruno de Genaro (400 con vallas y 4x400)
Leandro París (4x400)
Tomás Mondino (4x100)
Juan Ignacio Ciampitti (4x100)
Bautista Diamante (4x100)
José Zabala (1500 metros)
Pedro Gómez (maratón)
Juan Manuel Cano (marcha 20 kilómetros)
Ignacio Carballo (Lanzamiento de bala)
Germán Chiaraviglio (salto con garrocha)
Nazareno Sasia (lanzamiento de bala)
Joaquín Gómez (lanzamiento de martillo)
Carlos Layoy (salto en alto)
Belén Casetta (3000 con obstáculos)
Florencia Borelli (maratón)
Mariana Borelli (1500 metros)
Ailén Armada (lanzamiento de disco)
María Florencia Lamboglia (4x100)
María Victoria Woodward (4x100)
Melanie Rosalez (4x100)
Belén Fritzsche (4x100)
Ailén Romina Oliva
Iona Angelina Gualdi
Nicolás Ezequiel Oliva
Santiago Otero
Franco Baralle (Minas Tenis Clube, Brasil)
Pedro Barral (Obras Basket)
Juan Bocca (Obradoiro, España)
Martín Cuello (Flamengo, Brasil)
Tayavek Gallizzi (Quimsa de Santiago del Estero)
Lucas Giovannetti (Estudiantes de Madrid, España)
Bautista Lugarini (Instituto de Córdoba)
Agustín Pérez Tapia (San Martín de Corrientes)
Fabián Ramírez Barrios (Quimsa de Santiago del Estero)
Javier Saiz (Instituto de Córdoba)
Kevin Hernández (San Lorenzo)
Santiago Scala (Sesi Franca, Brasil).
Malvina D’Agostino (Ameghino de Villa María)
Valeria Fernández (Obras Sanitarias)
Agustina García (Defensor Sporting, Uruguay)
Victoria Gauna (Bishop University, Canadá)
Candela Gentinetta (Obras Sanitarias)
Agustina Jourdehuil (Malvin, Uruguay)
Natassja Kolff (Ameghino de Villa María)
Agustina Marín (Francisco Franco, Portugal)
Carla Miculka (Malvin, Uruguay)
Delfina Saravia (Unión Florida)
Camila Suárez (Obras Sanitarias)
Magalí Vilches (Lleida, España).
Básquet 3x3
Natacha Pérez
Ornella Santana
Aylén Valdez
Delfina Gentinetta
Juan Fernández Chávez
Ariel Ramos
Felipe Bonfigli
 Gerónimo Ramallo.
Florencia López (50 kilos)
Sofía Robles (54 kilos)
Milagros Herrera (57 kilos)
Victoria Saputo (60 kilos)
Lucía Pérez (66 kilos)
Lorena Balbuena (75 kilos)
Ramón Quiroga (51kilos)
Luciano Amaya (63,5 kilos)
Joel Mafauad (71 kilos)
Abraham Buonarrigo (80 kilos)
Mariano Caravajal (B-Boy Broly)
Abril Nadal (B-Girl Abril)
Canotaje velocidad
Brenda Rojas (K1 500M, K2 500M)
Candelaria Sequeira (K4 500M)
Martina Isequilla (K4 500M)
Lucía Dalto Aziz (K4 500M)
María Magdalena Garro (K2 500M)
Martina Vela (C1 200M, C2 500)
Sabrina Inés Ameghino (K4 500M)
Tais Nicole Trimarchi (C2 500M)
Agustín Vernice (K1 1000M, K4 500M)
Benjamín Eliseo Cardozo (C2 500M)
Gonzalo Carreras (K4 500M)
Gnozalo Lo Moro Benassi (K2 500M, K4 500M)
Joaquín Lukac (C2 500M)
Manuel Lascano Micaz (K2 500M, K4 500M)
Valentín Rossi (K1 1000M)
Canotaje Slalom
Iris Nerea Castiglione (C1)
María Luz Cassini (K1; Kayak Cross K1)
Nadia Virginia Riquelme (Kayak Cross K1)
Lucas Ignacio Rossi (K1)
Matías Ezequiel Contreras (Kayak Cross K1)
Sebastián Rossi (C1)
Ciclismo BMX
Agustina Cavalli
Gonzalo Molina
Nicolás Torres
Ciclismo MTB
Agustina Apaza
Catriel Soto
Inés Gutiérrez Ortega
Joel Fontreras
Ciclismo pista y ruta
Valentina Luna
Irma Cristina Greve
Maribel Roxana Aguirre Mangue
Natalia Vera
Milagros Yohanna Sanabria
Rubén Ramos
Agustín Ferrari
Marcos Méndez
Leandro Botasso
Laureano Rosas
Lucas Vilar
Tomás Moyano
Juan Bautista Rodríguez
Eduardo Sepúlveda
Tomás Contte
Ciclismo Freestyle
José Torres Gil
Analía Gabriela acarías
Alan Cruz
Fabricio Suárez
Mariano Caneda
Lautaro Raris
Mauricio Avendaño
Nicolás Flores
Nicolás Moreno
María Belén Giunta
Débora Milagros Ponce
Lucía Mariel Polanco
Luz Tatiana Ayala
Milena Evangelista
Romina Ayelén Pacheco
Victoria Gerosa Destribats
Micaela Mabragaña – Bradley Cooper (Big Tour)
Fiorella Mengani – Assirio D ́Atela  (Big Tour)
Gabriel Armando – San Rio  (Big Tour)
Florencia Manfredi - Hand ̈s Up Chaparrita Z (Small Tour)
Ingrid Berger - Floppy Disk (reserva)
Concurso completo
Juan Benítez Gallardo con Chaman Ginn
Luciano Brunello con Cash des Cedres
Juan Candisano con Remonta Urnelia
Javier Rawson con Baral Villerster
Damián Eduardo Ancic
Leandro Nicolás Moschini
Ignacio Maurín
José María Larocca
Escalada deportiva
Valentina Aguada
Alejo Suter
Lautaro Soria Sánchez
Rocío Ailén Becerra Speranza
Valentín Sternik Spiurka
Zoe García Molina
Dante Cerquetti
Candela Espinosa
Clara Isabel María de las Mercedes Di Tella
Melisa Lara Englert Urrutia
Datev Nahapetyn
Jesús Andrés Lugones Ruggeri
Alessandro Taccani
Agustín Gusmán Menteguiaga
Flavia Mormandi
María Lucía Ondarts
Augusto Antonio Servello
Nicolás Marino
María Perroni
María Macarena Morán
Pascual Di Tella
Stefano Iván Lucchetti
Arturo Eduardo Salgado Rondón
Esquí Náutico
Antonio Collazo
Eugenia De Armas
Kai Ditsch
Patricio Zohar Álvarez
Tobías Giorgis
Violeta Mociulsky
Fútbol femenino
Estefanía Palomar
Aldana Cometti
Agostina Holzheier
Camila Gómez Ares
Adriana María Sachs
Daiana Micaela Falfan
Brisa Eugenia Priori
Eliana Noemí Sabile
Erica Noelia Lonigro
Maricel Pereyra
Julieta Micael Cruz
Laurina Oliveros
Milagros Iara Martín
Miriam Anahí Mayorga
Paulina Gramaglia
Romina Stefanía Núñez
Sophia Wais Braun
Vanina Noemí Correa
Gimnasia Artística
Nicole Iribarne
Leila Martínez
Lucila Estarli
Meline Mesropian
Milagros Curti
Santiago Mayol
Daniel Villafañe
Julián Jato
Luca Alfieri
Santiago Agotinelli
Gimnasia rítmica
Celeste D'Arcángelo
Martina Gil
Gimnasia trampolín
Valentina Podestá
Lucila Maldonado
Santiago Ferrari
Tomás Roberti
Magdalena Simmermacher
Valentína Rossi
Jorge Fernández Valdes
Alejandro Tosti
Diego Simonet
Federico Pizarro
Federico Fernández
Gastón Mouriño
Ignacio Pizarro
Juan Manuel Bar
Leonel Maciel
Lucas Darío Moscariello
Nicolás Bono
Nicolás Bonanno
Pablo Vainstein
Pablo Simonet
Pedro Martínez
Santiago Baronetto
La Garra  
Carolina Bono
Elke Josselinne Karsten
Fátima Rosalez
Giuliana Gavilán
Graciela García
Lucía Dalle Crode
Luciana Mendoza
Macarena Gandulfo
Malena Cavo
Manuela Pizzo
Marisol Carratu
Martina Romero
Micaela Joana Casasola
Rocío Campigli
Levantamiento de pesas
Ludmila Yasmín Gerzel
María Luz Casadevall
Tatiana Ullua
Dante Alessandro Pizzuti
Nicolás David Rivero
Hockey sobre césped
Los Leones
Tomás Santiago
Juan Catán
Nicolás Cicileo
Nicolás Della Torre
Federico Monja
Tadeo Marcucci
Agustín Bugallo
Thomas Habif
Matías Rey
Santiago Tarazona
Lucas Toscani
Maico Casella
Tomás Domene
Agustín Mazzilli
Nicolás Keenan
Lucas Martínez
Nehuén Hernando (reserva)
Bautista Capurro (reserva)
Las Leonas
Clara Barberi
Agustina Gorzelany
Cristina Cosentino
Juana Castellaro
Valentina Costa Biondi
Valentina Raposo
Victoria Sauze
Agostina Alonso
Sofía Toccalino
Sofía Cairo
Rocío Sánchez Moccia
María José Granatto
Julieta Jankunas
Eugenia Trinchinetti
Pilar Campoy
Agustina Albertario
Valentina Marcucci (Reserva)
Delfina Thome (Reserva)
Mateo Etchechurri  (73 Kg)
Agustín Gil (81 Kg)
Tomas Morales (81 Kg)
Mariano Coto (90 kg)
Ivo Dargoltz (100 kg)
Keisy Perafan (48 kg)
Agustina Lahito (52 kg)
Brisa Gómez (57 kg)
Agustina Delucia (63 kg)
Victoria Delvecchio (70 kg)
Giuliana Kovak
Laura Díaz Cano
Gonzalo Navarro
Marcos Molina
Luca Impagnatiello
Yamila Benítez
Mauricio Lovera (67kg.) en Grecorromana
Nahuel Gómez (97kg.) en Grecorromana
Agustín Destribats (65 kg.) en lucha libre
David Almendra (57kg.) en lucha libre
Ricardo Báez (97kg.) en lucha libre
Catriel Muriel (125 kg.) en libre masculino
Patricia Bermúdez (50 kg.) en lucha libre
Linda Machuca (76kg.) en lucha libre
Samuel Mesropian (60 kg.) en Grecorromana
Ivo Cassini (aguas abiertas)
Joaquín Moreno (aguas abiertas)
Cecilia Biagioli (aguas abiertas)
Candela Giordanino (aguas abiertas)
Agostina Hein
Andrea Berrino
Delfina Dini
Florencia Perotti
Julia Sebastián
Lucía Gauna
Macarena Ceballos
Malena Santillán
Magdalena Portela
Martina Barbeiro
Selene Alborzen
Valentina Marcantonio
Guillermina Ruggiero
Agustín Hernández
Federico Ludueña
Gabriel Morelli
Gian Franco Turco
Lucas Alba
Matías Santiso
Tomás Di Paolo
Ulises Saravia
Valentín Constantino
Guido Buscaglia
Ivo Cassini
Joaqu��n González Piñero
Juan Bautista Carrocia
Natación Artística
Tiziana Bonucci y Luisina Caussi
Patín artístico
Martina Della Chiesa
Donato Mastroianni
Patín Velocidad
Aylén Tuya
Rocío Berbel
Nahuel Schelling
Ken Kuwada
Camila Fuenzalida
María Belén Serrano
Martina Armanasqui Tur
Franco Serrano
Sergio Villamayor
Vicente Severo Lima Maciel
Pelota vasca
Micaela Cortez (Frontball)
Sabrina Andrade Blasson (Goma)
Cinthia Pinto (Goma Trinquete)
Marías Lis Calderón (Goma Trinquete)
Facundo Andreasen (Goma Trinquete)
Alfredo Villegas (Goma Trinquete)
Nicolás Comas (Frontball)
Lorenzo Cardozo (Frontenis)
Emiliano García (Frontenis)
Federico Fernández (Goma)
María José Vargas
Natalia Méndez
Diego García
Fernando Kurzbard
Flavia Chanampa
Clara Galfre
Evelyn Maricel Silvestro
Ingrid Paula Marcipar
Olivia Peralta Martínez
Oriana Belén Ruiz
Catalina Deandrea
Agustín Matías Scenna
Alejandro Matías Colomino
Axel Haack
Emiliano Calderón
Ignacio Daniel Pacheco
Joaquín Riveros
Joel Alejandro Romero
Joel Antonio Infante
Martín Segundo Mansilla Cocuzzo
Pedro José Kirk Dickson
Santiago Deandrea
Sonia Baluzzo Charuzzo
Rugby 7
Alvarez Fourcade, Santiago
Fraga, Agustín
González, Luciano
Graziano, Matteo
Lavayén, Alejo
Mare, Santiago
Moneta, Marcos
Osadczuk, Matías
Pellandini, Joaquín
Revol, Gastón
Schulz, German
Vera Feld, Santiago 
Aldana Bertran (street)
Matías Dell Olio (Street)
Ailin Arzua (Park)
Omar Cocilova (Park)
Lucía Cosoleto
Lucía Indurain
Juliana González
Ornella Pellizzari
Santino Basaldella
Franco Faccín
Leandro Usuna
Martín Pérez
Franco Radziunas
Leandro Romiglio
Jeremías Azaña
Roberto Pezzota
Lucas Guzmán (-58)
Agustín Alves (-87)
José Luis Acuña (-68)
Dylan Olmedo (-80)
Giulia Sendra (-49)
Carla Godoy (-53)
Victoria Rivas (-67)
Luciana Moyano
Julia Riera
María Lourdes Carlé
Martina Capurro-Taborda
Facundo Díaz Acosta
Facundo Bagnis
Genaro Oliveri
Tenis de mesa
Camila Argüelles
Candela Molero
Ana Codina
Gastón Alto
Horacio Cifuentes
Santiago Lorenzo
Tiro deportivo
Fernanda Russo (rifle 10 metros)
Lola Sánchez (rifle 10 metros)
Alexis Eberhadt (rifle 10 metros y 50 metros tres posiciones)
Julián Gutiérrez (rifle 10 metros)
Juan Fragueiro (pistola 10 metros)
Laura Ramos (pistola 10 metros)
Sofía Lamarque (50 metros tres posiciones)
Amelia Fournel (50 metros tres posiciones)
Marcelo Zoccali (50 metros tres posiciones)
Federico Gil (skeet)
Cesario González (skeet)
Joaquín Cisneros (trap)
Fernando Vidal Sanz (trap)
Iván Cruz (pistola 10 min aire, pistola tiro rápido)
Tiro con arco
Ivan Nikolajuk (arco compuesto)
Damian Jajarabilla (arco recurvo olímpico)
Florencia Leithold Juárez (arco recurvo olímpico)
Iván Anzaldo
Flavio Morandini
Moira Candela Miranda Vasquez
Romina Natlí Biagioli
Julia Pantin
Chiara Ferretti
Eugenia Bosco
Francisco Guaragna Rigonat
Francisco Cruz Saubidet Birkner
Javier Conte
Julio Alsogaray
Luca Contessi
Luciana Andrea Cardozo
Malena Sciarra
Marcos Quiroga
María Catalina Turienzo
María Sol Branz
María Trinidad Silva
Martina María Silva
Massimo Contessi
Mateo Majdalani
Raúl Federico Aguilar
Sofía Alejandra D'Agostino
Tatiana Vera
Daiana López
Avril García
Bianca Farriol
Candela Sol Salinas
María De La Paz Corbalan
Daniela Soledad Bulaich Simian
María Luz Cosulich Martínez
Zoe Sharon Studer
Dalma Nicole Pérez
María Agostina Pelozo
Tatiana Soledad Rizzo
Demián González
Bruno Lima
Agustín Nicolás Gallardo
Facundo Conte
Gustavo Maciel
Nicolás Lazo
Marcos Richards Meana
Tobías Scarpa
Ezequiel Vázquez
Sergio Soria
Mauro Zelayeta
Manuel Balague
Voley de playa
Ana María Gallay
Fernanda Gabriela Pereyra
Nicolás Capogrosso
Tomás José Capogrosso
Nahir Stegmayer
Lucía Ruiz Castellani
Cecilia Leonard
Ashley Hatcher
Ludmila Ianni
Magalí Bacigalupo
Julieta Auliel
Carla Comba
Isabel Riley
Ana Agnesina
Anahí Bacigalupo
María Sol Canda
Aldana Videberrigain. 
Diego Malnero
Ramiro Veich
Tomás Galimberti
Tomás Tilatti
Guido Martino
Tomás Echenique
Teo Soler
Eduardo Bonomo
Carlos Camnasio
Esteban Corsi
Guido Poggi
Nahuel Leona
Octavio Salas
Publicado por Florencia Arce
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Above Average
A/N: Ahh it’s been forever since I’ve posted and I am so sorry for that! I just finished my first year of college last week and moved back home and then immediately came down with a terrible cold. But now that I’m settled in and not dying so much I hope to have more time to write the requests I have gotten.
Here is a oneshot that was requested by an anonymous reader, so I hope you like it!
“Parti-colored horse.”
“Roan.” “Island near Mull.”
“Things picked by picky people.”
Blake hesitated. “Nits?”
“Yes!” Reid cheered.
You watched as Blake completed a crossword puzzle while Reid timed her. You sighed and went back to filling out paperwork. You had joined the BAU just a few weeks ago. You really loved working there, but at times it felt like you were the dullest pencil of the bunch, so to speak.
What’s worse, you had developed a crush on the BAU’s resident genius over the short amount of time you had been there. You talked occasionally when it came to working together but you worried you’d never have anything to talk about if you two were to hang out outside of work.
“Avengers assemble!” Penelope called out, entering the bullpen and heading for the roundtable room.
The others started to move to follow her but you stayed put for a minute, lost in your thoughts.
“Hey, (Y/N), are you coming?” Reid asked.
“Huh, what? Oh, yeah,” you said, snapping out of it.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Well, come on then. Everyone’s waiting.”
You got up and followed him to the other room.
“Hey,” Spencer greeted you.
You looked up and smiled, pulling out one of your earbuds. “Hi.”
“Mind if I sit by you?”
“No, not at all.”
He smiled and took a seat next to you, pulling out a book to read during the flight.
You stared as he flipped the pages at a brisk pace. How was it even possible to read that fast? Man, he was so smart...and attractive. You watched as his tongue stuck out slightly as he focused on reading.
He glanced up from his book and noticed you watching him.
“(Y/N)?” he asked, snapping you out of your daze.
“Huh, what?”
“You were kinda staring. Are you alright?”
You looked down as your cheeks flared red. “Yeah, yeah I’m good. Sorry, I just got lost in thought for a moment.”
“You’ve been doing that a lot today.”
“I’m fine. I swear,” you assured him before putting your earbud back in and going back to your music.
Four days later, the team had finally closed the case and was heading home. It had been a challenging one. The UNSUB was using different methods to kill each victim and for the longest time, the team was stumped. It wasn’t until you discovered that the UNSUB was using Carrie Underwood songs as inspiration that the team was able to find and stop her.
“Good job today, (Y/N),” Spencer said as he took a seat next to you on the jet.
You looked up and smiled. “I did alright.”
“You did more than alright! You cracked the case wide open! It was ingenious how you discovered the UNSUB’s inspiration.”
You laughed. “Ingenious? Hardly. I just know my music. I’m not that smart.”
“What are you talking about? Of course, you are!”
You laughed again. “Yeah, right. I’m not as smart as everyone else, especially you.”
“(Y/N), no one’s as smart as me. I’m a certified genius. But you are smart. Everyone is smart in their own way and yours happens to be music. Which came in handy today and so I’m glad.”
“So you don’t think of me as, I don’t know, average?”
“You? Average? You wouldn’t have made it into the BAU if you were just average. And you’re certainly above average in my book.”
Your cheeks turned slightly pink and you looked down at your lap. “Thanks, Spencer. That means a lot, especially coming from you.” You looked back up at him and he reached forward to brush a hair out of your eyes.
He realized what he did and retracted his hand, clearing his throat. “Do you, uh, wanna go out to dinner with me sometime?”
You grinned. “I’d like that.”
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hcark · 2 years ago
“My, my! That is hardly the way to treat a paying customer,” the priestess chastises, clicking her tongue. However, her brows neither furrow nor lift as she regards the shopkeeper. 
Despite her years living in Sephia, her trips into the city itself are rare. Sure, it is similar enough to Rigbarth, but the two metropolises have felt suffocating of late. Too many warm bodies. Not to mention enabling of past bad habits. The recent news is the furthest from her mind, at least right this moment. Thus, she stumbled in for a moment of relief more than anything. And instead, she finds herself interested in the weapons he offers if only to rid herself of the guilt of needing a bodyguard – and the nervous wreck she feels like without them. He should feel lucky his distasteful greeting has not scared her off.
“So, out of daggers. Unfortunately, I’m not… hm… well-versed in this kind of stuff. Any recommendations? Nothing too large? Easily concealable?” The admittance of her inexperience does not come easily, but she is well aware that doing just so can usually soften any situation. 
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“And what of it? Been flocked left and right since I stepped foot here, and my patience’s like the daggers— all out.” Clever words to show the worse side of their irritation, but there’s hardly any bite to it. Whether or not this customer’s willing to buy will have to test the waters of ill manners. 
And it looks like a transaction is still treading.
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“Right..” There’s a sigh just begging to be released, but Marc settles for a firm plant of hand on each hip instead. “Switchblades it is then, I guess. Only thing I got that checks off most of that list. Might do you good to actually have someone teach you how to handle it. Long as it’s sharp— which it is, it’ll cut a bitch easy.”
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cagliostrohq · 2 years ago
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@ionarossi​  — iona rossi
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