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flcwerywcrdsfm · 20 days ago
"So, basically, we are on Canterlot Island now, and many people do not know anything about how they had arrived here. They only have guesses, or theories, like that they arrived here by magic, or something crazy like that. But my name is ‘Gigi’ Hollingsworth. What is your name?" ‘Gigi’ Hollingsworth asked them.
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Natalie Page felt confused after she arrived to Canterlot Island. Natalie Page didn’t know why she is here, and no one seemed to know either. Natalie Page looks at a person. “Excuse me? Could you please tell me where I am right now? And do you know anything that would explain how we arrived here?” Natalie Page asks the person as she walks towards them. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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peachyxkeenx3 · 5 months ago
"There were fireworks last night. Maybe they will do it again tonight. And it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance too, Dee Dee! And you're welcome! I love talking to people. The fireworks show was really great last night." Merry said to Dee Dee.
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Merry had been walking near the beach of Canterlot Island, while staring at the shooting stars. She had heard someone nearby her, and she smiled at them. “Beautiful night, isn’t it? You can join me if you want to. My name is Merry, by the way.” Merry said to the person. She smiled at the person.
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hellokittyfmxo · 3 months ago
"Thanks for telling me that. Unicorn Academy? That's really cool, actually. I don't know what's going on around here, but this is nice. I mean, the theme park is cool, and I've met some incredibly kind people here. I just wish that someone could tell me how I arrived to Canterlot Island, and of also why I am here. It doesn't seem like that there is anyone who actually knows, though." Tea Blossom said.
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“Where am I right now? This is really confusing. Uh, do you know where I am right now? And my name is Tea Blossom. What is your name? I’m pleased to meet you.” Tea Blossom said to the other human person that she just saw nearby herself. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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peachyxkeenx3 · 2 months ago
"I celebrate Toy Day, or Christmas Day as it is called here, but my name is Merry! It is nice to meet you as well, Jackie Howard! And I do want to. I just don't know the date, and the time of your party. When will you be having it? Happy holidays, and happy new year to you, by the way! Thank you for inviting me to your holidays party!" Merry replied.
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“So, are you celebrating Christmas Day? Or any of the Winter holidays? I was planning on throwing a holiday party, and I’d love it if you could come to it. But I completely understand if you don’t want to go to my party. My name is Jackie Howard, by the way. It’s a pleasure to meet you. What’s your name? And can you come to my party?” Jackie Howard asks the other person that she looked at. @forgottenfriendshipstarters
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hellokittyfmxo · 18 days ago
"That's exactly what I've been doing lately, but I would like to try one. Oh, how much do I owe you for just one? Thank you." Tea Blossom said.
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“I completely understand that most of us are all panicking about being on an island with no knowledge of how we arrived here, or even why we are here, but would you like to try one of my galettes? My father, and my grandfather make them all the time where I originally lived, and I thought I should try to sell them to the people who are now living here.” Marinette Dupain-Cheng says to the other person. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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peachyxkeenx3 · 2 months ago
"I am liking this Winter festival, and my name is Merry! It's a pleasure to meet you. I personally don't like not knowing how I arrived here, but I'm happy to potentially make new friends here! Wow, you're a Princess? For real? That is amazing! And I do celebrate Christmas Day, but it was always called Toy Day in the towns, and islands that I lived in before. And happy new year to you too, Princess Anna! How did she get those kind of ice, or snow powers? That's interesting, though." Merry said to Princess Anna.
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“This is really weird, I’m not going to lie. I mean, the last thing that I remember is trying to find my older sister who turned the whole kingdom into an eternal Winter, and now we are celebrating all of the Winter holidays, including New Year’s Eve, and New Year’s Day, on an island filled with people who came from different places. I’m just wondering what you think of this whole situation. Are you liking this Winter festival, and how are you feeling about this whole situation? I mean, of living here, and not knowing how you had arrived here?” Princess Anna asks the other person that she had just seen close by to where she is standing right now. “Oh, and happy holidays, and happy new year to you! If you celebrate a holiday this Winter, I mean. My name is Princess Anna, by the way.” Princess Anna says to the other person. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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hellokittyfmxo · 9 months ago
"Canterlot Island, and that school is on this island too. At least that is what somebody told me. I'm Toph Beifong. What would your name be? If you have any other questions though, just feel free to ask me." Toph Beifong replied.
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Starlight Glimmer looks around at her surroundings. This place isn’t anywhere in Equestria, and it isn’t even in Canterlot High School. “Okay… I guess that I’m not in Canterlot High School again,” She notices someone who is nearby her. Starlight Glimmer sighs as she walks closer to that person. At least she has gotten much better at walking with two feet by now. She looks at what is nearby her. They didn’t have anything like this place in Equestria, but this is an island called Canterlot Island. Starlight Glimmer looks at the person. “Uh, hey… Uh, do you think that you can tell me where I am right now?” Starlight Glimmer asks the other person whom she sees nearby herself. “I would really appreciate it if you could please tell me the name of this place that we are living in now. But it’s alright if you don’t know the name of it either.” Starlight Glimmer says to the other person. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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dreamsofwonderlandfm · 10 months ago
"You're welcome. I wouldn't do something like that, though. That's berry good that you're kinder now. I'm not familiar with this place though, and I was just wondering if you might want to show me where the businesses, and etc. are? My name's Rainbow Sherbet though. What is your name? Pleasure to make your acquaintance. Sorry to hear that though." Rainbow Sherbet responded.
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“I don’t like it whenever people say that I’m not a good person, so don’t judge me while we are on this island. Who I used to be isn’t even who I am anymore. I happen to be very nice… now. Thank you.” Angelica says. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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losmultimuseblog · 1 year ago
"Courtney?" Hope asked. The other Cis-Female looked so very much like the same Cis-Female that Hope had went to school with. She had always called Hope 'Faith'. "Uh, what do you have here? This is my first time being here. And I also just recently arrived here, so I don't know the name of this place yet. It just looks like an island to me." Hope said.
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Chloe Carmichael looks at someone that she saw just enter the gift shop, where she works. She walks closer to them, but not too close to them. “Hello! Is there anything that I can help you find?” Chloe asks the person. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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katiesmultimuseblogrpg · 1 year ago
"This Halloween carnival is indeed a great idea, and my name is Mandy. It's a pleasure to meet you too, Sunny. That is not something that I had heard before I had arrived to Canterlot Island, I mean, with the whole people becoming older by some strange magical reason, and also not being a human before thing. I'm going as a Princess! It was the first thing that came to my mind. What's your costume?" Mandy asked.
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“I guess that I’m just feeling extremely confused right now. I don’t remember being older than I was before, and I also wasn’t a ‘human’ in Equestria where I lived. But I am excited about this Halloween carnival! It seems like a great idea, and the ‘Mane 6′ as they are called oddly have the same names as the girls that my father told me about. Anyways, I’m sorry for rambling. My name is Sunny Starscout! It’s such a pleasure to meet you! What is your name? And have you decided on what your costume for the costume party will be yet?” Sunny asks a person who is standing near her. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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lindseysmultimuseblog · 1 year ago
"Sure. I would love to try a hot chocolate with you. Do you have any suggestions on what I could try adding to it? And it's okay. That's really good though. My name is Grape. It's a pleasure to meet you. What is your name?" Grape asked the other person as she took a hot chocolate from the hot chocolate stand.
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Luz still hasn’t really been enjoying living on Canterlot Island for the past three years. The last thing that she remembered was discovering that Emperor Belos is not only a witch hunter, but the same Phillip Wittebane that she had helped. There was no way to find out if Eda, King, and the others from the Boiling Isles were safe. She had been enjoying this Winter festival, however, specifically this hot chocolate stand. “Oh, man. I am in love with this hot chocolate. You have got to try this with me!” Luz says to the other person nearby her. Admittingly, back from the Human Realm, she didn’t have any human friends. Her classmates had always thought that she was too strange, and too weird. Luz had to stand in the line for ten minutes for the hot chocolate, but it was definitely worth the wait. She made a new concoction. Luz grinned at the other person. “Sorry for the random invite. Um, this Winter festival has been a nice distraction for me from back home.” Luz says, and then she took another sip of her hot chocolate. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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animatedmuses · 29 days ago
Emma immediately looked at them, and she smiled warmly at them. "You're in Canterlot Island right now, and I do not know the true reason, but I have heard some people guessing that maybe it was a magical teleportation spell, or something like that. My name is Emma though! And it is a pleasure to meet you! What is your name?" Emma asked them.
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Natalie Page felt confused after she arrived to Canterlot Island. Natalie Page didn’t know why she is here, and no one seemed to know either. Natalie Page looks at a person. “Excuse me? Could you please tell me where I am right now? And do you know anything that would explain how we arrived here?” Natalie Page asks the person as she walks towards them. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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animatedmuses · 2 months ago
"I'm Emma. And I absolutely love this Winter festival! I'm not really sure what I'm doing here for, or how I arrived here, but this is a really nice place. I just honestly really miss my parents, and my best friends. It is a pleasure to meet you! And thank you! Happy holidays, and happy new year to you too! Really, though? Your older sister has special powers? That is kind of cool, but I wouldn't like an eternal Winter, or anything like that." Emma answered.
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“This is really weird, I’m not going to lie. I mean, the last thing that I remember is trying to find my older sister who turned the whole kingdom into an eternal Winter, and now we are celebrating all of the Winter holidays, including New Year’s Eve, and New Year’s Day, on an island filled with people who came from different places. I’m just wondering what you think of this whole situation. Are you liking this Winter festival, and how are you feeling about this whole situation? I mean, of living here, and not knowing how you had arrived here?” Princess Anna asks the other person that she had just seen close by to where she is standing right now. “Oh, and happy holidays, and happy new year to you! If you celebrate a holiday this Winter, I mean. My name is Princess Anna, by the way.” Princess Anna says to the other person. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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dreamsofwonderlandfm · 9 months ago
Rainbow Sherbet quickly replied to the other Cis-Female. She had been told of their current location by someone named Sweetie Belle. "We're in Canterlot Island, and I honestly don't know what just happened to everyone here. Not even the people who originally live here have any knowledge on how we arrived to their island. But my name is Rainbow Sherbet, and it's a good pleasure to make your acquaintance! What is your name? And where did you originally live in before you arrived to Canterlot Island?" Rainbow Sherbet asked the other Cis-Female.
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Starlight Glimmer looks around at her surroundings. This place isn’t anywhere in Equestria, and it isn’t even in Canterlot High School. “Okay… I guess that I’m not in Canterlot High School again,” She notices someone who is nearby her. Starlight Glimmer sighs as she walks closer to that person. At least she has gotten much better at walking with two feet by now. She looks at what is nearby her. They didn’t have anything like this place in Equestria, but this is an island called Canterlot Island. Starlight Glimmer looks at the person. “Uh, hey… Uh, do you think that you can tell me where I am right now?” Starlight Glimmer asks the other person whom she sees nearby herself. “I would really appreciate it if you could please tell me the name of this place that we are living in now. But it’s alright if you don’t know the name of it either.” Starlight Glimmer says to the other person. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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hellokittyfmxo · 3 months ago
"Well, I did wanted to ask you if you happen to know where the tea shop is? Or any business that I could go to purchase tea bags? And thank you for telling me that. This is quite strange... I mean, to show up here, and not remember how I had even arrived to Canterlot Island. I'm originally from Strawberryland, so I wasn't expecting to arrive to this island." Tea Blossom said to Sophia Mendoza.
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“Where am I right now? This is really confusing. Uh, do you know where I am right now? And my name is Tea Blossom. What is your name? I’m pleased to meet you.” Tea Blossom said to the other human person that she just saw nearby herself. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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losmultimuseblog · 1 year ago
Rachel was surprised to hear what Sunny had said, but then she quickly remembered this magical portal that is just outside the entrance of Canterlot High School. "Well, there is supposedly magic here. I thought that was just a rumor though. And I'm Rachel. It's nice to meet you as well, Sunny. This will be so much fun, and I'm ironically older too on this Canterlot Island. I haven't quite made my decision yet on a costume, but I'll let you know once I have made my decision on it. What about your costume? What will you be this year, Sunny? This place is really strange, and I have no idea where the other Kids Next Doors are right now." Rachel replied.
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“I guess that I’m just feeling extremely confused right now. I don’t remember being older than I was before, and I also wasn’t a ‘human’ in Equestria where I lived. But I am excited about this Halloween carnival! It seems like a great idea, and the ‘Mane 6′ as they are called oddly have the same names as the girls that my father told me about. Anyways, I’m sorry for rambling. My name is Sunny Starscout! It’s such a pleasure to meet you! What is your name? And have you decided on what your costume for the costume party will be yet?” Sunny asks a person who is standing near her. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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