#⚔️Drunk and Grumpy⚔️ c; Gael Barahir
hornedrunaway · 3 years
💋 - from @xscamanderbrothersx or @xlittlesapphirex ship of your choosing
Send 💋 if your muse wants a kiss from mine.
To say that Gael was completely surprised by Jester’s desire for a smooch was an understatement and a half. They were still getting used to not only being around such a bubbly and affectionate person, but actually being wanted by her. The two had clashed on more than a few occasions because Gael was still struggling to learn to let someone in. They were always waiting for that other shoe to drop. Waiting for the whole thing to blow up in their face. Waiting for Jester to either meet a tragic end or get tired of them and send them away, just like everyone else they’d ever cared about had done. She never did either, of course. She was too stubborn for that.
Eventually, Gael’s walls had formed enough cracks that they began to crumble. It was a beautiful fall day when the little sapphire made her request yet again, but this time, the Eladrin didn’t even let her finish. They quickly grabbed her by her waist and pressed an aggressively passionate kiss against her lips. Several, in fact. When they finally stopped to breathe a moment, there was a cheeky smirk on their freckled face as they muttered, “Happy now, sweetheart?” in their signature light country drawl. Their eyes shown with humor and love.
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