#☆•.¸♡ &savannah shane's paras tag& ♡¸.•☆
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fadedstarsfm · 7 months ago
"That is definitely one word to describe this whole situation that everyone is suddenly in now. But my name is Savannah Shane, and I was originally from a small town called Rosewood, in California. Literally no one knows what just happened to all of us. It's pretty confusing, and annoying." Savannah Shane replied to Cady.
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“This whole experience is just weird, right? How we all just arrived here, and don’t know what is going on around here? This is so not fetch, as my friend would have said. Anyways. I’m Cady Heron. What is your name? And where were you from before you arrived to this place?” She asked the person whom she had just seen is nearby her at the moment. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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fadedstarsfm · 6 months ago
"That would be awesome, if that would be okay with you! My name is Savannah Shane. It's a pleasure to meet you, Merry. I love it too." Savannah Shane smiled at Merry, while looking at the shooting stars too.
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Merry had been walking near the beach of Canterlot Island, while staring at the shooting stars. She had heard someone nearby her, and she smiled at them. “Beautiful night, isn’t it? You can join me if you want to. My name is Merry, by the way.” Merry said to the person. She smiled at the person.
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fadedstarsfm · 1 month ago
"Oh, that is rather unfortunate. Thank you for telling me that. My name is Savannah Shane. It is a nice pleasure to meet you, though. What is your name?" Savannah Shane asked the other person.
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Savannah Shane turned around, and she looked at a person that she just saw nearby of where she is standing right now. “You there. Can you tell me where I am right now? I seem to be a bit lost, and I don’t know why I’m here.” Savannah Shane asked the person. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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fadedstarsfm · 7 months ago
"Hi, Juleka. My name is Savannah Shane. Well, okay... You could watch a film, or share something on social media, or you could have a fashion show. Hm, I can definitely think of a really long list of things that you can do when you're bored after 11:00 P.M., and aren't feeling very sleepy yet. You could also try something new; as in something that you had never done before. You can also play a video game, and try to beat as many levels as possible. Reading a novel, and listening to your favorite songs are some other suggestions that I would give to you. What are some hobbies that you are interested in?" Savannah Shane asked the Cis-Female person.
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“So, uh, hi… My name is Juleka Couffaine. I, uh, was just wondering if you might have any quick tips on trying not to get bored when it’s, like, after 11:00 P.M.?“ Juleka Couffaine shyly asked the person next to her. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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fadedstarsfm · 7 months ago
"This wouldn't be the first time that I ended up here, but you're currently in Canterlot Island right now. And my name is Savannah Shane. Who are those people? I was just wondering. Friends of yours? And what is your name?" She asked the other person.
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“What the…” Helga G. Pataki trails off, as her eyes are now scanning her unfamiliar surroundings. This place doesn’t look like a place that she has been to before. “You’ve gotta be kidding me. Where’s Phoebe? Gerald? That oaf Harold? Heck, I’d even take that Football-Headed dweeb’s company right now.” She gripes and complains, turning to the nearest person and practically grabbing their arm, “Hey, you. Yeah, you. Where am I right now?” Helga G. Pataki asks them. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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fadedstarsfm · 7 months ago
"Oh, thank you for letting me know that. You're welcome! My name is Savannah Shane. It's a pleasure to meet you too, Britney." Savannah replied. She placed the $5.00 bill that she had in her purse on the counter.
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“Can I help you with something?” Britney asked the next customer in the line at The Java Lava Coffee House, in which she is currently working there as a barista. “I can recommend something for you to order, or you can just tell me what you would like to order here. And I hope that you will have a good day today!” Britney said to the next customer.
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fadedstarsfm · 5 months ago
"My name is Savannah Shane. And it is a pleasure to meet you too, Twilight Sparkle. You're welcome. Thanks... For saying that though. I wouldn't want to actually do that though. I'm not really sure what just happened to me, as in... I don't know how I arrived to Canterlot Island, but I thought that this would look absolutely stunning on you!" Savannah Shane said to Twilight Sparkle.
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“I’m not an asshole, am I?“ Savannah Shane questioned with furrowed brows. Her vision fixated upon the dresses in front of her. “I’m just… selective with my kindness… There’s a difference,” Eager eyes immediately snatched the article of clothing in front of her. “You should try this on. C’mon! You didn’t tag along for nothing.” Maybe spending so much time with Angelica Pickles has changed Savannah Shane’s personality a bit. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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fadedstarsfm · 1 month ago
"Oh, really? I would love to have a map. Thank you. And my name is Savannah Shane. It is a pleasure to meet you, Trixie Lulamoon. This is so not what I was expecting, to show up here. May I have a map of Canterlot Island? Thank you again." Savannah Shane replied.
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Savannah Shane turned around, and she looked at a person that she just saw nearby of where she is standing right now. “You there. Can you tell me where I am right now? I seem to be a bit lost, and I don’t know why I’m here.” Savannah Shane asked the person. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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fadedstarsfm · 1 month ago
"I've never been in a situation such as this one before. This is very unusual. My name is Savannah Shane, and it is a pleasure for me to meet you too, Vesta. I hope that we will find some answers to our questions soon. I don't actually remember how I arrived to this island. Thank you for telling me that we are on Canterlot Island. Do you know where I can find a map of this place? I'm not familiar with the locations here." Savannah Shane said to Vesta.
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Savannah Shane turned around, and she looked at a person that she just saw nearby of where she is standing right now. “You there. Can you tell me where I am right now? I seem to be a bit lost, and I don’t know why I’m here.” Savannah Shane asked the person. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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fadedstarsfm · 1 month ago
"That is really odd. My name is Savannah Shane, and it is a pleasure to meet you too, Shani Smith. And thank you for telling me that. This is very strange. How do you feel about living here?" Savannah Shane asked.
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Savannah Shane turned around, and she looked at a person that she just saw nearby of where she is standing right now. “You there. Can you tell me where I am right now? I seem to be a bit lost, and I don’t know why I’m here.” Savannah Shane asked the person. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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fadedstarsfm · 1 month ago
"Thank you for telling me that, and my name is Savannah Shane. I was originally from Palm Cove, Florida, in The United States Of America. It is a pleasure to meet you too, Tootie." Savannah Shane said to Tootie.
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Savannah Shane turned around, and she looked at a person that she just saw nearby of where she is standing right now. “You there. Can you tell me where I am right now? I seem to be a bit lost, and I don’t know why I’m here.” Savannah Shane asked the person. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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fadedstarsfm · 1 month ago
"Thank you, 'Kitty' Song-Covey. My name is Savannah Shane. It is a pleasure to meet you too, 'Kitty'. And I would like to get some directions. Which restaurants would you recommend to me?" Savannah Shane asked 'Kitty'.
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Savannah Shane turned around, and she looked at a person that she just saw nearby of where she is standing right now. “You there. Can you tell me where I am right now? I seem to be a bit lost, and I don’t know why I’m here.” Savannah Shane asked the person. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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fadedstarsfm · 1 month ago
"My name's Savannah Shane. And thank you so much. I really appreicate it, Kiki. And it's a pleasure to meet you. Thank you giving me this map." Savannah Shane took the map. "So, were you also one of the people who just suddenly arrived here too?" She asked Kiki.
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Savannah Shane turned around, and she looked at a person that she just saw nearby of where she is standing right now. “You there. Can you tell me where I am right now? I seem to be a bit lost, and I don’t know why I’m here.” Savannah Shane asked the person. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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fadedstarsfm · 1 month ago
"Uh, really? Your name is Phoebe Heyerdahl? I'm Savannah Shane. You look quite identical to someone that I know of. 'Kimi' Watanabe-Finster. And thank you for informing me of that. It's good to meet you too, Phoebe Heyerdahl." Savannah Shane responded.
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Savannah Shane turned around, and she looked at a person that she just saw nearby of where she is standing right now. “You there. Can you tell me where I am right now? I seem to be a bit lost, and I don’t know why I’m here.” Savannah Shane asked the person. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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fadedstarsfm · 7 months ago
"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Helga G. Pataki. You're welcome. Huh. You really call one of your own friends 'Football-Headed', and a dweeb?" Savannah Shane asked her.
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“What the…” Helga G. Pataki trails off, as her eyes are now scanning her unfamiliar surroundings. This place doesn’t look like a place that she has been to before. “You’ve gotta be kidding me. Where’s Phoebe? Gerald? That oaf Harold? Heck, I’d even take that Football-Headed dweeb’s company right now.” She gripes and complains, turning to the nearest person and practically grabbing their arm, “Hey, you. Yeah, you. Where am I right now?” Helga G. Pataki asks them. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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fadedstarsfm · 7 months ago
"My name is Savannah Shane! It's a pleasure to meet you too, Ketchup! You're welcome! But anyways, I really do believe that this dress will look great on you!" Savannah smiles back at Ketchup.
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“I’m not an asshole, am I?“ Savannah Shane questioned with furrowed brows. Her vision fixated upon the dresses in front of her. “I’m just… selective with my kindness… There’s a difference,” Eager eyes immediately snatched the article of clothing in front of her. “You should try this on. C’mon! You didn’t tag along for nothing.” Maybe spending so much time with Angelica Pickles has changed Savannah Shane’s personality a bit. @forgottenfriendshipstarters​
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