#♛•.¸♡ hope's outfits ♡¸.•♛
clockcall · 2 years
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♡ ┈┈ ꔫ ┈┈ ♛ →  EVEN AS THE ITEM WAS handed to her and the purchase was finalized , Chrissy's gaze never left the price, forcing herself to memorize every last detail ; he would be repaid for this kindness, even if he found it under his car seat or in his dashboard or under his mattress -- somehow... Of this, Chrissy was certain she could accomplish! It's almost intoxicating being around Eddie when it came to disobeying ; all her life she'd been taught to be this obedient little doll, but now? She was at a metal concert with the school freak and was about to pay him back for the shirt he'd just bought her as a gift!
       As he handed the fabric to her, she leaned in and gave it a tiny sniff, glossed lips pulled back into delicate smile. This scent was different than the ones she was used to. It smelled...dank like it was left in the sunlight and the scent of dew was buried into its fabric, unlike the ones inside the stores that her mother forced her into ; she could only hope he wouldn't judge her for this.
       ❝ I love it!, Eddie! ❞ She managed as they wandered toward the bathrooms, sneakers already knowing they'd require a good wash when she left from here, but, for once, a little dirt didn't bother her ; for once, she felt..safe, happy, not thinking about the devil that haunted her nightmares. It was enough. Whatever they did today, was enough for her to finally breathe, and, thankfully, the music would be loud enough to ward off the creature -- much like Halloween costumes used to ward off bad spirits in the older days. With Eddie, she could be safe, she could share this, she didn't feel so ostracized or lonely...
       Pulling the shirt close to her chest, she'd sheepishly nod her head as she'd scamper inside the dirty-looking restrooms, the women's seeming to have less visitors than the men's for once, a relief to her as she took the time to pull closed the stall door and lock it. Shaky breath, her movements starting to slow as she began to undress, remembering --
       The haunted screams of her mother -- no, whatever it was -- from that day. The bangs that sounded off the walls, horrifying, telling her that she was fat and ugly and a pig. Eyelids fluttered halfway as feet instinctively moved to the back of the stall and her voice began, trembling, to hum as her jacket is thrown over the door as new shirt was placed over her old one, fitting with enough room to keep it from being snug on her. What a relief...
       Breaths pulled inward, she reached for her jacket -- 1, 2, 3, 4 -- and pulling it around her waist, tying it once then twice, tightly to ensure it wouldn't fall off during the concert (perfect). One more time doe eyes check beneath the stall door, ensuring there weren't any grotesque feet awaiting her...
       The door creaked open, head peering out, giving the bathroom a suspicious once over, the other women in there, their big puffy hairdos, giving her a returned stare. Strawberry blonde locks fell over her shoulder as she managed across the room to the sink, staring at herself in this new outfit ; she looked...metal.
       Cherry pink lip gloss is reapplied in the mirror, a giggle leaving her, the mental strain of the stall claustrophobia fell further behind in memory. This would prelude her excusing herself from the restroom as she ducked around the other ladies, who were definitely more metal than her, and stepping outside to meet back up with Eddie. Raising up her arm, she'd give him a salute, her index finger, pinky, and thumb all up -- eyes widen then the thumb is pulled inward in an instant. ❝ R...Rock on! ❞
┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈ →  @eddie continued for beta editor ; n ;
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boo-sans342 · 1 year
(Any pictures is not mine but the idea and the story and the oc is mine *this is MY AU create by me boo-sans342*)
The birds were singing outside the flowers were blooming the day outside isin various colors was so beautiful
but...... a fight sound was heard...... In a big yellow hall with massive plumes. the judgment hall..... the bones every where breaking the yellowish-orange tiles, the broken walls the disgusting smell that only seems to get stronger. the smell and the sight of the crimson blood on the floor covering it including the bones, the heavy panting can be heard through the air and the sounds of someone falling to the ground, she is so tired, so hopeless while looking at the laing person in front of her, a bright red knife in their hands, and their unwavering crazy smile and piercing bloody red eyes looking at her. She knew it... This was where it all ends..they raised their knife again ready to end this once again. she knew that no matter how hard she tried..she cannot avoid this.. she closed her eyes"brother...... do you need anything"Her vision blurred as everything went black
"AAAAAUGHHH"she woke up her hands gripping tightly at the mattress under her, she panted heavily putting her hands on her chest trying to calm her panic, the events of the dream plays upon her empty dark eye socket "a dream?.. no the nightmare... again... but this time it was..... so real.... i felt it..the pain, everything..."she suddenly a knock on the door"come in"she spoke, the door opened revealing a tall skeleton with tangerine eyes, he was wearing a chef like outfit with a red scarf he looked about 185 cm tall,
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he looked at her with a worried expression"s.. sans.... are you okay? i heard you screaming"she sighs trying to calm herself down"yes Ace im okay i just had a..."she sighs, Ace gazed upon her stressed figure"the same nightmare huh?"Ace muttered softly"yes it is"she said softly now seeming to have calmed down Abit"well at least it's just a nightmare, sans"she nods her head"i hope so"she said as Ace sighed looking at her"it's okay sans it's okay"Ace said calmly while adding"im going to make us a breakfast okay?"Ace said as he patted her back"what's breakfast today?"she asked"pancake"Ace spoke proudly he was speaking as if he won the nobel prize"ooooh you will make us a....."Ace cut her"Boo sans don't you dare to fin_"she cut him off before he could even complete the sentence"PUN-cake"she joked"OH MY GOD BOO IM LEAVING""come on you're smiling"she said between laughter"I know and I HATE IT" Ace went to the kitchen ignoring boo's loud laughter, she continued laughing to forget this horrible nightmare, when the laughter finally went down, she stood up and wore her clothes, a white shirt and blue jaket which had two bones on both sides of it and the name sans as well as a black hat had a skeleton head on it and fluffy blue slipper,
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she walked to the kitchen sitting on the counter waiting for ace, they spoke and laughed happily with each other as ace was preparing breakfast, after boo finished her breakfast she Went out of the house after saying goodbye to her brother...she didn't know this is the last time she'll say it. she went out from watershed which was their home enjoying the soft whispers of the tune arctic echo flowers around the waterfall... she looked at her mail box which was brusting from all the bill letters, eh she'll do it later she left their home walking down the path leading the snowflake city crossing the bridge and looking at the The tangled trees that formed the forest around her. Snowflake city's cozy houses Came within her sight,she'll go to the stand later for now she'll check on the lady behind the door... Her pun buddy.. she didn't know her name but boo enjoyed her company they would meet every day sharing bad jokes. Boo couldn't wait to meet the nice lady again, she walked happily in the path between the trees, when she got close to the door she saw a.... figure? it's a human!! she teleported behind them walking slowly when they reached the bridge she teleported behind them and spoke slowly"Human don't you know how welcome a new friend?..turn around and shake my hand"
okay Friends we will stop here thank you for reading and have a nice day : D
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fxckmiup · 2 years
𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞 ♡
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A/n: I'm backkkkk!!!!
Genre: ♡ Fluff
Warnings: None 
Pairing: Avenger!Wanda x Avenger!Reader
Summary: I can’t say much without spoiling the story but trust me you’ll love it! 
Words: 1,485
Navigation || Wanda’s Masterlist || Taglist 
»»————- ♛ ————-««
Tonight all the avengers had been summoned by the one and only Tony Stark for a formal party. I hope Tony doesn't kill me, it's 8:20 pm and the party started at 8 pm and I'm just about to leave my room. 
"FRIDAY, is everyone at the party already?" I asked our AI best friend. 
"Yes Ms. Y/L/N, everyone is present at the party except for you." The AI told me only making me more scared of Tony. 
I look in the mirror one last time and smile slightly at my outfit, I clean up well if I do say so myself. I turn around and smile proudly with a hint of sadness at the reflection of my back tattoo in the mirror. I stare at the reflection reminiscing when I was once Heda of Trikru. 
"Ms. Y/L/N, Mr. Stark is asking when you will be arriving?" FRIDAY breaks my trance. 
Shit. I look at the time to see it's now close to 9 pm.  
"FRIDAY please tell Tony that I'll be there in 5 minutes." I speed walk out of my room and into the elevator, which was already open for me. I command to be taken to the Avenger's main floor, where the party is being held. 
Once the elevator doors open to the Avenger's main floor, I take a deep breath and walk out gracefully in my high heels towards the main area where everyone is at. I smile softly scanning the room, happiness filling me slowly as I watch all my friends having a good relaxing time. 
Scratch that. These people weren't just my friends, they're my family. 
"Ah! An hour later and Y/n Y/l/n has finally decided to grace us with her presence!" Tony yells from across the room as he points at you with an open palm. 
Tony's loud introduction of you had caused everyone to turn their heads at you. Some with their jaws slightly dropped, some giving me heart eyes, some amused, while a few people give me a look of envy. 
"Lady Y/l/n, you have everyone giving you love-struck eyes," Thor teases you as he walks over to you to give you a quick hug. 
"Oh, nonsense! They're only shocked that for once I'm not just covered with blood." I joke making Thor chuckle back. 
"Have you seen Wanda by any chance?" I ask the Asgardian as I scan the room for my beautiful witch. 
"Hmm, I've seen her talking to Rhodes and Tony earlier," Thor answers and I nod with thanks to him. I excuse myself from Thor and make my way to the bar standing beside Natasha who gives me a smirk once she sees me. 
"Dirty martini please," I tell the bartender who nods and gives me a wink making me almost shudder. 
"Wanda is my friend and I respect her a lot, but if you two weren't together then I'd tap you right now," Natasha says confidently looking me up and down making me laugh. 
Before I can even reply I feel arms wrap around my waist from behind then a second later I feel soft lips against my bare shoulder. "Good thing I made her mine before you Nat," Wanda says with an amused tone as she kisses my shoulder softly before resting her chin on it. 
"Hi baby," my beautiful girlfriend greets me making me smile widely. 
"Hi love," I reply back to her as I caress her arms around my waist. 
The bartender comes back sliding me my drink and I say a quick thanks while Wanda sends a pointed look toward him. 
"Ouff, she's possessive. If looks could kill the bartender would be 6ft under the ground." Natasha jokes as she takes a sip from her drink. 
Third Person POV
As the night came close to midnight the party died down with only the avengers left lounging around in a circle on the couches. Wanda mindlessly caresses up and down Y/n's bare arms as the brunette relaxes in the arms of the redhead witch. 
"Okay lovebirds, I have a question. I've been curious for a while now actually," Tony asks grabbing everyone's attention. "How did you two know that you truly love each other?" He asks shyly which earned a raised eyebrow from the brunette. 
"Wands, you want to go first?" Y/n suggested as she sits up looking over at Wanda with a smile. The witch nods with a loving smile and intertwines her fingers with Y/n before looking back at the rest of the group. 
"I adored Y/n for the longest time. Everything she did make my heart flutter. From the way she scratches her eyebrow when she's confused or stressed, or the way she bites her inner cheek when she was nervous, and how she's specific with how soft she likes her noodles. For the longest time, I thought I just truly adored her but when I started craving to wake up beside her every morning and come home to her every night then I knew that it was much more than adoration. And then I start envisioning my future with her, being her wife, building our own home, having kids and a dog with her told me that damn, I love this woman. Hell, I don't just love this woman, I am in love with this woman. There is not a second in a day where I would want to spend the rest of my life with someone else, it's her. It's always been her and it will always be her." Wanda loves talking about Y/n and she can seriously go on and on but she had to force herself to stop or else they’d be up all night. 
Wanda's words melted Y/n's heart as well as the rest of the avengers who looked up at the couple with awe. 
Y/n kisses the back of Wanda's hand and whispers "I love you," against the witch's temple before kissing the spot softly. 
The brunette clears her throat before starting, "it's nice to have those cheesy moments, fancy dates, happy hours, and laughing at silly shits at different times of the day. In our case, it's even a blessing to have moments during our missions. But to me, true love is waking up in godly hours of the night to help her because of a nightmare or to help her because she's sick since I don't want her to do all of that alone. True love is being your biggest cheerleader but also being your toughest critic when you need it. I knew I was in love with Wands when I looked at her on a spiritual level, a level so deep, that I can literally feel it when she's gone. I'd rather fight with her than spend a single peaceful night with somebody else. She knows me, the real me, the old me, and the future me. She knows me and she truly loves me. I always thought that I was hard to love until she made it seem so easy. The stretch marks around my thighs, the scars all over my body,  she kisses them until I change my mind. She knows me and she loves me, that's the love I never thought I hoped for. Wands is the unexpected person that I fell in love with at the most unexpected time which makes me feel like our story is one of the best love stories. I'm in love with Wanda Maximoff and there's no denying that." 
There were no dry eyes after Y/n finished what she had said and Wanda's eyes were definitely one of them. 
Wanda grabs the back of Y/n’s neck and pulls her in for a passionate loving kiss. This kiss felt more passionate than any other kiss the two had ever shared and it made them putty in each other's hands. 
They both pull away once oxygen became a problem and Wanda whispers against Y/n's lips, "marry me." 
There was a chorus of gasps around the couple but it seemed as if the two paid no mind to them. 
"What?" the brunette whispered back in shock. 
"I'm serious. Tomorrow is never promised to us. I want you, I wanted you yesterday, I want you now, I want you tomorrow, I want you forever. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Y/n Y/l/n marry me," the redhead says looking deeply into Y/n's eyes with a hopeful glint in her own eyes.
Y/n smiles widely through her own happy tears, "yes I will marry you Wanda Maximoff. I’d marry you in every universe." 
The rest of the avengers cheers loudly around them while the couple shares another passionate kiss tasting a mixture of their tears. 
This was their endgame.
»»————- ♛ ————-««
🏷️: @nats-dreamland @marvelwomen-simp @togrowoldinv @silver-lotus @maia-lightwoood @when-wolves-howl @wandanatvoid @ilovehotactresses @onetruwhore @Strangegardentaco @sadonism @mellxa @wandasbabe @sayah13 @natslilangel
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