filthy-reckless-rp · 2 years
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♛ Spotted on the Upper East Side…
Name: Mahesh Chopra Pronouns: He/Him Age: 30 years old Hometown: London, UK Occupation: Fire Investigator Social Status: Insider Faceclaim: Rahul Kohli
Who Is Mahesh?
“Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof and clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth.”
Welcome to the Upper East Side, Mr Chopra. Check your bags at the door and prepare for your world to be turned upside down. We haven’t really had the pleasure just yet but I’m sure I’ll get to know you soon enough. You seem to have built a good life for yourself here already with good friends, a good job and a reputation for having a good time. Back in your college days, you were well known for throwing an unforgettable party. You can make friends with just about anyone, easily fit into any crowd or clique which I’m sure made the move smoother. You’re charming, you’re easy to love and quite possibly impossible to hate. There’s very little that you take entirely seriously and you always do your best to bring a little humour to the situation. Well, with yours truly back in town, plenty of frowns are going to need turned upside down. You’ll be very busy, Mahesh. XOXO ---Gossip Girl
A Little Extra
When it comes to victory dances, terrible puns and being incredibly modest (duh), Mahesh Chopra excels. Even in the face of utter disaster, he finds a way to remain positive and lift the spirits of those around him. Described by his peers back home as ‘an absolute lad’, there’s really no one that Mahesh can’t get along with. He is just fundamentally likable. He’s very passionate about his favourite TV shows and will argue with you about who the coolest female superhero character is and why she deserves better. Growing up, he always knew he wanted to do something cool but also something that was meaningful. Something that helped other people. Plus, science is his jam. Becoming a Fire Investigator was a dream come true and ending up in New York was the cherry on top. Through his job, he met the best group of people at the firehouse he now considers a second home.
Mahesh has successfully melted the hearts and frowns (looking at you Chief) of his found family. They bring out the best in him and he always wants to make them proud. Mahesh also believes the best in people, he believes in second chances and is always happy to do a well-meaning favour. Of course, not everyone is as well-meaning as him and do tend to take advantage. Luckily for Mahesh, some of his nearest and dearest are looking out to crush any Upper East Side snakes that get too close. When Mahesh isn’t putting his feet up on the dash of life, picking out an excellent outfit for the weekend or working on his hair, he’s exploring the city. New York had a lot of hype to live up to and so far it hasn’t disappointed. Everyone around him just hopes that Mahesh’s goodhearted naivety doesn’t get him into trouble. After all, with our Upper East Siders, you give an inch, they’re sure to take a mile. Let’s hope the joke isn’t on Mahesh.
What Does Gossip Girl Have On Them?
What’s a Gossip Girl?
James King - the Chief of the firehouse. While James hasn’t admitted it yet, Mahesh knows that he is James’ favourite! Mahesh really looks up to them too- a real #hero.
Lili Mahdavi - Lili is- sorry, was- a firefighter that Mahesh worked with a lot. They formed a bond, opposites attracting their way to best friendom but ah, Lili quit. Mahesh is sure she’s going to come back any day now but... Well. Maybe he just misses her.
Priya Singh - do you ever meet someone who just makes your eyes turn to hearts and your legs turn to jelly? That’s Priya for Mahesh. A big crush!
Emmeline Fairchild - do you ever meet someone who makes your jaw drop because, wait, did they just say that!? That’s Emmeline for Mahesh. A lil crush!
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