#✨ not the hero we were looking for ✨ [ooc]
mayo-advance · 3 years
Helping you out of an uncomforatble conversation
(Sorry if theyre ooc, i’m still new to writing for this fandom)
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❤️Kirishima Eijiro❤️
-Ok so
-Poor baby is a little dense but hes not stupid
-It might take him a little bit to notice
-You guys were at this fancy UA event with a lot of reporters and heros and stuff
-And you were being interviewed and stuff like most UA students had been (especially class 1-A bc of the villain attacks)
-And Kiri is having this excited conversation with a pro hero
-And when he looks over at you he expects you to be done with the interview by now
-But you aren’t done
-Even worse he sees you looking really uncomfortable
-You were struggling to make eye contact and your responses were short and simple
-As he made his way over to you he heard one of the questions
-“Some people say your hero costume doesn’t show enough skin. Why is this?”
-Ooh baby boy felt his blood boil
-Of course it was a social event but even with that he walked straight past the reporter and lightly put his hand on your shoulder
-You looked so relived
-Kiri gave a very fake smile as he kindly told the reporter, “Sorry to steal her from you but we have business elsewhere.”
-Without waiting for a response he gently led you over to a quieter spot
-The audacity of some reporters i swear to god
-He didn’t force you to look at him but you did anyways
-He gave you a soft smile, “You ok there poprock?”
-ok I know he wants to be manly but ahhh i love sharky boi he just makes me go 💖✨❤️❤️‍🔥🌹🥰
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⚡️Denki Kaminari⚡️
-You guys were hanging out with Bakusquad
-You didn’t hang out with most of the people there on a normal basis so you felt a little out of place
-Of course you didn’t try to look uncomforatble because these were Kaminaris friends and he obviously hung out with them for a reason
-The only other one you interacted with constantly was Mina
-And that was for when the girls of class 1-A had their sleepovers (if you dont identify as a girl just know they invite you bc you are awesome and get a special pass)
-Anyways Bakugo was getting passionate about something
-And with Bakugo Passion=Anger or somthing
-You knew that it was how he dealt with emotions and you didnt blame him
-But at the same time it put you a little on edge
-Bc you know angry men yelling is terrifying
-Denki is probably on of the least observant out of all of the characters
-Poor Chargebolt only noticed you were uncomfortable when you awkwardly and subtly grabbed his hand
-He looked over at you like ???
-and then hes like 🥺
-He excuses you two
-Says you had a study session planned
-You explained it was just kind of loud and overwhelming and that you did enjoy being around his friends
-In the future he would keep a closer eye on you when Bakugo explodes like that (literally or figuratively)
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🔹Iida Tenya🔹
-This man is so fine and yalls need to start simping for him
-He had asked you to come find healthy study snacks with him
-This is how he shows love ok he makes sure you are living a healthy life style
-Anyways you went off to grab something from a few isles over and you promised it wouldn’t take long
-So of course Iida was concerned when it took you more than 2-3 minutes because it wasn’t a big or busy store
-It was just the local grocer
-When he went to investigate with healthy snacks piled in his hands he was flabbergasted to see you talking with a man whos looming prescence towered over you
-Hears “So are you doing anything later today?”
-saw the uncomfortable way you tried to shrink away from the man
-he was immediately jumping in like any good civil person would do
-“Excuse me sir that is my s/o you are talking to”
-Oh boy this man had the audacity
-ngl I see Iida as the jealous type in these situations - But like lowkey tho
-“Yes well you are making them uncomfortable so if you will excuse us.”
-He walks past the man and you follow him timidly
-Iida apologizes for the “outburst”
-Lets you watch a movie instead of studying later because he knows mental health is important
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🥦Izuku Midoriya🥦
-Remember in like… the second episode when he saw Bakugo in trouble and immediately jumped in while looking extremely freaked out?
-Yeah imagine that
-Just less freaked out yknow
-So just Deku being Deku
-Anyways you were hanging out in the common room with a small sprain you got during training
-And Mineta approached you
-Ok this is a mineta hate acc first of all
-Anyways he sat next to you
-And he struck up a conversation with you and it was kinda okay at first
-But then he began talking about the girls with the best boobs….
-And you were just like ‘I want to leave’
-But you couldn’t move easily
-All you could do was pray
-and your prayers were answered as Deku showed up looking for you
-And this boy was the fastest on picking up on the tone of the conversation
-He silently walked up, picked you up bridal style and just walked away while shooting a glare at Mineta
-The minute you were clear of the little pervert Deku was immediately bombarding you with questions asking if you were okay and apologizing
-You were kinda flustered that he had to fully pick you up, you tried to tell him that you could walk
-But he just shook his head and said you needed rest
-Anyways the next day Momo gave Mineta a black eye bc you told her what he said about her
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peachiimilquetea · 3 years
omg the theme of your event is so cute 🥺
could i please have a black raspberry vanilla cake with powdered sugar + kirishima? ✨
“𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚞𝚙!”
vanilla black raspberry cake with powdered sugar + ejirou kirishima
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a/n: doing corny lovey dovey shit is my favorite thing in the world so writing this was so fun!! the fear of rollercoasters may be random/ooc but i think it fits! ESPECIALLY bc of bakugo's influence? i can see it SBKSJDJ i hope you like it and apologies for the wait!!
length: 847 words
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“are you nervous?”
such an obvious question to ask in a situation like this, but still kirishima felt his stomach clench. nervousness wasnt foreign to him .he was nervous every day. he was a nervous wreck all of high school, hiding it well with his outgoing and extroverted personality. it wasnt something one could just outgrow either, especially as a hero. he was constantky being put in tummy-twisting positions at work, coming home bruised and battered, still in awe that he was even in one piece.
nerves were an integral part of his life. so why did these nerves feel so different?
“eji? did you hear me?”
“what?” his head turned to you,
“the ferris wheel silly!” you said, gesturing to the ride in front of you and kirishima’s stomach dropped for a second time.
he wasn't afraid of heights, he was afraid of the wheel itself, remembering the countless compilations of rollercoasters derailing that bakugo made him watch for fun.
suddenly. he felt a hand grab his own, smoothing over his knuckles and giving him a reassuring squeeze.
“we’re gonna be fine, eji. the ferris wheel is brand new, and if you're still scared, im right here ok?”
he breathed deeply, nodding as you gave the ride master your tickets. the cabin for the ride was spacious and modern looking, reassuring kirishima that you two would be safe.
you felt his hands clutch you tighter as it started and you slowly rose into the air. he felt his nerves compound, remembering exactly why he wanted to bring you here in the first place.
“isn’t it such a gorgeous view?” you asked him, eyes glued to all the people and commotion below you.
“yeah… it’s breathtaking,” he murmured, taking in how the carnival lights hit your skin and how your eyes glimmered with such innocent magic. he was drowning in them- in you, and he didn’t even try to fight it.
as his hand reached into his pocket, the ride stopped with a start. kirishima went pale as his stomach dropped to his ass. the cabin jostled around a little bit and he grabbed onto a railing, barely hearing the ride operator apologize for technical difficulties.
“everything is going to be ok, baby, just hold on to me, ok?”
he clutched onto your arm, still feeling around in his pocket for the little velvet box. why couldn’t he find it?
“ejirou, was that box always in here?”
his head snapped up as he looked to where you were referencing. panic swept over his features, and the internal debate on what to say raged on in his mind.
he could say no? but then the whole point of this trip would be in vain and he wouldn’t be able to get the ring back.
he could say yes? but this wasn’t the way it was supposed to go! he wanted to give you the fairytale that you always wanted, the one you were worthy of. imagine telling people years down the line that he lost the ring? he would never forgive himself for screwing up so badly.
“what if someone had plans to propose and lost the box? oh kiri, we have to go return it and see if we can find them! imagine how distraught they are!”
if only you knew.
“yeah, well i-”
“after we get off we have to give this back,” you declared, reaching for the velvet box. the jig was up.
fortunately and just in time, the ride jolted back to life and the box was flung out of your hands and across the small room, landing at kirishima’s feet as your cabin rose to the tippy top of the ferris wheel. the ride came to a natural stop and you marveled at how far you could see, not noticing kirishima getting into position behind you.
“eji, did you get the ring box-”
“_____, turn around please.”
your heart caught in your throat as you saw him, close to teetering off balance but on one knee nonetheless, holding the most beautiful ring you had ever seen in your life.
“the ring box was yours?” you squeaked out, and he chuckled, nerves starting to calm down as he saw your reaction.
“i didn’t want to do it exactly like this, but _____, you are the manliest girl ive ever known. n-not in the manly sense obviously but i-”
you burst into laughter as kirishima started to stutter, knowing exactly what he meant by the odd choice of words.
“anyway,” he started again clearing his throat, “you’ve shown me what it’s like to truly be loved by someone. i love you so much… and i want to spend the rest of my life by your side. so ____ will you marry me?”
the ferris wheel came to life for the final time, slowly lowering your cabin and letting the two of you out. the ring on your finger glistened under all the neon lights of fair, and you nuzzled into your fiance’s arm, fully at peace and eager to enjoy the rest of the night,
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