#♡: you're my beloved! poggers!
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He's so fucking oblivious I love him
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C, H, I, L for any f/o of yr choice for those mudane self-ship asks? >:D
C-Clock: Do you two have certain activities you do at a certain time? Does one of you wake up earlier than the other(s)?
Oh nah dude, our schedules are the definition of flexible and...he's more of an early bird than I am if I'm gonna be honest.
H-Hello!: How often do you two text/send messages? How do you greet each other?
He! Is a very big texter. Even before we started dating he send me letters and texted me A LOT. we're just such good friends.
I-Idealistic: Any dreams for the future?
I can't think that far ahead but he sure as hell has. I never understand his ramblings but I do love listening to him.
L-Lovey-Dovey: Are you the ‘make your friends roll their eyes with how obviously you’re in love’ type of person or a ‘nobody will know this’ type of person? How did you end up with your F/O?
He definitely enjoys telling everyone we're dating. I think it's funny, some of our friends get so annoyed fhshxhdh.
Uh I'm gonna be honest? Trying to get him to understand I wanted to date him is like trying to explain quantum physics to a jellyfish. In the end I outright told him I wanted to be his boyfriend- [having to specify I meant lover after he said he were already "boy friends."] He was understandably embarrassed.
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🍹🍹~ with Zell
Oh shit I haven't though abt him in awhile!!! Miss my beloved
Cool off 🍹- When was the last time your f/o made you laugh so hard you could cry? (Or vice versa)
Oh!!! Good question. Hmmm....he tells me jokes a lot but those are never usually funny enough to- Oh!!! Ok so technically it wasn't on purpose? But there was thing! One time, we had been fishing together and when he caught one and started to reel it in it LEAPED out of the water and smacked him RIGHT in the face- fhdbfjdhd holy shit it was so funny- he did not get to keep that thing, also it ruined his shirt.
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