#❝ ;; / i don’t deserve you guys !!! » positive vibes ♥
onlyjaeyun · 7 months
zadie my sweet angel pen pal love!! 💖💫 yesterday was my bday!!🥳 i’m 23 now, which is actually so crazy to me bc i still feel (and wish) that im 16, when times were simpler😭 my friends and i explored paris for the whole day and i was so exhausted when we got back to the hotel but ofc i had to read your chap updates before going to bed🤭 reading the new chaps has become a part of my night time routine and i absolutely love it 🥰🤞🏻
OK ONTO THE UPDATES!! i want to give riki the biggest hug :(( the way he reacted towards jaeyun was completely valid and i honestly think that he’s handing his emotions really well despite being so young, it was def the trauma that built him to be this strong but damn he needs a break, i hope the world becomes kinder to him🥺🩷
HOON BEING SO DESPERATE STAND TF UP‼️😭 and yn just pointing her finger and laughing at him pls i love her so much. i feel like out of all your mcs in your smaus, i see so much of myself in ch!yn i just want to protect her🥺 and omg correct me if i’m wrong (or don’t say anything either just in case it’s a spoiler) but we are soooo getting a smut chap when hoon gets to tokyo🫣 maybe it’s wishful thinking or maybe it’s a good prediction who knows👀
i hope u had a lovely & relaxing weekend zadie baby!! i think i remember u mentioning u had one (?) exam left so i wanted to send more positive and good vibes ur way!! ur almost there my love, ur doing amazing and working so so hard, this will all pay off!! i’m so proud of u always💞💞 pls take care of urself as well baby, u deserve the breaks and rest just as much!! u have my whole heart, ilysm baby!!💖💞💘💫
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im so glad and super excited to hear that you've had such a good time, you really deserve it my sweetest love! and the fact you actually took time out of your HOLIDAY to read the chaps lit made me giggle and kick my feet I love and appreciate you so much!!!:(((☁︎♥
you know I cant not write a smut chap during a road trip, its like my trademark now so yup, deffo gonna give you guys a very nice birthday sex smut chap featuring our fave """"enemies"""""<333
thank you so much for your sweet words baby, I love and appreciate how much you care about me so much and I hope you know that. always thinking about you and hope youre doing well and are taking care of yourself!!!!!☁︎♥
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the-corset-witch · 2 years
I honestly just have to vent about this Monday, y’all.  (started typing this and get a dang text “will you look into this tomorrow”) After vent I will hopefully be ready to do these 2 paid readings and my paid readings inbox will be completely empty and I can come back to my freebies! Because they’re just 1 card each I get a lot of them done in a fairly short amount of time & it honestly really boosts my ego because it makes me feel HELLA productive, y’all get my vibe? Yea, I miss doing them, selfish reasons there.
Vent will be under the cut, to ykno.... be kind :|
SO what happen was man, fuck, jesus, just fuck, this day, lordy, this day.  The basic info you need to understand this rant is cast, location, and frustration.  Cast includes JP (Bossman, English, Colonizer), M (Finance Dept, she n jp fuck, i call it what it is which is sexual harassment on his part), L ( ♥ friend ♥ ), D (Photographer for products, handles amazon/online orders), and the new, literally this is her second Monday, uhhhh... I don’t even know her last name.  We’ll call her NewGirl for her anonymity. Her name starts with a D too, so also not trying to be rude there, to the point.  
So we show up, I’m late (and the oldest, what a splendid example I set), and despite D having the most time at this company, I am kind of the senior staff member because I am the only one that understands the full day-to-day. About thirty minutes in we get what could constitute as our Morning Meeting, just Via Text. After this I help NewGirl with her phone, help her open the call log, help her figure out how to take an order, etc etc etc.  I am basically giving this girl (woman, actually, I will learn at the end of this day she is 29) all her training she should have possibly gotten Day 1? or Day 2. The reason I am back is because the woman who took over my position went out in a blaze of F Bombs (Gina, if we ever meet, please let me shake your hand and let me buy you a beverage, please) and that happened on NewGirl (its shorter, easier, sorry) first day, which was last Monday. Straight into the fire, but she seems to pick up ezpz, doin great!  But into the rant, away from how this sweet woman does not deserve what this job will do to her.
So in our “morning meeting” texts...  JP says he has “authorized overtime until 8pm” and after making sure that D & NewGirl took their lunches (I worked thru mine cos if I miss a call JP will be up my fucking ass, he’s a delight like that) I bring this up separately to them.  NewGirl kinda laughs with me and is like “Yea I have to leave by 5:30, I have plans.” and I was like “Yea, and he acts like I don’t operate my own business.” D & I do eventually decide to stay until 6, but yea, I got a life to live that isn’t this job. 
When D & I are alone for those maybe thirty minutes alone, ohhh the goss.  D is the only person who would have been firmly out of the loop of my leaving, he would have had only the information that JP would have given him, so to really shed some light on what went down and how really fucked it was, oh a pleasure! And this is when I learned that D, an educated man (youngest in the office, but still grown!) is making $15... as in, the least of everyone in the office. Like...  What. No.  Not correct, not right, no sir, no sir. 
So now here I am as we walk out telling this guy about five years younger than me all about where to find information on his worker rights, to save the websites into his phone, look up anything that seems fishy. 
I am just... I want to blow this place up, I feel like Toot from the end of Season 1 of Drawn Together.  Biding my time, playing along, but I want to blow it up. I want to educate every person secretly on their rights, on what to look for, and eventually, I want the complaints to TWC/EEOC to just destroyyyyyy this fucker.
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