#⚜️ i'll probably be awake to 3am for no reason // ooc
dcvilmade · 3 years
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ok so i’m just going to post this out onto the dash, and eventually i’ll work it into my rules page, but yeah. that’s eventually. but here’s my not-so-smol PSA. i’m slowly writing more and more on elijah’s blog here, but there’s a few things i’ve noticed regarding my writing ability and threads, and things i just want to make sure people know
1. for now i’m going to mainly focus on shorter threads. this doesn’t mean i won’t do long threads, bc knowing me when the muse hits i write a LOT, but shorter threads are definitely the way to go. by this i mean like one to four paragraphs of a normal size. like there’s not a cut off point. not gonna hit five paragraphs and be like “deeemon.” but shorter threads will basically just be the go to.
2. i’m likely not going to do very many antagonistic threads - which i know is a laugh coming from an antagonist muse - but in this way i specifically mean like... muses being antagonistic towards elijah like arguments / fighting. this isn’t saying i don’t want anyone to call elijah out on his shit, cos god does he need it - but those types of threads can be draining for me. particularly if these interactions do take place, i’d prefer them to have some kind of level of plotting to it, so i know where we’re aiming for and it’s not just going to be an endless loop of arguing and fighting
3. i made a post about this before, but i’ll just shove it in here too. i’m going to require plotting for all legacies muses for my legacies verse. if you’re a legacies muse and wanna write something with me, just pop into my IMs for us to work out the details. it doesn’t have to be an extensive plot, just a way to have elijah in the lgcs timeline that doesn’t mess too much with both our muses
4. i’m still going to be slow, and likely have long periods of no IC content. elijah is one of my fave muses to write, but his muse can easily vanish when i’m stressed, or dealing with stuff. i’m trying to cultivate my writing here to suit my Real Life. so if you’re expecting fast replies, both IC and OOC, then this is not the blog for you.
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dcvilmade · 3 years
@scrvives: has rewatched TO multiple times, including S5 me: has watched like 2 or 3 episodes of s5 (out of order) and hasn’t even watched the last episode of s4
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dcvilmade · 3 years
elijah + the mikaelson name
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since elijah and his siblings have scandinavian origins (i actually keep them entirely from norway, and didn’t move to mystic falls - but that’s just my portrayal) their last name follows the traditional viking patronymic system. eg, the sons of mikael = mikaelson. daughter of mikael = mikaeldottir. this also means that mikael’s last name was not mikaelson, but hisfather-son, but would likely have just been known by his title earned of ‘mikael the destroyer.’ keeping in theme. I know that most of the Mikaelsons first names are not actually nordic, but I blame this on Esther. Because she’s not actually Nordic! Her and Dahlia’s village were raided by the vikings and they were taken back to the viking camp (it’s possible that they were anglo-saxon)
of course, when they were on the run from mikael, they didn’t go around and tote the mikaelson (or mikaeldottir) name because they were on the run from him and that’d be ridiculous lmao. but once he was dead, they all took back the mikaelson name, even rebekah (who should have been mikaeldottir, but to easier blend into modern day america all took the same name) as a way to say ‘fuck you’ to mikael. taking back the name to show that mikael has no power over them, that despite them being something he hated - they still kept his name. even klaus, which is the biggest fuck you to mikael ever.
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dcvilmade · 3 years
the gia & gilijah gifsets make me cry. they deserved happiness 😭
they make me cry too 😭 even while making them. justice for gialijah 2k4ever
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dcvilmade · 3 years
i just wanna apologise for my lack of activity of late. i wanna write but there’ s just other things stealing my attention away. i also haven’t been checking the dash as much of late too. but i'm still around! kinda! hopefully once i get things sorted out, i’ll be around more. i just dunno when that will be. thanks for the patience <3
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dcvilmade · 3 years
anyone else's discord just go splat or just mine
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dcvilmade · 3 years
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elijah just wanted me to put out on the dash that he loves his husband karl marsten ( @scrvives​ ) very much and will rip out the heart of anyone* who tries to hurt him
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dcvilmade · 3 years
so you’re telling me elijah is finally name dropped on legacies and FREYA IS THE ONE TO DO IT. my freylijah feels - i’m sobbing
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dcvilmade · 2 years
I'm gonna be moving elijah onto my multi @otherwoofs and basically I'm just gonna.... distance him from the tvdu in general. I'll do a better post explaining it later, but yeah, he's gonna be over there.
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dcvilmade · 2 years
me: reading spoilers about the lgcs episode
elijah: 😐😐😐
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dcvilmade · 3 years
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i’m hoping to be active next week, so until then, consider this a MEME CALL! hit the heart and i’ll jump into your meme tag and send you a couple of things!
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dcvilmade · 3 years
excuse me but what the everloving fuck is this?
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dcvilmade · 3 years
in case you don't live forever (ben platt) except it's klaus @ elijah thanks for your time
In case you don't live forever, let me tell you now I love you more than you'll ever wrap your head around In case you don't live forever, let me tell you the truth I'm everything that I am because of you
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Um excuse me what did i do to deserve this pain
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dcvilmade · 3 years
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Are you thinking of or planning to participate in National Novel Writing Month aka NANOWRIMO? Are you a member of the RP community here on tumblr? Then this is the discord server for you! Word war, plan and plot, throw ideas around, share the word count for the day, and overall just support one another.
Join the server here!
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dcvilmade · 3 years
i remember approximately 3 things about tvd and those all have to do with mikaelsons. just wanted to put this out there for my tvd mutuals that when we write things in the tvd timeline that i really, really, really am clueless about it
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dcvilmade · 3 years
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        nh!hope should be glad elijah is dead cause he'd drag her home by her ear 😂
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