#♡ ˙ * ✧ ━━ every character that I'm writing for in this RPG's ❪open starters❫ ━━ ✧*˙♡
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hellokittyfmxo · 3 months ago
“Where am I right now? This is really confusing. Uh, do you know where I am right now? And my name is Tea Blossom. What is your name? I’m pleased to meet you.” Tea Blossom said to the other human person that she just saw nearby herself. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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aleahsmultimuseblog · 5 months ago
Twilight Sparkle had been too focused on trying to complete an assignment for one of her classes. She took a short break from her homework, and she looked around her table. She saw someone nearby her. It could be possible that they were talking to her, but she didn’t hear what that person said. If they said anything to her, that is. “I’m sorry. What were you saying? I was doing some homework, and I wasn’t listening.” Twilight Sparkle said to them.
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peachyxkeenx3 · 6 months ago
Merry had been walking near the beach of Canterlot Island, while staring at the shooting stars. She had heard someone nearby her, and she smiled at them. “Beautiful night, isn’t it? You can join me if you want to. My name is Merry, by the way.” Merry said to the person. She smiled at the person.
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valiantfm · 11 days ago
“You can sit next to me, if you’d like to. I’m not saving the seat next to me for anyone that I know of. My name is Kyra Kim, by the way. It’s a pleasure to meet you! So, what is your name?” Kyra Kim asked the person that she notices is nearby herself. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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cordialsanguine · 2 months ago
Farrah Goodfairy frowned as she looked at her surroundings. First of all, she has no idea where she is living right now, and second of all, she doesn’t know how to ice skate during this Winter festival’s ice skating activity. And strangely, she couldn’t use her powers on this island. Farrah Goodfairy saw someone leave a store, and then she walks towards that person that she saw. “Hi, uh, this is a bit embarrassing for me to ask you, but I was just wondering if you know how to ice skate? And, uh, if so, could you please teach me how to ice skate?” Farrah Goodfairy asked the person. @forgottenfriendshipstarters
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animatedmuses · 28 days ago
“Oh, hello. My name is Emma. What is your name? It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Emma said to a person that she is now currently noticing is nearby herself. “Do you happen to recommend any food restaurants that I should go to?” Emma asked the person, as she smiled at them. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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goldstcrsfm · 2 months ago
The holiday stress was getting to a lot of the citizens on Canterlot Island, and Carrie Wilson still doesn’t know what is she even doing here. It just seemed to everyone that no one knew why they are here. And some people had lost some of their memories, or maybe even all of their memories. She was in some sort of a trance, when someone had placed their hand on her shoulder. Carrie Wilson’s little trance had ended. She looked at them. “What? I’m sorry. I wasn’t able to listen to what you had said to me. I mean, if you had said anything to me. Why are you here?” Carrie Wilson asked them. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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serenityrpgfm · 7 months ago
“Hey, where are you planning on going right now?” Fluttershy asked the person who is nearby her. She walked towards the person. She had adjusted to walking on two feet instead of four hooves, but it still felt pretty strange to her. “I was just wondering if you wanted to look at my booth? You know, for the Pride festival? My name is Fluttershy,” Fluttershy said to the other person. “It’s a pleasure to meet you! What is your name?” Fluttershy asks to the person. @forgottenfriendshipstarters
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strawberrymclkshakcsfm · 9 months ago
“Can I help you with something?” Britney asked the next customer in the line at The Java Lava Coffee House, in which she is currently working there as a barista. “I can recommend something for you to order, or you can just tell me what you would like to order here. And I hope that you will have a good day today!” Britney said to the next customer.
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julietvanheusenn · 1 year ago
Juliet smiled at the other person. “So, are you having a good time here?” Juliet asked them. They had been invited to a Crystal Ball Dance with song performances by The Rainbooms. “I really love the music by The Rainbooms. But how about yourself?” Juliet asked the person who is nearby to herself. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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spookynessfm · 1 year ago
“Marinette thought that I could prove to be useful to people if I was working at a booth, alright, so what would you like to have? I’ve got cotton candy, frozen lemonade, snow cones, pizza slices, and a large variety of candy for every single person who wants some candy. Also, my name is Chloé Bourgeois. I know not everyone would know who Queen Bee is, but that’s who I used to be. A superhero. I can tell you more about this Shadow Moth/Hawk Moth person later, but what would you want to eat? I’ve still got plenty of this stuff in stock here.” Chloé Bourgeois said to the person who is near her. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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aleahsmultimuseblog · 10 months ago
‘Kimi’ quickly smiles as she looks at the customer in the front of the line at the place that she works at, and owns. The Java Lava Coffee House. “Hello! Are you ready to order something? Welcome to The Java Lava Coffee House! Can I take your order?” ‘Kimi’ asks the current customer in the line. @forgottenfriendshipstarters
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wegotthistogether · 1 year ago
“I do have to admit. This is a lot different from where I’m from. People dressing up in costume, and not having to worry about covens, or Emperor Belos. I’m Amity Blight. So, what is your name? And will you be attending the costume party, and the costume contest? Does anyone have any costume ideas? I’m blanking on them, as I wasn’t actually a human in my universe.” Amity said to the other person who is nearby her. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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valiantfm · 2 months ago
❛What do people around here do to have some fun?❜  Isabel Armstrong asked the person that she just saw nearby where she is right now. @forgottenfriendshipstarters
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valiantfm · 8 months ago
Shani was standing in the line inside The Java Lava Coffee House right now, but she hadn’t made her decision yet on what she will be ordering. She looked at the customer who is currently standing right behind her. “You can go ahead of me in the line. It’s okay. I just need more time to think about what I will be ordering here. Thank you.” Shani said to that person. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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noprincessfm · 23 days ago
Katherine ‘Kitty’ Song-Covey still couldn’t figure this mystery out, but someone had to know something, right? Katherine ‘Kitty’ Song-Covey looked at the closest nearby person to her. She walked towards that person. “Is there a reason why we cannot leave this island? I mean, does anyone actually know what that reason is? Every single time that I tried to return back home, I’m sent back here, and this has never happened to me before.” Katherine ‘Kitty’ Song-Covey said to the nearby person. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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