#██  (  OOC.  )  ᶦ ᵗʰᶦⁿᵏ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ'ˢ ᵃ ᶠˡᵃʷ ᶦⁿ ᵐʸ ᶜᵒᵈᵉ.
i love a lot of that episode. i really do like the ending. i missed the kingdom run-in & i gotta go back and get to see it. but i bet it was awesome. Sasha’s death was so powerful. i love Eugene being torn. i love Tara and Rosita. (just get married all ready.) i love Carl’s quick ass reaction times. i love the bringing it all back to Glenn. it was a nice finale & nice final moments.
but at this point, the ship between Michonne & Rick is being forced down my throat. i don’t even dislike the ship itself. i wanted it. boy i didn’t want this version... it’s changed both of them & their place among their family & dealing w/ other people. it’s kind of made me think a lot less of both of them because they don’t seem to care about anyone but themselves.
& that whole thing with Rick literally not caring that Negan was going to kill his son. compare this Rick to season 4 Rick fighting off Joe. hell, compare this Rick to Season 6a Rick watching Carl get shot. compare this Rick to 6b Rick unable to speak up for anyone except Carl. why? because that’s your fucking child. because your favourite memories are of them. because they are your future. because you want them safe and happy. 
it makes no fucking sense to the person we are taught Rick is meant to be?? now i kinda’ understand when people rant about ships ruining characters. but it honestly feels like since Carl lost his eye Rick wants 0 to do with him. and how horrid is that? you can’t pretend that a teenager in Carl’s position with Carl’s trauma would deal with that fine and be fine and just stand in the background smiling. that’s messed up. he’s willing to offer himself up or die for his family i don’t think he’s ready to have his dad offer him up. :/ 
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carl come over to my place i got some games and pancakes :/
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                 #when all you can feel is your muse’s legit pain & confusion. 
                 & you wanna be like. well, that’s BS. it’s not even canon. but the sad thing is… it is. to most people. it’s gonna be. 
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                crashing in here for my last live watch w/ you guys on this blog before i actually move my butt & make my new one. xD    but yknow there might be salt & i might be needed. ALWAYS LOVE A GOOD FINALE.
                 tag #twd spoilers!!
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okay let’s talk. because there’s only so much passive-aggressive salt you can throw before even that’s boring. 
the thing about twd is that i used to love this show more than so many things in life. because it made me feel like it’s inportant to survive, to grow, to care about people whoa re family regardless of blood. it taught me about being good when the world is bad. & i loved carl, & rick ofc. & i loved a great many dynamics between people not based on just romance. but especially rick grimes as a father.
now i’m not saying this is the most important issue of the show. or the only problem the critics & fans have. i’m just addressing it because it relates to my character and thus this blog. 
there’s only so long you can actually look at something as being ‘oh they just don’t have time,’ or find off-screen throw away lines acceptable time savers or plot drivers. at this point, the bad writing permeates into the actual in-character universe of the show. 
at this point, the rick grimes portrayed on the show is a terrible father. sorry. 
there’s a point where your child has been shot, suffering many physical & psychological effects including apathy, discordance, a lack of aim that could, in the given world, cause death. you don’t speak to him. you don’t try and find out what’s up or train his aim or any other skills. fine. there’s others who can do better & it might be hard. it’s not... good, to have ignored it. but he did. and maybe it was very hard for him. 
your kid then choses to be mutilated and/or possibly die rather than have you or anyone else in your family be hurt. it clearly ruins you. you don’t talk to him about it because clearly, this child is mentally sound. the next time you talk to him, he snaps at you, and you throw him a frown and leave without saying goodbye.
your son is then taken hostage by your sociopaths enemy who clearly has some kind of interest in him. you find out that during this time said son gunned down a few men. your response is to throw your son a dirty look. 
after this whole experience, you probably figure... maybe it’s time for a talk. a hug. a bit of understanding and communication. something.
but rick doesn’t. not only that but rick choses to talk to his girlfriend, instead, and the pair of them make out. they don’t talk about what happened to carl or anyone else in their family. shortly after that they leave again, and rick wants to spend longer on the road, having sex in abandoned places, making sure to pick up said girlfriend gifts because that’s important. 
now, alternatively, if you actually want to go a very unhealthy route with rick and carl and play this out, though it’s nothing like actual rick grimes?? that’s one thing. and in that case, do it. actually have them talk so they can fight and argue. show the animosity. but they don’t even do that. carl is standing like cardboard, like if he isn’t acting out a comic scene he forgets how to function. 
when all of you joke about how omg carl’s grounded?? nah. i mean, i get the joke. it’s fun. but parents actually acting this way towards their kids is not healthy and, as always, i adore not healthy things. when they’re addressed as not being healthy. but this isn’t. no one see’s anything wrong with this and that makes me kind of sick. 
& honestly the same people giving lori shit for ‘palming carl off on people’ are the ones like ‘omg shut up it doesn’t matter’. the double standards here are pretty disgusting. & this coming from someone who makes a point to stand up for males when double standads hit them. ofc Carl is 15/16 now and can handle a lot more. & yet still has an injury and the afore mentioned things in need of addressing. & then there’s judy. i hate how judy is utalized as a plot device. but i’ll address her here as part of the narrative. rick palms judy off constantly but at the very least remembers he has a responsibility/care for that child. whilst seeming to forget about his son completely.
but as i say... it’s beyond the point of awkward writing now. it can no longer be ignored or written off. it’s actually kind of disgusting. and it’s so sad cause that’s not rick grimes at all.
and if you wanna’ talk about richonne, like it or loathe it, that’s not any kind of man i can see michonne wanting at all. even if you go for the ‘it’s just that he doesn’t know how to approach carl’ angle, the fact she hasn’t slapped his face and told him to make it good is ridiculous. the fact they never discuss it being the problem.
even if you don’t really like carl or you love richonne, i can’t see how you can look at this objectively and be like ‘that’s ok.’ 
so what the show teaches me now? all that matters is the quick throws of something semi-romantic. & that it’s okay to throw away responsibilities for it. & that it cures all kinds of mental stresses & disorders. & that it’s okay to give up if your boyfriend/girlfriend is gone somehow because that’s what matters: not you. not family you’ve made yourself with grit & respect. 
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but also Sasha made a badass af walker. 8D
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        do you ever just think............   FAT JOSEPH’S gone...........  what’s the point??
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ISSUE 162 
pretty chill issue, really. EUGENE THO.
‘i’m sorry i named you after a fucking baseball bat.’ omg.
it was really nice to see people reuniting. & Rick being Rick.
& i love the HOW CAN WE HELP?  JUST GET THE HORSES. THE HORSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  SAVE THE HORSES.
& Lydia and Carl’s chat was--- well, the same old to be honest. it’s things we all ready know about both of them and it would have been fucking stellar to see him talking to Maggie, Soph or Aaron.
i’m very happy w/ Lydia’s growth as a character though.  <33
DAT ENDING THO. <3 HYPE.  and by hype, obviously, i mean crippling fear.
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