#⌈ ᵂʰᵒ ᴰᵒᵉˢᶰ'ᵗ ᴹᵃᵏᵉ ᵀᶤᵐᵉ ᶠᵒʳ ᴳᵃᵐᵉˢ ᵀʰᵉˢᵉ ᴰᵃʸˢᵎ ⋮ Tag Games ⌋
empathystricken · 5 years
fill out the angst application below.
tagged by: stole it ! tagging:  you ;)
> Name: Cody Blaine Striker > Age: 40 > Species: Human
bold what applies
drinker / smoker / done or does drugs / knows what a broken heart feels like / has committed a crime / suffers a physical disability / suffers a mental disorder / has experienced severe trauma
> Biggest fear: Losing his family > Recurring nightmare: His brother / niece vanishing and not being able to save them, or waking up and no one remembering who he is, not even his family.  > Something they miss: The relationship he had with his father in his youth > Biggest regret: Shutting his brother out right after college  > Pressure point: Anything that threatens those he loves > A secret: He craves a place to belong, and doesn’t feel he quite does in the Striker family.
pick one
fire or water mother or father to hurt or be hurt eerie or gory unrequited love or no love
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empathystricken · 5 years
C O D Y 
▌FACE CLAIM : Gaspard Ulliel ▌NAME : Cody Blaine Striker ▌AGE : 40 ▌HEIGHT : 5′11 ▌SPECIES : Human ▌GENDER : Cis Male ▌RACE/ETHNICITY : Caucasian ▌BIRTHDAY :  April 19th ▌SUN SIGN :  Aries / Taurus Cusp  ▌RESIDENCE : (Verse Dependent, typically LA or another city) ▌MARITAL STATUS : Single ▌ALIGNMENT : Neutral Evil ▌DRINK : Coffee, vanilla creamer (just a splash)  ▌FOOD : Filet Minyon ▌DAY OR NIGHT : Night ▌SNACKS : 'Puppy Chow’  ▌PET : Cats ▌COLOUR : Chocolate brown ▌FLOWER : Sunflowers or Gardenias  ▌SEXUALITY : Bisexual ▌BODY TYPE : Toned, athletic not ‘built’ by any means. Enjoys tacos.  ▌EYE COLOUR : Hazel ▌HAIR COLOUR : Brown
Tagged by: Stolen off my dash! Tagging: You there!
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empathystricken · 5 years
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Tagged by:  Stolen from @frcmshadcws Tagging:  Steal it!
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empathystricken · 5 years
seasonal aesthetics. repost, don’t reblog!
       𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑.     a chill right down to the bones.   tobogganing.   teeth chattering.   sleeping all day.  sitting by the fireplace.  spending time with family.  layered clothing.  seeing another’s breath.  loving the cold.  a state of inactivity.  cold hands.  blistering winds shaking the closed windows.  a bookcase full of brand new books and all of the time in the world to read them.   cable knit socks.  a bitter remark.  a log cabin in the middle of nowhere.  hating the cold. full length windows to peer out of.  pale skin.  deep conversations.  watching the snow fall.  sharp edges.   hot cocoa.  smelling every candle in the store.  a wild snow storm.  melancholy. lighting candles around the bathtub.  snow globes.  expressing yourself but never finding quite the right words. the softest of blankets.  liking, but not loving something or someone.
       𝐒𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆.  the smell after it rains.  being in control of yourself.  a soft breeze blowing your hair.   lightning when it strikes.  cherry blossoms.  bright mornings.  the first sign of hope. the relief of finding something you lost.  paris in the spring.  birds chirping. the art of growing. a kiss on the cheek.  the clap of thunder.  a tornado in the valley.  smiling at a stranger.  planning.  saccharine pinks.  making promises.  trying something new.  hugs when you need them most.  a bee sting.   sitting on the steps of the met.   coming inside drenched from the thunderstorm.  picnics on a red checkered blanket in the new sun.  that feeling you get when you put on a good dress. a long hike. rushing when you can take your time.  going to the gym/training at ungodly hours. excitement for what’s coming. becoming yourself.  rain boots.
       𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑.     lanterns lit around a campfire.   seeing the sunrise like it’s the first time again and again. melting ice cream. the warmth of sun rays upon skin.  fireworks.  the feeling of never wanting something to end.  beach days. the lone blow up floaty left in the pool.       drifting with the warm nights breeze and nothing else.  music blasting at 3am, loud and proud.     palms trees on sunset boulevard.  longer days and shorter nights.  wanderlust.   nights spent staring at the stars.  sand castles.   road trips.   blood orange sunsets.  leaving the laundry to hang outside.  flowers in bloom.  sneaking out of your room late at night.  pure contentment. barefoot in the sand.   the street lights coming on.  the sound of the ocean in a seashell.   freshly squeezed lemonade.  loose clothing.  a cannonball into the pool.  sunflowers. the hazy pink before dusk.   relaxation.
       𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋.   the leaves changing colors.  a heavy backpack. the smell of old books.  eating until you’re stuffed.  deep, dark woods.   the silence in loudness ( the loudness in silence ).   abandoned houses.   ripped jeans. crunching leaves beneath feet. feeling like you’ve been somewhere before.  sitting at a bay window.  having endless amount of work.  charcoal drawings.  screaming into a pillow as loud as you can.  pumpkin patches. creaky floorboards.   accepting that some things do have to change.   museums.   small talk.  being ignored. procrastinating.   a door slamming shut.   going to bed early.  baking pies.   the fear of walking alone in the dark.  feeling completely and terribly lost.  a twig snapping.  crisp, cool days. belly laughter after crying.  converse. foggy mornings at the shoreline. writing a daily entry in a journal.  a lonely day.
Tagged: @frcmshadcws Tagging: steal it! 
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empathystricken · 5 years
B E N J A M I N 
▌FACE CLAIM : Adam Gallagher ▌NAME : Benjamin Luce Striker ▌AGE : 37 ▌HEIGHT : 5′10 ▌SPECIES : Human ▌GENDER : Cis Male ▌RACE/ETHNICITY : Caucasian ▌BIRTHDAY : March 6th ▌SUN SIGN : Pisces  ▌RESIDENCE : (Verse Dependent, typically LA or another city) ▌MARITAL STATUS : Single, Divorced  ▌ALIGNMENT : Chaotic Good ▌DRINK : Black tea ▌FOOD : Breakfast pizza ▌DAY OR NIGHT : Day ▌SNACKS : Sugar cookies ▌PET : Dogs ▌COLOUR : Mint green ▌FLOWER : Sunflowers ▌SEXUALITY : Bisexual ▌BODY TYPE : ‘Healthy’, somewhat toned, doesn’t actively work out.  ▌EYE COLOUR : Green ▌HAIR COLOUR : Brown
Tagged by: Stolen off my dash! Tagging: You there!
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empathystricken · 4 years
likes  artificial  watermelon  | sleeps in what they are already wearing | eats their cereal with milk | listens  to  music  with  earbuds  | listens  to  music  with  headphones | hates  the summer | can recite passed the first four digits of pi | eats frosting out of jar |  doodles  on their  notebooks  | can bake cookies  | has a garden | has had a snowball fight | eats pancakes  without  syrup  |  prefers  shorts  over  pants  | can name more than ten superheroes | has a plan for the zombie apocalypse |  uses  the  same  password  for everything  |  can’t  hold  their  breath  for  more  than  fifteen  seconds  | watches  anime  | hasn’t  read  harry  potter |   can say ‘i love you’ in more than one language | prefers mechanical  pencils | thinks space is cool | takes  personality  tests  more  than  once  to make  sure |  can’t  tie  their  shoes  |   has a purse  | likes salads | likes  cool  colors  better than  warm  colors  | knows how to braid hair | reads biographies |  can  ice  skate | knows their mbti   | reads  astrology  charts  |  prefers  the  star  wars  prequels  to  the original trilogy  | plays  video  games  | reads the newspaper |  likes  chocolate  ice  cream best | doesn’t cuss  |  memorizes song lyrics | collects  coupons | has a preferred order at starbucks  | likes movie theater popcorn | has seen a play | owns a hoodie | would rather own  cds  than  online  copies |  has  written  a  poem  | can shuffle cards | subscribes to a magazine  | double dips when eating | drinks  directly  out  of  the  milk container |  keeps a journal
TAGGED BY: @frcmshadcws
TAGGING: steal it
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empathystricken · 4 years
likes  artificial  watermelon  | sleeps in what they are already wearing | eats their cereal with milk | listens  to  music  with  earbuds  | listens  to  music  with  headphones | hates  the  summer | can recite passed the first four digits of pi | eats frosting out of jar |  doodles  on  their  notebooks  | can bake cookies  | has a garden | has had a snowball fight | eats  pancakes  without  syrup  |  prefers  shorts  over  pants  | can name more than ten superheroes | has a plan for the zombie apocalypse |  uses  the  same  password  for  everything  |  can’t  hold  their  breath  for  more  than  fifteen  seconds  | watches  anime  | hasn’t  read  harry  potter |   can say ‘i love you’ in more than one language | prefers  mechanical  pencils | thinks space is cool | takes  personality  tests  more  than  once  to  make  sure |  can’t  tie  their  shoes  |   has a purse  | likes salads | likes  cool  colors  better  than  warm  colors  | knows how to braid hair | reads biographies |  can  ice  skate |  knows their mbti   | reads  astrology  charts  |  prefers  the  star  wars  prequels  to  the  original  trilogy  | plays  video  games  | reads the newspaper |  likes  chocolate  ice  cream  best |  doesn’t cuss  |  memorizes song lyrics | collects  coupons | has a preferred order at starbucks  | likes movie theater popcorn | has seen a play | owns a hoodie | would  rather  own  cds  than  online  copies |  has  written  a  poem  | can shuffle cards | subscribes to a magazine  | double dips when eating | drinks  directly  out  of  the  milk  container |  keeps a journal
TAGGED BY: @frcmshadcws
TAGGING: steal it
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empathystricken · 4 years
likes  artificial  watermelon  | sleeps in what they are already wearing | eats their cereal with milk | listens  to  music  with  earbuds  | listens  to  music  with  headphones | hates  the summer | can recite passed the first four digits of pi | eats frosting out of jar |  doodles  on their  notebooks  | can bake cookies  | has a garden | has had a snowball fight | eats pancakes  without  syrup  |  prefers  shorts  over  pants  | can name more than ten superheroes | has a plan for the zombie apocalypse |  uses  the  same  password  for everything  |  can’t  hold  their  breath  for  more  than  fifteen  seconds  | watches  anime  | hasn’t  read  harry  potter |   can say ‘i love you’ in more than one language | prefers mechanical  pencils | thinks space is cool | takes  personality  tests  more  than  once  to make  sure |  can’t  tie  their  shoes  |   has a purse  | likes salads | likes  cool  colors  better than  warm  colors  | knows how to braid hair | reads biographies |  can  ice  skate | knows their mbti   | reads  astrology  charts  |  prefers  the  star  wars  prequels  to  the original trilogy  | plays  video  games  | reads the newspaper |  likes  chocolate  ice  cream best | doesn’t cuss  |  memorizes song lyrics | collects  coupons | has a preferred order at starbucks  | likes movie theater popcorn | has seen a play | owns a hoodie | would rather own  cds  than  online  copies |  has  written  a  poem  | can shuffle cards | subscribes to a magazine  | double dips when eating | drinks  directly  out  of  the  milk container |  keeps a journal
TAGGED BY: @frcmshadcws
TAGGING: steal it
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empathystricken · 5 years
Repost,  don’t reblog
full name. Cody Blaine Striker nickname.   C, Vulcan, Vuld gender.  cis male height.   5’ 11” age.  40 (main verse) zodiac.   Aries spoken languages.   English, Spanish.
hair color.  Brown eye color.  Hazel skin tone.   Tanned skin voice.  Inflective, typically speaks lazily, calm and even toned when not excited.  dominant hand.  Right posture.  Upright but slouched slighty, shoulders back, head back looking down his nose.  scars.  One on his left temple from a fight in school, gunshot wound scar on his right side, and a burn scar on his left leg. tattoos.  He has a tattoo of a bird on his ankle that Christy drew as a child. birthmarks.  A small brown mark on his left thigh, similar to his brother’s most noticeable feature(s).   His long hair, or the way he carries himself. 
place of birth.  Southern United States birth weight.  6 lbs, 9 oz birth height. 17.69 in manner of birth.  Natural first words.  “Da”  siblings.  One, younger brother, Benjamin Striker parents.  Both alive until he left for college parental involvement.  Distant parents, borderline neglectful. His father traveled and focused more on work than his family, and his mother felt she couldn’t raise sons as a woman, and therefore distanced herself from the boys.
occupation.  Restaurant Owner, Head Chef, self declared ‘crime bitch’ current residence.  LA (verse dependent) close friends.  Jakob Nolen Wagner, a friend met in college who is heavily involved in the criminal underground. relationship status.  Single financial status. Upper Class driver’s license.  Has one; Legally obtained and is in date. He also has... A few fake IDs. criminal record.  A few arrests as a teenager for petty crime (vandalism, trespassing, one minor assault charge that was dropped) but nothing since then, despite his.... behavior. vices.  Cigarettes, Whiskey/ Alcohol, Occasionally uses other drugs (Adderall, Cocaine, Pot, etc.) 
sexual orientation.   Bisexual romantic orientation.   Biromantic preferred emotional role.  submissive  |  dominant  |  switch   preferred sexual role.  submissive  |  dominant  |  switch libido.  Far Above Average turn on’s. Biting, blood (sadomasochistic tendencies), agreed upon power play, communication, much more. turn off’s.  Lack of communication, excessive degradation from specific people, poor hygiene, etc love language.  Physical Touch relationship tendencies.  Tends not to seek out romance, but falls easily. Extremely loyal. 
character’s theme song.  Gambling Man by The Worst Cover Band of the World hobbies to pass time.   Arson, chess, cooking mental illnesses.   Anxiety. Depressive symptoms. Issues with morality and the like. Abandonment / Attachment issues. physical illnesses.  Mild asthma from smoke inhalation fears.   Losing his family, death, disappointing anyone he has come to hold on a pedestal.  self-confidence level.  ★★★★☆ | Being at a disadvantage or something suddenly going not according to plan can make this waver some. vulnerabilities.  'Daddy issues’ that arise when he holds a male figure high. Recklessness in general. Reckless protectiveness. 
Tagged by:  @frcmshadcws Tagging:  
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empathystricken · 5 years
Repost,  don’t reblog
full name. Benjamin Luce Striker nickname.  Ben, Benny, Benji, etc gender.  cis male height.  5’ 10” age.  37 (main verse) zodiac.   Pieces spoken languages.  English, some Spanish, some Italian
hair color.  Brown eye color.  Green skin tone.   Lightly tanned skin voice.  Even toned, calm, soft spoken dominant hand.  Right posture.  Upright, shoulders back scars.  Mostly scars from fights in school + sketchy things he was into in college. Notable scars in this vein include one on his left leg (gunshot wound, minor) and one on his right arm (bicep) from jumping a fence. He also has one on the right side of his face, small, from Tiffany. tattoos.  None birthmarks.  A small brown mark on his left thigh most noticeable feature(s).   His smile
place of birth.  Southern United States birth weight.  7 lbs, 11 oz birth height. 19.69 in manner of birth.  Natural first words.  “Ba” -- the way he said ‘brother’ for several years as a child. siblings.  One, older brother, Cody Striker parents.  Both alive until he left for college parental involvement.  Distant parents, borderline neglectful. His father traveled and focused more on work than his family, and his mother felt she couldn’t raise sons as a woman, and therefore distanced herself from the boys.
occupation.  School Counselor (verse dependent)  current residence.  LA (verse dependent)  close friends.  Jakob Nolen Wagner, a friend met in college who is heavily involved in the criminal underground.  relationship status.  Single, Divorced  financial status. Middle Class  driver’s license.  Has one; Legally obtained and is in date  criminal record.  No official criminal record (has committed crimes) vices.  Cigarettes, Whiskey
sexual orientation.   Bisexual romantic orientation.   Biromantic  preferred emotional role.  submissive  |  dominant  |  switch   preferred sexual role.  submissive  |  dominant  |  switch libido.  Above Average  turn on’s. Communication, praise, attention/affection, biting, etc turn off’s.  Lack of communication, degradation, etc love language.  Quality Time / Acts of Service  relationship tendencies.  Emotionally stunting the relationship by shying away from conversations that may cause tension, especially if they stem from his own issues. Tends not to seek out romance, but falls easily. 
character’s theme song.  Secret For The Mad by Dodie hobbies to pass time.  Home repair and DIY, cleaning, reading, playing chess, baking mental illnesses.   PTSD, anxiety, depressive symptoms (made worse by the priorly mentioned.)   physical illnesses.  None fears.   The thought of anything happening to his daughter. Drug addicts, and otherwise unpredictable people (due to past trauma). Being shouted at. self-confidence level.  ★★★★☆ | This can falter from being put in unfamiliar circumstances, not being able to help or not knowing how to, and being threatened by someone he fears could and/or would go through with their words. vulnerabilities.  Traumas. Reckless protectiveness, and the lengths he would go to preserve anything he finds worth saving. 
Tagged by:  @frcmshadcws Tagging:  no one, do crime!
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empathystricken · 5 years
    (  According to the philosophers of Ancient Greece, the summit of achievement was to have followed the injunction to ‘know yourself.’  This questionnaire aims to suggest a few themes which might be prominent in our characters, with the hope of helping us to live more wisely with the different parts of ourselves. The following three traits are important strands in your personality…  )
You like clarity and intelligent simplicity and you get frustrated at messy thinking. This can make you seem unreasonably pushy to some, but it is actually a virtue: you are motivated by a horror at pointless effort and a longing for precision and insight into how things and people work. Your ability to synthesize and bring order is essential in producing thinking which is truly helpful.
Part of you is gripped by the fear that you’ll launch into something and completely mess it up. The upside of this is wise caution: people are indeed often too rash, whereas you know, by instinct, that holding back can save you. Probably, you feel shame and self-disgust a bit too much. But when you do feel in your element, you act with a wisdom and sensitivity never found in people with thicker skins.
One part of your character is anger in all its forms: frustration, outrage – and when anger is suppressed – bitterness, grumpiness, and bodily aches. Fundamentally, frustration comes from hope: you get upset because you expect your life will be more than a valley of tears. One way to deny aggression is to direct it inwards, as self-criticism. But you’re at your best when you acknowledge anger, and act it out clearly and in a focused way, with honor.
TAGGED BY: @frcmshadcws
TAGGING:  steal it!
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empathystricken · 5 years
     (  According to the philosophers of Ancient Greece, the summit of achievement was to have followed the injunction to ‘know yourself.’  This questionnaire aims to suggest a few themes which might be prominent in our characters, with the hope of helping us to live more wisely with the different parts of ourselves. The following three traits are important strands in your personality…  )
You are not afraid of the sufferings and sorrows of other people, even when they are acted out in unappealing ways. Beneath even defensiveness and self-righteous behavior, you know that deep down people need nurturing and consolation. One danger is being naive about people’s dark sides. But at your best you know you can be mean yourself, which helps you to sympathize. You bring strength and forgiveness where other people might panic.
You like clarity and intelligent simplicity and you get frustrated at messy thinking. This can make you seem unreasonably pushy to some, but it is actually a virtue: you are motivated by a horror at pointless effort and a longing for precision and insight into how things and people work. Your ability to synthesize and bring order is essential in producing thinking which is truly helpful.
Part of you is gripped by the fear that you’ll launch into something and completely mess it up. The upside of this is wise caution: people are indeed often too rash, whereas you know, by instinct, that holding back can save you. Probably, you feel shame and self-disgust a bit too much. But when you do feel in your element, you act with a wisdom and sensitivity never found in people with thicker skins.
TAGGED BY: @frcmshadcws
TAGGING:  steal it!
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empathystricken · 5 years
      (  According to the philosophers of Ancient Greece, the summit of achievement was to have followed the injunction to ‘know yourself.’  This questionnaire aims to suggest a few themes which might be prominent in our characters, with the hope of helping us to live more wisely with the different parts of ourselves. The following three traits are important strands in your personality…  )
You are good at making decisions; you have a clear sense of what needs to be done and what others should be doing. Played out inside yourself, this tendency drives you to value willpower and self-control. You may be accused of bossiness. But acting on your desire to dissuade, restrain or guide is often appreciated by others – who might secretly like a clear direction, and some firmness.
One part of your character is anger in all its forms: frustration, outrage – and when anger is suppressed – bitterness, grumpiness, and bodily aches. Fundamentally, frustration comes from hope: you get upset because you expect your life will be more than a valley of tears. One way to deny aggression is to direct it inwards, as self-criticism. But you’re at your best when you acknowledge anger, and act it out clearly and in a focused way, with honor.
You love it when everything is neat and tidy: when there is a proper way of doing things, and you can tick things off the to-do list and know where everything is. So others, at times, are to you unbearably sloppy and messy. And you run into things that can’t be ordered (a child, a partner, a colleague at work) which drives you slightly nuts. But your desire for order is a good one when it is focussed where it is needed and when you’re okay with a bit of mess.
TAGGED BY: @frcmshadcws
TAGGING:  steal it!
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empathystricken · 5 years
what monster from folklore protects you?
Tagged by:  @frcmshadcws
Tagging:  Whoever wants to steal it, feel free.
"Far, far away something made a single ghostly howl, like a banshee in the dark." -Lucy Christopher
The banshee, is a creature from Irish Folklore. Though not inherently malevolent, it is said to be a dark omen. The ghostly cries of a weeping woman drift in the air, warning any unfortunate soul who hears of impending death. Following her like the train of a morbidly beautiful wedding dress, a thick fog envelops her skin as she croons a sorrowful, haunting song which is filled with concern and love for her family. This song can be heard a few days before the death of a family member and in most cases the song can only be heard by the person for whom it is intended. Some even go to argue that it is the banshee's unwitting song which kills the person.
You care very strongly about your family and friends. Your loyalty towards those whom you care for is unconditional. You are an excellent and reliable friend, trustworthy enough to bear even the darkest of secrets. Secrets which you would gladly carry to the grave unless of course, they harm your loved ones. You will fight tooth and nail to protect the ones you care for, restraint left abandoned. The banshee admires your resilience and passion. It desires to aid you in protecting those you love and to help you navigate a harsh reality. Just be warned and keep a close eye on the people you love.
Your undying loyalty may just become their undoing...
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empathystricken · 5 years
what monster from folklore protects you?
Tagged by:  @frcmshadcws​
Tagging:  Whoever wants to steal it, feel free.
A magnificent soot-black stallion stands at the water's edge. His coat is glossy and sleek, his eyes burning with unseen intelligence. He nickers softly, not in fear... in an invitation.
This is the curious lure of a Kelpie. A malevolent water spirit hailing from Scottish origins.
Their thick coat has supernatural qualities to it. A certain stickiness that like a spider's web, entangles the prey so the kelpie can drag its victims into the water, drowning them. The sole survivors of kelpie attacks have been those who cut off their hands or fingers in an attempt to escape from its sticky fur.  
The kelpie scatters its victim's entrails around the edges of its body of water, a sort of trophy for its accomplishments. Almost as if it is proud. Proud to be the cause for so much misery.
You are an enchanting individual. Whether or not you choose to speak, what you do say has those listening leaning in. You are free-spirited, wandering. Or maybe you are just running from something. Commitment, responsibility, stress. Often times it is hard to tell the difference. Nevertheless, you are someone who cannot be chained down. You are constantly seeking other options, exploring other ways. It is your free spirit which connects the kelpie to you. Maybe it envies your freedom, it is forever chained to the river whereas you are free to journey where you please. It longs to be by your side, to guide you through life's turmoils. Just be warned. There are a few things the Kelpie cannot protect you from. 
Curiosity can get the best of you,Just as it has so many before you...
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empathystricken · 5 years
what monster from folklore protects you?
Tagged by:  @frcmshadcws
Tagging:  Whoever wants to steal it, feel free.
Lost... alone... unwanted... unnamed... abandoned... forgotten. 
Such is the petrifying fate of the Myling children; children born to poverty-stricken women. Children who are abandoned or killed, their remains hidden, forgotten by time. Their souls are fated to forever roam this Earth, searching for their bodies, their names, the love they never had the chance to experience. Mylingar cries can be heard, mournfully echoing from deep within the misty woods, luring travellers into to investigate. The deeper they venture into the unforgiving branches, the further from civilisation they strayed, the faster they approached their deaths. The myling would attach themselves to the traveller's back, demanding that they are carried to the graveyard so they can rest in hallowed ground. 
With every step the ill-fated traveller takes, the heavier the myling becomes until the traveller collapses into the soil from exhaustion. If they cannot regain their footing and make it to the graveyard... the myling will kill them in a fit of rage. You are perceptive and often childish, these are the traits that connects the Myling to you. Your body may mature but your mind remains youthful. Growing up never held any appeal towards you, especially since the adult life seems too complicated. If it were up to you, you could remain a child forever. Free from commitment, constraint and responsibilities, living life to have fun. Just be careful what you wish for.
Wishes have a peculiar way of coming true...
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