#♪you are part of my family now and i promise i would not let anything hurt you |valent bonita
primusfortuna · 11 months
Rouge ⟡ Love Wrapped in Ribbons of Gratitude (Sun 03)
[Normal Route] [01] [02] [XX] [Moon Route]
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“A Place to Call Home”
After the performance in the square――
A party will be held at the castle tonight. I meet up with Rouge-san, planning to go together.
Rouge: Emma-chaaan, sorry to keep you waiting!!
Emma: Rouge-san! You said you had some errands to run. How’d they go?
Rouge: Yeah, all good. Sorry I was late.
Emma: No worries. Okay, let’s head to the castle―
Rouge: Before that... Could we make a little stop first? We have some time to kill.
Emma: A stop...?
Rouge-san leads me to a meadow blooming with vibrant flowers.
Emma: Wow, the sunset is gorgeous...
Rouge: Pretty nice, huh? I stumbled upon this place while I was running from my debt collectors.
Emma: That sounds like you... It really is breathtaking here.
Emma: But why did you bring me here?
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Rouge: Well, duh! I wanted us to spend some time alone ♪
Rouge: ――All right, that’s my last joke for now.
Rouge: Ah, I mean, the part about wanting to be alone with you is true, though.
Emma: Hehe.
Rouge: ...Since you confessed your honest feelings, I wanted to trust you with mine.
As Rouge-san traces the collar around his neck, his eyes soften.
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Rouge: Sorry, this isn’t going to be a fun conversation... Would you still be open to listen?
Emma: ...Of course.
Rouge: I think I mentioned before that I don’t get along with my family.
Emma: Yes. I remember you said it even brought you to hate music for some time...
Rouge: Yeah...
Rouge: Way back when, I used to love Fath―er, my dad. Just as much as I love music, even.
Rouge: But he had a one-track mind for family honor. He’d excuse it all by saying it was for “my own good.”
Emma: (That’s like...)
Rouge: Sure. But his mom said it’s “for his own good” so there’s nothing we can do about it. Rouge: I’m positive that mom really was thinking of him. Rouge: It’s for your own good. It’s because I love you. —— Those beautifully dressed words make it hard sometimes. Rouge: Like with parents? When you’re at your closest with them, they sting even more so.
Emma: (The things he said back then...)
Rouge: I can’t say he was cruel or anything, but... that genuinely almost destroyed me.
Rouge: No. Physically, I was fine, but it destroyed my love for my dad, and my mind.
Illuminated by the setting sun, the side of Rouge-san’s face appears so fragile, as if it might fade at any moment.
Without thinking, I reach out to grab his arm.
Rouge: ...Sorry for dampering your mood.
Rouge: I knew I’d make you upset by talking about this. But—
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Rouge: You barged your way into my heart, so I thought I should tell you.
Emma: ...Mhm.
Emma: Thank you for telling me.
Rouge: I’m the one that should be thanking you.
He flashes me a smile, before pulling something out of his pocket. Then he drops it in my hand.
Emma: This is...
Rouge: Your Love Day present.
A crescent moon-shaped keychain glitters in the palm of my hand.
Rouge: ...I kinda wanted to show off, but I couldn’t afford to get you anything more than this.
Emma: Don’t say that, I love it! I promise I’ll cherish it.
Emma: (When he said he had an errand earlier, was it to get this?)
Emma: (Even though he said he has a rule of not giving away anything that lasts...)
Warmth blooms across my chest. I raise my head to smile his way, but then—
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Emma: ...Rouge-san?
Before I can blink, I find myself burrowed into Rouge-san’s chest.
Rouge: ...You’re so warm.
His arms are strong, pressing my face flush against his chest.
I can hear the da-dum, da-dum... of his gentle heartbeat.
Rouge: Emma-chan... you’d be sad without me, right?
Emma: Of course. Moon Wanderers is your home.
Emma: Everyone, including me, will always be waiting for you to come back.
Rouge: Ahaha, that’s right. I can wander all over the world, but I’ll always find my way back there.
Rouge: With you, and everyone else—that family.
Emma: ...Right!
Emma: (It’s still... too soon for Rouge-san’s wounds to heal.)
Emma: (But as long as we’re together, maybe someday...)
Carrying that wish in my mind, I wrap my arms around his back, returning his embrace.
Rouge: Ooh~ Emma-chan’s making a move!
Emma: Huh!? I-I was just—
Rouge: Heh, I don’t mind ♪
Rouge: I feel... so happy right now.
With some shyness in his smile, Rouge-san buries his face into my shoulder.
His silky hair brushes against my cheeks. Wrapped up in his arms, I let a smile of my own slip out.
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← Prev ❖ Moon Route →
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inkybloom-luv · 1 year
Words Unsaid 8, Tigers
This one is a shorter one y'all! Today was more of a rest day and I will be spending tmr writing more and doing more story wise I promise!! I just need some time to figure out how to add one of my favourite events in, which shouldn't be hard but I want to save all that for the next part!!
Part 1 Masterpost Part 7 Part 9
720 words
The Asim family estate was.. absolutely gigantic. Overwhelming almost. Almost. It was fine because it was quiet, but Inky was sort of glad she didn't live in a place as grand when she couldn't find her way around. But she didn't have to. She had Jamil, ever reliable, the desert mirage refusing to fade before her. Kalim had left for his parents when they arrived so now Jamil was walking around and showing them around the lavish and honestly a bit excessive home of the Asim family.
It was nice at first and Inky and Jamil did enjoy it until Jamil sped up a little and that made Inky call out to him. It wasn't the first time, and since they were heading out to the garden, well.. park, right now, Inky decided to be brave. She decided to reach for a bit of his hand, he let her. His fingers were calloused from all his work but Inky didn't mind. His hand was warm. Or at least the bit that she held was. Jamil noted how her hands had bandaids in a lot of places, who knows from what, but it wasn't all that great. Still, it would be fine because she would heal quickly.
They walked and Jamil told her about the animals they'd kept at the park here, how they roamed freely and why, that they were all peaceful and trained, had been raised by humans since they were young in most cases, even though it went against their very nature usually. But still there were peaceful tigers roaming and living amongst elephants and peacocks. And that made Inky stop, which in turn stopped Jamil.
"You have tigers here?" She blinked, her eyes gathering light as she seemed to animate more, come a little more to life.
"Yes, we do.. they are used to humans and seem to like them. I'm guessing you'd like to see?" Jamil asked her, to which they nodded furiously. Alright then, to the tigers they went.. well not directly to them, but they walked around to find one. Seeing a tiger was certainly a wish Jamil could fulfill right then. They did find one, one of the older tigers and a very sweet lady. Slowly they approached, Jamil leading her and helping Inky navigate the carnivorous creature.
Jamil deemed it safe, so after a bit of getting used to Inky's presence and some light getting to know eachother, the old tigress did allow Inky to softly stroke her fur, just a little. And Inky was amazed, the look she gave Jamil, with the stars of the desert night sky seeming to reflect in them although it was midday, his heart skipped. He could feel it again, that sensation of falling. He was falling for her. But he wouldn't say anything. He wouldn't admit it to himself. There was no way after all. Even when she pulled him in next to her to sit under a tree in the semi shade a little while later he wouldn't admit it.
She expressed her wish to spend time with him again in the city, just him and her. She wasn't quite looking at him when she said that, a little too nervous to do so, but Jamil agreed. A little while passed in which Jamil thought about something.
"why aren't you afraid of me? Why is it that you look me in the eyes so carelessly when I could easily take advantage?"
"Because you feel safe to me, you feel like my room at home, only less lonely. I spent a lot of time in my room at home because it was my safe space. Sure you hurt me but your anger wasn't directed at me. Besides, how could I be scared after last night? I liked that. Being held by you. It was probably the best comfort I've received in a while" Inky said, which made Jamil stare a little in slight disbelief. Inky moved closer, as did he. They both did until a tiny rock fell on Jamil's head.
One of the monkeys had decided to wreak havoc and thigh he usually would've been upset, he couldn't be, not when Inky was laughing about it and it just sounded amazing. Maybe he was talking after all.. and maybe that was okay, just this once.
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hotarutranslations · 25 days
Hello Pro Dance Gakuen Season 12 Recording
Good Morning
I made a mistake
It was evening Evening
I made a mistake when typing "G" I'm exhausted🫣🫣
My body has felt like it was slammed from yesterdays and this mornings lessons,
Further to rub salt into it,
We recorded for Hello Pro Dance Gakuen!
It was really packed time! I can't believe it happened one day
The content we recorded was really dense
Amazing, amazing
I was excited and ended up being out of breath but,
Within that, I seriously don't remember anything, I was laughing a lot at the time,
Laughing gives you energy, right!!
I really thought this and said it aloud, And then Ruli-chan laughed 😂lol
The fact is that it got serious,
So much so but,
It was really really fun
Everyone in Dance Gakuen as well, and the teachers as well, Thank you as always, for making it a serious space
Dance is fun,
From today, it seems like it will air on October 17th🕺
Please definitely watch it
I'm thankful for every season
Also, I hope you've seen, Rikako's last extracurricular activities before her graduation, Thank you very much
Ara Ara Kashiko is airing!
Watch this, ok!
I'm going to take a break soon
I'll do my best, at tomorrows live as well! lol
I promised, to see everyone tomorrow with a smile so! lol
When there is a live the next day,
With this, when Kaedy was here, and it was towards a solo concert, We would talk like, where do your muscles hurt? Isn't it crazy? I was glad for that but,
After being alone, I haven't been able to sympathize with anyone at solo concerts..
Tomorrow is Hellocon, I'm happy I'll be able to sympathize with everyone😂😂 I'm looking forward to tomorrows live as well
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Debut song 48th Pyoko Pyoko Ultra~
I danced a lot on my own..
Graduation Announcement Blog🐣🪽
Hello! Station #531 I also talk about my graduation in this video
📺Sendai Broadcast "Ara Ara Kashiko"
August 24th (Sat) 10:25AM~ Ishida Ayumi Goes~! ~Yamamoto Figs Ver.~
I appear once a month as part of the AraKashi Family
The previous shows, and makings, are on OX VIDEO STORE!
📺Hello Pro Dance Every other Thursday at 11:30PM~
Thank you for following.. Instagram💙🩵
💿 August 14th new single✨ "Nandaka Sentimental na Toki no Uta/saiKIYOU"
⚾️Ceremonial Pitch
Rakuten Mobile Park Miyagi August 30th (Fri) I will be making the ceremonial pitch I will also be appearing in lots of events
Lets cheer at the stadium together⚾️
🪩Hello! Project 2024 Summer ALL OF US "Vega" "Altair" From July 13th~September 1st Traveling To 7 Cities Nationwide All Hello! Project groups are performing🔥
🪩Sawayaka Goro Birthday Event September 8th on the day of Goro-san's birthday🎂 I'll be appearing as a guest at the birthday event🎂
🪩"Morning Musume '24 Concert Tour Autumn WE CAN DANCE!"
Its Ishida Ayumi's last tour💙 I'm looking forward to seeing you
→Tickets are on general sale
📻Morning Musume '24 Morning Jogakuin ~Houkago Meeting~
Airs Every Saturday, On Radio Nihon at 12:00AM~
Past Broadcast Episodes Are Available →Program Details
I visited as a guest🪽 "Sayashi Riho and The Time From Now On" presented by Meiji Bulgarian Yogurt
📻I visited as a guest🤍 Harami-chan no Harami Fan Radio♪
see you ayumin <3 https://ameblo.jp/morningmusume-10ki/entry-12864742155.html
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punkpandapatrixk · 3 years
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Happy Valentine's Day~🫀But more importantly, Happy Jaehyun's Day~🍑
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Bonus content for 💌Their Higher Self to You is now Public on Patreon. Just click the access link underneath the pile you've chosen for an additional cute, heartwarming message~💖
Pile 1 - My Precious Little Flower...
Priestesses of Energy, Purity and Wishes
Queen of Pentacles & Silver Magus (Merlin)
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The ultimate happiness for me is to be abundant with you. To have a slow Life where we can simply enjoy the little (and big) things this world has to offer. I'm not materialistic, but I also know there are so many beautiful things that can be obtained with money in this world. And I want to give it all to you~ I want you to know how much I respect and value you, so I'll gift you many beautiful and expensive things. You know what? The truth is I'm always thinking about you. Even when I see cute socks that I think will look good on you, I want to buy them for you. It's because you're this little prince/princess who lights up with anything I gift you, so I like seeing that expression of delight on your face, too. You're so beautiful I could die, seriously!!
When I'm with you I can be my childlike self. You're so pure and innocent and we share the same heart. I like this comfort I feel from you. I feel like my entire Life has become soft and sweet like cotton candy! Life wasn't all that bad before you, but now it's just perfection. When my arms are around you, there's nothing else to crave. Who knew I was destined to have a beautiful romance like this? Still I've been dreaming you for the longest time, I swear. I'll be good to you. I'll be your protector. I'll always accept you and take care of you. I know you'll do the same for me and that's why I want to shower you with all of my affection. You're so deserving of the best Love you could get in the world.
Let's jet set. Let's get on first class. A luxury yacht or liner, too. Let's go see places. France, Tajikistan, Fiji, Vietnam, Singapore; basically, let's travel the globe and eat all the good foods of the world! Cakes, pudding, luxury tea, a thousand years old bread; I want to try all unique things in the world, but with you. Just the thought of it makes my heart full of Love! I want to learn many new things and experience more of Life itself and grow old with you. Let's be kind, respectful and take care of each other until the end of time. That would be my ultimate happiness.
Secret magick from my heart🔻❤️
Access full reading + cards on Patreon🌸
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Pile 2 - Babe, Let's Be Happy~!
Priestesses of Enchantment, Solitude and Inspiration
4 of Wands & Green Historian (Herodotus)
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The ultimate happiness for me is to create a legacy with you. I want to marry you and build a family together with you. Even if we're married in an unorthodox fashion, I don't care. I just want to have a family with you, Love💙I want us to have many reasons to celebrate the bounty of Life. We each have made it this far in Life and for that alone we are fit to become parents and pass down our knowledge and wisdom to the future generations. Let's raise the children well, so they can grow up to become beautiful human beings who can heal more of this world. Let's build a new foundation for a family line of truly good people who know how to appreciate Life itself. I'll show the children how to respect another person and my affection for you will become their inspiration to find their own True Love as well!
When we're together, I promise you that you never have to fight this world alone again. It's okay to be not so strong all the time; you have me. I'm strong and full of Love. I can handle your hardships. We'll overcome every challenge and we'll grow up together. Nothing can come between us, I promise you that. My heart is true and I want nobody else but you. I'm adamant like that. Maybe sometimes I frustrate you a little with my stubbornness?😅I hope you can be patient with me, too. Sometimes I'm hard to shake but I want to learn to be gentler when I'm with you. So please teach me gently, too.
Our Love, I hope it inspires whoever gets to see us. This world needs more of that, I know. Let's be a healing presence to other people. Let's also be a healing presence to ourselves. I love you so much. I'm a little selfish and there's a lot I want, if ever I become smothering to you, please let me know. I'll listen to what you have to say, too! I don't want you to stand behind me, okay? Stand by my side. We'll inspire each other better like that. And I just think, we look sooo good together, babe.
A little wish from my heart🔻💙
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☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・. ☆♪°・.
Pile 3 - Hey, Sunshine~
Priestesses of Illumination, Intuition, Prosperity
7 of Cups & Green Alchemist (Nicolas Flamel)
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My ultimate happiness is just the fact that we are together. You've lighted up so much of my Life and I'm so insanely thankful for that, you've no idea. I think I'm not that good yet at expressing my gratitude. You take me to heaven, babe. I never would have thought my heart could be filled with this much Light. I thought it was just something people say just to be poetic or romantic, but now I know it's true. You make me the happiest, most fortunate person in the entire world. I'll treasure you for the rest of eternity. If we were reborn, I'd like to be with you again. You know what? Let's not even be reborn again, this world sucks and a lot of things can go wrong. Let's stay forever happy in Heaven!
Whilst still being in this world, I want to promise you a love that's spiritual. A Love that's unconditional and transcends ego, limitations and boundaries. My Love is the purest thing you'll ever know, I'm confident I'm unique like that. There's no other person like me, so just look at me😉And btw, everyday is Valentine's with you. It beats me how Life can be so full of joy and Love. I mean, my Life was okay before, but you've amplified all that's good in the world by your sheer presence. Are you GOD? I think you are. At least to me you are. I... worship you, seriously. But I'll try my best to hide that so you think I'm cool! I also want you to worship me LMAO
No matter what's happened in the past, from here on, let's live happily with the two of us holding hands. I'll never let go. I won't promise very many complicated things. I want to show everything to you with my actions. I'll make it all happen—all the good things. And I'll erase all of your sadness. I don't want you ever to be sad again. A Sunshine like you shouldn't be made to cry! I'll fight anyone who gives you a reason to cry ugly tears! I hate everyone who's ever been mean to you, seriously! I wish I could've met you sooner, tch! Suddenly I'm angry! But anyway, Happy Valentine's and I love you, hon~ Let's meet in the dreams~👻
My healing for you🔻🧡
Access full reading + cards on Patreon🌸
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Feel free to support me on Patreon if you love this kind of content🍑I create stories and tarot readings that calm the mind & heal from within🍒
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