fracturedxnightmare · 2 years
@fearsideshow​ continued from ask
While it was true that Lance did not look or really seem human anymore, there was no fooling the nightmaren’s eyes. This being, no matter how strange or transformed now, possessed Ideya. Of course those poor traits seemed to be smothered and strangled and so small now but it wasn’t surprising. It was obvious that he was no longer human perhaps closer to a nightmaren now.
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NiGHTS giggled at the way Lance followed them into the air, hardly shocked that he could. Instead they hovered over towards the other, but remaining a respectable distance away.
“So, even though you’re changed your heart should likely have created a Nightopia land. Would you like to see it?”
After all, there wasn’t much to see at the Dream Fountain, outside of the forest and Dark Ocean down below.
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musesofthemoon · 2 years
@fearsideshow | s.c.
Kanna isn't sure how she arrived in this place. It was so dark, so foreign. Certainly, she was used to finding herself in places she didn't belong in by this point, for the past while awakening and having to remember just where she was. It was difficult to think through, as usually that feeling accompanied a wild and horrified sense of doom. That feeling continues further still once she sees another figure appear. What was it, now? What was out there trying to kill her this time?!
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"Kanna's... Kanna's not sure what you want from her, but please... Please don't hurt me... Or at least make it fast..." she snivels, already preparing herself for the very worst of humanity or... Whatever this man was, as she was starting to comprehend it more, and realizing that this creature may not even be human. What would it mean? What could she possibly do?
And would it truly mean the end, this time?
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sonorusgloom · 2 years
▒○╠   [[   @fearsideshow​:​   ]]    ╣○▒
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Most would avoid the depths of the Woods, knowing well that the creature that stalks the shadows would be there. A very small handful would dare make it this far, wither that be wandering on their own curiousity or some missplaced courage that they bother beliving their strong. It is why the Beast roams this section of the woods the most. Quite and out of the way from sunlight that dares try and break through the darkness. 
The rustling of the trees alert him that someone is here. Another lost animal or someone whose soul might fuel the Lantern? The thought of who might of found their way this far into the Woods moves the silhouette. Beast tilts his head towards the side, the sound of metal creaking as he moves his Lantern to have its light reach the branches. 
“ You are doing a terrible job at hiding “
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fragmcntdstars · 1 year
@fearsideshow sent “That’s not polite.” - for Evan!
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Evan bites his bottom lip, then turns his attention back to the plush he's got in his grasp. His brothers' words ring through his head and he's shaking a little, trying to figure out how to calm down a little more. Tomorrow is another day. Those words turned into something of a ... a mantra, or that's at least what his father called it. He'd never quite figured out what it meant. He shakes his head, then gives a light kick at the patch of grass he's found. Evan wants to do something a little worse, but the young boy isn't sure why.
"Maybe not, but my brother does it a lot," he admits. Evan turns his attention back to Fredbear, straightening the purple bowtie with a more delicate smile. "Father never catches him when he does it ..." He's trying to fight the emotion welling up in his throat, not wanting to cry in front of the other.
He rubs at his nose and gives his head a shake, trying to get his thoughts back in order. "I'm Evan. What's your name?"
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hopeful-hugz · 2 years
@dearmaestro​ asked: Balan is 6'10 go nuts :3
Bonus addition Feat. @fearsideshow​
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Cam’s pointedly not paying the extreme height differences any mind.
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Meanwhile Melody has a minor lapse in Baby™ and simply holds her arms up, quietly. Please pick her up, she wants to be tall too.
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aslyfcx · 2 years
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@fearsideshow​ sent: “Maybe one life is enough.”
puss in boots: the last wish starters (accepting)
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“...if one life is enough for ya, then maybe make your one life worth it and do what you want to do before your time runs out for ya, pal.”
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lastafton · 2 years
| | | | |   what   colour   is   your   aura   ?
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—   leather   jackets,      cherries,      bruised   knuckles,      roses,      lipstick,      fast   cars,      rose   petals.      your   essence   is   𝚁𝙴𝙳   :         you   are   a   spirit   of   intensity   who   effortlessly   inspires   others.      you   struggle   to   slow   down   ;         there   is   always   another   goal,      another   prize,      to   prove   you   are   strong   enough   to   them.      you   cannot   stop   speaking   for   the   voiceless.      you   are   the   torch   -   wielder.      you   are   the   rebel.        
you   find   kinship   in   like   -   minded   individuals   of   crimson,      blush,      terracotta,      &&      fire,      who   share   your   unapologetic   nature.      you   are   also   drawn   to   the   free   -   spirited   souls   purple      &&      yellow,      who   will   help   you   grow      &&      see   that   you   can   lighten   your   heart   sometimes.      however,      you   may   struggle   to   get   along   with   the   internal   personalities   of   blue      &&      brown   who   are   too   methodical.
tagged   by   :       @fearsideshow tagging   :       you   !
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sinsideshow · 2 years
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( 18+ sideblog to @fearsideshow. Same rules apply. Guidelines to interact here. Untagged NSFT present. )
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fearsideshow · 2 years
does fearsideshow and dearmaestro rhyme on purpose? I just noticed it
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Yes,   that's   right   !   @dearmaestro   came   first,   &&   as   soon   as   I   saw   it   I   knew   I   wanted   my   blog   to   have   a   matching   URL.   It   took me   a   minute   to   think   of   something   appropriate   that   rhymed   with   Maestro   !
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weroyals · 2 years
| | | | | @fearsideshow proclaimed :: "I suppose you're ... still upset with me. As you've ever right to be." - for Leo!
—   &&      𝐇𝐎𝐖   𝐈𝐒   𝐇𝐄   𝐒𝐔𝐏𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃   𝐓𝐎   𝐀𝐍𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐑   ?      Of   course   he's   upset,      he   had   his   𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓   𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐍   by   Lance.      He   looked   up   to   him,      admired   him   ;         he   thought   of   him   as   his   first   friend.      None   of   it   was   real.      None   of   it   really   mattered.      &&      not   only   had   he   been   lying   all   along,      but   Leo   hadn't   even   been   the   one   to   realise   it.      No,      he'd   had   to   have   Balan   tell   him   about   it,      indelicate      &&      bluntly   sincere.
It 𝐇𝐔𝐑𝐓 to be strung along like that. It still hurts.
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❝   You   lied   to   me,   ❞            Leo   says   finally.            ❝   Why   ...   did   you   do   that,     all   of   it   ?      Just   to   supply   yourself   with   𝐍𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐓𝐘   ?      Were   you   just   using   me   —-   us   —-   to   get   at   𝐁𝐀𝐋𝐀𝐍   ?   ❞
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hopeful-hugz · 2 years
🌑 @fearsideshow​ liked the New Mutuals Starter Call 💜
Blink and you’ll miss it. That was the line for something happening too fast to register, wasn’t it?
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Yeah, she had the robotic body, but dear sweet Melody could still miss things. Like how she ended up where she was now, from where she had been at her home. She’d called for her mother to follow her when she saw something out of the corner of her eye, knowing full well her mother’s interest in the weird and wild. How she didn’t like her running off for reasons exactly like this.
Yet she had anyhow, and now she was paying the price for it. The possessed android was lost, but definitely not alone. “Mom?” It was her first assumption, but after a moment to gain her bearings, it’s soon evident that she’d wrong. Chamyle’s nowhere to be found... She could feel it; a presence not unlike the vibes she got off one of her animatronic friends.
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“No...” A soft but brightly auto-tuned voice mumbles, before speaking up properly. “You’re someone else. Am... Am I intruding? Sorry, if I am; I didn’t mean to.”
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hopeful-hugz · 2 years
@fearsideshow​ asked: For Melody, Lance has left a set of beautiful ribbons and a little bag of candy. Happy Valentine's day!
Valentine’s Day! Egg is Slow Edition! 
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“Mx. Lance!” Melody had found the gifts on her stage easily and had wasted no time going to find Lance so she could thank him personally. There’s no hesitation in giving her friend a hug. The ribbons are adorned on her dress, securely attached where they couldn’t be damaged, but still look as pretty as could be. “Thank you so much for the presents! I absolutely love them! I’m gonna get something for you too when I get the chance!”
Sweet as always, this one!
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hopeful-hugz · 2 years
@fearsideshow​ asked: 💭 :]
Send me “💭” for my muse to blurt out a thought they’ve had about yours || Accepting
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“I wonder if I can make Mx. Lance something nice for in a couple weeks. Everyone else gives each other gifts, so he deserves a present too!”
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hopeful-hugz · 2 years
🥚 Keeping track of some of the loose “Storylines” going on and making tags for them. Also mentioning the blogs involved in the tags.
🌌 Moving the Story Along... (Main Plot) 🤍 Teyvat Travels (Hope || Quest to Make Joel a Custom Calayst) 🖤 The Heartless Archivist (Chamyle || Wonderworld Side Plot) 🖤 Truth, Lies and Parties (Chamyle || Mystic Messenger Side Plot*) 💜 The Too-Pure Spirit (Melody || Wonderworld Side Plot) 💙 Three’s Company (Teal || Pokemon Side Plot*) 🧡 Little Fires, Big Beginnings (Fir || Pokemon Side Plot)
* Ship potential
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hopeful-hugz · 2 years
@fearsideshow​ asked: 🥃🥃🥃 for whomever has had the most shots so far
Send 🥃 and my muse will share a fact about themselves, or take a shot || Accepting
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Look at the prompt, then at the still mostly-full jug. “My total death count is somewhere in the hundreds, give or take. I stopped keeping count after a incident where I saved a boy on Mount Silver from dying and ended up dying instead. Wild shit man.”
And she’s chugging the rest of the jug for the other two prompts.
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hopeful-hugz · 2 years
@fearsideshow​ replied: Lance picks Melody up.
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“Thank you, Mx. Lance!! Now I got tall rights too!”
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