#“uhm it's just fanon” idc dont interact with me
sillysapphillean · 2 months
I think anyone who wishes riko was more charming to the people he abuses fundamentally don't understand riko's character and why it's important that he truly is the pathetic, petulant, power hungry child with daddy issues that neil calls him out to be.
Like it's kind of integral that riko doesn't do the whole suave tv persona towards people he doesn't care about impressing. He's not a calculating puppet master like ichirou, he is a volatile emotion driven time bomb. and thats kind of fucking integral to him as a threat to neil and the others.
Riko isnt easy to outplay because he reacts impulsively instead of calculating the risks to his family. Neil is able to use that eventually to appeal to ichirou but before gaining that opportunity that impulsive volatility was fundamental to how much of a threat he poses.
Riko also just has no reason to try acting charming towards people he believes he literally owns anyway and could probably get away with killing. Riko loves controlling people with violence and is far too impulsive and shitty to ever be a charming cult leader type. Jean isn't conflicted about riko's death because he was somehow charmed by him, but because he was literally tortured into believing he was property and could never be free from that reality. Kevin isnt conflicted because riko was particularly charming but because that was the man he was raised alongside, his brother, and he conditioned himself to turn a blind eye towards riko's brutality until it was turned against him.
And i just don't get people wanting him to be something he isn't? Like sure, he could have been that but that would have been a fundamentally different character that probably wouldn't have even broken kevin's hand and thus never have kickstarted the entire plot.
Not every villain has to be charming, and riko abso-fucking-lutely isn't and the story would not work the same if he was
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