#♡ᭂ ⇣‧₊˚ 【 rook's amor
v-anrouge · 11 days
i saw your rant about white het rich people ruining architecture/art and one hundred percent agree like STOP RUINING VICTORIAN HOUSES PLEASE LEAVE MY GOTHIC DREAM HOMES THAT I CANT AFFORD ALONE!!!! its so sad when you see an architectural masterpiece with interesting wallpaper and designs become every other "modern" house with shitty infrastructure. i know there's a way to blame it on capitalism and western hegemony but im tired. anyways, lemme share some of my favorite buildings
one, haydar-khana mosque in baghdad, iraq.
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originally established in the 12th century, but the current version was built in the 19th century.
two, buqshan palace in wadi dawan/hadramawt yemen
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built in the 1950s in the same part of yemen where some of the most expensive honey in the world comes from (sidr honey). im pretty sure its a hotel at the moment. couldn't visit due to hadramawt being contested area and saudi committing war crimes there but anywho
three, church of saint sava in belgrade, serbia
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lemme tell you what, christians from the east do it differently. like damn this is gorgeous, and one of the churches imma share from iran is gonna be on this list for similar reasons. was first started in 1935 and finished in the 80s(?) im not too sure. yugoslavia was occupied as the first stones were laid.
four, vank cathedral in new julfa/isfahan, iran
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the ottomans (BOOO TOMATO TOMATO BOOO!!) forcibly resettled the armenians, and many fled to iran. the cathedral was built not too long after the ethnic cleansing of armenians during the 1600s. i wanna visit iran and see it for myself—they do this thing where they mix persian mosaic styles with the style of armenian miniatures that they’re known for. gorgeous 
these are just four that immediately come to mind but there's hundreds of buildings that I LOVE. honestly, go back to building shit like this and forget about the gray ass buildings.
YOU GET IT. It's just such a white american thing to do which is why it's not surprising it's always white ppl but it's still so heart breaking. Anyways these are all SO BEAUTIFUL? the colors are so bright and eye catching , the patterns and the structures are so charming im obsessed with buildings like this just as i am with gothic buildings, the use of colors in them are just so fascinating, i think this is why i love being born in Brazil, while obviously not in that level here color is so present in culture and it's just so beautiful to me
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v-anrouge · 2 months
you and i are going to marry rook hunt and im gonna cook for both of you. manifesting.
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v-anrouge · 14 days
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY GEMINI TWINN <33 im so glad to have met you. i truly wish you nothing but the best, and i believe all your dreams will come true (keeping you in my duaa so that they come true). may you have many more birthdays, and like kadim al-saher said in one of his songs once:
kul aam wa enta habibi
may each year pass and you are my love (platonic <3)
its still the 18th in cali atm, anyways, i have a rook fic in the works dedicated to you qamar <3
MORIIII YWAAAA I LOVE YOU SO MUCH 💗😭😭😭😭😭 you're so sweet i absolutely adore you <3333 and AGFSHSHQHSH im so honored ur fics are always so beautiful
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v-anrouge · 16 days
hey qamari, i just saw your post show up on my dash, but i wanted to say that i have never felt uncomfortable talking to you nor have you ever done or said anything that made me think i needed to point it out or set a boundary. you're very mindful and i appreciate it. i hope you feel better soon, and i hope you get the chance to consume all the feel good content you want. stay safe out there <3
Thank you so much mori 🫂🫂 i love you /p
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