#“wow why aren't you giving 300% for the love of toilets?”
kaxen · 1 year
Sometimes I think I don't explain The Artist's insecurities very well in Cyberpink 1824, but on the other hand...
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5 years ago.
2D was walking down the streets of Miami, as he looked around he saw a small sign that said opened, he shrugged, walk down few concrete steps, opened the door.
It was a small bar, the place was empty say for a few people who were sitting at the edge of the bar.
2D walked over the other of the bar, and took a seat.
Man: Hey there.
2D: (looks at him)
See a Man with dark brown hair with a few gray strands, a little scruff on chin, and light green eyes, giving a friendly smile.
2D: 😳... H-Hello... Can I have a shot of whiskey please?
Man: Certainly. (the man walked away grabbing a shot glass and A bottle of whiskey and pord some in) Here ya go.
2D: Thanks, mate. (downs the glass) Whoa! That's... some strong stuff.
Man: Yep it is. And home made by one of our local breweries.
2D: It's good. Can I 'ave another?
Man: Here ya go. But take it easy. This can stuff can knock ya on ya ass.
2D: Heh. I'm... Stuart.
Man: Kanze. Or Kaz
2D: Kazen? I've never 'read that name before.
Kazen: I think its Greek. At least that's I was told.
2D: It's a nice name.
Kazen: Thank you, Stuart.
2D took a few another shot of whiskey, and then let the alcohol settle in.
A few hours later.
2D: So, Murdoc, fuckin arshole yells at me, and... Y-Ya wanna know I did next...?
Kazen: Um, I'm not sure...
2D: I-I 'it 'im... right in 'is stomach... Then Murdoc started pounding me in the face, and Russ 'ad to pull us apart and that when left...
Kazen: ... Wow. This Murdoc Guy sounds like a real asshole.
2D: Yeah. He is...
Kazen: So, if you don't like the way he treats you, why don't leave?
2D: I tried, twice. And he always kidnaps me.
Kazen: ... 😐... (keeps putting weight glasses)
Just then Russell shows up.
Russell: Stuart! There you are! (walks over)
2D: H-Hello, Russ, H-How's my bestiat... Bestist.. My best m-Mate...Hi~!
Russell:Oh, god... How much did you have to drink?
2D: I donno. Kaz took a the bottle away. ... So, no bloody idea.
Kazen: You took 5 shots. I told you take it easy!
2D: P-Party pooper... Pfff... I said poop~ I'm tweeting that...! (pulls out his phone)
Russell: Give me that! (take the phone) We're trying to stay obscure, you dumbass. And Noodle has been in tears after you stormed off like that, she was worried that you might never come back. So how dear you make for making her worry about your stupid ass.
2D: ... ... (let's down at the floor) Fucking 'ell. Alright alright, I'm a wanker. Okay?
Russell: Damn right. Now your drunk ass in gear and let's get goin'.
2D: Oh, alright, alright. I'm comin'... I'm think about to ... Yeah, gonna be sick... (run to the bathroom)
Kazen: ... Man can't hold his liquor.
Russell: (shakes his head) And he's careless. (looks at Kazen) I'm sorry if 2D, I mean, Stuart has been a problem.
Kazen: Not all. And don't worry, I didn't tell anyone who he really is or you for that matter. And here. (Hands over $300) He... overtip.
Noodle: (Runs) Stuart?! Where is the where is he?! Is Stuart alright?!
Russell: He's fine, baby girl. Have a little bit too much to drink, and he's in the bathroom.
Noodle: Well aren't you in there with him!?
Russell: ... (blushes) He... Ran to the ladies room...
Noodle: ... (Rolls eyes and walks into the women's bathroom)
After a while Noodle walks out with 2D.
2D: I appreciate ya, but that's the men's toilet. You're a girl...
Noodle: Yep sure. C'mon. Let's head home.
Kazen: Enjoy the rest of evening.
2D: (grins at him) Y-You too, mate. (looks at Noodle) A great Chap... And a great ars... Fuckin' sexy ars...
Kazen: ... ... (blushes)
Russell: (Facepalm) Idiot...
Noodle: Okay, this too awkward.
And three of them leave.
Kazen: ... Heheh. Well, they're a very lovely people. I like'em.
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