#♥'( this is all the niceness she can muster at this point )
Glimmer 19/? Billy Butcher fic!
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NOTES! - Addison needs some taking care of before s*** hits the fan. Please reblog or comment if you like ♥
Tag List: @2dead2function @secretdreamlandmentality
Billy Butcher Master list
They both woke up early again the next morning, Addison groaning to herself as she thought about all the work she had scheduled for the day.
"I have to go in today," she told Billy dejectedly as she finally found the energy to sit up in his bed, rubbing her eyes. "I won't be finished until late, I'm sure."
"That's fine, love; I got it handled. How's your head?" He sat down on the edge of the bed, and she savored the look of genuine concern in his eyes.
"Better, thank you," Addison mustered a half smile, but what had happened the day before still niggled at the back of her mind. She didn't mean to, but she knew she was withdrawn and neither said anything else.
When she finished work that evening it was late and she decided to just head to the basement apartment and wait for Billy there. That would make him happy. What help was she anyway? Not much.
MM was there when she arrived and she popped a hot pocket in the microwave and grabbed a can of seltzer before sitting with him at the table where he was working on his laptop.
"Doin' okay? Looks like it's been a long day." He glanced at her knowingly.
Addison cracked her seltzer opened and cut off a corner of the cheesy pastry with her fork before she answered. "Yeah, guess I'm tired. I'm fine though."
"I talked to Annie." He said after a minute.
Addison lifted a brow at him as she raised the fork to her mouth. "Cool story, Katie Holmes." She took a bite.
MM gave her his standard look of complete impatience. "About you," he clarified. "She's free tomorrow. She can meet you here."
Addison's heart somehow dropped and soared at the same time and she felt another wave of exhaustion. "I don't know MM," she said quietly.
"Just talk to her, Addison. It's not like I'm signin' you up for a five year mission on the Enterprise for fucks sake. It's one conversation."
Addison took a breath and another bite to give herself time to think. Hadn't she just spent half the day sulking over how useless she was? She knew that MM was probably right and he chose that moment to give her that look that meant he knew it too. But Billy was not going to be happy about it. She knew that for sure.
"Okay. I guess that's fine," she finally gave in. "I'll talk to her. You're sure she doesn't mind?"
"She was more than happy when I brought it up. Excited even. She's a good kid."
Addison nodded but pulled her phone out of her back pocket to scroll through her emails and Buzzfeed. She didn't much want to talk anymore but she didn't really want to be alone either, and she couldn't deny as annoying as he could be MM had become a friend and it felt nice for a change.
At some point she moved to the couch and MM went to his own room. Frenchie and Kimiko came in but went to bed as well. The tv was on but she could barely keep her eyes open. Billy came in late and leaned over to brush his hand over her hair to wake her from dozing and she reached up to slide her fingers over his bearded jaw. His eyes were dark and he looked lovely. "Let's stay here," she murmured. She didn't want to wait even one more minute to just be wrapped up with him in bed and he looked just tired enough to agree.
She was right. He took her hand in his and led her to his room. Addison dressed down to a tank top and pulled off her jeans tiredly while Billy stripped down to his clingy knit boxers and they climbed into the small bed together.
Addison closed her eyes, trying to relax, but her mind was whirring like a spinning top, and her entire body felt tense because of it. She did her best to just block it all out but it wasn't easy, then Billy's voice, low in her ear, broke her concentration as his arm tightened around her.
"Sunshine, what is all this squirmin' for?" he rumbled from behind her in the tiny bed.
"Sorry," she sighed, she hadn't even realized she'd been moving at all. "Can't sleep. My mind is a mess."
"Let's try and relax, eh?" His hand slipped beneath her tank top and slid along her stomach and she sighed again, taking a breath and letting it out slowly.
"Did you have any luck today?" she asked quietly suddenly remembering they hadn't even talked about their respective days.
"Some," he murmured, "but it can wait for tomorrow. You're taut as a bowstring."
His palm smoothed over her hip and back to her stomach, rubbing softly and she finally felt her muscles start to relax some of their tension.
"That feels nice," she whispered.
"That's the idea."
Shifting she pressed back against his chest and soaked in the feeling of his warmth and strength, and feeling all of his body next to hers beneath the blankets.
"That's my girl..." he rumbled low, very close to her ear.
Heat blossomed low in her belly and she pressed her hips back against him unable to help herself. "Well now I feel "taut as a bowstring" for an entirely different reason," she joked.
"That's alright, ain't it? If it's what you want..."
"Mmmmmm I want..."
His hand slid up over her ribs and she hummed, squirming again, but now because all of him felt so good against her. She could feel the heat of his chest through her tank top on her back.
His hand stilled just beneath her breast and she made a little noise of discontent, trying to wriggle it where she wanted.
"Ya have to tell me, sunshine..."
She knew. She knew he was making her engage completely with him and in them so every other worry would fall away and it made her heart ache with love for him.
"Mmmmm, touch me," she murmured. "I love your hands..."
His palm slid up then to cup her breast and squeezed softly his fingers brushing over the soft curve, testing the weight.
"Perfect fit," he rumbled. "Made just for me."
Heat swelled inside of her and she purred in agreement. Fuck, every other experience she had ever had didn't even come close to what she felt with Billy, and she had to believe him. She knew though, that it was not the same for him, maybe he wouldn't come to love her like he had loved Becca but it was okay. Neither of them could change what happened and it had brought them both to here and now. She knew his caring for her was different and special in its own way.
"What next?" he asked in a roughened voice.
She moved her arm to reach back for him, but he shook his head and guided her hand gently back to her side. "Let me do this for you."
She thought her heart might burst but she set the thought of love aside for later. "Just more..." she sighed.
He shifted his thumb to brush across her nipple and it peaked immediately for him. Addison whimpered, "more..." arching into his touch.
"Alright, love, you have to be quiet, though," he teased her, and she could see his mischievous smile in her mind without looking.
"I can be - ohhhhhh..." her sentence broke off as he caught her nipple with his thumb and finger and tugged, and pleasure sparkled along her nerves. She felt as much as heard his low chuckle behind her.
He pushed her tank top up above her breasts then took his time giving equal attention to each before he finally let his hand slip down over her stomach. He stroked his fingers over her thighs then pressed his knee between them.
"Billy..." she whimpered his name as his fingers teased along her inner thighs.
"Sunshine," he rumbled, but still he teased.
Forever impatient, she shifted and wriggled out of her cotton underwear quickly, which made him chuckle again, but this time he didn't hesitate. He pressed his knee between her legs again and slid his fingers over her center, slipping between the folds and giving a gruff moan at the slickness that was waiting for him.
He slipped the tip of one inside her, just a little, then shifted up to the sensitive little bud that was waiting for him. She cried out the moment he rubbed over it, slick and hot, and he shifted his other hand to gently cover her mouth. "Careful..." She could hear the mischievous joy in his voice.
When he started making those perfect slippery circles with just the right amount of pressure, she lifted her own hand to press against his over her mouth. She could feel him all round her, holding her, taking care of her, and making sure she didn't wake the entire apartment.
Addison whimpered desperately against his broad palm as he quickened his pace and nuzzled against the curve of her neck, and after barely more than a minute he gave her a shuddering climax with his expert touch. She pressed his hand harder against her mouth as she cried out with pleasure, her body trembling against him.
He moved his hand from her mouth when she moved hers and then she turned her head to press her face into the pillow as wave after wave of bliss continued to wash over her. She gently pushed his hand away from her center when she could take no more and he wrapped her up tight against his body as she floated down from the high.
All of the tension in her body was gone now and she felt more relaxed than ever but she could still feel him hard against her.
"Billy," she murmured when she could breath again, "want you..." she wriggled her bottom against him.
"It's alright, love, I'm fine..."
"Please?" She whispered.
For a moment he didn't move but then he gave a low hum and he gave in, shifting her carefully so he could slip into her from behind, moving with lazy pleasure. His thrusts were slow and so deep and measured as he curled his hand around her breast again. Her climax this time was softer, but longer, rippling through her body as he filled her perfectly. He buried his face against the back of her neck when the fluttering of her body around his cock spurred his own climax, moaning gruffly against her skin.
Afterward he kept her wrapped up tight against him and she fell asleep still as close to him as she could be.
Please reblog or comment if you like!!! ♥ Love you all!
Chapter 20
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