#█▒ ❝ electrifying personality ( raikou ).
starrawrcakes · 5 years
Pokemon x nintendogs
You see that ^ Yeah that up there THAT Is what I want to see from nintendo. (also no beta we die like men) I mean sure let’s go pikachu/eevee was... g8. But. I need more. I want MORE than just sword and shield feather toy.  I want a pokemon game for those who are stuck in their npc houses BEcause that’s the energy I have.  I want. Cozy. I want. CUTE. I want to actually play with my pokemon.  And here is my idea.  YOu know how nintendogs had the version exclusive editions like chihuhua and golden retriever? Yeah that’s nice for dogs and everything. But VERSONS FOR POKEMON IS . EVERYTHING.  Pokemon daycare. I wanna pet my pokemon. and not just like stand still pokemon I want them to roll over onto their tummies and be like scratch my neck.  I want to have bathroom shinanigans. I want bathing your pokemon to be a game of either They get clean OR YOU’RE THE ONE GETTING CLEAN.  Due to personality/(it’s nature) types not every pokemon will lie down for cleaning time. Some will be like that dog who stole the hose and is now running at you with water getting you wet. and the screen is now watery.  It’s time for food. prevent your pokemon from eatting everything in the bowl.  Is your pokemon the lax nature? is your pokemon laying in their water bowl after drinking? well time to get your towel before they run across the floor and make all your furnature wet.  Meet with me!: you have a friend with the same game or different version Link your (switches/ds’s ) together to trade items, have one of your pokemons meet your friends pokemon and have friendship or rivalry occur! watch them play or fight over your toys!  You have a electric stone and want your pikapi to stay the same? Give it to your friend with a eevee so they can have the jolteon of your dreams.  Watch wild interactions between the games.  You can choose between your favorite pokemon and unlock more friends too.  Or you can find special eggs or wild poke which have secret pokefriends.  Encounter amazing ledgendarys on your walk. (because ledgendary they’re unavailable for care)  Take wonderful walks around the beach, forests, mountains, towns, and other fun locations. Encounter other trainers with witty diolog and gym leaders.  Shop for furnature, toys, food, snacks, fruit, furnature, and even redecorate your home.  Electric version:  Unlocked immedietly :  Pichu, pikachu, Raichu, (alola raichu) , plusle, minun, emolga, pachirisu , shinx, dedenne, togedemaru, yamper, morpeko, Secret poke: Jolteon, mareep, elekid, electrike, blistle, joltik,  Helioptile Ledgendary encounters: Zapdos, Raikou, zurkitree, zeraora Flavortext time: Pichu: This good baby you just hatched from a egg is ready for love. Inexperienced and clumsy but ready for what life has in store. Careful for spark showers! Pikachu: Ready for adventures and to spend time with you. A world favorite. \ Raichu: This pal might be a bit older than the rest but knows it’s way about. If this pokemon glows in the dark... it’s best to figure out what has them riled up. If you choose them it’s good to be in contact with your local power plant. Alolan Raichu: Goodness Perhaps pancakes are the key to flight? This soft friend has many more things to learn about!  Plusle: Good vibes from this poke. Relaxing for those a little on the downside. it’s electric shocks are thereputic. A good pokemon for lifes little victories! Minun: Careful for tangles on this poke! it’s going to give you a relaxing time if you are a busy person. Has easing energies... and electricity! Or it will surely energize you with spark showers.  Emolga: this little one likes flying in freedom. Even stormy days are a adventure with this one. They like there food all to themselves. Make sure to watch them around bugs...  Pachirisu: Sharing is caring! this pokemon is good at getting along with others and playing. Pachirisu are a bit of horders... so make sure to know where their hiding places are for potentially forgotton food and hair balls. watch the hairballs... Shinx: this cutie pattootie is a bit of a runner! It likes energy and often stores it’s electricity in it’s legs. If it gets upset it get’s  a bit... blinding.  Luxio: no matter what it tells you with that pouty face it gets lonley easy. It might be good to have a few pokemon for it to feel at home... Watch those claws! Luxray: takes it’s family very serious but loves unconditionally. Try not to worry them it can see through anything so... well. Just try not to think about that in the restroom... Dedenne: This little one likes to talk to it’s friends whereever they are... through electricity. They can often sip electricity out of your wall outlets if they don’t have enough.... might want to invest in a raichu for it’s electrical needs...  Togedemaru: this lovely one is a good friend. If you can handle it. invest in bandages and rubber gloves for this friend. I’m sure they will love you just the same.  ... No loud sounds for this pokemon... Morkpeko: this soft friend has a bit of a temper when hungry. It’s naughty in nature. So keep it fed or don’t... but feel the wrath of hangryness... we have all been there... It loves seeds so keep a few around. maybe blinker seeds in case that side comes out...  Yamper: A very food motivated friend. Honestly we all know someone like this. Very loving friend either way. besides who can resist that cute face and tail wag? Boltund: After growing up a bit this good poke can run real fast. like... REal fast. might need to invest in some armor for walks now... incase this one is distracted and takes you on a bit of a drag instead of a walk.  --- Jolteon: Wow your pokemon found a friend! It seems to be weak... would you like to take care of this new pokemon? This friend is very emotional... but now that it has you it’s very thankful and greatful for everything. Even if it accidently shocks you. You know they don’t mean it.  Joltik: Yamper has found a little friend sticking to him. will you keep this new friend? (or: you have found a soft silky egg... with a nice buzzing sensation... will you care for the egg?: ((no: Let’s leave this at a pokemon center... they know what to do.)) ) This little pal is soft and fuzzy and often makes a nice static feeling. Often a good pair for raichus!  Galvantula: Our little pal has grown up big and strong. Often makes wonderful silky doilies and nets. You can sell them because often time they can make them everyday. after you de-electrify them.  Mareep: You found a little lost mareep! upon checking with any near by farms no one seems to own it. And It keeps following you... will you keep it?  This soft friend has wonderful wool that you can sell when it sheds it... The spots that missing wool is a sign it’s going to evolve soon...  Flaaffy: this cute friend makes a lovely night light. Although do you ever think it looks in the mirror and gets self concious about it losing it’s wool....? Probably not. Ampharos: enjoys watching TV with you. Often loves superhero shows. Has big dreams of being a hero. It’s favorite places to walk is in the forest and the beach.  Electrike: This poor pokemon can’t run as fast as the other electrike... Because of this it’s been abandoned... will you care for him...? Even though it’s not the fastest electrike... you have still decided you need to wear body armor during walks... to weigh it down... so you don’t go flying!  Manctric: your kind friend often needs trips to the power plant. It doesn’t mind. Sometimes the sneeky poke runs off to the powerplant without you... What they don’t know is that you don’t mind as long as the house doesn’t burn down...  ect...
Events:  Power up: head over to your local powerplant and get that excess electricity out! recieve poke(money) as payment!  Fruit picking: pick fruit off of trees for poke! Warning some fruit are amazing electrified. but some arn’t!  Contest time: Show how obedient your pokemon is in style and in the care you’ve given them!  Your home!: regular old house with many rubber surfaces, powerplant, fluffy clouds, futuristic neon house.  --- And other fun versions that I just don’t have the brain power to think of.  like  Eevee/normal type Fire friends water palace one iwth the forest edition spooky ghost fairy babies Fuck it master version with just ledgendarys and mythicals.  and you know the rest.  like fire types you have to stop them from.... laying in lava pockets in the mountains, regular house, fake volcano, cuddle crator, funky fake fire house.  water types: jumping contest!, race of the fastest, contest time,. House types: a house with a kiddy pool, a fake beach, under the ocean, a river, a lake, a pool, or a giant bathroom.  Bug contests: polination station, ect, ghost contests: creepy pasta~, halloween festival!, contest time! I hope you see what I’m trying to put down here. But will nintendo respond to this one single post? Probably not.WHY? I DoN’T KNOW. (probably because they’ll have to answer if pokemon poob or pee. I don’t know if they want to tackle that.)  This is my hot take.
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anikiex · 5 years
Kintoki bounces in, nearly twice as excited as usual! "I heard today's your birthday, Boss!" Clapping a hand on the Master's back, the Berserker boomed, "I hunted you a dragon; you can cook it however you like! BBQ, grilled, stewed, however you want it! There's the skin and claws and stuff if you want those too!"
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Kintoki always managed to keep the light and electrifying fun with his golden personality normally, so seeing him even more energetic was infectious. Rituska couldn’t help but smile as he heard his gift was a dragon dinner with their remains leftover for whatever he wanted. Oh trust and believe he would find use for them, he summoned far too many shady Caster servants NOT to.
“This gift Roma Gold Kintoki! I’m curious what type of BBQ you’re saying you can make. IS Raikou or Emiya helping at all?”
Did Kintoki know how to cook? Please god tell him someone would be there to make sure the kitchen didn’t get destroyed
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