#♛ ( . answered )
zoranzeal · 1 year
Anonymous asked: When do young Zora learn to swim?
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Sidon laughs. "Long before we learn to walk! We swim the moment we enter the world!"
"Not well, mind you. It's closer to... motivated wiggling. But in time, we learn how to move properly within water—and how it moves for us."
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kronulv · 5 months
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@khalesci asked: ❛ take these off . ❜
In    the    dim    light    of    her    quarters,    the    King    does    as    she    tolds    him.    He    removes    the    reminders    of    the    king    in    the    north's    decorations.    The    cape    and    layers,    one    by    one,    until    he    remains    with    his    loosen    shirt,    the    scars    from    the    wedding    can    be    seen    through    the    fabric    but    his    attention    is    on    the    Queen    before    him,    as    he    steps    closer.    Her    own    clothes    are    far    too    revealing    for    a    night    talk    and    he    knows,    neither    of    them    has    a    desire    to    talk.    They    part    for    Westeros    soon,    and    it    seems    that    what    they    both    wanted,    is    finally    coming    back    to    them.    His    wolf    brooch    is    holding    the    string    on    her    side    of    the    dress    and    his    hand    places    there,    thumb    brushing    the    skin    underneith.   
"I'll    take    mine,    as    you    take    these,    Daenerys."    Her    name    finally    spoken    without    being    a    secret,    the    distance    between    the    two    is    minimal    as    he    raises    his    arms    to    remove    his    shirt,    tossed    to    the    side    as    he    smile,    Grey    Wind    moving    to    leave    the    room    and    closing    the    door    before    them,    leaving    the    two    in    privacy.    "I    would    like    my    brooch    now.    I    believe    I    promise    to    kiss    you    after    it's    back    in    my    hands."
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cryopathiic-a · 9 months
"you're the prettiest thing i've ever seen."
Slender fingers carefully pinched the brush, dusting off a few speckles of white powder littering the jade incense burner. It was a beautiful design, the silver lotus on the lid tainted with speckles of bronze from the use. Next, the shaping mold was laid out on the perfectly smoothed out white dust and there, the agarwood shavings were poured and molded in the shape of the kanji for heaven. With the same care he had applied throughout all his motions, Dōma completes the ritual by lighting a match and quickly igniting the thick line of agarwood formed. And it takes. And then he closes the lid.
And smiles up at the other as the first few pillars of fragrant smoke rise from it.
It's a smile that will disguise how little he had been expecting that comment. But then again, he hadn't expected the request that led up to it either; to keep wearing his human facade after a sermon, in private. Before another powerful demon. Given his views on the matter, it made no sense but... what kind of host would he be to deny his guest's whims?
So he had worn it. His human face. Not a day over twenty, with a head of white gold. But the most notable difference was how softer his features seemed; a gaze stripped of the penetrating glow, as beautiful as it was calming. He even brought back the dusting of freckles over his nose.
So the compliment, in his opinion, was well deserved.
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❝ Thank you. ❞ He places the incense aside, to join the scent of candles and lingering smoke that still did so little to disguise the true aromas that had seeped into this room; the pungent mark of bloodspill. But in that moment, between the way the artificial lantern-light hit his mundane features and the thick coating covering his tracks, it all painted a very human picture. Dōma was proficient at that, after all; blending in with them yet never quite on their level. Even in this archaic form he still retained some striking features, after all. Primarily, the notorious set of polychromatic eyes that peered straight into the other's with a darling bat of thick lashes.
He sits back and allows his weight to sink into the pillows. There's that inviting look that's almost hubris when directed towards a superior. But he thinks he's entitled to wear it. Because, that's what he came for, right? That's why he visited, after so much time, and sat through an entire sermon and then requested him in the privacy of his own chamber, as well — surely, that must be his endgoal.
And yet he's sitting there, staring at their exposed, tender flesh like he's seeing oracles on it. The most animated thing about Kokushibo in those moments had been his hair — and that's only because an occasional night breeze slipped past the room's window. Was he bored? Was he lost to deep thought? It was impossible to tell; and the frustration was building in his younger counterpart because of it.
Frankly, Dōma wasn't one to work for things in his life; and he'd already worked so hard for this. So, his tone held the tiniest trace of frustration as he moved to undo the sash of his own robes — since the other wouldn't do it for him, apparently.
❝ But, enough of that now. I thought you were here for a reason? ❞
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heroesvow · 17 days
people are gonna come to this blog, see all my muses and wonder if i'm cracked out of my mind
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vis3rys · 1 month
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@lannisther asked: ❝ You don't need Dorne or the Dothraki or that insipid lord in Braavos. You need me. I am the one who can put Robert's kingdom in your hands. ❞ oops
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"You.   .   .are   a   Lannister.   Tywin   Lannister's   daughter   and   you   think   I   want   your   help?"   He   would   be   better   sending   her   head   on   a   spike   for   Tywin   to   receive.   But   if   rumors   that   reach   him   are   correct,   the   old   stag   is   dead   and   the   kingdom   is   going   through   trouble,   a   perfect   time   to   take   the   dragon   out   of   the   bag.   Lilac   eyes   look   over   at   the   woman,   who   he   remembers   as   younger   and   beautiful   and   completely   head   over   heels   for   his   brother.   He   was   told   she   wept   in   anger   when   the   betrothal   was   broken.   Ser   Jaime   had   told   him   so.  
"What   would   you   want   in   return?   Because   that's   why   you   are   here,   yes?   Negotiate   a   bargain,   perhaps   benefits.   Lannisters   always   land   on   top,   do   they   not?"   He   walks   closer   to   where   she   is   seated   and   he   leans   down,   a   hand   to   cage   the   woman   against   the   chair   and   him,   and   lilac   eyes,   not   quite   indigo   like   his   brother,   but   close   enough   show   danger   behind   his   eyes.   Vengeance   in   his   blood.   "Speak,   and   it   better   be   worth   my   time."
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venisontransmission · 2 months
my congratulations on the offspring.
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"Do not attempt to pass this up on me. I'm not the one who lays eggs!"
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iudiex · 11 months
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ask the graphic maker! ( accepting ) // @drolliic
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6. A graphic you’re proud of
hmmm. i am proud of many of my graphics, especially lately! but these three come to mind:
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my neuvillette pinned post graphic, my lyney icon border, and my fu xuan icon border. the last two especially were labors of love. lyney in particular!
17. Name something you would like to improve on/learn
in keeping with the spirit of my last post - apart from cutting shit out, i'd like to get a bit better at utilizing brushes? i find them to be immensely tedious and feel like i don't... use them as well or as much as i should.
18. How long do your graphics usually take?
too long. to those who have commissioned me, your patience is loved and appreciated. but honestly it really depends on the graphic. i am slowest with icon borders / post dividers because there are a lot of little elements. a full set honestly takes me about 4 - 6 hours maybe just depending. but in typical finch fashion, i am either fast as lightning or slow as molasses, really depending on the assets i have available and the complexity of said graphic.
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tofeelthecold · 2 years
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soft angst sentence starters || accepting
@brokenandlonelysouls said: ❛  just talk to me, okay?  ❜
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"About what, Stefan?" Damon countered. As much as he wanted to have that kind of relationship with his brother he didn't think it was possible and he was fine with ending up being the bad guy. He was always fine with that and he wasn't going to counter it or try to justify how he was and how he'd been in the past but he wasn't sure there was anything he could talk about that wasn't going to be productive. "I don't want another argument or lecture."
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zoranzeal · 1 year
Anonymous asked: What's your first memory of your sister?
Sidon could not yet see, save for blue shadows that rolled against the shell of his egg. He could not yet speak. But he could hear. And he heard speech, a man's warm laughter. Most of all, he heard melodies—a woman's, low and strong and wise, swaying and giggling over words he did not understand, but felt. He would wake to her song, and he would fall asleep to it.
One night, it changed. It became young, and high, and unsure. But it was soft, and it was sweet, and it was safe. It was that song he heard from then on, and it was that song he learned to sing back to.
When he hatched, its owner was holding him.
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"Her voice."
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mindsafe · 20 days
12, 20 for Kenny immediately
@w4rche1f || from [ X ] || accepting
sexuality & gender diversity headcanons
12) what are your muse’s feelings towards stereotypes relating to their identity? do they affect their self-image, or how they perceive others?
i'm examining this from a 'modern' POV, but i imagine that kenny would have a degree of resentment towards most stereotypes. he was likely closeted for a long time && struggled with internalized homophobia. even after accepting his identity, you still can't pay him enough to say ❛ yaasss queen ❜ && will bitch about how annoying gays are && how they can never just say they LIKE something.
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20) what are your muse’s feelings towards the culture of romance and sexuality as it pertains to their identity?
he doesn't understand dating apps && has probably uninstalled && reinstalled grindr too many times. it's not that he hates hookup culture, as much as it is him hating the kind of people it attracts.
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kronulv · 4 months
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@khalesci asked: ❛ they’re going to catch us - ❜
Winterfell   was   home.   His   spirits   seem   to   have   been   lifted   the   moment   the   Stark   flags   replaced   the   flayed   men   on   the   walls   of   the   castle   and   the   wolves   return   home,   The   North   rejoice   and   Robb's   vigor   seem   to   have   regained   strengths   now   across   the   sea.   He   was   back   home   and   she,   who   now   lay   pressed   against   him   by   the   dining   hall,   as   empty   as   it   was,   for   he   requested   it   so,   close   to   her   own   throne.   He   had   kissed   her   then,   intended   to   just   do   so   but   it   was   never   just   that   with   them,   was   it   now?   There   was   not   that   much   time   for   anything   else,   but   he   had   promised   to   have   her   when   he   return   home.   The   winter   seat   is   much   more   rustic   and   comfortable   than   any   iron   throne   or   Mereen   throne   but   serves   the   purpuse   as   he   had   lay   her   there   on   the   throne   and   sneak   his   hands   inside   her   skirts,   with   a   familiar   ease,   wetting   his   fingers   with   his   mouth   before   toying   with   her   own.   Teasing   the   entrance   and   feeling   her   quiver   under   his   touch.  
"Then   you   better   make   haste,   baby   girl   and   come   with   my   fingers.   You   can   have   the   rest   of   me   later."   He   promises,   hovering   over   her,   a   hand   over   her   cheek,   pressed   against   the   nape   of   her   neck   while   the   other   uses   his   thumb   to   press   against   her   sensitive   bud.   "You   did   promised   me   to   have   your   taste   whenever   I   wanted.   And   I   have   a   desire   for   it   now."   He   kisses   her   cheek,   a   trail   to   her   neck   as   he   incentive   the   move   of   her   hips   with   matching   shift   of   his   fingers,   adding   another   one   for   pressure,   feeling   her   around   them.   "Just   a   little   more,   Daenerys,   I   can   feel   you   how   you   are   so   close.   Are   you   going   to   come   for   me   now?   Let   me   taste   you?"   
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cryopathiic-a · 1 year
((Hi! Mod just letting you know I love your writings and headcannons <3 ))
❝ Okay, children, gather up — ❞
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❝ — Papa is still waiting for his Father's Day gift~ ❞
(( Hey hey!! Thank you so much!! Your art is amazing, so lively & cute ^^ and I love the little concepts you have for the ice children ❤️ Thank you so much for your encouraging words & I hope to see more of your content ! ))
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lilagonzaldrizoti · 22 days
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This   has   been   the   night   she   waited   for   so   long.   Gods   above   she   feels   she   is   flying   right   now,   just   as   if   she   was   atop   of   Vhagar   but   no,   this   is   a   different   type   of   flying,   in   which   her   muscles   tighten   and   her   arms   wrap   around   him   and   invite   him   closer   after   the   ceremony   and   their   bows   were   done.  
The   blood   of   Valyria   in   her   called   to   the   one   in   him   and   finally   she   sees   that   fire   and   the   hunger   they   both   felt   for   one   another.   She   believes   her   dress   to   be   thorn   and   if   she   had   more   attention,   she   would   be   telling   him   to   buy   her   another   one   but   right   now   she   is   all   too   focus   on   how   he   feels.
@dastardlydaemon asked: ❛ you're so good for me, so fucking good around me, fucking made for me. ❜ / for laena
Laena   moans   at   that,   lilac   eyes   open   at   the   sight   before   her   as   he   thrust,   her   legs   moving   and   accommodating   him   on   each   side   of,   locking   behind   as   her   hands   move   from   his   hair   to   his   back,   dragging   nails   over   his   skin   and   back   to   his   rear,   helping   him   push   into   one   particular   position   she   had   liked.   "You   make   me   feel   full.   It's   almost   too   much.   But   Gods,   I   can   take   it.   I   can   take   whatever   you   give   me."  
Whatever   he   offers,   she   will   take,   her   lips   find   the   edge   of   his   jawline   and   kiss   there,   nibble   and   bite   and   breathing   against   his   skin   as   the   bed   moves   with   them.   "Give   me   everything.   Claim   me   as   yours   as   I   claim   you   as   mine."   No   one   else   could   compare   to   this   moment.   Laena   had   set   her   eyes   on   him   for   so   long   and   now,   he   is   there,   her   husband,   inside   her,   moving,   making   her   feel   good   and   she   moans   his   name   like   a   prayer,   almost   blasphemous   in   nature.
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proofwhisky · 7 months
I thought you were a seriously good writer and then when we started talking ooc, all you did was make jokes and curse. Still think you're a good writer tho I think you're hella weird
you wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid
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vis3rys · 4 months
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@khalesci asked: ❛ why won't you let me in? what are you so afraid of? ❜
"What   would   you   prefer,   sister?   To   know   everything   that   I   think   of?   Perhaps   what   I   dream   of.   You   dream   of   home   and   red   doors,   I   dream   of   our   mother   bleeding   in   her   bed   and   our   brother   slain   in   battle."   He   dreams   of   the   chaos   of   King's   Landing   when   he   was   but   a   child.   Their   mother's   belly is growing   bigger   and   bigger   and   Ser   Arthur   nowhere   on   sight,   having   left   with   their   brother.   Viserys   dreams   of   a   throne   that   was   stolen,   of   a   fire   that   was   water   down   and   a   family   slaughter.   He   grows   bitter �� of   Faenerys   for   having   no   memories   of   it.All   she   ever   knew   was   Essos,   a   life   not   as   easy   as   it   should   be   but   none   of   the   chaos,   where   their   name   no   longer   mattered   and   he   had   to   sold   his   mother's   jewelry.  
The   assassins   and   the   servants   who   prefered   coin   over   caring   for   children.   "You   would   never   understand   my   rage   and   need   for   revenge.   Perhaps   that's   why   you   might   be   a   kinder   ruler   than   I   would   be,   sister.   Your   struggles   were   different,   some   inflicted   by   me,   but   Westeros   is   nothing   but   a   name   in   your   mind."   He   sold   her   to   Khal   Drogo   for   an   army   that   was   never   delivered.   A   dessert   that   left   him   for   dead,   abandoned   until   another   sun   had   saved   him   but   the   rage   remains.   Perhaps   something   he   shares   with   the   old   Prince   Doran,   despite   the   lack   of   patience.   "I   would   burn   all   of   those   who   help   kill   Rhaegar,   and   Elia   and   the   kids."
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venisontransmission · 5 months
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Shit, he didn't account for this.
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