#โ–‡ ๐ŸŒŸโ”Š๐ŸŽฎ โ i'm your employer! โž ๐ŸŽฎโ”Š๐ŸŒŸ โ–‡ (mad!pat verse)
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gamethecry ยท 2 months ago
@murdermelody / cont'd [ x ]
madison barely understood the BRINK of what had occurred last night . for him , he'd set up the perfect solution to an overgrowing problem , and ( surprisingly later than he'd thought ) it went through perfectly ! what more could he ask for ? now , it was all about moving on and making a NEW name for himself , one of his own choosing that he could stack and build however he wanted . building a crew by hand of people who knew nothing of the harm he had caused or the evil that lie under the skin , people who followed orders well enough to leave madison alone long enough to do what HE wanted . if anything , the brunet was more wired than anything right now , bouncing off the walls with excitement at the new prospects this business opportunity could bring .
vacant hazel eyes watch over the raven with a keen interest , noting how his body slump tiredly into the seat , how brown eyes are barely able to focus on anything . madison wanted to challenge that exhausted facade , dig deeper below the surface and see if he could R E A L L Y catch nathan's attention . so , as idle chatter of moving to a new location started to become dim , with the solidification of a deal made by a firm handshake , madison allowed for the touch to linger .
with his previous hands this act would have made his stomach recoil , the action of feeling any sort of act of intimacy having fires licking across his skull violently ; but , now with new found loss of feeling in his prosthetic flesh he found the action of teasing the simplicity of the human mind by an off putting touch incredibly amusing . cold metal fingers graze along the prominent bones of knuckle and finger , thinking for a moment how fond it would feel to have those fingers snapping under his grasp . an empty smile paints his features , shifting into something that could almost be read as flirtatious .
his tone drips with honey when he asks the question , keeping his fingers loosely grasped around nate's as he kept eye contact . when the contact was met , his eyes seemed to soften from their vacant glaze , anything to keep this human facade and to get the raven before him to bend however he wanted . he brings up money , of course he does , and the brunet gives a saccharine chuckle , gloved fingers grazing along nathan's wrist before his touch completely retracts and hand are placed politely folded in front of him . " nothing you're unfamiliar with , just stay overnight to watch the animatronics . " a knowing grin washes over his features , glancing to the delivery hat . " something i'm s u r e you'll be great at . as for the pay , i know you're making $200 a week , and because i like ya' and your work effort i'll offer $300 . "
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gloved palms open , giving a small shrug . " wouldn't be against negotiating higher if you'd like , just depends on what you're offering . " there's a gleam in his eyes , something unreadable . was he flirting ? was he being borderline threatening ? who knew with the placid look on his features , the cocked brow and snide smile .
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gamethecry ยท 3 months ago
like a cobra in tall grass , madison lurked and sought after moments to strike . a putrid cannibal with a wretched past of child murder and unwavering employee neglect ; yet , despite this , the man before him was nothing he'd dealt with before . adversaries , foes , those who went against mads' ideals or stood in his way of feeding the guttural NEED to have ichor staining his teeth , these people more often than not were either sarcastic and laissez-faire or were over the top , dramatic characters with boundless optimism . the convict was stoic , forcibly silent , curt . he was usually in the position that madison would find himself in time after time , having to be the bigger man , ' put together ' . right now , the brunet was in the position of the subordinate , the inexperienced , the UNAWARE . what a disgusting feeling .
madison was not one who sought to be useless , finding greatest pleasure in OVER-performing if anything . hazel eyes snap to the map as he watches it speak , brows knotting together as his gaze glossed over to something bordering on cold . his tone is short , quick , F I N I T E . " sure . if your work is interrupted by banter , then that's completely fine , c a p t a i n . " the term has a significant bite to it , mads' chin tilting downwards just a smidge as his glare narrowed between the convict and the map .
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" just get us to the next location . " just as easily as madison could feign whimsy and exuberance , he found it as simple to exhume the true exhaustion and agitation he felt in this situation . stitched hands fidget with the cuffs of his uniform , eyes unwavering from it as he watched it work in complete silence , simply observing .
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gamethecry ยท 3 months ago
@mementoshard / cont'd [ x ]
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madison feels a laugh bubble in his throat , stitched hands coming to cover a burnt maw as the giggles seemed to flow out without hesitation . there was very little that mads had hope for anymore . he'd turned his back towards humanity the second it turn it's back on him , he found his best hope in the regard of finding and snuffing out those who wronged HIM . to any outsider , to any person with a functional brain , it would be easy to see that the brunet was in the wrong , was evil , had done bad things that were inconceivable ; yet , he still felt he was some patron saint in his own mind when he was at his highest . now was no different .
the second his throat constricts any remaining titters , his face falls into something flat , knuckles whitening as his fists curled into a ball . " you know , mark . maybe at one point it would have easy just to turn the other way , let you die on your own , but . . . " mads tsks , dominant hand reaching towards his waistband . " last time that happened , i ended up on the short end of the stick , so . . . " his sentence trails , feet slowly carrying him towards the raven .
" i , once again , am going to have to take matters into my own hands . " he grins , teeth glistening a faint crimson as fair fingers pull a knife from his waist band . " but , i can play fair , of course ! give you the first hit if you want . i know it's not the same as bringing a gun to a knife fight , but it's the best i can do . " madison snickers , arms opening as if to give mark a shot at him .
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gamethecry ยท 2 months ago
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please never say i look gender anything again wtf
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gamethecry ยท 2 months ago
and then mads gets sprayed in the face with water. by who? your choice. booo mads he knows what he did LMAOOO
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โ€œ how mature . . . โ€œ madison grits out through a cartoonish frown . looks like a certain freddyโ€™s employee wonโ€™t be hearing the end of this . sorry , nate .
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gamethecry ยท 3 months ago
@irnocns asked: "Remember that conversation we had about personal space." / go my convict
hazel eyes narrow at fast hands motioning towards him , feeling tight lips pull into a deep frown . madison didn't care much for the comfort of others , and the convict before him was no different . the brunet wasn't surprised at his inevitable doom , sent to a watery tomb far from the grasps of civilization beyond a mute who could care less to have the murderer here . despite this tense air , this evident shared feeling of disregard , mads gives a faux smile and leans back onto his heels , tone dripping with condescension . " oh , my bad ! didn't know the difference between us carrying on or not was entirely dependent on you having a foot of extra space to yourself ! "
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madison moves to where his spine presses into pipes and bolts , grin turning something sour as he cocked a brow at the raven . " please , let me know if THIS is enough wiggle room for you . "
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gamethecry ยท 4 months ago
@luckyg1rlsyndrome asked: โ› burn it all.ย โœ from willa
" i'm T R Y I N G to . " he retorts , something short and curt , something unlike the tone he would usually use for his own wife ; but , madison was STRESSED . everything was getting under his skin , everything was eating at his mind , it felt like there was something deeply bottled within him threatening to TEAR him apart at the seams . this job was starting to become more work than he'd cut it out to be , he'd thought that william's job seemed easy from an outsider perspective , that he was some mere coder with a personality that placed him in a position of authority , but with the stressors from work and the repercussions of his actions were closing in madison was closer to breaking .
" it's not as EASY as that , willa . trust me , i W I S H it was , i do . but , you can't just burn an entire building , your ONLY source of income , and just turn away as if nothing will happen . the police WILL come , they WILL interrogate me , and i DON'T want them in my shit right now . i can't have them any closer on my tail than they ALREADY ARE . . . " stitched hands grip idly at the denim of his jeans , teeth gnawing at the inside of his mouth as hazel eyes blown wide looked anywhere but towards his solace .
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" i don't know WHAT i'm going to do . . . "
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gamethecry ยท 4 months ago
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" finally . . . no more internet . . . no more lore . . . s i l e n c e . "
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" november 1st approaches . "
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" . . . i stand corrected . "
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gamethecry ยท 1 month ago
@dealfate asked: "i don't want to work here anymore." nate flatly says, his eyes damn near bloodshot but certainly exhausted. he holds out the letter of resignation--something he debated on writing to begin with--and decides to give mads the luxury of waiting to leave until after it was taken. - ( hee. hee hee. prepare for something related for ur freddy. :3c )
one would think madison patrick would be irate over this letter . take it as a slap to the face and dismiss nate's wants without a second consideration ; but , it didn't seem for once this was the case . gloved fingers close around the letter when words filter through his minds , brown brows knotting when he finally registers what he's heard coming from the raven's mouth . a laugh threatens to bubble in his throat as he looks at the formally written letter , yet as hazel meet exhausted brown it's almost as if the sound gets caught in his chest . there was a small pang that rang through his chest . did he . . . did madison feel BAD for nathan ? no , no possible way , right ? he tries to convince himself of this fact , but as words that seemed almost uncharacteristically gentle left his mouth it was evident there was SOMETHING human in that bear suit .
mads rolls his shoulders , eyes narrowing onto the paper once more before his lips pulled into a tight line . odd this was . this goodbye almost felt somber , and the brunet couldn't place why . it's obvious he struggles to find his words , but the man settles for something simple , something that wouldn't ruin his cleverly crafted disguise . " that's okay , you didn't even have to do all this . " a gloved hand pats the paper and whilst a laugh does pass his lips , it for once doesn't hold malicious undertones . " a simple ' this ain't for me , mads ' would've been fine . " he folds the paper into a square , tucking it into a pocket of his suit . " wherever you go , know that there's always a place for you here at freddy fazbear's . "
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his tone drops into something off putting for the first time in this conversation , that vacant flash washing over . " just remember to return any and all fazbear equipment you've been housing , i'll be here monday through friday , 6 am to noon . " that almost soft expression paints his features once more , head tilting . " but , you can totally keep the uniform . never know when you might need it ~ " his sing song tone ends in a giggle , resting his head into his palms . " was there anything else you wanted to run by me , mr . schmidt ? "
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gamethecry ยท 2 months ago
@murdermelody \ cont'd [ x ]
madison feels the back of his neck heat up immediately , that fire behind his eyes that usually called towards boundless glee now showcasing something far darker . mads' noncommittal nature wasn't a secret by any means , so why did his skin burn when marionne said it ? like a hot iron pressed into his stomach and twisted , the sensation blossomed along his skin , and made his vision feel as if it went RED . what gets under his skin further is the vagueness of the statement , the implication of WHO her venomous words could be in regard to . he feels his jaw set , glaring at mare from the corner of his eye .
the brunet meets her stance , shoulders broad , chin held high as it attempted to cut him with his words ; and , before he can sneer and spit back words of fury , stand his ground on the words he said , he feels claws dig in his skin through his shirt . madison grunts , brows knotting as his glance snapped down to the nails , a gloved hand reaching to grasp at his wrist . the touch isn't hard , not as if he was fighting the action , but more so loosely grabbing at the skin . madison truly didn't feel at fault , no matter how mare painted it , screamed it , beat it into him , he would never admit that HE was the perpetrator of his own pain . that wouldn't fit the narrative he's written of himself . so , even as his chest feels hollow , portions of his mind agreeing with the words that spilled from a sharp maw , that fire behind his eyes did not die once . sure , he'd let her ramble , holler into an infinite void , and then strip down her points one by one . as teeth are bared and claws are dug into his skin , mads feels that sickening smile spread further across his features . he there was one thing he got out of an argument , it was a DOPAMINE rush .
" you're so fucking self centered . " the words are tittered out in a dissonant cacophony , a gloved hand pressing into the marks she's made in his skin . " you do know you can be put at blame for a mass majority of my most recent escapades , right ? of course your pea sized brain tried to formulate that i'm taking about the past , but let's get this very clear , you were a NON-FACTOR then . " madison speaks between giggles and gasps for air . " my progression in eradicating those employees stalling ? your fault , as either you're chasing me into a corner or i'm turning heel to try and get rid of YOU instead . my visibility to law enforcement increasing ? your fault , i mean look at me RIGHT NOW , in the middle of fucking nowhere , out in the open , having one semblance of a standard conversation with Y O U . " a gloved finger comes out , prodding at where a heart would be in the other's chest . " our game of cat and mouse getting b o r i n g ? oh , you guessed it , mare . " that finger comes , poking harder into his chest . " your . FAULT . " the brunet takes a step back , hands raising defensively in the air . " i'm not scared of anything , let alone the truth . because if we want to get down to it , mare , you're not as detached and empty as you would like to write yourself . "
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his head cranes , glare narrowing . " you don't chase for fun . . . you don't chase me because you LIKE IT . " madison leans forward at the hip a smidge , smile splitting his face in two . " hell , i know you're not obliging because i give you a fear response because we BOTH know i don't act scared enough for your liking , so . . . maybe we've both got things we're ' running ' from . tell me yours and i'll tell you mine . " mads sneers , practically giggling in mare's face .
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gamethecry ยท 2 months ago
@mementoshard / cont'd [ x ]
something wicked it was . sharing a face of someone with far less of a backbone . color madison curious ( although he knew what happened to the cat ) , he found this THING interesting . the similarities , yet stark differences he saw crack and blemish across the surface . it speaks with a level of decorum , nothing to call home about , but enough to pique the psycho's intrigue even further . it knew how to talk , well enough to keep a man looped in . it seemed to hold powers that mads wasn't necessarily impressed by , but curious about nonetheless . portions of his mind sought destruction of a creature so close in nature to a man he hated with a deep passion , but more earnestly inquisitiveness struck deeper to the core .
the brunet leans forward , stitched hands folding in front of him as he watched the way the creature lurched and swayed to keep itself upright ; something animalistic . he scoffs , eyes rolling at the raven's comment before it has snuck closer to where mere feet breach their distance and those hazel hues blow wide . " you'd be the weird one to call me madison , let's start there . " mads leans back into his seat , eyes training the other's features with a narrowed intrigue . the question has the hairs standing on the back of his neck , not in fear , but more so as a primal instinct ; as if he's realized he's in the room with another killer .
" plenty . " a smug , vacant grin paints burnt features , hands wrung around one another . " more often than not though , if i want to kill i DO . there isn't any hesitation , any second thoughts . simply i want to , so i will . " his head tilts , human looking to monster with a lopsided smile . " let's turn that question around and rephrase it , shall we ? " his brows cock before a titter leaves him , expression fauxly saccharine . " how often DO you kill ? "
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gamethecry ยท 4 months ago
@staticbrajn | cont'd [ x ]
there was something so intriguing about the adrenaline associated with being THIS close to law enforcement , something so HUMAN . a sensation impossibly out of the vampire's reach , yet given in sharp doses when face to face with the possible repercussions of his actions . it was as if these murder sprees , these messy cover ups , were in a vain effort to chase a never ending high he could barely maintain , something only heightened by the carnal hunger that quelled in his gut . dull eyes coast down to fidgeting fingers , snapping up just as fast to see wandering eyes zoning in on his sharp maw . thin lips close to a tight smile , heading tilting in interest at what this DETECTIVE had on him .
madison seemed to almost compensate his lack of humanity with this odd , unnatural facade . something of a creature wearing the mask of a man , teetering between seeming like a possible disturbed man and something else entirely . the vampire can't help the chuckle that passes his lips at the question shot back at him , hallow eyes crinkling at the corner as he adjusts in his chair so he can invade mat's personal space as much as he could . " hey , all just jokes , detective ! " the brunet snorts , clasping together with a clasp . " love law enforcement after all , got security guards of my own , you know ? " his eyes narrow before he leans back into his seat , listening to other's further questioning .
pale hands pull apart in a slightly exasperated shrug , shaking his head . " i don't know what to tell you , " his lips tug in a tight frown , adverting his gaze for a moment before snapping back to meet mat's gaze , " i'm not necessarily the most UNIQUE looking guy out here by any stretch of the imagination . " madison grins , fangs poking over his bottom lip for only an iota of a second . " i can tell you that i was here in my home last night , sleeping because i work early mornings . unfortunately , i live ALONE . now , you're welcome to search my house if that would make you happy , but i assure you , mat , you won't find anything here . "
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the monster cranes his head , a face spiting grin cracking his face in two . " and that's because i'm not some guy that just kills for FUN or anything like that ! i'm an entertainer , a creator ! i can't answer your irrational questions because RATIONALLY i wasn't there . " his tone starts to titter off into something almost scornful in nature , smile dying to an empty expression before the vampire gives a clear of his throat and another shrug . " sorry to be of no help to you ; but , i'm NOT the man you think i am . " maybe not a murder for fun entirely , at times for necessity , but a MONSTER all the same . madison sighs , gesturing around his home . " so , once again , feel free , if not and you've got more questions , go ahead and SHOOT . . . i can even get ya' something to drink . " that eerie smile doesn't make the effort seem as kind as it would have normally , something almost sickeningly saccharine in nature .
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gamethecry ยท 4 months ago
black pupils blown wide fall onto a head of raven hair , fingers clenched in a tightly wound bundle placed delicately in front of his frame as he sat across from the one thing he hated the MOST . if madison could produce steam from his ears and a whistle like a steam pipe , he would in this very moment , an anger barely maintained by this thin sheen of a humorous facade . the brunet is the first to speak , torso leaning forward so he can encroach on the other's position despite the fact a table separated them . " so , what have i done to earn the ABSOLUTE pleasure of being face to face with YOU again ? "
call this an ill reunion , crazed eyes and tattered skin meeting unscathed flesh and flat irises , a violent slurry of an eerie calm and a violent rage . " i'd think you'd take every ounce of money you had left and would kick ROCKS after i called you . " the brunet gives a small titter , hazel eyes focusing hard onto the other as if burning a hole straight through nate . " what part did you NOT understand , hm ? was it that you didn't take me SERIOUSLY , or was it you couldn't even scrape enough dollars to buy a bus ticket ? "
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the brunet snorts , throwing his body back into his chair , expression slowly faltering from its faux buoyancy to something scornful . something ENRAGED . " c'mon . . . HUMOR ME , nathan ! you've had MONTHS to get prepared , to run away , to tuck your tail between your knees , yet . . . H E R E you are . . . WHY ? "
@murdermelody | <3'd
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gamethecry ยท 3 months ago
crimson is shed and the maniac on the other end of a sharp weapon could never be happier . a wild dog was a fitting comparison , something that didnโ€™t know warmth nor bestowed it , something of blood stained teeth and wild eyes . madison relishes in the fear written across markโ€™s features , wide hazel eyes darting to the open wounds and the blood that stained just the edge of his blade . the euphoria of the situation could easily become overwhelming , having one of two vile RATS that plagued his life in a trap sending licks of fire across his skull .
the second punch is dodged better than the first , another chuckle twisting his empty features . โ€œ oooh , getting feisty i see ! โ€œ stuck in his titters , the brunet is slow to react to the kick , a punched groan leaving him as the impact is enough to have madsโ€™ knee dislocate with a sickening POP . his form twists so his freehand can grab at the injured joint , looking to mark through sweaty hair with a deep set rage .
โ€œ itโ€™s beyond that you absolute fucking MORON ! โ€œ the murdererโ€™s face begins to redden in anger as his voice tapers into a shrill shout . โ€œ i donโ€™t care that you just wanted a job ! i donโ€™t care about what you THOUGHT you were getting done , what you WANTED ! โ€œ madison attempts to stagger to stand , wincing as he as to displace his weight to support his injured form . โ€œ you got too close , you saw too much , AND you ruined my career . you are enemy number one to me , mark . and if i could find your little friend ? well . . . heโ€™d be right up with you . โ€œ he stumbles to lurch towards the raven once again , knife clutched in his palm .
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โ€œ consider yourself a martyr ! after youโ€™re dead iโ€™ll have less reason to seek out senseless death ! your death would lead to less innocent people dying , and whatโ€™s a more worthy sacrifice than that ? โ€œ
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gamethecry ยท 2 months ago
the shock on nate's face causes an almost human sounding chuckle to pass his lips , gaze narrowing before falling back to the clipboard in front of him . mads was starting to realize he hadn't actually gotten any information on this guy , and didn't have any to begin with . no address , no references , simply his previous employment at the other pizzeria , and a phone number . he squints at the paperwork , thinking for a second if he should ask for anything additional before finalizing this decision . instead of anything outlandish , a crazy notion leaving his lips that called for nathan to jump through hoops , madison simply smiles , craning his head to the side as that smile is cast back unto the raven . a gloved hand comes out to wave off the nickname , leaning forward closer in his chair with the action and seeming to close the space this infinite table divided them by ,
" please , just call me mads . boss is WAY too fancy , especially when you're doing such a big favor as covering the night shift ! " mads was saying anything to make nathan feel as if he was being helpful when truly this was just a far easier solution than hiring an entirely NEW team . hazel eyes are quick to watch darting hands , the swiftness in which they were hidden and feeling a shiver crawl up his spine . it was difficult for the brunet to stifle the giggle that wanted to leave him at nate's discomfort, covering it up with his following words . " sure , we can certainly call it overtime ! " he gives a small shrug , tilting his head with faux innocence before a hand comes out to gently touch the raven's arm .
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" more like . . . favors . " his grin shifts to something smug , blinking slow as the vacant look seems to gloss over his face once more ; a look clashed by his toothy , serpentine smile . " ya' know , i like you , nate . you've got a lot of potential , and these favors i'm asking i wouldn't ask of just A N Y O N E . " his hands motion around as he speaks , eyes wandering around the purple shaded room . " to make a long story short , there are some extra tasks i MAY need help with , you're not obligated to help ; but , if you do i'll slide you a $500 monthly bonus . " both brows raise , hand retracting as he settled into his seat . " if you don't . . . ? doesn't effect your job here at freddy's or anything ! you just get paid the same $300 we shook on . "
his head swiveled back into place , face settling into a serene calm . better to catch nathan when his mind wasn't well settled than when he could properly make a deal during the day . might be best to keep him this tired .
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gamethecry ยท 3 months ago
the punch lands , easily colliding with the murderer's jaw in a ferocity that nearly has him stumbling backwards . a free , stitched hand comes to rub at his face , feeling a smile so sincere in nature grace his features as a chortle passed his lips . ichor slowly filled his mouth , tonguing at a cut he'd created in his cheek from biting down on impact , feeling as the drool oozed from his lips as laughter consumed him . a fight was always madison's favorite . a STRUGGLE . a R E A C T I O N . it was no fun when he favorite toys laid down and played dead , it was always far more entertaining to watch them SQUIRM . wicked hazel eyes rise to the prey that fought so hard for a chance to stay alive , staggering back to his feet as he watched mark like a hawk watches a rat .
his voice is far more rugged after the punch hits , carrying his body so he can lurch at the raven . " because you single-handedly RUINED my LIFE ! " he barks back , face falling into something eerily flat as a growl bubbled in his throat . " because you and nathan destroyed EVERYTHING i worked for in mere SECONDS ! " mads lunges forward , making an attempt to close the distance between the pair . mads was no good at hand to hand combat , but if he could get mark into the position where he felt he had the upper hand he knew one fatal stab would take this goliath down .
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" i want to do this because i refuse to have my entire life thrown in the fucking TRASH my some minimum wage workers , if my life ended in those concrete walls YOURS should have too ! " all rage and fury , gnashing teeth and crazy eyes , madison swings to slash with no intents on hitting or missing . anything to cause damage .
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