#✘ ┅ her temper burns just like a FLAME ( main verse. )
typewriterghcst · 3 years
Title: mother, forget me
Fandom: Kung Fu Panda
Characters: Shen, Soothsayer
Summary: He’s lived his life in a burning house, and now he is wasting away inside it. Why should he be at all surprised that she would fight the flames to traverse back into it in order to rescue him? At this rate, though, perhaps they’re simply burning to ash together.
Notes: whispers kind of an affectionate maybe Send Off written for @infini-tree regarding our Shen and Soothsayer muses, since we’ve both sorta halfway-ish moved into different fandoms and don’t write together very often anymore `~`
So of course this is based on the main verse on my Shen blog, where he Somehow survives the end of his canon and starts hiding out at the Soothsayer’s home like a particularly deviant NEET
I’ve long enjoyed our interactions, and even if we don’t write together again, I’ll still think back fondly on those interactions, ha. So. Just sort of a gift, then!
Shen forgets he is no longer a skittish, sullen teenager sometimes, though he isn’t certain how. There’s an aching stiffness in his bones that has followed him into his miraculous second chance survival which had never assailed him back then. He lives now in a dream world where time stands still at inopportune and awkward moments, only to pass in an instant when he blinks. He doesn’t know how long he’s lingered here. He can not force himself to think of the future; it’s like futilely plucking at a minuscule piece of shell in the egg white.
Yet unlike those dream worlds he remembers from his childhood, he is not alone this time. No, he has become someone’s burden again, and he might relish in that newfound purpose were it not for who it is that has undertaken the burden.
The Soothsayer joins him at the window, once, and leaves a thin jacket of her own thrown across his shoulders, and it’s then he realizes he isn’t sure who has imprisoned who. 
It’s then, also, he thinks he should leave.
Quite often he will find himself reluctant to ask those questions he so dearly covets answers for, simply out of a fear that those same answers shall prove ultimately devastating. Tonight, his courage refuses to falter.
"Did you know?" Shen asks his old caretaker (a position she's rather wordlessly slipped back into, though he will not dwell on the similarities now). "Did you know I'd do it?"
"I knew you had the potential to travel down a very dark path," she eventually answers with a measured cadence, and Shen fills in the blanks that she hadn't foreseen just how much darkness that path had had the capacity for.
He had tried to promise himself once, in a fleeting, blinding instant of childish fury, the source of which has been long obscured by time. 
He had tried to promise himself that anyone who tried to harm her would meet with an agonizing fate, and he had taken a certain amount of comfort and pleasure in imagining just how he might make good on that promise.
He thinks of it nowadays sometimes when she leaves early in the morning, when he pretends to sleep so she doesn’t know he knows he wasn’t the only one unable to sleep through the night. 
(They are both such prideful creatures.)
He thinks about how he is in a far more convenient position to keep his word now, how he would not hesitate, and he wonders if that is perhaps the closest he will ever come to real love.
What will he do, he wonders sometimes against his will, when she is gone? He has but one friend left in the wide, blue world, and being a creature quite comfortably accustomed to a literal army of supporters kept in line with fear, the instability inherent in this new status quo is perhaps more distressing than even he realizes.
Shen spies the Soothsayer drifting off at her table as she works once or twice, and it lights in him a difficult to define, frenzied knot of half-emotions. He makes mention of her fatigue once. Her response, he assumes, is to put more effort into keeping up her composure in his presence, as he doesn’t catch her dozing again.
It isn't fair, it isn't fair, and sometimes he's so frustrated by what he’s managed to do how things have ended up that he can't stand it. It's then, again, that he thinks he should leave.
He doesn't know her story. Somehow in all their years together, interrupted as they've been, she has never been compelled to share it with him. It's fine that way. It's the way it ought to be, he supposes.
Yet, every now and again, he will glimpse some shared similarity, some shared response to a petty trauma, and for the first time find himself musing on what other familiarities might linger in their pasts. 
Even now, the memory will so often come back to him, unwanted, unprompted. Pulling himself up over a balustrade in a clumsy attempt to see over it, to catch a faraway glimpse of Mother, needling curiosity and awe always tempered so expertly by the lingering haze of unbelonging.
For so long he has recalled this moment as one of solitude and numb resentment, but like a buoyant balloon eventually resurfacing after being shoved under bathwater, he remembers the Soothsayer calling to him from down the hall, and how he'd so eagerly abandoned his hiding spot to bound to her side. She had smiled at him, had asked what it was which had captured his attention so thoroughly.
And something rises in him, then, a sharp stab of remorse so powerful it aches in a way he’d never thought possible.
If only. If only.
Too often she approaches his occasional fleeting tantrums with nothing more than mutely exasperated resignation, her hooves folded neatly on the top of her cane as she surveys the petty devastation he's left behind— an upended side table, scattered incense and old, singed bowls now lying in disarray.
"Was it unworthy of me?" She eventually asks flatly, and Shen barks out a harsh laugh despite himself.
“Yes,” he says, with an unhinged lightness he hasn’t felt in decades. “It should be better. It should be ornately and ostentatiously decorated and well-constructed enough to last literal dynasties. Then it’d be a worthy addition to your meager collection of furniture.”
There she smiles at him, familiarly, a half-crooked one that speaks to decade’s worth of dealing with his childish temper. He’d seen it, too, all that time ago, in the feverish and sleep-deprived days of his biggest scheme, but at the time it’d only infuriated him, made him feel intrinsically small. Here, now, the sight of it elicits a wash of comfort to come over him, and tears prick at the corners of his eyes.
He laughs, but the sound is thick with emotion, and he flees shortly after.
"I should leave."
He speaks it into existence with all the strength of a flickering candle, hoping it might pass by unnoticed, perhaps. Yet like a candle in a darkened room, this hushed murmur's reach in the silence of the midnight stillness betrays him.
The clatter of the Soothsayer’s pestle somewhere across the expanse between them tells him she’s heard him. When she speaks, it’s soft but reluctant.
“...Where will you go?”
“I don’t know.”
“You don’t have to leave.”
“But I should.”
She doesn’t respond to that, but he can feel that she wants to. He can imagine her when he closes his eyes, searching desperately for something to make this all alright. To make it work for the best. Something that makes it not so hopeless. But she’s smart, he knows. She’ll come to the same conclusion. If she hasn’t already.
Somewhere, there comes that same memory of running to her side, taking her outstretched hoof in his wing, already starting in on some inane factoid he’d picked up in his studies that day, eager to share with her his discoveries.
"I-I'm sorry."
It slips away from him without his approval, before he has a chance to stifle and drown it with any kind of success, and it comes out as a broken whisper. His vision as he stares out the window has started swimming. Some part of him wishes it was because he has begun breathing his last breaths.
Even now, he remains selfish and weak— were he truly so sorry, he thinks, he would have simply disappeared from her life in the night, with only a letter to explain his thoughts; he would have vanished just as unceremoniously as he had arrived, and left her in peace.
But he had done that once, he remembers abruptly.
I thought you died. It comes back to him in pieces.
And now he knows what he is apologizing for. There’s no one left to blame it all on. There is only him. And now for the first time does he feel so thoroughly where he has ruined himself with his own hands only to have pointed the bloodied finger outward to everyone else.
This is a mistake which can not be mended, and he’s known it all along.
Somewhere in the midst of it all he’s aware of a ginger touch to his wing. It’s the Soothsayer, looking up at him with an expression he finds quite difficult to interpret— the furrowed brow of regret, of heartache, but the quirk of hesitant hopefulness. When she speaks, her voice is just as frustratingly troublesome for him to comprehend, soft and sad and vastly unfitting for the words she has decided upon.
“...I’ve wanted to hear you say that for a long time.”
“It’s not enough—” Shen starts, and he can already hear the beginnings of his old hysteria rising in his protest, can feel his age-old pessimism awakening, but the gentle shake of her head in apparent, paradoxical agreement prompts him to hold his tongue.
“No. It’s not.” Then, more firmly, with a tenacity he finds quite startling in its unexpected familiarity, “But it’s a beginning we can work with.”
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Two Hundred Thirty-Nine: Pure ___ ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: We’re Not in Konoha Anymore... ] [ AO3 Link ]
Gasping for breath, Hinata bursts through the door, feet tangling and collapsing her into the snow. Cold quickly bites at her exposed skin, clothed only in a gown and shawl, boots barely laced as her father rages behind her. The warmth of her breath plumes in the frigid Winter air, curling like steam as she tries to find her footing. Gathering up her skirts, she stumbles from the manor toward the stables. There was no time to grab any supplies, but she’ll be damned if she leaves her horse.
Shaking fingers work at the latch of the stall door, the mare within snorting at the commotion. “Easy,” Hinata murmurs, trying her best to calm the beast. “We’re leaving. Now.”
Not even bothering with tack, too afraid to linger any longer, Hinata simply hops up bareback and urges her mount from the barn. Once clear of the door, she kicks heels into her side, earning a gallop into the swirling snow.
She doesn’t look back.
Clinging to the palomino’s cream-colored mane, Hinata buries her face into it to hide from the cold. For now, she has no goal, no destination...beyond leaving home as far behind her as she can manage. No longer can she abide the anger, the disappointment, the abuse. Let Hiashi have his perfect second daughter. She’ll find a way.
...she has to…
Through the night she rides, the horse slowing to a trot as the estate fades behind them. The frosty breeze is pervasive, slipping through her garments with ease. She wasn’t exactly dressed for a midnight ride through the snows, but...there’s no helping it now. If she can just make it to town...find someplace to stay...come morning...she’ll…
Thoughts seem to congeal like ice in her mind, slowing and sluggish as her body loses warmth. Struggling to keep her eyes open, Hinata’s last sight is the blur of the forest as she topples from her mount and into the snow, oblivion taking her into darkness.
Eyelids pinch, orbs beneath them flickering as if plagued with visions. Beyond, she can see flickering warm colors, like...fire?
Struggling to drag them open, she realizes she’s...no longer out in the snow. The previous night plays slowly, fragmented through her mind. Her father’s anger, her desperate flight, her fading energy, and now…?
Laid upon her side, she’s before a large hearth, crackling and roaring with flame. Rough stone frames it, the rest of the room dark and cold as she hovers near the heat. Struggling, she props herself up atop an elbow, attempting to look around. Her clothes are a touch damp from the melting snow that clung to them, boots removed and settled near the fire to dry. She’s in...some kind of sitting room. It’s large, filled with furnishings and utterly black beyond the halo of the firelight.
Where on earth…?
Grunting as her body protests - still sore from her tumble from horseback - Hinata forces herself to her feet. A torch within a sconce is taken, gingerly held to the fire until it lights. Holding it aloft, her free hand gathers up her skirt to better walk unhindered.
Time to investigate this place.
Gingerly navigating the room, she finds more and more evidence that this is a place of someone hoarding decent wealth. Bearskin rugs, fine tapestries, graceful furniture...but some is toppled over, all of it covered in thick layers of dust. Wherever she is...it hasn’t been properly lived in for quite some time. An abandoned manor, perhaps…? A tentative story shapes in her mind. Someone must be squatting here, using the empty halls as shelter from the cold. They must have found her, brought her here...but to what end? Was it generosity? Or with far darker purposes in mind?
Given her clothes, her unmarked skin, and other features, it’s not hard to guess she’s of the gentry. They may have her here for ransom, figuring someone will be willing to pay a pretty penny for her back.
How disappointed they’ll be.
Once she’s gleaned all she can from the immediate room, she moves to a heavy oak door. Carefully, she pulls at the steel handle, flinching as the hinges protest. A crack lets her peer through. Beyond seems to be the main hall of...wherever she is. The only light streams from a glass atrium along the two-story roof. Open, with a sweeping staircase leading to a second floor, it’s nearly barren. And beyond, to the other side, great double doors that are surely the entrance, closed and barred. Above, a partially-broken chandelier still hangs, several strands broken and the entire thing askew as support lines have snapped.
...perhaps this is more than just a manor. It’s almost big enough to seem like…
Still curious, Hinata pulls the door further, ignoring the screeching metal and stepping out. The stone floor is cold against the bottoms of her feet, but goes largely unnoticed in the wake of her eagerness to see more. But where to go from here…
“...you’re awake.”
A sharp breath disappears down her throat, spinning around. In the large, echoing room, it’s hard to know where the voice came from. Decidedly male, it seems to dance around her. “...I...I am. Where am I…?”
“In the ruins of a place long forgotten...that died with those who inhabited it.”
Turning slowly, torch lifted as she tries to see, Hinata attempts to puzzle out the voice’s meaning. “...people...died here?”
“Many. All but one. And he who remains...is cursed.”
That earns a pause. “...cursed…?”
“He begged a witch to save his brother, one afflicted with an illness unrelenting. But the magician’s wording was vague, the promises two-sided. In the end...rather than save his brother, he doomed his family. And he was left to wander the ruins of his kingdom as little more than a monster…”
In her chest, Hinata’s heart quickens. A monster…? Kingdom? Then...is he…? “...and what will become of this...monster?”
Silence falls, and just as she assumes she’s been left alone, answerless, Hinata hears, “...there is no hope for him. As it should be. This is his penance.”
“Was it you who saved me? Pulled me from the snow?” Her question redirects the tide of conversation, fearing it may end before she learns what she must.
“Foolish to be so lightly dressed in the bowels of Winter. What were you doing…?”
“...fleeing a father who no longer loves me. I was headed to town, trying to escape. But then...I collapsed. Did you save me…?”
Another pause. “I couldn’t let an innocent perish in the cold. But you cannot stay. This place is a breeding ground for sorrow.”
It’s then she hears it: shuffling, up above her. Brandishing her torch, she tries to alight the banister above her on the second floor. A shadowy figure prowls just out of sight. “...and what of this curse?”
“...what of it?”
“Every curse has a key. A way to break it.” Though an echo of fear beats in her chest, Hinata has come too far, lost too much to be afraid now. This just might be her only chance. “...you’re him, aren’t you? The one who lost his brother, his family. You’re the cursed man.”
A growl sounds softly from above. “...there’s nothing you can do.”
“I’ve nothing left. No home, no money, just the clothes on my back. And...my horse…”
“She did not flee. A brave creature, withstanding what she saw.”
Following the figure with her eyes, Hinata asks, “...please, let me see you.”
“I’ll only frighten you.”
“I’ve very little left to be afraid of.”
More silence, stretching further and further until, “...very well.” Above her, she hears the shuffling footsteps. Moving to the center of the hall, Hinata stands in the halo of moonlight. Down the stairs the figure moves, tall and hunched. Hesitating at the light, it then lets slip a foot into the white.
A paw, shrouded in dark fur, with bends like a dog’s. Breaching completely into the moonbeam, a creature of legend looms over her, clothed only in a tattered, makeshift cape.
A wolven beast.
Pale eyes widen, but more in shock than fear. “...you…?”
“Am a monster. A wretched thing with a hunger and temper that gnaw at my insides,” he growls. “It’s not safe for you here.”
Not replying, Hinata takes a slow step forward, a hand daring to reach. He flinches, but in turn holds out a padded paw-like hand.
“...here is better than catching my death in the cold,” she murmurs, gently laying her palm atop is own. “As I said...I’ve nothing to return to. So tell me: do you know the curse’s cure?”
“...I cannot tell you.”
“Why not?”
“To do so would...sully the chances. As slim as they are. There can be no knowing, no...bias. Otherwise…the conditions may not be met.”
“...I understand. But...may I stay?”
“...if that is truly what you want, I won’t stop you. I have nothing to offer you…”
“A roof over my head is more than I had,” Hinata offers, smiling softly. “...may I know your name?”
“...Sasuke. Of the line Uchiha.”
Somewhere deep in her mind, the name rings a bell. “...and I am Hinata. Of the Hyūga. Perhaps we were meant to find one another - maybe...we can be each other’s keys.”
Dark, bestial eyes consider her warily. “...time, I suppose, will tell.”
     Welp, this is a day late, but yesterday was abysmal, so hopefully you can forgive me ^^; I'll get to today's two owed drabbles later. I'm slowly playing catch up, aha~      Anyway...in case it's unclear, the prompt I made this out to be is pure love: the condition for Sasuke's curse. Hence being unable to tell her, in case she tried forcing the feeling, which wouldn't work. Beauty and the Beast is my FAVORITE Disney movie, so I had to do something based on it once the idea hit me. I might do more when given the chance! But any continuations will likely have to wait until next year. This challenge, with SHM on top, has been veeery draining, lol - I love them both, but I'm going to need a break after this year over, and before I can make anything else xD      But yeah, here's...yesterday's entry, lol - I'll be back later with today's SMH and 365 day entry. Trying not to burn myself out~ Thanks for reading!
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Disclaimer: This contains the basics that mainly center around a more modern world. Any verse specifics can be found under her VERSES page.
The backstory TL;DR of her bio is at the bottom. Backstory tws: child/domestic abuse mention, alcohol, drugs, and death.
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Visuals - Tattoo and Scar Guide (coming soon)
Name: Faye Rivera
Nicknames: Red
Race: Human (most verses)
Age: 26
Gender: Cis-Female
Orientation: Demiromantic pansexual
DoB: May 3rd
Height: 5'3"
Body Type: Hourglass
Skin Tone: Tanned
Hair: Dark Auburn
Eyes: Heterochromia blue (left) & brown (right)
Notable features: Freckles over bridge of nose, beauty mark on left jaw, notch in right ear, scar across right side of neck, and small ones scattered over body
Modifications: Three piercings in right ear, five piercings in left ear, tattoos on right forearm, behind left ear, and on her left hip.
Skills: Various martial arts, marksmanship, swordsmanship, first aid, cooking, animal magnetism
Weapons: Dual swords/daggers, hidden blades, dual pistols (occasionally sniper rifle)
Likes: Cooking, eating, the ocean, space, danger, animals
Dislikes: Authority, traitors, failing, needles, spiders (borderline phobia), Ex-lover, being alone, losing her temper
Fears: Blackout darkness, claustrophobia, her father
Family: Fiona Rivera (mother), Ryder Rivera (older brother), Cesar Steele (father), Kenji Mori (adoptive father/mentor)
Personality: Faye in short is cocky, tenacious, and optimistic. She does everything in her power to live life to the fullest and is always ready for the next adventure. She doesn’t only flirt with death but is extremely intimate with danger, taking risks at the drop of a hat, only worried about the consequences when someone else is involved. And even then it’s a rare occurrence. Some say she has a death wish and others would say she’s just reckless. She’d say she’s just a girl who loves the rush of adrenaline. She always has a great sense of humor even if it is in the wrong setting.     Her mouth tends to operate faster than her mind which often gets her into some sticky situations but she’s learned to adapt and roll with the punches. Literally and figuratively. Many gravitate toward her upbeat personality but the more observant are certain to see that there’s more to her than meets the eye. It’s a side she’s sworn to keep behind closed doors if she can help it. And be warned, she has a temper that can ignite in the blink of an eye.
Brief Bio: “I guess some of us are just born with Tragedy in our blood.“     Bother her parents lived hard lives and while her mother tried to make the best of it her father went down a darker path. The two met in an unfortunate way that would lay the foundation of what would become her inauspicious life. Her father was a cruel man who had no qualms with abusing his children nor his wife. Her father, Cesar, controlled a large underground crime ring that not only respected but also feared him. What he didn’t account for was how tenacious and disobedient both Faye and Ryder would become as their fear and hatred of the man grew. Faye became more brazen with her attempts to disrupt his work and dealing which often ended with harsh and inhumane punishments that only fueled the burning fire inside her. Their mother had made several attempts to protect her children and escape but never managed to be successful with the latter and was ultimately punished.     However, when Faye was about seven her mother managed to bribe one of the newer recruits to assist which allowed the three of them to get farther than before. But, Cesar was always quick to track down what was his and was swift to act and hunt down his wife and spawn. Fiona sacrificed herself in order for her children to escape and unfortunately, the siblings had to watch as their mother was murdered. Running deep into the woods, they managed to use their smaller size to their advantage and escape their father. Assuming they’d succumb to the elements, Cesar gave up the chase and returned to his base of operations. The pair traveled, sneaking onto a train until they came to the outskirts of an old slummy town where they survived by stealing and learning from the other orphans on the streets.     A year passed when Faye attempted to pickpocket a stranger who turned out to be a mercenary by the name of Kenji. Ryder was quick to come to his sister’s aid but both were easily overpowered with little effort from the man. They expected him to turn them into the law but to their surprise found he offered something neither could resist – a new chance at life. Kenji saw something in both he greatly admired and offered to take the orphans under his wing and train them in mercenary work. The next seven years were exhausting and difficult but the pair were determined to continue in hopes of avenging their mother and taking down Cesar’s entire empire.     When their true intentions became clear, Kenji confronted the pair and had a large falling out with Ryder who refused to bow down, believing he had learned all he could from his mentor. A fight ensued and Kenji was quick to show there was still much for the 18-year-old to learn. However, this had the opposite result and Ryder took off, leaving Faye and their mentor. This hurt Faye deeply but she remained with Kenji, unable to deny that she looked to him much like a father. By the time she was twenty-one her mentor had retired from the line of work, suffering from old wounds. While she did fine on her own she craved having companionship and used her ties in the underground to form her own small company of individuals. This allowed them to take on a new variety of missions as well as ones that paid more due to the higher risk of failure.     Romance blossomed between her and one of the newest members, Ethan. She felt as though everything was finally going well for a while but soon she had an unsettling knot build inside her. Faye chocked up the feeling of dread up to the fact that the crime lord her company had recently been butting heads with was, in fact, her biological father. Suppressed memories and feelings of rage and loss clouded her judgment and she led her team straight into a trap. Things only got worse when she realized Ethan had been selling all them out the entire time and had constructed the trap, knowing Faye wouldn’t be able to resist the bait. She completely shut down at how easily she was blindsided by him and listened to her companions get tortured to death in front of her after being restrained. Her initial rage once again flared up in a violent fiery storm as she was taunted and mocked by Ethan and her father’s men.     Breaking free from her restraints, she went into a blind rage, killing without mercy and fighting like a vicious animal. If she was going to go down it was going to be fighting and she was going to take down as many of the bastards as she could. Her main target was Ethan but her rage had made her sloppy and he managed to escape but not without slicing open her throat first during their struggle. At some point a fire hard gotten started and with every ounce of willpower and strength she had left she stumbled out of the building as it became engulfed in flames. She collapsed outside, losing consciousness only to awake in a hospital. To her surprise, both her mentor and brother were there. She remained unresponsive after her initial shock and laid in the bed, forced to come to terms with the fact her actions had costed the lives of her companions – her family.     Faye soon spiraled out of control, grief and guilt-ridden. Unable to fully cope she completely cut herself off from her emotions and ties with her mentor and brother and took off, leaving no trace of her whereabouts. She continued to work, only now she didn’t care what type of job she took nor the consequences that came with it. She turned to alcohol and drugs to keep herself numb when not working as the pain and shame was too much for her to bear. For nearly a year she continued down a destructive path only to be stopped in her tracks by a woman by the name of Aria who could see through all the walls Faye had put up and to the suffering buried deep inside. Aria always had a way of finding Faye and eventually broke through to her and helped her grieve and come to terms with her mistakes and assisted in teaching her how to continue moving forward.     Aria helped Faye get back in touch with her family and eventually, the two began a romance that worked well – for a while. Enemies had been made during her shut down and they finally had a weak spot to hurt the mercenary. While Faye was away Aria was killed in their home in an attempt to force her to them. And it worked, only she wasn’t alone. Her mentor and brother were there when Faye went to seek revenge, once again blinded by her rage. Despite their best efforts to stop her from pursuing them, she managed to track them down. Prepared to die she went in and did what she did best, cut off her emotions and slaughtered anyone who got in her way. She managed to eradicate the gang of thugs but her mentor took a blow that would ultimately take his life.     Once again, she was left to realize her anger was her biggest downfall and had taken more of her loved ones from her. Her mentor held no ill feelings for her but made her promise not to lose sight of who she was. Faye mourned and started slipping down a familiar path but with the help of her brother was able to get back on her feet. She kept her promise to do what she could to not return to how she was before. Faye kept in touch with her brother, putting on a facade to make others believe everything was fine and dandy in her world. As far as anyone knew she was optimistic and someone who enjoyed taking on all sorts of jobs unaware of the night terrors that plagued her every night that she could only drown with alcohol and drugs. TL;DR: Father was a crime lord and murdered her mother in front of her and her brother as they were trying to escape. The siblings lived on the streets for a year before a mercenary took them in. She trained with him even after her father and brother had a falling out and her brother left. Eventually, Kenji returned and she ended up making her own little company that was then betrayed by her current lover. Her companions were tortured and killed in front of her before she let her rage take control.     She was gravely wounded and barely managed to escape only to awake in a hospital bed with her brother and mentor at her side. Afterward, she lost herself and became cut off from her emotions until she met a woman, Aria, who broke through to her. They started a new romance after she got back in touch with her family. Aria died due to enemies Faye made during her shut down. Faye once again lost control of her rage and went after the thugs. Her father died due to fatal wounds he received trying to help Faye control herself. And had it not been for her brother she would’ve slipped back down a dark path. She struggled with her demons but managed to put up a front to keep anyone from realizing just how in pain she is.
Knows a few different languages
Highly allergic to avocado
Can be quick to lose her temper despite her best efforts
Won’t openly admit she enjoys being bad
Claustrophobia and fear of darkness stems from being locked in a footlocker/closet/cellar as punishment from her father
Usually always has snacks on here
Sometimes gives people nicknames
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     Yo. Call me Monster! I’m just your average 25+ year old trying to survive day to day nonsense and adult responsibilities. I am female but I honestly don’t care what pronouns you use for me! I like to think I’m real easy-going and down to earth so hit me up OOC if you ever wanna just shoot the breeze or something. This is especially if you want to ship because I just think it’s more enjoyable to know the other mun so we can scream at each other over ship stuff haha. That’s about it so yeah!
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Heya! I love, love, love your KHR/BNHA fic. Have you ever thought of what will happen with his Guardians around? Also if they were born into BNHA-verse?
Why, yes. Yes, I have.
Okay, so I based their lives on what quirk will they have or what their background is.
I bet that to keep Mukuro from doing anything illegal, Hibari from imposing his iron-clad rules, and Gokudera from establishing Vongola, Tsuna would push them onto heroics — it helps society, it promotes discipline, it involves fighting, and it’s 100% legal.
I imagine that Tsuna and his friends would be 1-A’s senpai. This is mainly to parallel their class placement in Namimori. Back there, they were middle school sophomores. Now, they’re high school sophomores. Hibari, Mukuro, and Ryohei are seniors.
Now I don’t want Lambo to feel left out (that 9-10 year difference is really big), so I decided that he’s in Izuku’s batch, along with Chrome. Don’t get me wrong — I know Chrome is canonically in the same batch as Tsuna, but I thought that she’s 1 year younger and so Lambo wouldn’t be isolated, I moved her down to his grade level.
I also thought it’d be funny if the main male trio (Tsuna, Gokudera, & Yamamoto) became related to BNHA’s main male trio (Deku, Bakugou, & Todoroki). This isn’t just that; their possible quirks are compatible, too! On the other hand, Lambo is related to a canon character only for quirk-related purposes. Lightning flames resemble Electrification quirk too closely, so it would only make sense if he’s related to Kaminari.
As for their classes, I imagined that Tsuna, Gokudera, and Yamamoto were put into Aizawa’s class and when he committed mass expulsion, only those three passed. They can’t exactly hold a special section for 3 people only, so they were absorbed by the other section. Thus, theirs is the only batch in Heroics department with only 1 class comprised of students more than the usual amount.
(More under the cut.)
So here’s a list of their reincarnated names, quirks, and hero names:
Midoriya Ietsuna
Ietsuna: 家 ie “home/family” + 絆 tsuna(gu) “bond (between people)”
Place of Origin: Shizuoka Prefecture (Musutafu, Japan)
Class: 2-A
Hero Name: Blazing Hero, Reborn
Quirk: Dying Will
Special Move: X-Burner
Current appearance: Green hair and orange eyes
Fun fact, the kanji for tsunagu can also mean to tie or fasten, like actual ropeI decided that his name (I-e-tsu-na) would be as such because both Inko (I-n-ko) and Izuku (I-zu-ku) are like that. It matches.
Izuku’s information in the wiki states that his birthplace “near Shizuoka”. The specific city he lives in is Musutafu (isn’t confirmed to be in any particular prefecture). However…
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“The Shizuoka area” can be interpreted as either “near Shizuoka” or within Shizuoka itself. So I decided to just specify it as Shizuoka. The reason for this is because some would be in another prefecture (e.g. Lambo, being related to Kaminari whilst the main trio are in Musutafu), so segregate them into groups and put them in different places, I say!
The locations I considered for their birthplaces are either in accordance with their BNHA relatives or accessibility to interactions with others. Shizuoka isn’t too far from Saitama (where Kaminari lives in), so it wouldn’t be too farfetched for Tsuna, Gokudera, or Yamamoto to interact with Lambo prior to attending Yuuei.
Okay, about his hero name. Tsuna would be nothing if Reborn didn’t come in his life, and I’m sure he knows that, too. He appreciates his sadistic tutor for everything he has done and he wouldn’t be the person he is today without Reborn’s guidance. Not to mention the fact that they’ve literally been reborn. So I think he would pay homage to his hitman tutor.
His quirk, Dying Will, is more or less the same as his ability in his past life. There are some parts of it different, like not having petrification anymore and only having access to his Sky flames (no Oath flames sorry!):
It’s a physical manifestation of Tsuna’s life force, taking the form of flames. Literally “dying”, because the more damages he takes, the stronger his fire. Literally “will”, because it only burns what he wills it to burn.
Zero Point Breakthrough: First Edition & Revised only works on organic stuff. Life force is organic. People, animals, and plants are living; also organic. Quirk-made energy such as Kaminari’s electricity can only be absorbed by Tsuna because he produced it himself. 
Tsuna can’t absorb normal fire, etc. Tsuna can’t freeze non-living things unless they’re organic (produced by a quirk such as the case with Yaomomo) or they’re covered in organic stuff.
Tsuna’s Hyper Intuition is covered by this quirk, too. Being able to harness one’s life force. Dying Will Flames are harnessed from one’s life force. Due to the way it resonates with one’s emotions, it has been regarded as a type of battle aura. Basically, HI is the manifestation of Tsuna’s aura-sensing abilities/passive aura-related abilities.
Another passive ability would be from the “harmony” aspect of Sky flames. In his quirk, this converts to the “pull” that people feel towards him. Their aura is reacting to his aura.
Midoriya Hisashi can breathe fire. I will assume that his relatives also have fire-related quirks, so Tsuna’s quirk can still fall under it.
Tsuna can’t teach Izuku how to light up flames because his abilities are now a quirk - an ability you’re born with and cannot be taught. Dying Will isn’t like OFA wherein he can pass it on, nor is it like AFO in which he can steal and give abilities he stole.
I included special moves because heroes in BNHA have them. Their special move may not exactly be their strongest. Rather, it’s more of which one in their arsenal is their signature move. In Tsuna’s case, it’s his X-Burner.
Whilst Tsuna and the others may have the same faces, things such as their hair color, eye color, freckles, etc. may be different due to having new parents. We don’t know what Midoriya Hisashi looks like, so I gave Tsuna Inko’s hair color instead. He got orange eyes (like in HDWM) because he is now actively tapping into his life force 24/7 unlike before.
With Tsuna around, surely he wouldn’t let Izuku get bullied, yes? Of course, he’d protect his brother from bullies. However, they are in different grade levels and Izuku seems to be the type to hide his troubles so his loved ones wouldn’t worry (even if he doesn’t know that they know anyway). He probably wouldn’t get too bullied, but it won’t go away. Not with Izuku being quirkless, nor with Bakugou’s twisted inferiority superiority complex.
Bakugou Hayatō/Hayatou
Hayatō: 隼 haya “falcon” + 勝 tō “superior/be superior to”
Place of Origin: Shizuoka Prefecture (Musutafu, Japan)
Class: 2-A
Hero Name: Smoking Hero, Hurricane Bomb
Quirk: Explosive Constructs
Special Move: Rocket Bombs
Current appearance: Silver blond hair and red eyes
Yes, “Hayatō” and not “Hayato”, due to the kanji. Now, the first kanji in his name is the same as his old name, whilst the second is from Masaru 勝. Since Bakugou (Katsuki) is a combination of Masaru and Mitsuki 光己 (Katsuki is 勝己), I thought it’s appropriate for Gokudera to get kanji from their parents. Unfortunately, using Mitsuki’s kanji would in no way be read as “haya”. Luckily, “tō” is an alternate way of reading his father’s kanji. A friend was the one to suggest this to me, although I am unsure if it can be considered a “kira-kira” name due to the reading.
Bakugou lives in the same area as Izuku, so that’s that.
Regarding his hero name, Gokudera has both been referred to as “Smoking Bomb” or “Hurricane Bomb”, so I thought, why not both? …The reason for the description as “Smoking Hero” has something to do with his quirk.
For his quirk, I originally thought of giving him Explosive Fire instead (which is fire that explodes upon contact), but then he wouldn’t need his bombs anymore. Gokudera is bomb-reliant. A quirk without involving bombs for him is complete blast-phemy okay sorry for the forced pun and in the end, I gave him the ability to produce his own fireworks. Details:
As the name implies, Explosive Construct is to create explosives. Its main/default/non-removable property is to create an explosion. Now what is particular about this, is what extra attribute his bomb will have.
This extra aspect depends on what he consumes: food, beverages, vices, and other organic things such as leaves and quirk-made stuff (Yaomomo’s creations, Todoroki’s flames, body crystal from that one villain, etc.). For example, Gokudera smokes a cigarette. That’s considered as consumption since he technically inhales the smoke.
Gokudera smokes so he can produce smoke bombs and light up the other explosives he made.
The explosive property is from Masaru, whilst the “manually made from myself/organically-produced” property is from Mitsuki (Masaru can’t forcibly secrete the explody sweat, but Mitsuki can willfully emit her glycerin).
Now, about Gokudera’s coloring: both parents haven’t been shown in a colored spread so I can’t tell what color their hair and eyes are. However, I can assume that one of them has ash blond hair and red eyes (because that’s what Bakugou has). Blond hair is a light color and so is silver, so I gave Gokudera silvery blond. Red eyes because Bakugou. Yeah.
His relationship with his younger brother would be a little rocky. Both are equally hot-tempered. However, they can be vastly different in which Bakugou grows up to be a jerk and Gokudera’s not; not with his past memories, he wouldn’t. Yes, he would be as abrasive as Bakugou, but he wouldn’t be openly hostile without a proper reason. He’ll be irritated, but wouldn’t want to beat you up or kill you for a small issue.
Not to mention that Gokudera’s a goddamn genius as a child in his past life. What more if he had access to his knowledge as an adult, amirite? Bakugou could have formed a sense of inferiority due to his desire to one-up his older brother, too; sibling rivalry.
This could be the reason for Bakugou to be more polite towards Tsuna and Inko. Tsuna’s the supportive-type of brother who wouldn’t antagonize you. He and Gokudera would probably butt heads a lot. Inko is a motherly adult whom he’s known as a kid so he probably wouldn’t be explosive towards her, unlike his potty mouth mother. Izuku is a different story because he’s quirkless and the fuck ton of issues he has with the other. 
Man, Bakugou’s a complicated person.
Todoroki Takeshi
Place of Origin: Shizuoka Prefecture (Musutafu, Japan)
Class: 2-A
Hero Name: Samurai Hero, Shigure
Quirk: Tranquil Rain
Special Move(s): Shigure Soen Ryu
Current appearance: White hair fading into red and blue eyes
I couldn’t think of a good new name for Yamamoto, sorry!
Him being part of the Todoroki family was… unplanned. Originally, Tsuna is supposed to be Todoroki’s older brother due to the fire and ice thing. But then I had that idea with KHR main male trio = BNHA main male trio older brothers so… that’s that. Also, rain flames is watery and you can derive water from fire and ice combined.
Endeavor doesn’t seem to be the type to send his kids to a public school, even if they’re just failures. Orudera isn’t exactly a school for the wealthy/famous, so no Yamamoto there. A possible chance of the trio reuniting would be in kindergarten, elementary school, or meeting each other by chance since they all live in the same city.
Why Samurai Hero? Yamamoto is a swordsman. He’s reliant on using a sword and I bet you that he’d bring his mad blade skills to his next life if he could. Why Shigure? Same name as the sword and the sword style. Also, Shigure 時雨 can mean “drizzle” as a whole and “time/season” + “rain”, respectively (it’s also apparently translated as “Shower in Late Autumn”? Dunno how they got autumn there).
His quirk (and Rain flames) match Shigure perfectly:
Can produce water (”rain” in Shigure).
Water can slow down enemies (the “tranquil” part which was originally from rain flames). This part represents the “time” in Shigure.
Other than the fact that they aren’t flames anymore, Yamamoto’s quirk is no different from Rain flames.
His appearance is based on his new parents. Speaking of Endeavor, Yamamoto’s quirk is indeed a mix of the two. However, I bet this isn’t exactly what the man had in mind when he thought of a perfect quirk to beat All Might. Also, it’s water — not really a good idea to mix with his fire. Yamamoto is no pushover either, and his unfaltering sunny disposition would probably put Endeavor off, too. 
I think Todoroki’s Half-Hot, Half-Cold is what he prefers because it’s flashy, powerful, and more wholesomely destructive compared to Yamamoto. This doesn’t mean water is weak and useless; I’m just basing it on Endeavor’s perspective.
With Yamamoto as Todoroki’s brother, I don’t think he’d get as pushed to the limit like in canon, but the other probably can’t prevent every abuse from their burning garbage of a father. He can’t exactly run away, either — since Todoroki isn’t willing to leave willy-nilly (also Endeavor, with his influence and power, can probably drag them back home screaming). They didn’t have the luxury of having the mind of an instant resilient adult when they were born.
He’ll just be a pillar of support for his family, I guess.
Haregawa Ryohei
Haregawa: 晴 hare “sun/sunny” + 川 gawa “river”
Place of Origin: Nagano Prefecture
Class: 3-B
Hero Name: Boxing Hero, Counterpunch
Quirk: Activation
Special Move: Maximum Cannon
Current appearance: Mostly the same, I guess?
I just wanted to give him a new surname instead of a revised given name because I couldn’t think of anything and am an uncreative fuck. The first kanji is literally the one used for Sun flames.
Why live in Nagano? Because Nagano borders more prefectures than any other in Japan which kinda parallels Ryohei’s friendliness/openness and the province’s mountains have made it relatively isolated which mirrors Hibari’s isolationist nature (yes, Hibari also lives in this prefecture). 
Not to mention that despite Namimori being somewhat an urban community, there’s a large forest nearby (Future Arc) and Namimori Shrine looks like the ones in the provinces, denoting that it’s a town in a mostly rural area.
Hero name reasoning: simple. He’s a boxer. Also references his Sunshine Counter in KHR.
His quirk is also equally simple. He gets to keep the activation aspect of Sun flames, but not the fire aspect. Activation involves stimulating and augmenting stuff. This gets him to keep everything he can do in KHR:
Punch hard? “Activate” (Augment) his own body.
Heal people? “Activate” their cells and body’s healing factor.
The issue with Sunshine Counter/Uppercut: He can’t do this anymore. Well, either that or he can somehow absorb the impact of someone’s hit and activate his body so he can send it back + force from his own power, so double the damage.
About Ryohei’s appearance, I’m not sure about changing anything because his quirk isn’t closely similar to anyone that I’d need him to be related to them, thus, changing his appearance in a way.
I put him, Hibari, and Mukuro in 3-B because I assume that the Big 3 are in 3-A and I didn’t want to put them all in the same class. That’s it. There’s no deeper reason behind it.
Kaminari Ranbō/Ranbou
Ranbō: 乱 ran “disordered/chaotic“ + 暴 bō “acting with destructive force”. Together, 乱暴 is “roughness/violent/rude/act recklessly”.
Place of Origin: Saitama Prefecture
Class: 1-A
Hero Name: Lightning Hero, Lambo
Quirk: Lightning Rod
Special Move: Elettrico Cornata
Current appearance: Black hair and gold eyes
I made him related to Kaminari because as I have mentioned near the beginning, it’s quirk-related. Lightning flames are similar to actual electricity. That hits too close to home and I couldn’t let a chance pass wherein I can give Lambo a proper, BNHA-canon biological family. He and Kaminari are twins, with him as the younger one.
About his name, I learned that the romaji for Lambo’s name is an actual word. So I used it as his new given name. It references the role of the Lightning Guardian which is ”To draw damage to himself and away from the rest of the Famiglia, serving as a lightning rod.“.
He belongs in Saitama, because that’s where his brother lives.
Hero name time! So the Lightning Hero is a no-brainer, and I figure that Adult!Lambo (which is the mentality he had before he died) would be pretty laid-back so to speak; thus, he would choose something that isn’t too complicated and has sentimental value… which is his previous life’s name.
For his quirk, it has one major difference from Kaminari’s Electrification — Lambo can’t produce his own electricity. As the name suggests, he’s a human lightning rod; he can only absorb (and release) electricity. It’s why he charges himself with an outside source (such as his brother and household electricity). Once he runs out of electricity, his quirk is useless unless gets to absorb again.
Current appearance: why the black hair? About Kaminari, I’m not sure if his hair is dyed in some way and if so, which color is the dyed part? Is it the blond hair or the black streak? Most likely the streak but you never know. Gold is Kaminari’s eye color. That’s all there is to it.
In BNHA-verse, I imagined him as Chrome’s age. Technically, he’s older than her now: Lambo’s new birthday is the same as Kaminari (June 29) while Chrome, like the others, keep their original birthdays (hers is December 5). Despite this, he still calls her “Chrome-nee” out of habit.
He sits behind Kaminari (Lambo is Seat No. 8), so Kirishima is now Seat No. 9. He and Chrome replace Kouji and Sato in 1-A. I was originally going to put them in 1-B, but there’s too little information about them so… yeah. 
Namimori Kyouya
Namimori: 並 nami “average” + 盛 mori “prime/peak”
Place of Origin: Nagano Prefecture
Class: 3-B
Hero Name: Disciplinary Hero, Hibari
Quirk: Propagation
Special Move: None he doesn’t need one
Current appearance: Relatively unchanged
Okay, okay. Since reincarnation = not always having the same surname, I came up with giving him “Namimori” as his family name. Everyone else finds it amusing, but Hibari likes it. Same name as his territory in a previous life where he terrorized the citizens and “disciplined” the unruly, what’s not to like?
As mentioned in Ryohei’s entry, Nagano’s mountains have made it relatively isolated which mirrors Hibari’s isolationist nature. Also, it’d be funny if he grows up with Ryohei all over again. As much as Hibari would more or less break into hives at socialization, Ryohei would reign him in. I mean, have you seen TYL!Ryohei and TYL!Hibari? Like, they’re such bros??
His old surname is too perfect as a hero name, I couldn’t resist recycling it. Hibari 雲雀 as a whole means “skylark”, while separately it’s 雲 “cloud” and 雀 “sparrow”. Skylarks are solitary, migratory, and territorial. Sparrows are the same (not sure if they’re territorial, though).
Similar to Ryohei, he gets to keep the property of Cloud flames, minus the flame part. According to KHR, Cloud flames involve multiplying and expanding. Not really that big of a deal when it comes to the quirk lottery, but with Hibari’s frightening combat prowess, he doesn’t even need to be reliant on an extra ability to beat people into a pulp. Even more so when you beat him down.
Talk to Hibari? He’ll bite you to death.
Fight Hibari? He’ll bite you to death.
Defeat Hibari? Unlikely, since he’ll bite you to death. But in the very miniscule chance that you do get to beat him, he’ll rise from defeat and endure all physical and mental pain out of spite to prove his superiority and assert dominance because fuck you he’s a carnivore.
Exist? He’ll definitely bite you to death, unless you’re a kid or a cute animal.
He also canonically doesn’t have a special move. Maybe it’s because he can bite you to death without resorting to any fancy skill. I dunno.
I picture him as the actual strongest student in Yuuei. He just isn’t… very friendly nor cooperative. He’s also not one for fame, but rather, for infamy. Hibari is the guy you won’t hear about in the news, but one that you’d hear about in gossips and rumors. He’s the perfect underground hero — the more violent and volatile version of Aizawa.
Since he’s such an outlier and a wild card, I don’t think many outside of Yuuei would have heard of him.
But he is a living urban legend on campus.
Kurodo Mukuro
Kurodo: 黒 kuro “black” + 道 do “path/method”
Place of Origin: Yamanashi Prefecture
Class: 3-B
Hero Name: Illusionist Hero, Rokudo
Quirk: Six Paths of Reincarnation
Special Move: Genjuu Gagaia
Current appearance: Substantially the same
Another unoriginal name variation, I know. I practically used the anagram of his surname and used different kanji (though I kept the “do” part).
As for his place of origin, there really wasn’t any deep thought put into it. I looked at a map of Japan, saw Yamanashi bordering Shizuoka, Nagano, and Saitama, and decided “hey, that’s where I’m putting the pineapple wonder duo”. In addition to that, Gran Torino’s apartment is there. It’s a rundown building and it isn’t too farfetched to infer that there are more rundown buildings in the vicinity… where Mukuro and Chrome would feel right at home.
Illusionist Hero, Rokudo is… self-explanatory. He’s an illusionist and Rokudo literally means “six paths”, like his ability (六 roku “six” + do “path/method”).
Six Paths of Reincarnation was too perfect a quirk; it covers the illusion aspect of Mist flames, too. For those who don’t know/remember, the Realm of Hell (first path) grants Mukuro the power to create real illusions capable of manifesting in the physical/real world.
Genjuu Gagaia roughly translates to “Real Illusion Beast - Corpse-Eating Crows”. It’s a pretty… graphic name and very literal in application. It’s also a perfect special move for Mukuro because illusions and violence; and Chrome didn’t use it in canon. Hard to give them a separate special move to develop when they share almost every ability.
And finally…
Kurodo Nagi
Nagi: 凪 “peaceful”
Place of Origin: Yamanashi Prefecture
Class: 1-A
Hero Name: Illusionist Hero, Chrome
Quirk: Illusion
Special Move: Cortina Nebbia
Current appearance: Substantially the same
I kept her original name, because I can. 
This time, unlike in KHR, she and Mukuro are biological siblings. This is also to solve the problem of them having closely-related quirks.
I gave her the same title as Mukuro because despite learning how to be independent from her master in KHR… she still looks up to him and owes him a lot, so I think she’d want to emulate him in some way. One minor way is to have the same hero title. For her name, Chrome is too perfect of an alias. Not her real name, has sentimental value, and is an anagram of Mukuro’s name.
Her quirk is similar to Mukuro, except for the fact that she can only make illusions. She has no access to his other abilities such as human possession, which is granted by the Six Paths of Reincarnation.
For her special move, only Cortina Nebbia is the ability that Mukuro didn’t use (I might remember this wrong, though). It’s also a defensive technique, which fits the pacifistic Chrome a lot more than genocidal Mukuro.
What I didn’t mention in Mukuro’s entry has something to do with the surname. I didn’t want to change the seating arrangement of 1-A too much (which is inevitable if I’m replacing 2 canon characters with 2 from KHR). Lambo, much to my relief, was a shoe-in for Kaminari. Chrome’s was the trickier part. I thought, “what surname would keep Chrome in Sato and Kouji’s column?”, then I remembered anagrams and from Rokudo/Dokuro -> Kurodo.
Chrome is currently Seat No. 10. She sits between Uraraka and Todoroki.
For reference of the seats (alphabetical order is vertical):
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Aaaand that’s all I have. Man, what a long post.
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