#⊰ ° ‧: 。* ⚘ 🥀 ━◞ 𝒱𝑒𝓇𝓈𝑒 ↝ Ashes don't burn : Main ⊱
hosticaaa · 9 months
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@newsave 𝖜𝖍𝖎𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉 ; "It's too fucking cold to be out here. You can smoke inside too you know."
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❝ I'm  not  out  here  smokin',  ya  noid;  I'm  out  here  enjoyin the  peace  n'  quiet, ❞  He  said  before  giving  a  big,  tall  stretch  up  the  sky  as  if  he  were  a  very  contented  cat  for  emphasis  on  what  he  says  next. 
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❝ 'Sides,  'm  fine.  I've  always  liked  cold  weather,  so  the  winters  my  favrioute. ❞ 
Yes,  it  was  blistering  cold;  no,  he  apparently  didn't  mind  because  even  when  he  had  the  full  spectrum  of  sensation  in  his  skin,  granting  him  the  ability  to  detect  temperature  appropriately,  he  was  partial  to  the  cold. Something  to  do  with  his  quirk  being  fucked  backwards  and  giving  him  a  body  that  better  withstood  freezing  temperatures  like  his  mom. 
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hosticaaa · 8 months
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@wingeatersblog 𝖜𝖍𝖎𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉 ; ❛ ah, so you aren’t heartless after all. ❜ -Hawks, for Dabi
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No,  he  didn't  expect  Hawks  to  find  him  here. He'd  sat  behind  a  dumpster  in  a  back  ally,  his  back  pressed  to  the  wall  as  he  opened  his  bag  of  chips  that  he'd  yoinked  right  off  the  shelf  in  the  last  convenience  store  he'd  visited.  BBQ  chicken  flavour.  Simple  but  reliable.  As  he  sat  to  eat,  a  stray  cat  approached  him, a  ragged,  tatted-looking  thing  that  it  was  with  a  sad,  raspy  meow. 
He  couldn't  say  he  was  really  a  fan  of  animals,  even  ones  that  might  have  resembled  him  if  he  looked  hard  enough,  and  so,  at  first,  he'd  tried  to  shoo  it  away  by  kicking  his  foot  at  it  a  few  times. When  that  didn't  work,  he  gave  in,  offering  it  one  of  his  chips  with  the  condition  that  it  get  lost  after  that,  as  if  it  could  understand  what  he  was  saying  as  he  told  it  this. 
That's  when  Hawks  arrived;  his  landing  seemed  to  scare  it  as  the  cat  took  off  in  a  hurry,  and  Dabi  rolled  his  eyes,  a  hand  that  rested  on  his  knee  rising  and  falling  at  the  wrist  in  a  resigned  gesture  to  the  fact  Hawks  had  accidentally  scared  the  cat  away even  though  he  wasn't  able  to  do  that  upon  actually  trying  as  he  mustered  an  irritated  answer. 
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❝ Whata're  you  stalking  me  now,  hero ? ❞ 
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hosticaaa · 9 months
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@newsave 𝖜𝖍𝖎𝖘𝖕𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖉 ; "Here's to a new save file." Raises their glass.
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Funny.  The  last  time  he'd  celebrated  New  Year,  he  was  12,  back  with  his  family.  It  wasn't  a  very  good  year,  either.  It  was  the  same  year  he  went  to  the  mountain  and  burned  up.  Not  so  long  after  his  13th birthday,  actually.  That  was  a  bad  day,  too,  as  he  remembered  it.  Then  again,  he  didn't  have  many  good  days  back  then. 
Memories  were  strange  things ...  So  much  of  his  life  was  a  blur  to  him,  except  for  some  weird,  hyper-specific  moments  that  he  could  remember  with  perfect  clarity  as  if  they  had  only  just  happened.  Some  of  these  moments  were  strange,  but  most  were  bad.  He  guessed  it  was  nice  to  think  that  if  he  was  going  to  live  much  longer,  moments  like  these  with  the  League  would  become  good  memories that he could look back on fondly.
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❝ Happy new year, boss ! Heres to another year closer to tearing down this society of fake heroes. ❞ His glass follows Tomi's to the air, cheshire cat- like grin sprawled across his face, so wide its tugging at the staples that hold it together.
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hosticaaa · 8 months
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@newsave sent in a valentines day application for Dabi ! :
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your name: Tomi!!!
Romantic or platonic?: mutual disgust<3
A night in or dinner out or an activity?: Night in
Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: Ice cream...
What's your perfect date?: Idk i don't think about it... maybe going somewhere I've never been... doing something new?
Would you cook for me?: Sure but idk how
Would you let me cook for you?: No I don't trust u
Can we make-out?: Yes
Make out in private or in public?: Both >:3
Do you like to cuddle?: Ya... only w u tho.......
Blankets or no blankets for cuddling?: idgaf, maybe none bc u can keep me warm
Couch or bed?: Bed
What are at least 3 hobbies of yours?: Evil, complaining, gaming
Tell me something about you no else knows: You already know everything
Why do you want to be my valentine?: Who else is better for us than each other?
What makes you a good Valentine?: I'm not but neither are you so that's why we're the best together
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❝ Hah, yeah that about checks out. Guess this makes us Valentines, then. Pretty fortunate, 'cause I've already got a card picked out for ya' ❞ This of course being the first time he's ever had a valentine and the card he got ? The perfect one, he thinks. He saw it on the counter of a record shop he was visiting and forked over the 300 yen needed to buy it. Was he almost excited ? Maybe.
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