#•hfjfksfkrk it's so good•
coupd-hashirama · 6 years
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The sun had just dipped down below the horizon, a cold winter breeze kicking up as the sun's beautiful rays dimmed themselves for a brief slumber. Leaves rustled as it's branches moved and swayed, the sounds of rapid footsteps hitting the bark as the group rushed towards their destination. Time was not on their hands, as there were strange rumors that word got around about the plans. Assassination was a crime and was punishable  by death in this land, the claws of the law keeping this group down collectively with fear. If it all went wrong, there was no going back.
Tiredly, the leader of the group paused on the highest branch of the tree and raised his hands to motion the rest of the group to pause as well. With a keen eye, the man crouched down carefully and focused on the compound that lied beneath him. There were no guards, no one was out and about. Nothing seemed out of place, and thankfully it was just how they saw it the day before. Peaceful and quiet. He assumed that this was going to be an easy accomplishment. Assassinating the Hokage? What a wonderful feat! It would surely put fear in the people's eyes and to show who is truly the top dog.
With quick motions, the murderous leader dropped down onto the roof of the building. Without paying attention to the  rest, he produced a kunai from his butt pouch as defense as he entered the opened window. The scent of a fire wafted through the air, generating a beautiful heat that felt warming to his angered soul. There were several futons laid out on the floor, taking notice of how many were there in the fire lit room. The sun was dipping down quicker, heart thrashing in his chest with anxiety. Fear generated deeply within his bones, hands nervously shaking with false confidence. A sliver of fear washed over hiss face just as goosebumps formed on his arms. There was no way that he could do this, Hashirama was Hokage for a reason, there was no way that this would work. Thickly, the man leaned back against the wall, staring into the fire with dread.
Wood creaked behind himself, and the mysterious male whipped his head back just to see the rest of the group take their learned formation. Scoffing, his facial features hid his true emotions and he attempted to hide himself so that he could surprise whoever would step into the room. For now, they wait. There were no more of the sun's happy rays pouring into the room, and the only sound was the crackling from the fire. Some of his men started to nod off with how late it was becoming, but soon sprung into action as they heard the door slide open. Several footsteps padded across the creaky wooden floor, unknown mutters exchanging among the members. Idle chatter, nothing of importance.
Waiting for such minute speaking was tedious, many of the hiding ninjas growing painfully restless. Only until it was certain that all persons have fallen asleep was  when the unknown leader slowly crept out of their hiding spot. The grip on the kunai grew tighter as he snuck towards the slumbering men. Nervousness washed over his form once again, shaking as he grabbed the vile from his pouch. Sweat dripped from the tip of his nose, dripping onto the slumbering man's face, as he carefully unplugged the container. Thankfully, Hashirama's mouth was already partially opened and made it much easier for the assassin to pour the liquid into his mouth. This caused a rather violent reaction from the Hokage, sitting up with immense speed. The poison for the most part had spewed out from the corners of the Senju's mouth, but with extreme unluckiness some was swallowed.
His vision was already starting to blur, but felt rather blessed when he felt his siblings and wife awaken from their slumber. A fight broke out between the ninjas, blood splattering across once pristine walls as the first several hits were taken. Skin was shredded with sharp weapons with a smooth precision, lodging into soft flesh as quick finishing blows took their rightful places. Blood coated their hands, breathing heavily as the quick skirmish finally stopped. The leader was left, clutching a couple vials of mysterious liquids. He managed to smash the glass onto the ground, a faint purple smoke rising to the ceiling, before a kunai was thrown at his throat. Gurgling and sputtering broke the tense silence, all watching as the assassin took his final breaths.
At this time, the rest of them looked to each other for support. Thankful that each were alive. Sadly, they overlooked a crucial point. It took a perhaps far too long to realize how off that the oldest was looking as well as acting.
His body looked suddenly weakened, and for this moment they assumed it was from the adrenaline wearing off. Fear was the perfect response to having his life be threatened. Tobirama spoke first, leaning forward with concern. His sibling would never let such wounds go unhealed...
"Brother, please. Heal yourself-"
"Don’t worry about me. Just rest now. You’re going to live... It is time to rest, all of you.” Hashirama smiled after he had cut his brother off, his hazy gaze making its way towards the silver headed man. There was an uneasy feeling in those words.
There was a collective weariness among the group, all staring at the elder. Quietly, one by one they started to close their eyes to sink back down into a quiet slumber. Almost. The first to wake up was Mito, slowly sitting up and stared at her husband.
Those words rattled in her brain uncomfortably, a nasty headache forming. Something felt terribly off. With caution, the red head began to move towards Hashirama, leaning towards him with a careful look. Blood was pouring from wounds he had from the brief fight, noticing rather quick that he was not going to heal them any time. It was strange, never would the boisterous man just let wounds go unhealed. It was unlike him. Even if it was as small as a paper cut.
Guilt was beginning to eat her alive, opening her mouth to speak but Hashirama beat her to it, "I cannot sleep. We... We were not careful enough. I am unsure what happened, but you are not acting yourself. Please... Heal yourself. I cannot heal everyone..."
A thick silence draped over the couple heavily, staring at once another. His eyes no longer held their warmth, cold. Pupils were dilated, his complexion pallor. Another way of shaking sickness came over both, finally noticing how badly the outcome was.
"Do not talk such nonsense," his wife harshly whispered, "I am sure we are all fine. Start on your own wound, I urge you Hashirama."
The said man drew in a deep, hard breath.
"Please understand. No one is safe," he took her by the hand, swallowing thickly as he clasped it in a friendly manner, "Before... That man broke containers. I believe there is poison in all of us."
By this time, his siblings have woken up from their restless slumber. All eyes were now locked on Hashirama, who licked his lips.
There was no time to waste.
"Please allow me to get rid of it. I must. It will easily kill all four of you." came the plea, voice retaining its strong confidence.
It did not take long for the younger siblings to understand what was going on, collective "No" and "Brother" spewed from their mouths. Hashirama could only shake his head, eyes flittering down to his sweaty hands.
“Sisters, Brother, Mito... Please. Just let me do what I want for once, without argument. I’ve made my choice. I want to heal all of you. I want you to live.”
Katana gritted her teeth together, words harsh, "So... You choose to die?"
"I am not afraid of death."
The response took all four aback. The choice was clear, and all of them knew how strong headed the eldest was. There was no way that any of them could change his mind. Tobirama started to walk towards his brother, crashing down to his knees as he gripped Hashirama's clammy hand. His chest started to tighten at the sight of his weakening brother, chewing on his bottom lip. Sadness hit him harshly, tears dangerously hanging at the corner of his eyes. Quickly, the Senju blinked them away. Now was not the time to get upset. At least, not in front of everyone else.
Slowly, Tobirama managed to press Hashirama's hand a wound in the poor attempt to try and get him to at least heal something. To prolong his dwindling life. No hope, the wood beneath them cracked and tree roots encased the younger' arms. His heart stopped, eyes widened. it was now all of them realized how serious Hashirama was.
“I’m sorry.” Hashirama says to them, letting out a rather forced laugh in the feeble attempt to make light of the situation. He felt warm tears slide down his pale cheeks, tight chest heaving as he let out a shuddering breath.
His hands were growing noticeably clammier as precious time passed. For the first time, the mokuton curse was starting to take its dangerous course through his feeble body. No longer could he move his legs, and it was getting harder to breath. It was becoming indistinguishable if it was the curse or the poison that was making his body stiff, but either way he did not care about anything but his family. While his body continued to grow weaker, his family was starting to become rapidly healthier. Just a bit longer...
But in the end, they did not need to try - Hashirama withdraws the restrictions himself. With a tired sigh, he manages to sit up just a bit to grab the handle of the blade that’s stuck in his leg. It took almost all of his strength to pull out the weapon from his leg, blood so dark that he can not even call it red gushes forth. It was Hikari that held him in an instant, trying to stop the flow with her hands.
He knows it’s in vain, he’ll bleed to death in no time like this…
“You damned fool,” Katana gasps as tears poured down her cheeks. The words come from somewhere far, from behind the terrible, unbearable pain that grasps his heart in an iron grip.
“I’m really sorry, little sister,” Hashirama smiles at her faintly, voice quiet, “But this is my time to go.”
He closes his eyes, the woody  roots that confined Tobirama came crumbling to the ground just as he would have crumbled to the ground as well if Mito wasn’t there to catch him. His breathing became harsh, gasping for air through his mouth and shaking intensely, There was no longer any sense in demanding him to save himself, in cursing or pleading him. Instead, Mito shifted until she could hold him in her arms and cradle him close to her chest.
In replace of his fast paced breathing came their fortunate health, steady breaths yet heavy hearts. Sniffling starting to fill the silence as they all watched as Hashirama struggled during his final moments, all regretting how careless they were.
Mito touched his face with a bloodied hand, smiling as she watched Hashirama open his eyes slowly. He returned the gesture, smiling ever so slightly. It was better this way, sacrificing himself for the survival of his family and for the future.
He turned his head ever so slightly, weakly looking towards his brother. The dying Senju opened his mouth partially before speaking, “Please continue after me,” he asks his brother quietly, little strength in his tone, “Tobi please be the Hokage. Do what is the best for the village, for its people.”
Those words broke the albino, tears now freely flowing down his flushed cheeks, almost yelling at the other out of shock.
"You... You can not just name me like that! Why do I have to tell you this again!? How could I be! This was your dream... Your wish. How could I do it without you, Hashirama?"
"This was not just my dream, little brother, focusing his gaze on the blurring ceiling, "My little brother, you will be so much better at this than I have been."
Darkening eyes slowly shifted towards Hikari, who was sobbing quietly at his side as she was still attempting to stop the heavily bleeding wound.
"Do you think you'll see him again now, Hashi?" Came the obvious yet painful question. She wished that she did not say those words, seeing the pained look in his brother's eyes.
Hashirama didn’t answer her for a long time before finally, “I dread that as much as I long for it,” a single tear rolls from the corner of his eye.
It was Tobirama that wipes away the tear, hands quivering terribly as he touched his brothers cold skin. He began to brush away stray strands of hair, tucking them lovingly behind his ear. Just as he liked it. Just how their mother used to do when either of them were injured. A sob racked through his body, tears dripping onto his brother's face.
Mito gritted her teeth, whipping her head away from Hashirama. Of course he would choose that swine over her still.
"He never deserved you… How can you... Even choose him over me?” She cried in agony. She doesn’t want to waste their last minutes together on Madara but how can she? She still couldn’t compete to a dead man.
“I… I’m sorry…” He breathed out, not much time left.
Will you be there? Will I ever see you in the next life?
To the heavens or anywhere else that hears this silent plea, please allow him to see the one who holds his heart.
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